The Emperor Of The World

C1823 Negotiating on a Plan for Interception

C1823 Negotiating on a Plan for Interception

After reading these dozens of words, Luo Tianming handed the golden book over to the others to read.    


"As I thought, my guess is correct. Galaxy was originally a world formed from the great world of the last era ?" Luo Tianming sighed.    


Feng Yan said: "I have my own guesses too, I didn't expect it to be true."    


Dian Feng also smiled, when he received the golden book, he had already known about this news.    


Before this, Dian Feng had also considered this question when he had returned from the Void Continent. He had always suspected that Galaxy belonged to one of the worlds in the past few eras.    


Legends and facts were both like this. The life forms within the sea of stars were not allowed to "land on land", and this "shore" referred to the Immortal Realm of 3000 prefectures.    


Star Ocean Creatures were not allowed to set foot in the Immortal Realm Continent. If they went ashore rashly, the Spiritual Sense would definitely disappear and die.    


Legend has it that this was a kind of Spells, where there were supreme elders, who had placed a curse on the entire sea of stars and did not allow creatures from the sea of stars to come ashore. It was because everyone could see that the creatures within the sea of stars were extremely terrifying. If they could get ashore, perhaps their Immortal Realm would have already turned into a vast ocean.    


The Sky-devouring Rat had once told the kings that creatures that did not belong to this era's era were not allowed to step into this era's world.    


Even if they were still alive, they could only linger on in the world that used to belong to them.    


Ever since he came back, Dian Feng had always felt that Galaxy's curse should not be a curse.    


Now, the golden book was sent over, confirming this conjecture.    


"Hiss ?" Galaxy actually belonged to the world of the last era... No wonder, no wonder all living beings in the sea of stars died when they landed! " Light Immortal King also suddenly realized something. He had not thought about it too much before, but now that he thought about it, Galaxy had existed for too long.    


It was so long ago that it could not be traced back, as if it existed in the Absolute Beginning Time.    


"But since Galaxy belongs to the world of the previous era ? Then what did the golden book mean? The creatures inside the sea of stars should not be allowed to step into the Immortal Realm by the will of the world, right? " The Immortal King Bai Zhan asked in confusion.    


The Immortal King Qing Ming also said, "That's right. The creatures inside the sea of stars probably wouldn't dare to come out, so why do we have to intercept them?"    


All the dukes were also quite puzzled. The words on this page were truly a bit illogical.    


"It seems that the island that floated from the depths of the sea of stars was created by one of our men ? We were specially told to discover the Big Island, and then find the altar to receive this golden book ? " Pang Wuju took a deep breath, and his eyes lit up, "Could it be, that it was us sages who did it?"    


Dian Shuai shook his head, and said: "I don't think so, if even Xian Xian couldn't stop them, how could we?"    


"Right now, we can't say for sure. It must have been done by one of our men. We can't be certain whether this golden page is real or fake." Luo Tianming said calmly.    


Dian Feng also agreed, he could not easily believe that this was done by someone from the Immortal Origin and two realms.    


"But this is a Dark Ancient Inscription. Aside from the people with Immortal Realm and those with Source Realm, no one from any other realm would know about it, let alone those from the previous era." Some felt that they should believe it.    


"I feel that it is better to believe it to be true than not to believe it to be true." Dian Feng thought about it. This was what he meant, and because of this, he decided to inform the other kings about the golden book.    


"Perhaps there are people in the depths of the sea of stars that the Immortal King was unable to stop us, so after knowing that the people from the previous era had a way to exit the sea of stars and descend into the Immortal Realm, they could only use this method to tell us ? I hope we can stop them. " Yun Qingyan said.    


He had been a spy for many years and knew what it meant to be powerless. The job of a spy was not to sabotage the enemy, but to send messages and let the enemy know who they were dealing with.    


"The sea of stars is very big. If it really is the world from the previous era, then it should at least be as big as Immortal Realm ? It is not impossible for our people to have a place in it. " Luo Tianming said, he was also in favor of this idea.    


Everyone was also praising him, but now they had a question.    


"But where are they going to land? The golden book didn't even say anything. How are we going to stop them?"    


Galaxy was too big!    


From the northwest to the north, almost all of the circles were adjacent to the sea of stars.    


"Weng ? ?" Dian Feng activated the golden book, and waves of Divine Light lit up on the golden book.    


"This... A map of the sea of stars? " Everyone paled in shock and joy. This was the first star map in history!    


Inside the sea of stars, it was very mysterious and complicated. Each point on the map represented a star, and there were countless of these specks of light in the sea of stars.    


Rays of light connected some of the light spots together, indicating a passable path. There were many specks of light with the word "restricted" on them in the sea of stars. Presumably, they were restricted areas within the sea of stars, such as Immortal Realm, God and Devil Cemetery, Taichu Immortal Ore and so on.    


"This is the map that is hidden in the golden book. Only the Array Master can understand it." Dian Feng said, "The map has already been marked, look at the red dot..."    


All of them were immortal formation masters, so they could understand this star map.    


Upon closer inspection, there was a red dot at the very edge of the map, northwest of the city. The area below the red dot was completely lit up.    


The thread connecting the dots was also marked red. When different materials were activated by the array, the different color of the Divine Pattern was used to distinguish one line from the other.    


