Super Godly Evolution

C226 Kill!

C226 Kill!



Chu Lin put down the book in his hand and looked up helplessly.    


"Sir, miss Hanyan asked us to bring you dinner. Please open the door and enjoy it!"    


"Come in!" Chu Lin frowned slightly. He had just finished practicing the Blood Sacrifice Technique, so it did not matter if he was disturbed. If he was disturbed while practicing the Blood Sacrifice Technique, Chu Lin would be furious.    


But... Chu Lin felt it was a little strange.    


The waiter pushed the dining cart into the room. Not only was there a huge plate on the dining cart, there was also an exquisite small stool. It was extremely considerate.    


The waiter put down the cart and slowly retreated, "Mr. Chulin, miss Hanyan ordered you to enjoy the food as soon as possible. If the food is cold, miss Hanyan will be unhappy..."    




Chu Lin frowned. Liu Hanyan would never say such things to him.    


On the journey, Liu Hanyan would sometimes quietly wait for Chu Lin. Once, she accidentally sprained her ankle and her bones were dislocated. She had to trouble Senior to go out and hunt for food. Chu Lin was immersed in his cultivation, so Liu Hanyan forcefully endured the pain in her ankle.    


Until Lao Yuquan came back, her ankle had swelled by 20%.    


Liu Hanyan knew very well that Chu Lin was addicted to cultivation, and it was life-threatening to interrupt his cultivation. Liu Hanyan would not rush him over such a small matter!    


The waiter did not realize that he had said something wrong. He put down his things and left carefully. Chu Lin's sense of humor had always followed him.    


Outside the secret room, the waiter carefully slipped to a corner, about a hundred meters away from the secret room. A group of several dozen people, Awakened Practitioner's team, was waiting for him.    


"The dining cart has been pushed in!"    


Awakened Practitioner, who was leading the group, asked impatiently. The order was issued by the Wan Family's Auction. The reward was rich and the danger level was low. Such a good thing needed to be taken care of by the Wan Family's Auction.    




The attendant snorted coldly. "I have good news. That kid vomited blood while cultivating! The entire room was filled with the stench of blood clots. Furthermore, his face was pale white. It's definitely not fake!"    




The person opposite him smiled and said: "Looks like our luck today is pretty good. Let's wait a little longer then. If that kid eats the food with extra ingredients, plus there's a mistake in his cultivation, our deal is a sure win! "    




Although Chu Lin could not hear what was being said outside the secret chamber, the cold expression on the other party's face and the sinister smile on his face indicated the ill intentions of the dozens of Awakened Practitioner!    


Chu Lin let out a cold snort and gently opened the lid of the silver plate.    


A fresh seafood dish was emitting a tempting fragrance. Even Chu Lin, who was not hungry, could not help but raise his eyebrows. There was something here that the other party had spent a lot of money on.    




Chu Lin was very worried about Liu Hanyan's current condition and did not have time to play with them!    


Outside the secret room, dozens of Awakened Practitioner patiently waited. They all held weapons in their hands, and the two leading Awakened Practitioner even took out his Genetic Weapon!    


As long as they completed this order, the Wan Family's Auction promised to customize a Genetic Weapon for them. This was much better than the incomplete Genetic Weapon they had taken from others!    




There was a rapid scream of pain in the secret chamber. The scream was shrill and short, followed by a whimper.    


It was done!    


The mercenaries saw joy in each other's eyes. They heard that this kid accompanied Liu Hanyan all the way from Great River City to City of The Ruins. They thought that he was very strong. It was because they thought highly of this kid! They did not even have this bit of vigilance!    


"Charge in!"    


Bang -    


Awakened Practitioner, who was leading the way, kicked open the door and stepped into the secret room. However, there was nothing in front of him. The dining car and the plates were all placed in the room.    


Where is he?    


"Is he looking for me?"    


Chu Lin jumped down from the roof. The Crimson Dragon Calamity pierced down his head, and the blood-red spike turned into a vortex, bringing with it a rain of blood.    


This was bad!    


The mercenary leader raised his thick blade to block the attack.    


"Ding -"    


The snow-white back of the blade had a hint of red. Then, the entire spike of the Crimson Dragon Calamity pierced through the back of the blade. This Genetic Weapon that had accompanied him for several years was like tofu in front of the Crimson Dragon Calamity. It was shredded into pieces.    


"Light of Martial Life!"    


The mercenary leader roared. A layer of snow-white transparent eggshell lit up on the light leather armor. The fragment of the Genetic Weapon shot into the light screen and shot out.    


"Crimson Dragon Calamity Extinguish!"    


The sharp tip of the blood-red thorn released a thick bloody smell. It was as if the Crimson Dragon Calamity was born to drink blood and live. The bloody smell was so thick that it seemed to be real. During the stabbing process, it pulled up several bloody red ribbons.    


Crack! Crack!    


The Crimson Dragon Calamity stabbed into the defense of the "Light of Martial Life." The thin layer of egg shell was unable to bear the heavy burden. It suddenly lit up for a short moment, and then its piercing eyes lit up. Then, it quickly dimmed down.    


Crack! Crack! Crack!    


The top of the egg shell cracked open, and the tip of the Crimson Dragon Calamity pierced into the "Light of Martial Life" protection!    


As an expert with eight gene chain, this "Martial Life Light" was the genetic talent of his eighth gene chain. Its defensive ability was extremely outstanding. It could be said that no one at the same level could break through him!    


However, with just the power of the opponent's stab, the "Light of Martial Life" lost its bright light and turned into a transparent glass ornament.    


"You can kill me with just two moves?"    


In the mercenary captain's heart, his heart felt like the protective shield above his head had cracked.    


"No, I can kill you with one stab!"    


Chu Lin had a cold smile on his face, and he exerted even more strength in his hand.    




The fragile egg shell exploded and the Crimson Dragon Calamity plunged into the head of the mercenary leader.    


"Absolute Domain!"    


Excluding the eight gene chain powerhouses, the rest were just a bunch of small shrimps with four or five gene chain.    


"Divine Flame Fire Fist!"    




A fist carrying explosive flames smashed down, and the human figure was sent flying. The weaker ones were charred on the spot!    


Chu Lin's flaming palm tightly grabbed the deputy captain of the mercenaries who was disguised as a waiter. "Tell me, where are Liu Hanyan and Lao Yuquan?"    


"I... Cough cough!"    


The deputy captain's tears and snot flowed. He choked under the flame and could not speak.    


Chu Lin threw the deputy captain to the ground, his eyes coldly staring at him, "Tell me honestly, where are they?"    


"I... don't know!"    




Chu Lin executed him with a kick. He looked at the main building of Wan Family's Auction with a cold gaze. He thought it was a happy reunion, but who knew it was just a dirty trap!    


It was rare that he wanted to settle down, but these people could not do what he wanted! Then don't blame me, Chu Lin, for starting a massacre!    




The flame burned in the secret chamber, and the green smoke floated up for over a hundred meters. The entire Wan Family's Auction could see the raging flames in the distance.    


When they noticed the smoke with particles, all the alarms in various places kept ringing.    


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