The Emperor Of The World

C1659 Assassinate Half Step Immortal King

C1659 Assassinate Half Step Immortal King

The Non-tribulation Immortal Body was dressed in white, which was not very conspicuous in the crowd, there were too many people wearing white.    


He went back to his Good Lookout Tower and blended into the crowd, quietly touching Hei Yu's body.    


Hei Yu wanted to kill him, but he was also interested in Hei Yu.    


The Non-tribulation Immortal Body did not hide into the void and used an assassination technique to get close to him. Because the opponent was a Half-step Immortal King, it was easier for him to be discovered if he used a technique.    


Just like that, he walked along the crowd, slowly approaching Immortal King.    


Immortal King Hei Yu was a Half-step Immortal King, he was very famous in these 500 provinces. Furthermore, he was the nominal leader of the Devil Realm, so even more people knew that there were innumerable people who flattered him wherever he went.    


The Non-tribulation Immortal Body felt that he was not the only one. He pretended to be a fanatical fan and shouted "Long live Hei Yu".    


As the Half-step Immortal King, Hei Yu had his own pride. Most of the people in the noisy crowd were cultivators under the Monarch Stage.    


It was just that today, his mood was very low. Otherwise, he might have even smiled at these fans.    


The personal guards of the Immortal King s of Hei Yu were able to separate the crowd and maintain a distance from Hei Yu.    


But no one dared to cross it.    


This was a Half-step Immortal King, and also a royal family of the Dark Devil race. They were extremely powerful, even True Immortals would have to respectfully call him "Milord".    


"Where's the crime scene?" Hei Yu's face was solemn as he asked coldly.    


The person responsible for receiving them was the newly appointed county governor of Hunhai County, a True Immortal in the Spirit Clan.    


The county governor said, "It's the immortal ship that is at the shore ?" He carefully pointed at the closest immortal ship.    


The immortal ship was tens of thousands of meters long and several hundred meters wide. The deck was filled with soldiers of the Alien Alliance who sealed the immortal ship, preventing anyone from entering or leaving.    


"Where is my son's corpse?" Hei Yu asked, and walked towards the Immortal Boat.    


The new county governor held his breath and said, "It has been recovered, but it's incomplete. The corpses of the Young Lord s are incomplete ?"    


Hei Yu had already known that the murderer was ruthless, no one was a corpse. His son was the most miserable. There was not a single piece of meat left. This was also the reason why the messenger said that there were no remains.    


At that time, they were still at sea, and their corpses had fallen into the sea, which was then eaten by the sea beasts. The amount of bodies recovered was less than 10%.    


There were even two people whose corpses were completely devoured by sea beasts. When the sea beasts escaped, they couldn't even find a single strand of hair.    


"Damned Non-tribulation Immortal Body!" Hei Yu could not hold back his anger. When he boarded the boat and saw the deck covered in immortal blood, along with his son's remaining hand, he almost went berserk.    


Ah!" A half-step Immortal King was infuriated. Outside the Immortal Boat, the sea of stars exploded and all the sea beasts in the surrounding thousands of miles did not survive.    


The corpses of the Sea Beasts floated to the surface, but they were still unable to quell Hei Yu's anger.    


He wanted to kill people, kill Non-tribulation Immortal Body, and take revenge for his precious son.    


"Is the Non-tribulation Immortal Body still in Sea Hunting County?" Hei Yu gritted his teeth and asked the county governor.    


The county governor said confidently, "After the incident, this subordinate immediately sealed Galaxy and summoned the Spiritual Forbidden Array from the dock. The Non-tribulation Immortal Body definitely could not escape in the direction of Galaxy!"    


Hei Yu nodded his head. Since he was unable to escape from the sea of stars, it meant that he was still in the Ocean Hunting County.    


Because after the incident, the entire Sea Hunting County was under martial law, and the Spiritual Forbidden Array covered the entire venue, no one was able to slip away.    


"That's good ?" Hei Yu turned and looked at the crowd. He felt that there were Non-tribulation Immortal Body amongst them.    


Of course, he never would have thought that this Non-tribulation Immortal Body would still dare to have ideas about him.    


