The Emperor Of The World

C1600 Sad Warning

C1600 Sad Warning

The Dian Mansion began to become cold and cheerless.    


At night, Dian Feng sat on the White Mulberry Immortality Tree s. Looking at the swing made from tree branches, all of them empty, his heart empty.    


The full moon hung in the sky like a disk, as if it could be plucked with a lift of a hand. There was no one else under the moon, only an "old man with an empty nest".    


At this moment, Dian Feng's heart was filled with unhappiness, he felt like an empty nest old man.    


Among the children, other than Yuan Han who was the youngest and Dian Yu who was born from Qin Miaoyin, they had all grown up already.    


Just after the feast, Dian Xiaofeng asked to move out. Dian Shuai and Dian Xiaoyu immediately agreed, indicating that it was inconvenient to stay at home.    


Thus, Dian Feng arranged for them a new residence in the Venerable Emperor Pavilion.    


The main reason was that they didn't have the power to protect themselves yet. The Source Realm seemed to be as calm as still water, but Dian Feng knew that if he wasn't there, many problems would erupt.    


Therefore, even if they were to move, Dian Feng would not allow the children to travel too far away from the Venerable Emperor Pavilion and Dian Mansion.    


At yesterday's banquet, the children had all moved away, moving to Mountain Back of Monarch Sovereign Pavilion.    


In the end, Dian Mansion were too small, and the Venerable Emperor Pavilion was unable to restrict them. The children all had their own worlds, and as parents, they should not be stopped.    


But in Dian Feng's heart, it was not.    


Not only were the carefully planted cabbages trampled by the wild boars, even the little pigs at home had to escape from the fence.    


It was as if he had wasted a battle.    


As parents, the last thing they wanted to go through were three times when their children didn't come home every day, the second time they were married, and the last time they had to separate.    


But that was only natural, life was always like that, no one could escape from having to go through all this.    


Outside, Dian Feng was a Monarch Sovereign Pavilion Master, a Xu Tian Immortal Sovereign that could block billions of troops with one go. But at home, he was a father, a husband.    


There were still two children left in the family, Dianlei and Dian Yu, but Dian Feng knew that at most, in ten years, they would also be leaving home.    


"Sigh ?" Dian Feng smiled bitterly, even the Immortal Meteorite could not change his expression, but in a day, all the children had settled down, causing him to be unable to hold back his emotions.    


As he thought about how Dian Feng brought the children on a tour around the world when they were young, visiting all over the stars or the scenery on the Origin Planet, Dian Feng's lips curved up into a smile.    


However, more than half of the buildings in the east and west courtyards were already empty. The lights in the rooms where Dian Mansion was located at night would never be lit again.    


When the children grew up, they would no longer coquettishly surround him and ask him to make them snacks to eat. They would never, ever hold Dian Feng's hand and let Dian Feng help them pick wild fruits on the tree. He would never, ever want to ride on his father's shoulders again, unwilling to give up this' King's Throne 'to his brothers and sisters ?    


"The children have all grown up, right?" Suddenly, Dian Mo appeared, holding onto a small jar of wine.    


Dian Feng chuckled: "Your child has already moved out, right?"    


"That's right. Children have their own blessings. All we can do is encourage them ?" Dian Mo chuckled, he raised his wine jar, there were two wine cups in his hands, "Have a drink?"    


Dian Feng shook his head: "No, I'm just a little sad, not sad."    


Dian Mo nodded his head, and laughed: "Although we look to be around 20 years old, but we look to be extremely old."    


"According to the age of mortals, we are almost a hundred years old, of course we are old." Dian Feng said with a smile.    


The two men didn't drink either. Dian Mo put away the wine and cups, and sat on a swing with Dian Feng.    


These were the branches of Deathless Immortal Tree, woven into a swing that was enough to carry Monarch Immortal.    


"Time flies. He seems to be around sixteen or seventeen years old, just yesterday?" Dian Mo thought of those ten years when he was young, when he was still at the Immortal Graveyard.    


Dian Feng nodded slightly. The two of them smiled inwardly, their best memories always seemed to have been from yesterday.    


"Sigh, tell me ?" The higher we stand, the more Dian Family we should have, and the more regretful we should be, right? " Dian Mo casually thought of this and so he said it.    


Dian Feng chuckled. This was only natural, the regret for Dian Family had already begun dozens of years ago.    


The three prodigies of Dian Family were originally at least three Monarch Immortal s, but they allowed Dian Canghai and the others to accomplish nothing.    


Inside the Dian Family, and the rest of the people all wished that they could take out their corpses.    


If not for Dian Canghai's suicide, Dian Family would have replaced Tianquan Holy Land and became the second private force in Source Realm.    


The Venerable Emperor's Pavilion could not be considered Dian Feng's private place. Ye Clan was the Ye Family's influence, and undoubtedly the first in Source Realm, followed by Tianquan Holy Land.    


But right now, their Dian Family had not reaped anything. Although outsiders would worry about the relationship between Dian Feng and Dian Mo and would not make a move against them, they would not be truly fearful of their Dian Family either.    


As long as it was a competition on the surface, there would be no need to give face to Dian Family at all.    


"There are still forty years ?" Suddenly, Dian Mo said again.    


He looked at Dian Feng and said, "Are you confident in advancing further?"    


The situation with Immortal Realm and Source Realm were different, there were Half-step Immortal King s.    


If Dian Feng was unable to break through, then after Immortal Realm, they would no longer have the authority to speak. He did not want to go and assist and was instead treated as cannon fodder.    


