The Emperor Of The World

C1831 The Celestial Door Opens

C1831 The Celestial Door Opens

Xue Han stood on the thirty-third step and looked up. He saw a Immortal Gate standing on the ninety-ninth step with golden light shining in all directions.    


The aura of the Immortal Realm blew over.    


Countless people were shocked, outside of the Sendai Mountain, people's hearts were racing, everyone wanted to get on the Immortal Gate!    


"With Cheng Xian in front of us as our ancestor, what are we waiting for?!" It was unknown who was shouting in the dark, wanting to lure someone to probe if this white-clothed Immortal King would stop them from climbing the Immortal Gate.    


"You're right, hurry up and charge!" A large group of people, without knowing what was going on, immediately flew up the Sendai Mountain and rushed towards the Primal Chaos Staircase.    


Xue Han turned and looked at the group of cultivators with a cold smile.    


"This ?" The cultivators that were charging over were too scared to move forward, but they didn't want to retreat.    


After a long while, seeing that the white clothed Immortal King did not have any intention of stopping them, he continued to rush towards the Heaven Stairway.    


"Ta ta ta ?" The first ten or so steps were like flat ground, there was no pressure at all.    


However, starting from the dozen or so steps, there were some people who slowed down and felt a great pressure. They were unable to easily step up. More and more people disappeared from the various stone steles, being pulled into the world of the trial by fire on the primal chaos stone steps.    


Xue Han shook his head, he turned around and stopped watching the jokes.    


He could reach the 33rd step, or even the 99th step, but he wouldn't be dragged into the secret plane of the primal chaos stone steps because he was a Immortal King.    


However, although most of these Reincarnation Land cultivators were spiritual altars, supreme experts, and quasi Emperors, there was no way for them to step onto the 33rd step.    


To be able to step onto the thirty-third step meant that this person possessed the qualifications to become an Emperor. Moreover, he had already tapped into his potential and was on the correct path to becoming an Emperor.    


Or else, they would definitely not be able to pass through this hurdle. The dual pressure of their bodies and Primordial Spirit s would cause those who forced their way up the stone steps to die miserably.    


"Pu pu pu ?" Xue Han heard the sound of the divine medicines and bodies exploding behind him. He shook his head with a cold smile but did not provide any assistance.    


He was not the Aunt Sheng, why should he care if these people lived or died? They were all adults (living beings), he was responsible for his own actions.    


If you dare to climb these Primal Chaos stone steps while being arrogant, then don't blame him, Xue Han, for your death wish.    


"Ah ?" Help, I can't go up or down, my head is about to split open! " A Martial Saint was stuck at the 27th step. But, he failed to enter the smelting trial's mystic realm. After he was sent out, he felt his entire body exploding.    


"Puuu ~ ~ ~" In the end, he exploded. His body turned into a magnificent crimson firework as the Primordial Spirit was sucked into the chaos stone.    


Not only one or two people had lost their souls, but 80% of the cultivators that tried to break through had died on the way.    


"I can't take it anymore, I have to retreat ?" One quasi Emperor went up to the thirtieth step, he could almost reach Xue Han's clothes, but did not dare to go forward.    


He retreated down the same path as before and sat on the Sendai Mountain with his legs crossed. All of the bones in his body were almost crushed as he retreated, in time to save his life.    


"How could this be ?" Outside of the Sendai Mountain, everyone looked dejected. They originally thought that since the Heaven Stairway had completed its re-appearance, there would no longer be any obstructions.    


Unexpectedly, the 'tribulation' that he had to endure was still something he couldn't escape.    


"Quickly flee back. No, I'm at the thirty-second place, and I'll be able to enter Time River soon ?"    


"Puff ?"    


Another "dreamcatcher" died on the spot.    


Bright red blood flowed down the stone steps, stained with dust and the Immortal Light. It was slowly absorbed by the steps.    


The cool breeze brushed past the broken limbs and body, sweeping them down the Heaven Stairway. It seemed that it was also a germaphobe.    


Everyone was extremely disappointed. They had originally thought this was a good opportunity, but now it seemed that it was still like a reflection of the moon in the water, and their hopes of success were unattainable.    