At that moment, the entire venue of the Whale Hunting Tournament was enveloped by Spiritual Forbidden Array, Hei Yu was extremely confident. The suppression of his cultivation level, on his body, was naturally not something that the Non-tribulation Immortal Body could compare to.    


But he had forgotten that there was another formation in this world that was specifically designed to restrain Spiritual Forbidden Array ? the Spirit Destruction Array.    


Hei Yu said coldly to the county governor, "Examine them one by one. Have a look at all the True Immortals that are not recorded in our alliance ?" I want to search their souls one by one! "    


He gritted his teeth and said, no longer caring if he would offend a large number of people, he just wanted to find the killer, Non-tribulation Immortal Body!    


"Some trouble ?" The white clothed youth stood amongst the crowd, frowning. Hei Yu had already realized that he was still at the party.    


However, he still did not give up. He wanted to try and assassinate the Half-step Immortal King again!    


In a direct battle, the Non-tribulation Immortal Body would obviously not be a match for the Half-step Immortal King. However, he was an assassin and knew how to catch others off guard.    


His sword was sharp enough to kill Half-step Immortal King, as long as it hit a vital point.    


Of course, this was not a simple matter. He only had one chance, if not, he would have to escape.    


Now that there were several True Immortals in the Alien Alliance in front of a large crowd, no matter how powerful Hei Yu was, he would never have imagined that he would dare to assassinate right now, right?    


The corner of the Non-tribulation Immortal Body's mouth squeezed out a meaningful smile.    


He had his hands behind his back and he was holding his sword.    


It was just that the sword was strange, the material was transparent, and the Spiritual Sense could not be used, it was the most suitable sword for assassins.    


The Non-tribulation Immortal Body held the sword in its hand and raised it up, but no one could see it.    


He slowly approached Hei Yu and squeezed to the edge of the crowd, and was the closest to the Immortal King.    


But now was not the right time to do so, because Hei Yu had not disembarked the boat yet. If he were to rush onto the boat from the shore, this distance would be sufficient for a Half-step Immortal King to react.    


Even if he was in the midst of the crowd, he could not disappear into the void. There were too many experts with keen divine instinct here, and once he suddenly disappeared from the crowd, many people would be able to sense him.    


He waited like this while pretending to be a fanatical fan. He shed tears empathized with what Hei Yu had done, but his heart was filled with killing intent.    


He just wanted to give it a try. If he could kill a Half-step Immortal King, that would be enough to shake the entire Immortal Realm.    


He held his hand in front of his chest, and in his empty right hand, he held the Immortal Emperor Killing Sword.    


"Woosh ~ ~ ~"    


Hei Yu jumped off the boat and returned to the dock. He looked at the crowd, as if he was trying to find someone who wanted to kill him.    


He had a strong feeling that Non-tribulation Immortal Body would definitely be mixed in with the gathering.    


But he never would have thought that his opponent would be so arrogant. He actually stood at the edge of the crowd, directly facing him.    


Hei Yu's eyes looked at the crowd of people, moving left and right, staring at every expert of Monarch Stage and above. If there were any guilty ones, he intended to capture them and interrogate them immediately.    




The Non-tribulation Immortal Body moved, he was only two steps away from Hei Yu. He first activated the Spirit Destruction Array imprinted on his clothes, then activated the Arcane Arts to hide in the air, then he rushed towards Hei Yu.    


Where Hei Yu was, there were still Spiritual Forbidden Array that were taking effect, so he could not use any techniques. But since the Non-tribulation Immortal Body was covered by the Spirit Destruction Array, he could use any techniques!    


"Rumble ?"    


When the Non-tribulation Immortal Body's invisible sword pierced through the air, Hei Yu finally sensed the huge danger.    


He was a Half-step Immortal King with extraordinary divine instinct. Even if he was assassinated, his reaction was still very terrifying and swift.    


He did not see the sword, but he subconsciously moved his body to the side.    


"Pu ~ ~" A white figure rushed out from the void. With his hand grasped, the formless sword pierced through Hei Yu's head!    


However, it didn't directly pierce the immortal foundation in his forehead.    


"Scram!" Hei Yu felt intense pain, but his body shook and an invisible wave of air blew the white figure away.    


"Just a little more!" The Non-tribulation Immortal Body flew backwards, gritting its teeth as it silently cursed. It had failed.    