"Hiss ?" that, that is a Beihai Prefecture?! " Chong Sheng's eyes were wide open, he was extremely shocked, and immediately recognized the lit up area. The terrain was the same as the edge of the Beihai Prefecture.    


None of the dukes noticed that Chong Sheng was acting strangely, so they did not think too much about it.    


Dian Feng glanced at Chong Sheng and he calmed down.    


Chong Sheng was originally Zhan Beichen, so his Beihai Prefecture was his territory. He never would have thought that those experts from the previous era would choose to come down from the Beihai Prefecture to land on the Immortal Realm.    


"It's really Beihai Prefecture!" Luo Tianming was also surprised, most of the Beihai Prefecture were now his territory, although they were not that important, they still belonged to him.    


Dian Feng said: "If this news is not wrong, the experts from the previous era should have landed from the Beihai Prefecture directly to the north."    


"That's good. I finally know a place ?" Tai Feng said. If he really had to guard against such a large circle, with everyone from the Immortal Realm participating, it would be impossible to cover such a large perimeter.    


"Look at this diagram, there are only two lines connecting the depths of the sea of stars and the Immortal Realm. One is this Beihai Prefecture, and the other is the Western Haizhou, which is connected to the three hundred prefectures in the Northwest ? "    


Dian Feng said, "Perhaps, it's them who know that there's a Weak River barrier between these three hundred prefectures and the rest of the Immortal Realm. Therefore, they decided to take the Beihai Prefecture, so that they could set foot in an area with a wider area of Immortal Realm ? "    


"Yeah, I think so too. They will definitely take this path." Feng Yan slightly nodded, and laughed coldly, "Looks like they really did not come with good intentions."    


No one asked why they wanted to stop these people.    


All the dukes present understood one thing, and that was that the strong preyed on the weak.    


If someone from the previous era discovered that their Immortal Realm was weak, they would have definitely replaced them. Moreover, if they were here for pure good intentions, why would they be so secretive? Why not send envoys to contact them first?    


It was clear that they had left the Star Sea in order to occupy the Immortal Realm, or at least some of the areas.    


"Although we don't know how the cultivators from the previous epoch of the sea of stars dared to come out, we must start preparing." Dian Feng looked at the crowd and said seriously.    


Everyone's eyes began to communicate and they all nodded their heads. No one would raise different opinions on what was right and what was wrong.    


"Then, when did they land?" Li Ranzhu asked.    


This question was also very crucial.    


Dian Feng shook his head, and said: "Regarding this point, we will not mention it in the golden book, but we will immediately begin preparing, and will not be late. The person who sent the letter must have also considered our reaction time, so I think it's still too late to start the preparation. "    


"Dian Feng and I have the same thoughts, we need to immediately begin preparing. The area of water around the Beihai Prefecture and its vicinity, will become a battlefield in the future ? Therefore, we must move the people of the various families in the counties of the ocean with our Beihai Prefecture to the other great regions. " Luo Tianming said.    


At this time, Beihai Prefecture was no longer important, and more importantly, the overall situation of Immortal Realm, Luo Tianming was already prepared to give up the benefits from Beihai Prefecture.    


Dian Feng praised: "Senior Tianming, as expected of the number one person in Immortal Realm, everyone should learn this."    


"Haha ?" Everyone laughed, but in their hearts, they were also praising Luo Tianming's actions.    


Only Chong Sheng had an awkward smile on his face. Oh my god, that was clearly my territory ?    


Luo Tianming rolled his eyes at Dian Feng, and then said to the other beast kings: "This time it is very important, if there is anything, it will be harder to fight than the battle at Alien Alliance. "We might be facing all the elite warriors in the sea of stars!"    


"But in the sea of stars, no Immortal King would dare to do anything, so we don't need to worry." Dian Feng said.    


"Why?" Yun Qingyan said.    


Feng Yan glanced at Dian Feng, and laughed: "Even if they have a way to cover their Qi, and not be killed by the Rules of Heaven And Earth, the strength of the Immortal King no longer has anything to hide, so the moment they appear, they will be targeted by the Rules of Heaven And Earth ? I should not dare to leave the Galaxy. "    


It was not known if there were any Immortal King s in the sea of stars, but even if there were, they would not dare to take action.    


Dian Feng suddenly thought of some of the things in the Source Realm, as well as the ancient coffin on the tenth floor under the World Stone mountain underground palace on the Void Continent. Dian Feng said:    


"If their Immortal King can help, then there's no need to worry, it's not like we don't have any experts!"    


Hearing that, Tai Feng suddenly turned his head to look at Dian Feng, and nodded slightly.    


He knew that Dian Feng and Tai Chi were inextricably linked. If it really came to that, and the coffin of his Taiji clone was lifted, then the Star Sea would only be possible to step across if there was a Sky Emperor!    


"What Pavilion Master said... "They seem to know some secret?" Immortal King Bai Zhan was startled. He was the last one to enter the Venerable Emperor Pavilion, and he did not even know the details regarding the Void Continent and World Stone Mountain Range at that time.    


Dian Feng changed the topic and said: "What I mean is, on our side, the sages of the Immortal Origin and two realms are still alive!"    


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