Super Godly Evolution

C1466 Luo Su's Acting

C1466 Luo Su's Acting

Chu Lin and Sky Mark Sovereign's faces were filled with shock. They put away the Heavenly Dao Jade Plate and bowed respectfully to Sky Mark Sovereign once more.    


When the two of them bowed, Sky Mark Sovereign had a smile on his face. Then, he sat down on the chair. The radiance in his eyes quickly dimmed and completely disappeared.    


After the light in his eyes disappeared, Sky Mark Sovereign's body quickly turned into a stone statue with a gentle expression.    


When Chu Lin and Sky Mark Sovereign raised their heads, they saw Sky Mark Sovereign who had turned into a stone statue and sighed. They knew very well that Sky Mark Sovereign, who had led them to the Zhanwen Family, had left the world forever.    


Luo Su was a little depressed. After a while, she said softly, "It's time for us to leave."    


Chu Lin nodded. He was already satisfied that he was able to obtain the inheritance of the Zhanwen Family in this trip to the remains of the dead spirits, even though it was not complete, no matter what. The path of becoming a disciple of the Zhanwen Family was no longer a complete mystery to him.    


Luo Su was about to leave when her body trembled and her brows furrowed. A jade talisman flew over from the sky. She grabbed the jade talisman and sensed the information inside. Her facial expression changed instantly.    


"What's wrong?" Chu Lin saw his expression and immediately asked.    


"During the time we arrived here, the Four Gods Array of our teacher in the remains of the dead souls had all collapsed. All the major powers were fighting over the ancient remains, while Profound God Tao and Dark Cloud Palace were fighting over the Profound Spirit Realm." Luo Su said in a deep voice.    




Chu Lin's expression changed drastically when he heard that. Fury rose in his eyes. These people were really annoying. Currently, the army of Profound Spirit Realm was in the Four Gods Array, so they shouldn't be able to provide any support to the outside world. Without the five armies, Profound Spirit Realm would definitely be weak. Although Qian Tong, Collapsing Mountain Soldier Lord, and the others were not weak, they definitely couldn't fight against the Profound God Tao and Dark Cloud Palace.    


"Miss Luo Su, although we have a very pleasant cooperation this time, the Profound God Tao and the Profound Spirit Realm are irreconcilable enemies. I'm afraid we will have to meet on the battlefield in the future." Chu Lin sighed and spoke in a deep voice.    


Luo Su sighed softly and said, "I don't have any relationship with Profound God Tao. If it wasn't for them forcing me, I wouldn't have helped Profound God Tao in the slightest."    


Chu Lin was stunned. This girl was clearly a capable general of the Profound God Tao. Why did she do this? Chu Lin did not understand the reason.    


"My hometown was a small universe at the border of the Profound God Tao. I was the royal family in that small universe. Later, the news of me possessing excellent combat intent and talent was leaked. The Profound God Tao invited my hometown to merge with the Profound God Tao. We just want to develop on our own. We are not willing to participate in the matters of the Profound God Tao, but later on... A mysterious force annihilated my hometown, and the warriors of the Profound God Tao happened to come and rescue me. "    


Luo Su spoke coldly. When mentioning the Profound God Tao, she didn't look like a benefactor at all.    


Chu Lin pondered for a moment, then he said, "The one who killed your hometown, was it the people of the Profound God Tao?"    


"Humph, they thought they were hiding it well."    


Luo Su coldly harrumphed, "The Profound God Tao took away all my family members. They also asked me to lead the army to serve them. My sister was tortured by the evil divine ability of the mysterious man. She fell into a nightmare and became a vegetable. Only the Profound God Tao's Thoughtless Soul Pill could save her. However, the Profound God Tao was unwilling to provide it. They wanted me to serve them forever."    


At this point, Luo Su clenched her fists tightly, and her eyes were filled with hatred.    


Chu Lin was silent. He didn't think that Luo Su would carry such hatred on her back. She was only showing off in the Profound God Tao.    


