Super Godly Evolution

C216 He Was Crazily Vomiting Blood

C216 He Was Crazily Vomiting Blood



Chu Lin spat out another mouthful of grayish-brown liquid. The rotting blood emitted an indescribable stench that could make one's heart feel stifled and want to vomit out the dinner from yesterday. The smell quickly spread throughout the entire tent.    


Liu Hanyan used her sleeve to cover her mouth and nose. If it was not for the conch air thorn tearing a meter long hole in the tent and the cold wind whistling in from outside, Liu Hanyan would probably run away and not dare to stay in the tent for a moment.    


Chu Lin and Lao Yuquan seemed to not be able to smell the stench, and their expressions were the same as usual as they did their own things.    


Chu Lin was focused on his cultivation and had no time to care about external things. Whether it was the pursuit of Rigid Pterygoid Association or Yi Yun's meteoric rise under Xingyun Devil Master's hands, Chu Lin suddenly poured all of his thoughts into his cultivation. Only by possessing strength could he take back everything that belonged to him!    


Lao Yuquan was a research maniac. Chu Lin, a cultivation genius, was right in front of him. He wished he could stick to Chu Lin's body and carefully sense how Chu Lin was able to produce one Secret Techniques per hour!    


"Strange, this is really strange! This is too scary! "    


Lao Yuquan stared at the sticky and rotten blood and saw that the grayish-brown blood was exactly the same as what was described in the Blood Sacrifice Technique. It was no different from the memories of Lao Yuquan when he was young. In Floating Frost Hall, other than his master who had passed away long ago, no one else had mastered the Blood Sacrifice Technique!    


After saying that, Lao Yuquan took a sniff of the rotting blood that was emitting a strange smell and nodded his head in satisfaction.    


This caused Liu Hanyan to feel nauseous and could only look away.    


"Not bad, not bad!"    


Chu Lin's face was pale, and his heart was overjoyed. His blood energy had emptied, and the completion of the Dark Demon Touch gene chain had increased by three percent!    


As for the matter of replenishing the Gene Energy and blood energy, wouldn't it just be a matter of eating and drinking?    


Chu Lin took out a large number of fresh materials from the nanomachine, such as dragon leg meat, mutated bat wings, and worm meat. Chu Lin did not refuse and directly bit down and swallowed them.    


Chu Lin directly ordered the Gene Panel to extract the exotic beast materials that he ate into his stomach. Under the continuous consumption of gene energy, his blood and Qi recovered very quickly. These fresh exotic beast materials were filled with all kinds of gene fragments, which were great tonics after practicing the Blood Sacrifice Spell!    


Liu Hanyan saw Chu Lin bite a piece of the Horned Demon Dragon's leg and cut it open. Her beautiful eyes were wide open, and she quickly said to stop him.    


"Many of Chu Lin's meat is poisonous. If you eat it without processing, you will get sick easily!"    


"It's fine..."    


Chu Lin swallowed and replied with a whimper. The blood and Qi in his body recovered quickly. His eyes looked at Lao Yuquan, who had an inquisitive look on his face.    


"Thank you, senior! This secret manual! Do you have any more?"    


Lao Yuquan's body trembled. If Chu Lin continued to learn it like this... He was afraid that in half a month's time, the entire Floating Frost Hall would be emptied!    


"Cough cough!" Lao Yuquan pretended to pat his chest. "Chu Lin, I do have a lot of secret manuals, but these are the secret manuals of Floating Frost Hall. They are not from Floating Frost Hall. They are not allowed to be passed on to outsiders! You are making things difficult for me! "    


" Oh? " Chu Lin's eyes lit up. This old man still had a lot of strange techniques like this? Floating Frost Hall? It sounded interesting. He didn't know how long it would take for him to learn it. "Then I'll join Floating Frost Hall!"    


"Cough cough!"    


Lao Yuquan almost choked to death. This was the first time he had seen such a childish way of acknowledging a master. After thinking for a while, he shook his head and refused.    


"About this, I will observe and observe again. If Chu Lin really meets the criteria of my Floating Frost Hall to accept a disciple, I can accept a disciple on behalf of my master! Furthermore, the geniuses of Floating Frost Hall have fallen. Now, I am the only old man left... "    


Floating Frost Hall had existed for a hundred years. If he really accepted a genius as soon as he saw one, he wouldn't have fallen to the level of an old man.    


Lao Yuquan strictly abided by the rules of the Floating Frost Hall. He only recruited those young talents with talent and a bottom line. If they had talent, they should at least be at the entrance level of the imperial city college, right? Having a bottom line was also commendable in this chaotic world.    


It was no wonder that Floating Frost Hall could not even recruit an apprentice after so many years.    


Chu Lin answered seriously, "Alright, if my talent is in the eyes of old senior Lao Yuquan, please tell me, I will definitely join the Floating Frost Hall!"    


Then I will learn all of your Secret Techniques!    


"Good, good..." Lao Yuquan narrowed his old eyes. He gently stroked his beard and smiled.    


"Who is it?"    


Chu Lin suddenly turned around.    


He looked sternly at the hole in the tent, which was blowing in the cold wind. It was dark outside. The torches in the camp were flashing, but there was nothing.    


"Is anyone there?" Liu Hanyan quickly stood up and took the opportunity to run out of the tent. She looked around and took a breath of fresh air at the same time.    


Lao Yuquan also jumped out of the tent and looked down at the yellow sand carefully. He did not see any trace of it.    


"The sand on the ground other than our footprints, we did not find anyone else!"    


Chu Lin frowned as he stood at the entrance of the tent. The cold wind whistled by his ears and the sand hit his face.    


That feeling just now was definitely not wrong! His sense of humor sensed a fluctuation. At the entrance of the tent, the other party disappeared very quickly. Even Chu Lin could not see the other party's appearance clearly.    


"What a strange technique!"    


"What's wrong?" Lao Yuquan asked with concern.    


"Nothing! I might have seen wrongly!" Chu Lin chuckled.    


A hundred meters away from Chu Lin's tent, a figure suddenly appeared in the desert. He opened his mouth and spat out dinner mixed with gastric juices.    


"It really stinks..."    


The black figure wiped the cold sweat off his head. His concealing ability was first-rate. As long as he did not want to expose himself, even bloodline experts would not be able to find him.    


It was just that he hid at the hole in the tent. The strange rotting blood inside gushed out in waves. At first, he could forcefully hold his breath, but later on, he could not help but take a deep breath.    


The strange smell entered his brain and could not be removed. A desire to vomit rolled out of his stomach. At the same time, Chu Lin noticed it.    


"Luckily, I have a secret escape technique!"    


The black shadow panted and felt that he had recovered for a while. He stood up and walked into the tent.    


When the people in the tent saw the person who came, they saw that his legs were trembling and his face was pale. They could not help but be surprised.    


"Hu Jiu? What's wrong with you? You went to look for a woman again? "    


Hu Jiu waved his hand and poured water into his mouth. He knew that he would wash away all the messy smells before he shook his head and said," Zhou Zhun, I found a fat sheep. Do you want a bite? "    


When the brawny man called Zhou Zhun heard the word fat sheep, his eyes suddenly lit up and his body leaned forward.    


"Is it reliable? How fat is it? How strong is he? "    


" In short, three men and one bear. The strongest hasn't awakened their bloodline yet. The weakest woman only has two or three gene chain! "    


Hu Jiu's face bloomed with a smile. "Moreover, the strongest young man's cultivation is interrupted. He's crazily vomiting blood!"    


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