The Emperor Of The World

C1624 Extradition Clerk

C1624 Extradition Clerk

"Dismissed?" Dian Feng grabbed Ferryman, the words in his mouth.    


With regards to the cold and detached attitude of the Ferryman, even though Dian Feng was unhappy that he let him go, he wisely chose not to argue against it.    


In the eyes of different people, a crime might be unforgivable, but it might not be worth mentioning. This was the difference between the three views, and not something that could be brainwashed with just a few words.    


"Ferryman, do you still have a term of office?" Dian Feng raised his eyebrows. He felt that it was strange, what kind of occupation was this?    


Not only was it extremely mysterious, it did not have any records of it in any ancient books.    


An ancient profession that had always existed in history but had always been neglected by history, the Ferryman, what kind of character was he exactly?    




Who was the leader of the Ferryman, and who were they responsible for? If they could use a group of Immortal King as their leader, how huge would the organization of the Ferryman be?    


However, since they were so low-profile and did not show their reputations, it seemed that they were not willing to let others know. What was the meaning of their existence?    


In a short period of time, countless questions were raised in the hearts of Dian Feng and Hei Tian.    


To them, it was like opening the door to a new world, a new realm that had never been touched before.    


"Ferryman? Actually, I prefer others. I call us the ferrymen... "We're just like boatmen. We're just transporters in this vast sea of ten thousand worlds ?" The existence in the grave said indifferently.    


"Our tenure varies. It depends on personal fortune. Some people have to stay as ferrymen forever, while others have to leave in an instant ?"    


"Who are you responsible for?" Hei Tian asked.    


"Heavens!" The Ferryman in the grave still spoke with a calm and relaxed tone, as if nothing in the world was worthy of him bringing up his interest.    


Perhaps he felt lonely, so he spoke a few more words to them. Otherwise, he would have fallen silent long ago.    




Dian Feng and Hei Tian looked at each other, their faces filled with doubt.    


The word was empty, but it could be guessed.    


"Can you explain it more clearly?" Hei Tian asked softly.    


"None of you are qualified to know this. If all of you are still interested after you become Immortal King, you can come and take over my class. When that time comes, all of you will know ?" The tone of the person in the grave finally changed, a hint of ridicule in his impatience.    


Dian Feng felt that this profession was probably not that high and mighty. It should have many restrictions and restrictions, such as freedom.    


Not only was there no freedom, but he couldn't act against creatures from all walks of life. He also couldn't take the initiative to show himself in front of others, and had to endure the loneliness for eternity.    


"What's on the map ??" Dian Feng frowned, he did not understand, if there were no benefits, why would anyone be willing to do this.    


The dark sky had a puzzled expression. Everything had to be profitable before anyone would be willing to do it. Whether it was reputation, power, money, or the growth in strength.    


Hei Tian asked with interest, "Once you become the Immortal King, you will be able to become the Ferryman? Do you want to receive the inheritance first?"    


Dian Feng knew that this was a trick. He understood the dark sky, and it was impossible for the latter to want to take a lonely and boring job like the Ferryman.    


Ferryman sneered, and said: "Heh, if you are willing to take over, after you become Immortal King, I can immediately give it to you."    


Dian Feng felt that this profession was definitely not that easy to complete.    


Ferryman displayed his boredom towards this profession, as well as a feeling of helplessness from being restricted by some sort of rule.    


There was always a faint sense of loneliness in his voice.    


"Senior, is there any benefit in being a Ferryman?" Dian Feng asked, although he felt that Ferryman would very likely not answer, he still wanted to ask.    


It made sense for it to exist.    


With the profession of Ferryman, and someone willing to do it, it meant that it was profitable.    


"The advantage is... Once you become a Ferryman, you can remove the cause and effect from the roots of the myriad heavens and ten thousand worlds. Even if the world you were born into were to completely collapse, you wouldn't be martyred along with it ? " The Ferryman said indifferently.    


"What?!" The black sky let out a surprised cry, and Dian Feng couldn't help but be surprised as well.    


World collapse?    


"Could it be that a universe as vast as the Source Realm will truly collapse?" Dian Feng could not help but ask, licking his lips, feeling his throat become dry.    


He felt as if he had touched upon a great secret!    


"A chaotic battle between Immortal King s is enough to collapse this entire world ? In this universe that is like the quicksand of the Ganges, the universe is constantly in the process of creation and destruction. It's just that you guys don't know ? " Ferryman's voice seemed as if it could see through the vicissitudes of life, carrying a sense of helplessness.    


Dian Feng frowned, he knew that a great battle between Immortal King s was enough to collapse a large world.    


However, from the tone of the Ferryman, it seemed that there were many worlds that had been destroyed since ancient times.    


And once a great world completely collapsed, all the creatures born in that great world would die!    


Immortal King couldn't escape because he couldn't escape from the Great Universe.    


"So, the Ferryman is a transition stage between the Immortal King and the Heavenly Emperor?" Dian Feng asked with slightly furrowed brows.    