He had originally wanted to stir up the formless sword, to be able to shatter Hei Yu's sea of consciousness and immortal altar, but Half-step Immortal King's reaction was terrifying, she had already performed her job when the sword pierced through her.    


This was not a spell, but a wave of blood energy that was as vast as the sea. It was a power that could be unleashed in an instant.    


Qi was an energy that belonged to the Body Cultivator s. Reaching the Half-step Immortal King's level, Hei Yu naturally knew how to instantly release his own blood energy to defend against the enemy.    


"Weng ? ?" As the Non-tribulation Immortal Body flew backwards, it disappeared into thin air, causing everyone to lose their target.    


"Where do you think you're going?!" Hei Yu was enraged, his head was still bleeding profusely, but he did not mind at all as he smashed his palm towards the place where the Non-tribulation Immortal Body had disappeared.    


His blood energy was like a sea as it shattered the void. The Non-tribulation Immortal Body was knocked out of it, and his face was full of surprise.    


"Protect Lord Immortal King! ?" At this time, all of the Monarch Immortal present finally reacted, their reactions being half a beat too slow.    


The county governor broke out in a cold sweat. Looking at the bloody hole in Hei Yu's head, he immediately felt that he did not have much time left to live. In order to atone for his sins, he immediately shouted, "Seize that assassin!"    


"Woosh, woosh, woosh ~ ~ ~"    


One figure after another jumped out from the crowd, a total of more than ten Monarch Immortal s.    


The Non-tribulation Immortal Body flipped over and stood up. The county governor had already summoned his Array Sign and released it.    


"All of you, scram!" Hei Yu bellowed, ordering the people surrounding the Non-tribulation Immortal Body to retreat, he wanted to personally kill them!    


"Buzz, buzz, buzz ~ ~ ~"    


The aura of the Hei Yu Immortal King was extremely terrifying.    


The aura of the Half-step Immortal King caused the Non-tribulation Immortal Body to frown and feel a sense of powerlessness.    


"You're the one that killed my son?" Hei Yu took a step forward and with the power of the heaven and earth, he suppressed towards the Non-tribulation Immortal Body. His wound had not healed, which made him look especially sinister.    


The surrounding people quickly retreated. They were very sensible, and hid around the Good Lookout Tower, where there were Spell Array s that could protect their safety.    


The Non-tribulation Immortal Body slightly nodded, and laughed coldly: "What a pity that you moved an inch away from me, and I wasn't able to kill you. Otherwise, my name would be known to all of my Immortal Realm!"    


Hei Yu was furious, the man in front of him had not only killed his son, but also wanted to kill him.    


"You little brat, you're courting death! I want you to pay with your life for my son's!" Hei Yu's body released a black mist that carried a terrifying cold Qi, causing people's hearts to tremble.    


The Non-tribulation Immortal Body was not afraid. It clenched its right hand and with the Killing Sword in its hand, it became fearless. It said: "Your son deserves to die! He once ordered his ninety million clansmen to be slaughtered within the Baicao Oblast, causing the number of plants and vegetation in the Baicao Oblast to skyrocket within a few years ? "    


The Celestial race was the general name of the various clans in the Immortal Realm. They called themselves the Celestial race. Just like Source Realm, in a country where many races are combined, the name "Chinese" is the same.    


"So what?!" Hei Yu snorted disdainfully. He didn't care what his son did, he only knew that the Non-tribulation Immortal Body had killed his son.    


The Non-tribulation Immortal Body smiled, "Looks like in the eyes of you people, life is indeed just like grass. You can also understand it this way. In my eyes, you guys are grass as well, so I killed you whenever I wanted to ? If you want revenge, then do it.    


"Rumble ?"    


Slashing open the void with his sword, the Non-tribulation Immortal Body entered.    


Hei Yu coldly glared as he cleaved space apart with his palm, wanting to force the Non-tribulation Immortal Body to stay behind.    


"Clang!" Suddenly, he felt a great danger.    


The Non-tribulation Immortal Body was once again shot out of the void. He did not understand, where did the danger come from?    


Behind him, a Battle Sword with a sheath suddenly pulled it out from the void and chopped down!    


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