The Emperor Of The World

C1493 The Helplessness of the Dark Dweller

C1493 The Helplessness of the Dark Dweller

"When the Gate of Immortal Realm is opened, the heavens will most likely want to enter the Immortal Realm. For the sake of the safety of this world, he must force out all of the hidden forces ? He set up the illusion that the armies of the three realms were crossing over each other, so that we might mistake them for real... I have to say, your brother is much stronger than you. " Purple Mansion Immortal Sovereign said to Dian Hao disdainfully.    


Dian Hao laughed coldly: "You don't have to instigate me, I have no relationship with my big brother, he is stronger than me to begin with."    


Seeing that Dian Hao's heart was suddenly so strong, Purple Mansion Immortal Sovereign was also surprised, he laughed, then shook his head.    


"Take a guess, how many of our people are still in your Source Realm?" Purple Mansion Immortal Sovereign put his hands behind his back and shook his legs slightly as he smiled weirdly.    


"You don't know, I suppose?" Dian Hao rolled his eyes at him, he did not believe that the Purple Mansion Immortal Sovereign would know who the spies were.    


"Of course I don't know." The Purple Mansion Immortal Sovereign laughed.    


These spies did not know each other's identities, so they could hide themselves for a long time. Otherwise, if someone's soul was searched, all of it would be exposed.    


"Unless all the Monarch Immortal s are brought into the Immortal Realm when the Immortal Gate is opened, there must be someone among us who will still be staying here ?" The Purple Mansion Immortal Sovereign smiled proudly. Although they had been exposed and were facing a desperate situation, the hidden spies had always been around.    


His words changed as he laughed: "But I'm guessing that your elder brother Pavilion Master isn't that generous and is willing to bring all of the Monarch Immortal s to enter the Immortal Realm together, right?"    


Dian Feng could bring people into the Immortal Realm, because even if there was no Taichu Bone Ship's "ship ticket", Dian Feng could still place someone inside the inner world of the Immortal King's artifact and sneak into the Immortal Realm.    


Dian Hao frowned, he did not say a word, as he also felt that, even if they brought away the Monarch Immortal, the spies on the Alien Realm would still take root and sprout.    


This could never be eradicated.    


Suddenly, Dian Hao laughed: "You guys can plant spies in our Source Realm. Don't tell me that in all your realms, there aren't any spies in our Source Realm?"    


Purple Mansion Immortal Sovereign suddenly frowned, he stared at Dian Hao and nodded slightly.    


"You are very smart, and you think very far away... "Your guess is right. Even mortal kingdoms and enemy kingdoms would send spies to each other, not to mention wars between our great worlds ?" The Purple Mansion Immortal Sovereign did not deny that there were people with Source Realm in their respective worlds.    


"That's why we didn't have to kill each other in the first place. It's just that we were ordered to do so and we have no way of controlling our origins ?"    


Dian Hao interrupted the Purple Mansion Immortal Sovereign and said coldly: "It is true that you are unable to control your birth, but after you came here, you can completely forget that you came from the Alien Realm. You can disobey the orders and live your own life in this world."    


What Dian Hao meant was, regardless of whether these spies were willing to do that or not, they had done it. Originally, they could have chosen another path. If they lived in this world and ignored all their previous identities, the Venerable Emperor Pavilion naturally wouldn't have bothered to find trouble with them.    


"That's why I said you're too young ?" The Purple Mansion Immortal Sovereign shook his head, and said with a smile, "Did you think that when the people from Source Realm find out our identities, they would listen to our excuses, believe that we came here, and in the end, only want to live here?"    


Once a spy was found out, regardless of whether he had done anything bad or not, he would definitely die.    


Dian Hao was silent. He couldn't find the right words to say, and it was true that the Purple Mansion Immortal Sovereign was right.    


This was the general situation between the two great worlds. How could they still keep people who were suspected of being spies?    


Origin, in this case, represented everything. Even if they didn't jump out themselves, they would eventually be forced onto this path and encounter a desperate situation ? This was the helplessness and fate of being a spy.    


When they were sent here, the fates of these people had almost been decided. They could either hide themselves forever, or be found and killed, or they could jump out themselves and be killed.    


If they kept hiding and did not work for their world, they would have their own ways of dealing with useless assassins.    


From the moment they were selected, it was destined that they would not have a choice.    


"Sigh ?" The Purple Mansion Immortal Sovereign laughed self-deprecatingly, looked at the clouds in the sky and said, "You don't know, in my Kunlun Secret Realm, I had the chance to kill the five elements when I jumped, but I didn't do it ? I hesitated. "    


So it turned out that the reason the Five Elements Immortal Sovereign was able to escape with his life was because the Purple Mansion Immortal Sovereign did not kill him!    


Dian Hao's heart trembled. He looked at Purple Mansion Immortal Sovereign with surprise and squinted his eyes. He did not expect that Purple Mansion Immortal Sovereign would actually not be able to move.    


To a true Immortal, killing someone was an extremely common thing. Unless this person had a deep friendship with him, he wouldn't be able to make a move.    


"Why?" Seeing Dian Hao's expression, the Purple Mansion Immortal Sovereign laughed, "Do you think that we Allopossum are all cold-blooded and heartless monsters without the slightest emotion in our hearts?"    


As long as it was not an instinctive low level beast, as long as it was a Intelligent Life, they would all have emotions.    


As for emotions, they were the hardest things to measure. Sometimes, they were extremely cheap, but sometimes they were also as expensive as gold and jade.    


