Super Godly Evolution

C1043 Seamless Purgatory

C1043 Seamless Purgatory

Chu Lin had read the information in his mind. He knew very well that once he fell into a deep slumber, his spiritual body would collapse and he would never be able to come back to life.    


Chu Lin was lying on the ground. He could clearly feel the intense pain dissipating like strands of silk. When the intense pain dissipated, his originally weak body seemed to have become a little more solid.    


This made Chu Lin feel pleasantly surprised. If this was the case, the Xumi Illusion Realm would feel better in the future.    




While Chu Lin's heart was filled with joy, he suddenly felt that the temperature between the heaven and earth had dropped by a lot. He raised his head and saw that the cold wind in the sky had turned into sharp blades that filled the sky.    


"He wants to kill me..."    


Chu Lin looked at the sky. His body was still aching, and he felt a little cold.    


"You are ruthless!" Chu Lin had just spat out a word, and the air was like a storm of blades, directly covering Chu Lin.    


Miserable screams were immediately drowned out by the strong wind.    


A sandstorm as hot as magma, a storm of ice as sharp as blades, and a blizzard that could freeze the entire world into ice.    


Ever since he stepped into this world, Chu Lin felt as if he had fallen into hell. He didn't have a strong body or Gene Energy here. He only had a thin spiritual body. If he wasn't careful, he would really die in this desolate world.    


However, since he had entered this place, there was no way he could turn back. The only thing he could do was to persevere.    


This training was harder than anything else. Fortunately, Chu Lin had mentally prepared himself for this. The difference between the Spirit Intent Stage and the Mental Energy realm was like night and day. If it was so easy to reach the Spirit Intent Stage, then there wouldn't be so few Spirit Intent Stage warriors in this galaxy.    


In order to break through this barrier, one had to experience enough pain.    


The huge hail in the blizzard fell on their faces like rain. The originally dark yellow sand had already turned into a layer of silver. Cold air rose up, and even the air was filled with sharp ice crystal fragments.    


Somewhere in this world of ice and frost, a frail figure was shaking non-stop under the ice crystals and snowflakes. He sat on the ice. His skin was sickly green, and his flesh and bone marrow seemed to have been frozen into a piece of ice.    


Poof, poof, poof -    


Sharp ice shards fell from the sky and cut across his body. Immediately, clear bloody wounds appeared. However, there was no blood in the wounds. It was like a dried corpse that had been dug out of a coffin.    


Long hair hung down slightly, covering a pair of lifeless eyes. There was a rotten atmosphere around him, as if he was half a step into a coffin.    


Sharp ice slices kept cutting across his body. The wound became more and more Secret Techniques, but the figure did not change at all.    


He just sat there quietly. After a day, the ice shards in the air gradually decreased until they stopped.    


As the blizzard stopped, the cold aura that surged in the world also gradually faded.    


When the coldness dissipated, vitality gradually emerged in his lifeless eyes, and then his body began to twist painfully.    


He clenched his fist tightly. His nails dug into his palm. The fine wounds on his body instantly turned blood red. Blood gushed out crazily.    




During the blizzard, his entire body had been eroded by the cold. He was completely numb, and he could not feel any pain. Therefore, even though the ice shards kept falling like blades, he did not react. However, now that the pain had erupted all of a sudden, this sudden pain could instantly destroy a person with a firm heart.    


He let out a deep roar and continued using his power for nearly an hour before he gradually stopped twisting. His body was completely paralyzed, and he did not even have the strength to move a finger.    


"This... this is really killing me."    


Chu Lin's face was buried in the sand and dust. His face was full of helplessness. Chu Lin had already enjoyed this endless pain for more than a month.    


Every day had a different feeling. There were several times when he almost touched death. Although he had always been walking on the edge of death in Chu Lin's adventure, this was the first time he had suffered this kind of pain that he could not resist.    


He must not lose consciousness. The spiritual fights here were crueler than life and death battles. Once he made a mistake, he would be doomed.    


"This blizzard seems to be even more troublesome..."    


Chu Lin felt the Stamina gradually filling up his body. His chaotic mind was slightly clearer. He could vaguely feel that the blizzard in the sky was even more terrifying. It was obvious that every time he went through hardship, he would constantly become stronger. Once his body could not improve along with it, Chu Lin would face collapse.    


It was extremely difficult to survive in this desperate situation!    


The fear of imminent danger forced Chu Lin to constantly become stronger in pain. The only thing that made Chu Lin happy was that his body was slowly becoming stronger.    


The body here was not his real body, but his spiritual body. During the process of getting stronger, the Mental Energy was getting stronger and stronger, and it was getting closer and closer to the Spirit Intent Stage.    


Although this kind of improvement was very slow, it was still a glimmer of hope.    


Hu -    


Chu Lin let out a breath of foul air and looked at the boundless world in front of him. His eyes were filled with an indelible determination. He firmly believed that he would be able to walk out of this Xumi Illusion Realm.    


In the Xumi Illusion Realm. Time was a very fuzzy feeling. Furthermore, the flow of time here was completely different from the outside world. The power of the Black Sky Nether Flower was indeed strange.    


In the beginning, Chu Lin could still estimate the time, but in the midst of pain, he couldn't care less about these things. His entire body and mind were fighting against the pain, and he was still conscious.    


Time flowed without end. Every day's torment would arrive on time, and he would leave on time.    


Six months, one year, five years...    


In the lonely Xumi Illusion Realm, all kinds of suffering continued to occur. That thin figure also held a firm belief and slowly grew stronger in the face of death.    


He held on to his belief, like a butterfly that had gone through a lot of hardships, waiting for the day that he could break the cage and turn into a butterfly.    


It was still a dark yellow sand world. In the sand, dozens of huge sandstorms swept over from different directions, tearing apart the sky and showing off their might.    


Crack, crack, crack -    


The sandstorm whipped the figure, and several sandstorms gathered together. A lone figure slowly crawled out from within.    


What was surprising was that under the fierce bombardment of the sandstorm, the figure did not move at all.    


No matter how the howling and ferocious sandstorm tore at him, it was unable to break his will.    


That person slowly stood up. His eyes were especially deep and deep, like a pitch-black and boundless world within a star field. However, his expression was somewhat blank.    


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