"Don't think about it. If anyone can pass through this door, then it's better to just open up their Immortal Realm." Xue Han looked at the ninety-ninth step, and said indifferently.    


One had to at least be a True Immortal Cultivation Level in order to obtain the Immortal Realm from this door. Maybe, he could be a young genius with the qualifications to be a Immortal King.    


Like the Tooth of The Beginning of Time, cultivators in the Immortal Realm who could reach the ninety-ninth step would receive a Immortal King Realm permit.    


"Alright, I've completed my task ?" Xue Han glanced at the scene before him and frowned slightly at the sight of the Immortal Gate.    


Xue Han still had not decided if he should wade through this muddy water.    


The Immortal Divine Leaf that Dian Feng had sent him had been undone by him when he went to the Origin Star Mountain to look for someone from the Venerable Emperor Pavilion. Not only did it require him to rebuild the Heavenly Stairway ? Dian Feng even asked him to use his Immortal Realm to fight against the invaders of the previous era.    


Xue Han was still hesitating, he did not know if he should help or not.    


In the contract with Dian Feng, Xue Han had no obligation to help the Immortal Realm s and Source Realm s to battle, but he felt that this was not the time for the Ten Thousand Worlds to fight.    


Therefore, he couldn't make up his mind at the moment, because once he joined the war, he would be stuck in it.    


"This Dian Feng, he really knows how to scheme. He is really plotting something ?" Xue Han sighed and laughed bitterly.    


The reason why Dian Feng invited Xue Han to help was very clear, it was very likely that the battle would involve the. But Dian Feng still resisted, this meant that he had the fighting strength of Immortal King.    


If Xue Han did not help, no matter if it was the people from the previous era winning, or the people from Immortal Realm and Source Realm winning, he would not get a good result.    


They had to at least scram back to the Shura Realm. The people from the previous era would have killed him, and the Immortal Origin Immortal King would have definitely hated his inaction and would have at least chased him away.    


Xue Han didn't want to return to the Shura Realm because he had a premonition a long time ago that the great world known as Shura Realm was slowly collapsing.    


"Little fox ?" "It seems like I have to make a move." Xue Han frowned. Although Dian Feng had told him explicitly, he still had a feeling that Dian Feng was pulling him into the water.    


"Sigh ?" Letting out a light breath of impure air, Xue Han stepped forward, towards the Heaven Stairway.    


"Look, the white-clothed Immortal King is about to ascend to the heavens ? You need to go through the Immortal Realm! " The cultivators outside the Sendai Mountain were excited again.    


"Why doesn't he need to undergo the trial, and doesn't seem to be under pressure?"    


"Are you stupid? He is the Immortal King, and these ninety-nine steps are merely the means of the Immortal King. How can you suppress him? "    


"Ta ta ta ?" Xue Han's footsteps were clear and relaxed as he slowly walked forward.    


Suddenly, he felt his skin flinch. With one step, he crossed over a dozen steps, and with another few steps, he reached the 99th step.    


The Immortal Gate was right in front of him.    


"I can't accept this!" Countless people clenched their iron fists tightly and smashed the objects beside them into pieces, but they were still unable to get rid of the fear in their hearts.    


This was the moment when they were the closest to the Immortal Gate, but they were still unable to step onto it.    


"Lord White Robe Immortal King, please bring us along!" A cultivator of Feathered God Clan could not help but call out.    


"Pa!" This Feathered God Clan Sovereign knelt on the ground and prayed.    




This immediately gave everyone "inspiration", and thus, a large group of cultivators all knelt down in the air or on the ground of Sendai Mountain, kowtowing towards Xue Han, begging him to bring them along.    


Xue Han turned around, his eyebrows knitted tightly as he swept his gaze across them and said: "You guys are not fated to meet me."    


Amongst this group of people, his aptitude seemed to be too poor. If there was someone who could become his disciple, he would definitely bring Immortal Realm. However, not a single person could enter his eyes.    


After he finished speaking, Xue Han turned around and took a step into the towering Immortal Gate.    


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