"I understand." Chu Lin sighed softly.    


Luo Su looked into the distance. "As long as I advance to the Zhanwen Family, the Profound God Tao won't dare to punish me as they wish."    


"One day, I will pay them back for what they gave me!"    


Chu Lin nodded slightly, "Then you have to be careful. Zheng Yinghao is a very evil man."    


"I won't attack you this time. You can kill anyone from the Profound God Tao as you wish." Luo Su said with a smile.    


Chu Lin was stunned. Luo Su was completely under someone's control. How could she guarantee that she wouldn't attack?    


"Hehe, as long as I am injured and can't control the army, they can't force me." Luo Su lightly laughed, and then her palm suddenly slapped her abdomen.    


Puff ~ ~ ~    


Blood was red and Luo Su's face was also much paler. Chu Lin quickly went forward to support her but was stopped by Luo Su.    


"I'm fine. It's just some minor injuries." Luo Su smiled weakly. "After that, when I went out, I said that I was injured by you. I did not deploy any troops around me. It would not be strange if I were to be injured by you."    


Chu Lin was stunned and felt grateful. "Thank you for your help this time. I will remember your kindness in my heart."    


If Luo Su participated in this battle, even if Luo Su could not defeat Chu Lin, she would definitely fight Chu Lin for a long time. If that was the case, Qian Tong and the others would surely suffer heavy losses in the battle against the Profound God Tao and Dark Cloud Palace.    


"I can only help you this much, but even so, it will be very difficult for the Profound Spirit Realm to fight against the Profound God Tao and Dark Cloud Palace. You must be very careful." Luo Su said in a deep voice.    


Chu Lin nodded slightly, his eyes suddenly became extremely sharp. "Hehe, those people thought that they could devour our Profound Spirit Realm. I'm afraid Zheng Yinghao doesn't have the ability to do so!"    


Luo Su smiled lightly. "Then I will go first."    


Luo Su directly flew out. After a while, Chu Lin waited for a while before he quickly flew out. It looked like he was aggressive and looked like he was determined to kill the strong person.    


The two of them came out from the passage they came from. After the two of them left the passage, the entire reddish-brown world was dead silent. Perhaps no one would visit this small plane that had been opened by itself again. Until it was completely destroyed and turned into ashes.    




Rustle -    


After Luo Su and Chu Lin left this place, the deafening sounds of fighting broke into their ears. The entire world was filled with violent and violent fighting intent.    


The place where the two of them stood was still the Four Gods Array. However, the Four Gods Array had completely shattered, and the four ferocious Battle Spirit inside had long disappeared.    


Chu Lin immediately looked at the five armies of Profound Spirit Realm in the Tiger Pattern Formation. Due to the lack of Chu Lin's control and the power of the Battle Spirit, they couldn't even break through the Tiger Pattern Formation that was about to break.    


The other two formations were empty. That was where the Dragon Pattern Formation and the Wolf Pattern Formation were located. This was where Soong Jianshu and the three armies had deployed their armies. They had already broken through their respective formations and left.    


"Soong Jianshu has also charged out!"    


Chu Lin's eyes narrowed when he saw this.    


Within the shattered Four Gods Array, Chu Lin gazed into the distance. Violent energy surged violently. Figures broke through the sky one after another, and a fierce battle broke out. The entire world had fallen into a chaotic battle.    


Vaguely, Chu Lin saw several people struggling under the siege. Those were the people from Profound Spirit Realm!    


When Chu Lin saw this, his eyes turned cold.    


Luo Su, who was in front of him, immediately threw a look at Chu Lin when she saw him. Then, she fled frantically towards where Xuan Su Army was. She looked miserable and resentful. "Chu Lin, you hurt me today. I will kill you sooner or later!"    


The voice spread far and wide, causing the entire chaotic battlefield to pause for a moment. Everyone looked at Chu Lin with shock in their hearts.    


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