The Emperor Of The World

C1507 Heavencraft Mysterious Sky

C1507 Heavencraft Mysterious Sky

Great Monarch Tian Ji was most adept at calculation, and was also known as the "God Operator".    


In the heavens, as long as he wanted to, unless he revealed his Heaven Defying Formation, there was nothing he could hide from him.    


"Buzz ~ ~ ~"    


The Ancient Array lit up with a Rune, lines of patterns flashed in the air and transformed into a huge Si Nan.    


A ladle was pointing towards the distant starry sky, and a tiny Divine Light was shooting towards that starry sky.    


"The person you're looking for, is at the Feathered God Clan at the Ancient Star ?" Yi Tianji raised his sleeves, kept the array, and pointed to the stars.    


That direction was where Si Nan's ladle had pointed to.    


"Ancient Star of the Feathered God Clan ? They really know how to choose a place. " Dian Feng frowned and let out a cold laugh. He had not thought of this place before.    


Even the stars had started to die, and Dian Hao had indeed not been able to imagine how the kidnappers had managed to hide him there.    


Furthermore, Dian Feng had been to this place before, who would have thought that the kidnappers would play this kind of trick?    


"I feel that the appearance of a beast. This time, it will definitely not be simple kidnapping and extortion. You must be careful." Yi Tianji reminded.    


Dian Feng nodded, and said: "I never thought that this would be a simple matter, I would actually like to see what tricks he can still play."    


With regards to Dian Chen, Dian Feng didn't have any patience left. He just didn't want Dian Linglong to know about this matter until he was certain. If he was sure that Dian Chen was involved, Dian Feng would not let him off easily.    


"Buzz ~ ~ ~"    


Dian Feng raised his hand and a Space Gate appeared in front of him.    


After Dian Feng left, Yi Tianji was packing up his things. He dismantled the altar and picked up all the things one by one.    


Suddenly, while Yi Tianji was packing up, he said: "If you guys have something to ask, come out and ask. Why would you need to hide it?"    


He smiled slightly, and then suddenly, two figures materialized in front of him, eyes filled with killing intent.    


Black Dragon and Golden Dragon Emperor!    


"I knew you would come looking for me." Yi Tianji smiled and took out three prayer mats. He sat himself down and placed two on the opposite side, indicating for the two of them to sit and talk.    


Black Dragon and Golden Dragon Emperor were not in a hurry as they sat down and looked at Yi Tianji.    


"In the ancient times, your prophecy was really accurate." Golden Dragon Emperor stared at Yi Tianji, his eyes not showing any good will.    


When Dian Feng borrowed Yi Tianji to attend the banquet, their hearts had become colder by quite a bit. Now, they had to say some things.    


"My prophecies are innumerable. May I ask which one you are referring to?" Yi Tianji chuckled.    


The pressure of Black Dragon's Great Monarch Immortal Qi went over, and he snorted coldly: "Why are you pretending to be stupid, since you're sitting here today, then say what you shouldn't have said, you have to say it."    


What other prophecy could cause Black Dragon and the Great Monarch to pay so much attention and question Yi Tianji?    


Of course, in the ancient times, the Great Monarch Tian Ji had predicted that if Black Dragon appeared in the Dragon Clan, it would cause an unknown result and cause the Genuine Dragon Clan to decline or even die out for a long time ? This prophecy had been proven, but was it the cause or the result?    


Was it because Black Dragon caused the fall of the Genuine Dragon race, or was it because the Great Monarch Tian Ji made this prophecy, that caused the misfortune of Black Dragon, and thus led to the fall of the Genuine Dragon race?    


This was a cause and effect that was hard to explain, but if it was the latter, then Golden Dragon Emperor and Black Dragon would never forgive Yi Tianji!    


"Is there fire in your hearts?" Yi Tianji gave a bland laugh, still as relaxed as before, as if he did not feel any fear.    


"What do you think?" The more he thought about it later on, the more he felt that he was deceived by the Great Monarch Tian Ji, which led to this series of tragedies.    


Yi Tianji held onto his folding fan, gently shook it and said: "The two of you have the intention to denounce me for my crimes, could it be that I have calculated wrongly?"    


Black Dragon and Golden Dragon Emperor were startled, their brows knitted extremely deeply.    


Was Great Monarch Tian Ji wrong?    


No, he hadn't miscalculated.    


Yi Tianji had once said that the birth of Black Dragon in the Genuine Dragon race would bring about misfortune and destruction to the Genuine Dragon race.    


In fact, Great Monarch Tian Ji was right, he was right, the result was indeed like that.    