"Don't worry, Immortal Realm is just a small issue. The real war hasn't come yet ?" Dian Feng shook his head and said, the battle of Immortal Realm could only be considered as the prelude.    


Or a signal.    


"A most chaotic era is coming, and it might even be comparable to the Broken Ancient Times ? and it has even exceeded the Broken Ancient Times. " Dian Feng squinted at the stars, which was the direction of the Immortal Graveyard.    


In the past, Dian Feng had thought that the Immortal Graveyard was the center of the Source Realm, but now he knew that that was not the case.    


Here, there were still many secrets that had yet to be revealed.    


Perhaps, some secrets would never be revealed.    


"Then we need to prepare in advance ?" Dian Mo frowned, pondering, and felt that Dian Feng was right, he had the same premonition.    


Dian Mo was the Author, he wrote the heaven and earth source code, exposing the world's most source of power, he also had the feeling of being in heaven.    


Dian Mo's divine instinct had always been telling him that an era of danger and hot-bloodedness had just begun.    


"I have a feeling that no matter where we go in the Immortal Realm, we will still return to the Source Realm in the end ?" Dian Feng squinted his eyes slightly as he gave some thoughts to his own.    


"Return to the Source Realm?" Dian Mo frowned, wanting to cross over to the Source Realm was not an easy thing to do.    


From ancient times until now, the Source Realm had spread through all the ten thousand worlds, but nearly all the tunnels had been cut off or blocked long ago. There was only a passage from the Source Realm to the other realms, and there was still some remaining.    


"You don't have to come with me to the Immortal Realm ?" Dian Feng looked at Dian Mo.    


Dian Mo was still in the Monarch Stage now, but in truth, he would not bring away the Monarch Stage cultivators.    


"I'm going to the Immortal Realm. Even if I don't participate in the battle, I can still be a tourist." Dian Mo chuckled, indicating that he wanted to take a look at the Immortal Realm.    


Dian Feng could tell that Dian Mo was hiding something, but he did not ask.    


In the past, perhaps there were some things that the Author s had left behind in the Immortal Realm.    


Suddenly, Dian Feng looked at Dian Mo and said: "You should know how the first generation of Author died right?"    


Dian Mo was startled and nodded his head, he knew that he had obtained some memory fragments from the inheritance.    


"I only hope that there won't be a day when you become the second [First Generation Author]." Dian Feng looked at Dian Mo. He was serious, and his eyes carried a hint of warning.    


This inheritance of the Author's was closest to the origin, so it would know a lot, and its thoughts would be a little more.    


did not wish for that Author's fault to occur on Dian Mo, if not he might be able to stand up against him.    


Dian Feng greatly treasured this brotherly relationship. He didn't hope that in the future, the two of them would come into conflict with each other due to different interests and ideals.    


"That kind of bloody scene will not happen between you and me. Relax ?" Dian Mo chuckled, he did not care at all and felt that there would never be that day.    


Dian Feng slightly nodded as he silently said this in his heart.    


The first generation Author was very strong. It was only because of the combined efforts of several heavenly emperors that they were able to kill him. But if Dian Mo obtained this inheritance, would he receive the task of the first generation Author wanting him to take revenge?    


Or, would Dian Mo know the reason behind the mistakes made by the first generation Author back then, and whether or not he would think about doing something after knowing it?    


If Dian Mo was really inclined to that, then it would be very dangerous, in the future, only Dian Feng would be able to fight him at the Source Realm.    


"Did you explain it to him?"    


After Dian Mo left, Hei Tian and the Sovereign Heavenly Stele descended onto the Dian Mansion.    


Dian Feng nodded, and said: "I have reminded him, I hope he will not embark on the path of a first generation Author."    


"We need to prevent this as soon as possible. Author is very dangerous." The Sovereign Heavenly Stele was very serious, it was just a piece of brick, but it had been left behind since the ancient times by the great waves and sand.    


Some aspects of what the Sovereign Heavenly Stele knew were even more common than the dark sky. It told Dian Feng about the Author.    


In the first generation of Author, there was once a crazy act that provoked the combined attack of all the heavenly emperors of Source Realm, which was why they killed him.    


"Actually, there are some legends that are not completely unreasonable ?" I also suspect that the Author is actually the embodiment of the will of the Source Realm ? " The Sovereign Heavenly Stele could not frown, but his tone was very serious, and was not joking.    


Hei Tian shook his head, "I am not clear about all of this. I only know that the first generation of Author was surrounded and killed by the Heavenly Emperors. From the fact that it can cause public outrage, it can be seen that what he has done was no small matter. It might even affect the life forms of the entire Source Realm ? "    


"If Dian Mo also becomes like that ?"    


"If that's the case, I'll cripple him myself." Dian Feng suddenly raised his head, looked at the black sky and the Sovereign Heavenly Stele, and there was not the slightest bit of hesitation in his eyes.    


The man and the monolith paused for a moment. Hei Tian then laughed, "It's good that you had the determination since long ago ?"    


The Black Sky knew that Dian Feng said "cripple", not "kill". He always felt that Dian Feng valued friendship too much. Amongst the experts of the highest level, this wasn't really a good quality.    


That was because there was truly someone who could place all of their lives on the line with a single thought. If one placed too much importance on friendship and righteousness, one might be tricked at any moment.    


"Buzz ~ ~ ~"    


Suddenly, a loud explosion that felt like it could split the sky resounded through the Source Realm.    


Dian Feng was shocked: "The Immortal Realm has sent news over again ?."    


"Is there any movement from the Immortal Graveyard's Weak Water River?" Hei Tian asked somewhat nervously.    


Dian Feng nodded his head, he had left a clone there and the clone had already sent the news over.    


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