Super Godly Evolution

C1134 Comprehension

C1134 Comprehension

Chu Lin was wandering around the Tianwu Sect. The disciples of the Tianwu Sect were walking past him in a hurry. From time to time, a girl with a red face would look at him curiously. All kinds of greetings from Senior Brother Chu Lin were heard, and it was a lively scene.    


Chu Lin had a smile on his face when he saw these disciples of the Tianwu Sect. He gently nodded his head. When he saw those disciples of the Tianwu Sect who respected him, the tension in his heart gradually eased up. It was an extremely comfortable feeling, just like the first time he had joined the Tianwu Sect a few years ago.    


For such a long time, Chu Lin had gone through a lot of life and death experiences. He would often feel extremely tired, but Chu Lin knew that he must not stop. He had a lot of burdens on him. Once he stopped, then the Tianwu Sect might turn into ruins under the Demon Claw of Shimo Domain. The seniors and junior brothers and sisters that he cherished. And they would also be destroyed in the flames of war.    


Chu Lin walked onto a cultivation platform with a very comfortable feeling. Under the platform, the Heavenly Spring River was flowing rapidly. Many disciples of the Tianwu Sect were following the river and absorbing the Heavenly Spring Drops in the air.    


The extension of the peaceful feeling made Chu Lin feel extremely comfortable.    


Ten days had passed since the destruction of the Shimo Domain. Chu Lin's injuries had fully recovered. During these ten days, he was completely relaxed and forgot about everything else.    


Tian Zhen and the others knew what Chu Lin was thinking, so they didn't bother him with all the messy things. They just let Chu Lin stroll around the Tianwu Sect all day long. It was a unique scenery in the Tianwu Sect.    


Chu Lin sat quietly beside the Heavenly Spring River. His eyes fell on the cold sound of the flowing river. After a while, he seemed to be tired. His eyes gradually closed, and his vision turned dark.    


It was dark in front of him, but Chu Lin's heart was as bright as a lamp. He could clearly feel the entire Tianwu Sect, every movement in the Tianwu Sect, as well as the ecstasy and pride of the people.    


Time flew on the platform. When the disciples of the Tianwu Sect who were cultivating bitterly stood up, they saw Chu Lin's motionless figure. Suddenly, their eyes lit up. It was as if they had become one with the heaven and earth, and their Qi had completely vanished.    


All the disciples of the Tianwu Sect had blank expressions on their faces. They started discussing amongst themselves in surprise. As the commotion grew, a large number of disciples gathered around curiously. It was as if Chu Lin had turned into a stone statue, and no one could sense him at all.    


Tian Zhen and the others were gradually alarmed. They looked at Chu Lin, who had stopped circulating the Gene Energy and Mental Energy in his body. Their faces were filled with shock. Although they didn't know why Chu Lin had become like this, it was obvious that Chu Lin was in an extremely critical and profound state.    


In the path of martial arts, bitter cultivation was the foundation, but opportunities were more important. If there was a chance to gain enlightenment, it would be even better than decades of bitter seclusion. The current Chu Lin was in such a situation.    


Therefore, Tian Zhen evacuated a large number of Tianwu Sect disciples and cleared this place, in order to avoid disturbing Chu Lin's enlightenment.    


On top of a mountain in the Tianwu Sect, Melting Devil was sitting in a pool of magma. He was also looking at the thin figure on the platform. There was a strange light flashing in his eyes, and a surprised expression could be seen on his face.    


The figure beside the Heavenly Spring River. He had been sitting there for more than a month, and his figure was like an immovable boulder. He didn't have the slightest bit of Qi, and even the temperature on his body had completely disappeared, making him look like a cold stone statue.    


Not to mention the ordinary disciples of the Tianwu Sect, even Tian Zhen and the others were shocked by this phenomenon. They had never seen such a situation before. They only vaguely knew a thing or two about it from some ancient books. They had given strict orders not to disturb Chu Lin, or even enter within a mile of him.    


Time passed quickly. While the disciples of Tianwu Sect were having doubts in their hearts, some of them could faintly feel that there seemed to be an extremely powerful energy gathering above the Tianwu Sect.    


The energy was illusory but it gave people a heavy feeling of oppression. Only those who were proficient in the spirit reader Dao could sense that the energy was real and they were slightly shocked.    


As time passed, the surging Mental Energy in the air became more and more dense. From time to time, there would be the sound of thunder shaking incessantly, as if it contained a destructive power that caused people to tremble all over.    


Tian Zhen and the others also sighed helplessly. Then, they looked at Chu Lin, who was sitting upright. The power in the sky was getting stronger and stronger, and even they would find it hard to withstand it. As for Chu Lin, who was standing at the center of the power... No one knew what kind of terrifying power he was enduring, but the heavy Mental Energy in the sky was just too powerful. Once it was out of control, the entire Tianwu Sect would suffer.    


Although they were very worried, Tian Zhen and the others could do nothing about it. They could only continue to wait.    


Another two months passed, and the gradually heavy pressure finally changed.    


Boom! Boom!    


The disciples of the Tianwu Sect were doing their daily homework, but today was obviously different. From morning onwards, the sky was dark, and the sound of thunder could be heard. It was even more frequent than before.    


At noon, the sky was already pitch black. Dark clouds were rolling in the sky, and rumbling sounds could be heard from time to time. The sound was so loud that it could shake the heaven and earth.    


Boom! Boom!    


The Tianwu Sect was illuminated by a bolt of lightning, making it look like it was daytime. The Gene Energy in the sky was also burning intensely.    


The experts of the Tianwu Sect looked at the sky with a heavy expression. Their eyes were twitching. The lightning of this level, even an Apocalyptic Stage warrior would be turned into ashes in an instant.    


A large number of Tianwu Sect disciples looked at the sky in shock, dodging in all directions. In the midst of this lightning, humans seemed extremely tiny.    


The lightning gathered and gradually reached its peak. However, at the moment when the thunder rumbled, there was only silence.    


It was a brief moment of silence. After that, everyone's pupils shrank. The dark clouds in the sky were crushed. Lightning flashed and surged out, pouring down like a waterfall.    


All the disciples of the Tianwu Sect had pale faces.    


The lightning that looked like a devil dragon bared its fangs and brandished its claws. In just a few seconds, it had arrived in front of the quiet figure in front of the Heavenly Spring River.    


The figure had unknowingly raised his head to look at the lightning, even though his figure was extremely smiling under the lightning. However, when the people of Tianwu Sect saw that man, the worries in their hearts dissipated completely.    


They had always believed that as long as that man was still alive, their Tianwu Sect would never fall. This was their belief.    


There was no reason, but everyone was firm and unwavering.    


The lightning devil dragon roared and rushed forward with a destructive force.    


Chu Lin raised his eyes. His deep eyes reflected the lightning in the sky. After that, he moved and flew into the sky, allowing the lightning to cover him.    


Cries of surprise sounded in the Tianwu Sect, but they soon disappeared because everyone saw that the Devil Thunder stopped when it was a thousand meters away from the Tianwu Sect.    


"Look over there!"    


A man cried out in shock. Everyone looked over and saw a huge wave of lightning surging in the center of the lightning. It was a ferocious howl, like a long worm being pinched by an invisible giant hand.    


Chu Lin closed his eyes and gently waved his hand. The invisible giant hand crushed the lightning and the heavy dark clouds immediately disappeared.    


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