However, there was a question of whether the cause and effect were reversed or not.    


Golden Dragon Emperor believed in Yi Tianji, because he had never calculated wrongly before. Therefore, when Black Dragon was born, he was immediately expelled and expelled by the entire Genuine Dragon race. Golden Dragon Emperor even sent people to kill Black Dragon and his mother.    


Golden Dragon Emperor did all of this not for himself, but because he did not want this unknown source to be destroyed by the Genuine Dragon in the future.    


However, Black Dragon did not die. A few years later, Emperor Cheng returned and destroyed the Genuine Dragon's lair, exterminating the entire clan.    


Basically all of the Genuine Dragon s with Immortal Relic Ancient Star were exterminated during that battle.    


From then on, the saying that Black Dragon was the Genuine Dragon race's calamity and unknown symbol became even more firm, and the entire world believed the legend of the Great Monarch Tian Ji.    


"Back then, when I killed my way back to the Genuine Dragon Lair, the entire world was looking for you but you had already disappeared." Black Dragon snorted as he stared at Yi Tianji.    


Of course, Black Dragon knew that all of the things that he had encountered were caused by this Great Monarch Tian Ji's bullsh * t. Therefore, he wanted revenge. After he got rid of Golden Dragon Emperor, he would look for him.    


However, the Gate of Heavenly Secrets immediately sealed the mountain and concealed it within a hidden secret realm. Great Monarch Black Dragon was unable to find it. Yi Tianji himself suddenly disappeared too, as if he had vanished from the world.    


But after a long period of time had passed, this Great Monarch Tian Ji suddenly recovered from the bodies of his disciples and returned to the Monarch Stage.    


Then, it was time to settle all the grudges from that year.    


"I calculated that I would have a chance to enter the Immortal Realm in this life, so I buried myself and sealed my memories and powers to begin the reincarnation cycle ?" Yi Tianji laughed. He took the initiative to reincarnate, and only the past Sect Leader of Gate of Heavenly Secrets knew which one was his reincarnation body.    


He was constantly reincarnated. All these years, he had changed many identities. It was as if the sky had turned dark, and he had become an Emperor, yet he had fallen. It was as if he were a household.    


But unfortunately, he was still just a Great Monarch and was unable to become an immortal. However, if he was able to reincarnate, he would become a different type of Immortal. The Primordial Spirit's mark would not disappear, so this person would still be the same person.    


"What method did you use to be able to continuously reincarnate?" The Golden Dragon Emperor felt that it was strange. Monarch Stage cultivators should not have such abilities.    


"It's very simple. You can extract the truesoul from the Primordial Spirit and exchange it with another person's truesoul from the Primordial Spirit ?" Hei Tian blandly said as he suddenly walked out from the void.    


Black Dragon and Golden Dragon Emperor turned their heads to look at the dark sky with faces full of shock.    


Primordial Spirit were divided into three parts: Soul Clothing, Spirit and True Spirit. Soul Clothing and Soul Essence were the carrier and "armor" of a True Spirit. They were also controlled by a True Spirit and could be the key to the Primordial Spirit's secret technique.    


Soul Clothing and Soul Essence would be eroded by time, but True Spirits were not. Of course, without the protection of the Soul Clothing and spirit, their truesouls would be scattered across the sky and earth, scattering very quickly.    


Therefore, true possession was to exchange one's truesoul for one's truesoul and live on forever. This was a secret method that only Mo Tianhen knew.    


But the flaw was that he would lose his memories and the Cultivation Level. Of course, it could be set up in advance to seal memories in the Primordial Spirit s of new carriers. After reincarnating and triggering some sort of mechanism, the memories could be obtained.    


Yi Tianji laughed: "Immortal Sovereign, long time no see, you still have the same God-given Talent Heroic."    


"Stop flattering me. I don't care how you have survived until now. I only want to know the purpose of your prophecy!" Black Dragon snorted, he turned the conversation around with a serious face.    


In the dark sky, the four of them took out a praying mat and placed it on the ground. After that, they formed a table.    


Glancing lightly at the dark sky and seeing him sitting there as if he was just watching a show, Yi Tianji felt the pressure from the trio.    


This was clearly, if you couldn't explain it clearly, then I'll let you have a good show today.    


With a bitter laugh, Yi Tianji closed his fan and said, "Is this how the Venerable Emperor Pavilion welcomes new guests?"    


He smiled slightly.    


Black Dragon, Hei Tian and the Golden Dragon Emperor all immediately smiled, Yi Tianji's words were really good, causing them to laugh.    