The Ferryman said without hiding anything, "If you can't become a Heavenly Emperor, you will have to find a way to avoid being implicated by the collapse of the great world ? Becoming a Ferryman would allow one to avoid this kind of calamity. But once you become a Ferryman, you will have no choice but to stand by and watch as anything happens in the Ten Thousand Worlds ? "    


Ferryman's words carried a deep meaning.    


Becoming a Ferryman would allow one to completely transcend the limits of their Great Universe, like the Heavenly Emperor. The only difference was that one was trading with "Sky", while the other was his own Transcendence.    


Once he became a Ferryman, it would be equivalent to abandoning the world he was born in.    


This was because, upon becoming a Ferryman, one could not affect anyone, matter, or things in all realms during one's tenure. According to the rules, a fated person could be extradited between ten thousand worlds. This was the only thing that could be done, as well as something that had to be done.    


After hearing all these, Dian Feng finally had some ideas about this Ferryman.    


He did not want to be a Ferryman and did not dare to have this kind of attitude, but he could not doubt anything. Everyone had their own views and the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility. This was only Dian Feng's own view of things, it was impossible for him to let everyone agree with it.    


In Dian Feng's heart, the yearning he had for the Ferryman had already been extinguished. Initially, when he heard that he needed a Immortal King to get started, he was extremely shocked.    


But after hearing it, Dian Feng felt that this was more like making a choice.    


If your own world was facing collapse, would you choose to fight with your life on the line, or to become a Ferryman to avoid this calamity?    


Dian Feng and Hei Tian looked at each other and smiled faintly. Both of them understood how they would choose.    


When Hei Tian was a Annihilation Immortal Sovereign, he had already made this choice. When many True Immortals were hibernating and watching the Blood Blade Immortal King cross their boundaries, he chose to fight while overestimating his own strength.    


"I feel a trace of contempt from you all?" Inside the grave, the Ferryman chuckled softly. He was not angry at being looked down upon.    


"Senior, you have misunderstood us. It is just that we do not know how to walk the path of the Ferryman. It does not mean that we do not understand your thoughts ?" Dian Feng laughed, then nodded his head, and said: "Everyone has their own aspirations, how can we all agree?"    


"You're just laughing at me, aren't you?" Ferryman continued to ask, with a smile, how could he not see the deep meaning in Dian Feng's eyes.    


Although Dian Feng did not mock him out of politeness, Ferryman could feel that Dian Feng's Spiritual Sense Fluctuation had this intention.    


"Cough cough, your esteemed self has misunderstood ?" Hei Tian lightly coughed, pretending that he did not think of anything else as he had a serious look on his face.    


Ferryman coldly snorted, and said: "Heh, hypocritical!"    


Dian Feng and Hei Tian's mouths twitched as they laughed helplessly.    


Indeed, Dian Feng actually looked down on this Ferryman a little. As a Immortal King of a certain world, he had abandoned his homeland and chose to live on.    


"You don't understand, but there are some rules that can be used. When I became the Ferryman, I just wanted to give it a try in the future!" Ferryman's tone suddenly changed, raising his voice, his tone full of confidence.    


"The world I was born in hasn't collapsed ?" Ferryman's tone changed to one of ridicule with some deeper meaning.    


The three people present, including Ferryman, were all smart people.    


The words of a smart man didn't need to be said too much. It was obvious at a single point.    


The implied meaning of Ferryman's words was that he was using rules to rid himself of the karma between him and the great world, so he would be able to be even more carefree after leaving office.    


In his heart, there was still hot-bloodedness and fighting spirit.    


It was very possible that after he left office, he would launch a great war that would destroy an entire great world!    


In this world, before he met with danger, he had already become the Ferryman. After he was succeeded by someone, he would become like the Celestial Emperor.    


Of course, his cultivation was still in the Immortal King Realm, so he could just destroy his own world and not be implicated.    


"What happened to your world? Do you want to destroy it yourself?" Dian Feng felt that it was unexpected, the meaning behind his words must be because of this man.    


"My world has been enslaved by the experts of another world, and I don't even dare to fight against them. This is because a war between the Immortal King and the Immortal King is enough to collapse the entire world. At that time, he would completely lose ? So, I have become a Ferryman. In the future, when I step down from this job, I will return home to fight for it ? "    


At the same time, the two of them understood that this Ferryman was not related to the Immortal King from the Ancient Immortal Palace.    


The big world he was talking about, wasn't Source Realm or Immortal Realm, so this Ferryman was naturally not a Immortal King from the Ancient Immortal Palace.    


"Senior, do you recognize the elders of the Source Realm? Are there any Ferryman among them?" Dian Feng suddenly opened his mouth and thought of an important question.    


From ancient times until now, there had been too many missing people in the Immortal King s of Source Realm. Some said they were dead, while others said they had gone to the Alien Realm.    


But where was the body? He went to the Alien Realm, why isn't he back yet?    


Just now, Dian Feng's brain suddenly opened, his heart suddenly wondered, if there was anyone that had become the Ferryman, and thus disappeared for a long period of time.    


"Dian Feng, you mean...?" The dark sky suddenly became buzzing as well. A sudden flash of inspiration struck everyone and they all became stupefied.    


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