Super Godly Evolution

C855 The Smell of the Black Fog

C855 The Smell of the Black Fog

Chu Lin's eyes were fixed on the three of them. The Gene Energy in his body started surging. In his sea of consciousness, the Mental Energy was roaring like a hurricane. He knew very well that it was definitely harder for him to face Loong Chen and the other two. Furthermore, he had no idea what the level of the black mist in their bodies was.    


He had to be very careful with this move!    


Just as the killing intent in Chu Lin's body was surging, his vision suddenly blurred. In an instant, Loong Chen and the other two disappeared from the mountain at the same time.    


Chu Lin looked at the strange phenomenon in the sky, and his eyes flickered. He didn't panic, but his eyes slightly narrowed. Surging Mental Energy rushed out like a long net, spreading out and sensing any energy fluctuation in the world.    


As a martial artist looked at the phenomenon in the air, their eyes were also solemn. It was clear that they also felt an extremely heavy sense of danger.    


It was easy to dodge a spear in the open, but difficult to defend against a hidden arrow. Enemies hiding in the dark were even more terrifying.    


Deathly silence shrouded the sky. Chu Lin held the Ink Abyss Truncheon in his hand and quietly stood in the air. The surging Gene Energy howled around him.    


"It has completely disappeared..."    


Chu Lin whispered softly. He was surprised to find that even if he spread out his Mental Energy to the extreme, he could not find any traces of Loong Chen and the other two. These three people seemed to have disappeared into thin air.    


Although it was a little strange, Chu Lin was calmer. The noisy noises were completely ignored by Chu Lin. In the entire sky, only Chu Lin stood there quietly.    


His heart was as clear as a mirror, reflecting everything in the sky. In this light, three transparent figures suddenly appeared in Chu Lin's heart.    


However, when Chu Lin saw the three figures, they had already approached him.    


Chu Lin suddenly opened his eyes. The white in his eyes was the color of silvery-white, and his pupils were dark purple. It was extremely strange.    




Three extremely sharp rays of light tore open the space in an instant, and a wave of extremely destructive energy surged outwards. It pierced towards Chu Lin's throat, chest, and back of his heart.    


These three fierce attacks appeared in the blink of an eye, and as everyone cried out in shock, they pierced through Chu Lin's body.    


"Chu Lin was stabbed!"    


Some horrified voices spread out. Loong Chen and the other two men's techniques were so strange that they couldn't defend against them at all.    


"Something is wrong!"    


Soon, another person cried out in alarm. They were shocked to see that when the three black rays struck Chu Lin, not a single drop of blood flowed out. However, Chu Lin's body continued to fade and disappear.    


"These are afterimages!"    


The three of them exclaimed in unison, and their voices resounded in the air. After that, the three of them dashed backwards crazily. Loong Chen and the other two were obviously stunned for a moment. They never thought that Chu Lin would be faster than them. Before their attacks hit Chu Lin, Chu Lin had already disappeared like a ghost, leaving behind an afterimage where he was standing.    


"Be careful!"    


Loong Chen's eyes were gloomy as he shouted in a deep voice.    


Boom! Boom! Boom!    


After he shouted, a huge shadow covered the sky and turned into a huge furnace. The furnace opened its mouth like a strange beast and swallowed the three of them from beginning to end.    


Woosh ~ ~ ~    


The Returning Essence Fire God Furnace swallowed the three of them, and Chu Lin also flashed out. There was a pair of large Wing of Platinum on his back.    


"Senior Brother Du Huangquan, let me help you understand your brother's hatred!"    


Chu Lin looked at the Returning Essence Fire God Furnace with a cold look in his eyes. After that, he moved his body and flew into the Returning Essence Fire God Furnace in an instant.    


He knew very well that Loong Chen and the other two were very difficult to deal with. If he wanted to get rid of them, he would have to use two Rule Wonder.    


Within the Returning Essence Fire God Furnace.    


"Hehe, you actually have a spatial Tianyuan Treasure like this..." Loong Chen looked around the fiery red land and said with a smile.    


"This place is a good place to kill people." Chen Xing smiled. His sharp eyes looked around Chu Lin.    


"Indeed. No matter what methods we use, no one outside knows about this place." Chu Lin replied with a smile.    


"Is that so..."    


Loong Chen nodded his head. Immediately, a cold glint emerged in his eyes, and a mocking look emerged in his eyes, "I really didn't expect that a puny Adversity Stage like you would know about the Black Fog Mutant Beast."    


"You mean to say that you have admitted my previous guess?" Chu Lin looked at Loong Chen.    


This time, Loong Chen did not deny it. A strange smile appeared on his face. He raised his palm and a faint black fog rolled up. It was extremely cold and bloody.    


"As expected."    


Chu Lin's eyes became gloomy. He stared coldly at Loong Chen and the other two, "Previously, you wanted to enter the Abyssal Domain to rescue that sealed Mutant Beast King of the Black Fog, right?"    


"En? You know quite a lot. Did Yin Nanyan tell you that?" Loong Chen opened his mouth and laughed. He had a human-shaped face, and it was unknown when he had a ferocious sawtooth on it. "Why don't you tell me? How is our master doing now? "    


"Do you think that monster will still have a chance to survive under the Core of Lava and Moyuan's heart?" Chu Lin said with a cold snort.    


Loong Chen and the other two's pupils constricted. Anger and coldness surged out of their eyes. Although they knew that it was possible, they were still furious when they heard it.    


"You guys are so cruel... Humph, the three of us can't deal with Yin Nanyan now, but you, I will let you taste what pain is today!" Loong Chen said coldly.    


Chu Lin looked at Loong Chen and the other two who had killing intent flowing in their eyes and laughed along with them, "Since the three of you have a deep connection with the Black Fog Mutant Beast, doesn't that mean that your Shimo Domain is also related to the Black Fog Mutant Beast?"    


After saying this, Chu Lin felt nervous. If only Loong Chen and the other two were related to the Black Fog True Devil, he could just slaughter them all. If this was the case in the entire Shimo Domain, it would be an extremely serious disaster.    


"Although you will certainly die today, as a dead man, you are not qualified to know about such a thing." Loong Chen said with a cold smile.    


"Alright, it's time to end your nonsense. Kid, I'll send you on your way!"    


After saying that, Loong Chen and the other two men's bodies turned cold. Surging Gene Energy surged like a hurricane, and a powerful wind pressure enveloped Chu Lin.    


"This is my territory, it's not your place to be impudent!"    


Chu Lin sneered. Cold killing intent shot out from his eyes. He raised his arm, and the eight directions in the sky started twisting. Eight huge flaming gates appeared.    




The moment the flaming gates appeared, the temperature of the Returning Essence Fire God Furnace soared rapidly. Even the Gene Energy within it became extremely hot.    


Buzz! Buzz!    


The ripples of the Gene Energy that were pressing down on Chu Lin shattered and dissipated when they were still a dozen meters away from him.    


"We can't hold back! Kill him!"    


Loong Chen's eyes widened as he stared at the eight flaming gates in the sky. The violent energy within made him feel a sense of danger. Immediately, his body became saturated with energy. The three of them turned into black smoke at the same time, flashing in a ghostly manner.    


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