"Alright, I admit it. Back then, I did say that prophecy ? But those words were not calculated by me in the first place, it was just that after we started talking about it, it was spread out by the people from the Gate of Heavenly Secrets ? "    


Yi Tianji sighed. As someone who was often struck by lightning and liked to reveal his secrets, he naturally knew what would happen to him.    


Therefore, when the Genuine Dragon s' prophecy was confirmed, Yi Tianji felt that something bad was going to happen, and immediately turned around and dodged it.    


"Who did it?" Black Dragon said as he frowned.    


Yi Tianji replied: "My senior brother."    


"Who is your senior brother?" Golden Dragon Emperor frowned, his face filled with doubt, but he did not understand anything about this.    


Yi Tianji glanced at the dark sky, which casted a side glance at him, and spoke in his stead: "It's Xuan Tian ?"    


Xuan Tian Mirror, Xuan Tian Great Monarch, Gu Xuantian!    


Yi Tianji looked at Hei Tian, smiled, and said, "Immortal Sovereign indeed knows a lot."    


"You are Gu Xuantian's junior brother ? In other words, you were once a disciple of the Space-time Heavenly Monarch?! " Golden Dragon Emperor was surprised, he never thought that there would actually be such a relationship.    


Black Dragon, however, slightly nodded. "That's right, no wonder you guys also knew something related to time ?"    


From ancient times till now, the person who was most proficient in the Great Way of Space and Time was Space-time Heavenly Monarch Gu Chen.    


The Space-time Heavenly Monarch had taken in many disciples, and the most famous of them all was none other than the Void Immortal King ? Gu Xukong.    


As for the disciples of Space-time Heavenly Monarch, most of them could only delve into the Great Void Way. Regarding the way of time, very few people could comprehend anything about it.    


Amongst them, among the disciples who had inherited the time from the Space-time Heavenly Monarch, there was one more famous Ranker, Great Monarch Xuan Tian.    


Xuan Tian, the Great Monarch, had the lowest realm among all the disciples of the Space-time Heavenly Monarch. Gu Xuantian only had Monarch Stage his entire life, but after all, he had comprehended some Law of Time, so even if he was not an immortal, he could still live for a very long time.    


Then, for some reason, since the ancient times, Gu Xuantian had disappeared without a trace.    


"The Great Way of the Time is too profound. When Senior Brother Xuan Tian studied this dao, he could only use sword techniques but not the sword, unable to comprehend the essence of it ? At that time, I was only an honorary disciple of the Space-time Heavenly Monarch and I didn't even have a Monarch Stage.    


Yi Tianji chuckled, his smile was somewhat bitter.    


"You know some of the Law of Time, so you have taken the path of the heavens, using the Law of Time to peer into the past and the future ? Therefore, your senior brother doesn't even know how to count ? Gu Xuantian saw a part of the future where Black Dragon annihilated the Genuine Dragon. That was why he said, the prophecy... "Right?" The dark sky squinted as he asked this, full of scrutiny.    


"Yes." Yi Tianji nodded and said lightly with a sigh.    


Black Dragon and Golden Dragon Emperor gritted their teeth, wishing that they could kill Gu Xuantian right now.    


Gu Xuantian only saw a corner of the future and did not see through the cause and effect at all, yet he leaked the news, which resulted in this tragedy.    


"What exactly is Gu Xuantian's goal, or did he really accidentally leak the news and spread the prophecy? Furthermore, did it come from the mouth of the number one person on the Great Way of the Heavens, you know? " Black Dragon snorted coldly and asked.    


Yi Tianji shook his head, and said: "I don't know his goal ? Senior Brother Xuan Tian has long since disappeared, I don't know what kind of thoughts he had back then ? Back then, your mind was clouded by hatred. I knew that even if I told you the truth, you would still find it hard to believe me, and that's why I was able to avoid you in your reincarnation. " He told Black Dragon that with a sincere tone, he did not intend to hide anything.    


Black Dragon nodded his head slightly, raised his eyes and said: "Your explanation is flawless, looks like there is no reason for me to not believe you."    


"Of course, if I were to calculate, I would definitely be able to calculate the consequences of divulging this information ? I have no reason to make a big enemy for myself, right? " Yi Tianji explained.    


Golden Dragon Emperor also relaxed a little as he and Black Dragon looked at each other, the coldness in their eyes lessening.    


Yi Tianji regretfully said: "If I had known back then, the words that I had said would cause such serious consequences, I definitely would not have said those words out in front of everyone ? "Hai."    


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