"Five Elements Immortal Sovereign, he can be considered half a master of mine. He is also my teacher and friend. I specialize in the Purple Mansion secret realm, so I received his inspiration ? Unfortunately, I am a member of the Spiritual World, and am destined. He and I can only be brothers on the surface ? " The Purple Mansion Immortal Sovereign smiled bitterly. When he came here, he had never imagined that he would have such a deep bond with the people of this realm.    


"If you only consider Five Elements Immortal Sovereign as a superficial brother, you will not show him any mercy ?" Dian Hao looked at Purple Mansion Immortal Sovereign seriously. Suddenly, he felt that this man was somewhat pitiful.    


Purple Mansion Immortal Sovereign didn't have a choice. He was fated to walk the path of the dark. From the moment he was sent to this world, he had been forced to be ruthless. However, no one would have thought that he would have a close friend in this world.    


"Actually, I don't want to jump out this time... But, I have no choice. " Purple Mansion Immortal Sovereign shook his head and laughed at himself.    


Dian Hao started to understand him.    


If the armies of the three realms were to really attack, Purple Mansion Immortal Sovereign would not jump and be deemed as having lost all loyalty to Spiritual World.    


Then, in the eyes of the Spiritual World, he no longer had any value. Perhaps, he didn't need to cross the border to clean up the mess. As long as he spread the news that he was a spy, Source Realm would eliminate this useless spy for Spiritual World.    


"You surprised me. Amongst all the jumping Monarch Immortal, you were the only one who did not kill any of them." Dian Hao stared at him.    


But then, Dian Hao shook his head again, feeling that the Purple Mansion Immortal Sovereign was not worth sympathizing with.    


"But you still set up the Blood Sacrifice formation under the Mount Buzhou. The destruction of some Origin of Life s in the starry sky was also because of you! Even if you give up your position, you are still a damned person! " Dian Hao stared at him coldly, his eyes filled with killing intent.    


Purple Mansion Immortal Sovereign smirked and shook his head: "That's why I said you are an innocent person. If I said I did it, would you believe me? I guess, even though I admitted it on the Milky Way Boat, your big brother Pavilion Master wouldn't think that I was the one who did it ? "    


"You didn't do it? Then why did you admit it? " Dian Hao frowned, he did not understand what Purple Mansion Immortal Sovereign's move meant.    


The Purple Mansion Immortal Sovereign did not directly answer and spoke with a profound tone: "I have already been exposed, it is fine if I bear another crime."    


Dian Hao took a deep breath, and said: "Are you taking the blame for not exposing your comrade?"    


Purple Mansion Immortal Sovereign glanced at him, then shook his head, not knowing what to say. Dian Hao was still too young, hadn't experienced too much, and didn't have many friends that he could interact with, so it was impossible for him to guess who the Purple Mansion Immortal Sovereign was taking the blame for.    


But Purple Mansion Immortal Sovereign also felt that he had said too much, Dian Hao's understanding was just right.    


Suddenly, the Purple Mansion Immortal Sovereign changed the topic and said, "Your elder brother Emptiness Realm. He knew that you were in our hands, and had even negotiated with us about this ? He was willing to pay a lot to save you, but unfortunately, we refused ? "You really do have a good brother ?"    


"Other than the lack of blood, I don't have any other feelings for him. Perhaps it's because his mother went to beg him that he paid such a great price to save me." Dian Hao said indifferently. He knew that Dian Feng did not have any feelings for his family.    


Dian Hao continued: "You can treat me as a bargaining chip, but if you really think that I can win you over to my big brother's side, then you guys are wrong."    


Purple Mansion Immortal Sovereign smiled and shook his head. "Actually, I never felt that you held such a great weight in your heart ? "But now that his name is known, and everyone knows that you're in my hands, he naturally has to put on an act. Even if it's just a symbolic gesture, he still has to save you.    


In the eyes of the people, they would not care whether or not Dian Chen and Xu Kong had any feelings for each other. But it was a fact that the Void Genuine Immortal was Dian Hao's blood brother, if she had not saved Dian Hao, her positive image would have immediately crumbled.    


"You said all this just to provoke me ?"    


The Purple Mansion True Immortal shook his head, interrupting him and said: "You are wrong, I am not in the mood to provoke you guys. I just feel that you are too inexperienced and want to teach you how to live longer. "    


"Hmm?" Dian Hao was confused, he was suddenly confused, what did Purple Mansion Immortal Sovereign meant by that?    


Could it be that the Purple Mansion Immortal Sovereign didn't plan to kill him, and wanted him to live?    


"What do you think the reason why I brought you here alone from among so many people under the Mount Buzhou is for?"    


Dian Hao slightly nodded his head, that was indeed the case. Dian Hao could not escape the Mount Buzhou Secret Realm, so there was no need to isolate him. He only needed to wait until the Venerable Emperor was attacked. Then, he could kill him with a single palm strike. There was no need to waste so much effort.    


"Then what do you want to do?" Dian Hao asked.    


"You are very talented in cultivation. How about you learn from me?" Purple Mansion Immortal Sovereign looked at Dian Hao with a smile, his face had an expression of admiration and sized up, as he spoke his thoughts without reservation.    


"What?!" Dian Hao's heart was in turmoil, he was so shocked that he let out a breath of air, his eyes opened wide, staring straight at Purple Mansion Immortal Sovereign.    


Purple Mansion Immortal Sovereign actually took a fancy to Dian Hao's aptitude and wanted to take him in as a disciple!    


"This... "Why, why is that?" Dian Hao was surprised, after calming his emotions he asked calmly.    


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