Super Godly Evolution

C1016 Balance

C1016 Balance



Chu Lin's expression was ferocious. He didn't try to dodge. Instead, he stretched out his golden palm, which had no flesh and blood, and struck out with a loud bang.    


Buzz ~ ~    


The Golden Jade Palm was like a razor sharp blade. In the next moment, the golden jade palm was about to collide with Zhou Huaiyi's eagle claw.    


The purple lightning, which was powerful enough to electrocute flesh and blood, smashed into the golden jade bone, but it was useless. The golden jade palm pierced through the divine lightning!    


The two of them crossed each other in the air.    


The giant thunder eagle and the golden jade giant in the air also suddenly condensed. Then, like the clear sound of glass exploding, they directly exploded.    


Everyone's eyes were fixed on the two of them, and their hearts were beating rapidly. Who would be the better one in the previous collision?    


The two of them had their backs to each other, and they did not move at all.    


A gentle breeze blew over, lifting up their clothes. Suddenly, there was an explosion, and everyone's eyes narrowed.    


Because they all saw that one of the two people's arms had exploded, and his body fell down like a meteor, crashing into the ground with a loud bang.    


Boom ~ ~ ~    


The ground violently trembled and collapsed. In just a few seconds, a thousand-meter deep pit appeared in the plains, and the deep pit was filled with cracks that were as thick as spider webs.    


Everyone looked straight into the deep pit. Their hearts were beating rapidly. Then, they looked up into the sky. They saw a lone figure standing in the air.    


That figure was thin and extremely miserable. It was Chu Lin.    


Chu Lin's upper body was so thin that no flesh could be seen on it. It was revealed from his sleeve. It's a pair of fine golden bones.    


Fortunately, Chu Lin's internal organs were protected by the Yixing Divine Marrow, so he wasn't destroyed by the Myriad Thunders. Otherwise, he would have been heavily injured and fell to the ground.    


Hu -    


A heavy and thick breath came out of Chu Lin's mouth. Due to the pain of having his flesh shaved off, his body was still in pain. His originally sharp aura had also weakened, and the golden jade color in his deep eyes had completely disappeared.    


To him, this intense battle had consumed too much of his energy.    


Zhou Huaiyi's strength was indeed powerful. If it wasn't for Chu Lin's One Hearted Yixing Divine Marrow, he was afraid that Chu Lin would have been defeated by the Myriad Thunders in this intense battle.    


Traces of Gene Energy were circulating in Chu Lin's body, nourishing his dried up internal organs. The rich Adversity energy was used to heal his severely injured body. On his clean golden bones, pieces of flesh and blood were reforming. It seemed like it would take a lot of time for him to recover.    


As his body was gradually recovering, Chu Lin's sharp eyes swept into the hole. According to the rules of the arena, Zhou Huaiyi had already lost today's match.    


However, although he lost, he didn't die. Previously, Chu Lin had destroyed a part of Zhou Huaiyi's body, but that small injury definitely couldn't kill Zhou Huaiyi.    


"Zhou Huaiyi, is he still alive? Why are you pretending to be a coward?" Chu Lin waited for a while. When he saw Zhou Huaiyi not moving, he let out a cold snort and said.    




Chu Lin said. A huge rock burst out from the hole, and a man staggered out from below.    


Everyone looked over and saw Zhou Huaiyi's body covered in blood. One of his arms had completely exploded, and blood was flowing out from the broken section. It was an extremely miserable sight.    


At this moment, Zhou Huaiyi's Qi was in a state of depression. It was obvious that he had suffered an even more severe injury than Chu Lin.    




Zhou Huaiyi's eyes were blood-red. His fingers were trembling non-stop. His face was filled with anger and killing intent. He had never thought that he would be defeated by Chu Lin just like that.    


How could he, a dignified Devil Immortal of Silver Frost Palace, be defeated by a Middle Period of the Renascence Stage human brat?    


Chu Lin stared coldly at Zhou Huaiyi, whose face was twisted. There was a purple and silver light flashing on his golden fingers. Although he was severely injured, it didn't mean that he had no other choice.    


"Zhou Huaiyi, you have lost this match. Are you going to regret it in front of so many people in the Ancient Elephant Plains?"    


Zi Yue shouted loudly, and then the sound of air being torn could be heard. A few people appeared in front of Chu Lin and protected him. It was Zi Yue who had brought Celestial Devil Dragon and the other two men over.    


Swoosh! Swoosh!    


Zi Yue and the rest moved. Yin Tian and the rest, who had been staring at the change in the situation, also jumped in front of Zhou Huaiyi. Their eyes were filled with an ominous glint as they stared at Chu Lin and the other three.    




As the leaders of both sides stood opposite of each other, the boundless army unleashed their auras. It seemed that if there was a problem, a great war would break out immediately.    


The surrounding warriors were slightly startled by this formation. Immediately, they silently cursed in their hearts. It was obvious that Zhou Huaiyi had lost the battle just now. Was he going back on his word?    


"Brother Zhou..."    


Yin Tian and the others saw all kinds of gazes coming from all directions. They were all a little hesitant. If Zhou Huaiyi really attacked in anger, then the reputation of the Silver Frost Palace would be ruined this time.    


Zhou Huaiyi's face twisted. He stared at Chu Lin for a long time. His killing intent had almost turned into flames that spurted out from his eyes. Fortunately, he was still able to control his rationality. Even at this moment, his rationality was not seized by the killing intent. Immediately, he suppressed all the anger, and his trembling body gradually calmed down.    


"Today's five matches have ended. The Four-Star Alliance and your Silver Frost Palace both won and lost two matches. The final match will be a draw. What else do you have to say? " Chu Lin said coldly.    


A draw was already their goal. Although they were all Apocalyptic Stage warriors, they were still weaker than the five of them. Their opponent had a strong background and had a powerful treasure of destiny. If they really fought, they could easily crush them to death.    


The Four-Star Alliance was supposed to lose the competition, but now, Chu Lin and Zi Yue had tied it. How could Celestial Devil Dragon and the other two not be excited?    


As for winning the competition, they had never thought of it this way from the beginning. After all, the five of them were all famous figures in their respective sects. How could they win so easily?    


Compared to the excitement of Celestial Devil Dragon and the other three, Zhou Huaiyi and the other three had a pale face. They had dominated the entire Celestial Realm for a long time, but in the end, they were defeated by them. A mere Four-Star Alliance, which had just been established not long ago, had been flattened. When this news spread out, it would undoubtedly be a joke to the Silver Frost Palace.    


However, the situation had already reached this stage. No matter what, it couldn't be changed. The only thing that could be done was to have a gloomy expression on his face. Under the shocked gazes of everyone, he had accepted such an unpleasant outcome.    


"Since everyone has agreed to this outcome, your Silver Frost Palace should quickly withdraw from the Ancient Elephant Plains. This Heaven Sunflower Domain will belong to the Four-Star Alliance from now on." Chu Lin chuckled at Zhou Huaiyi. Combined with his bone-like appearance, he looked extremely ferocious.    


"Do you think you deserve to talk like that?" Yin Xuan roared in an extremely violent manner.    


"What? If you think you're not worthy, I'll play with you." Zi Yue coldly harrumphed and glared at Yin Xuan.    


"Chu Lin, it is true that we have underestimated you this time, but don't tell me you really think that Four-Star Alliance can stop us? Remember this clearly, behind the Silver Frost Palace is the Heavenly Thunder Eagles Clan! " Yin Tian said coldly.    


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