Super Godly Evolution

C68 Thought

C68 Thought

Chu Lin's luck was pretty good. He had successfully extracted the Scarlet Blood Frenzy Dragon gene in one go, and the improvement of the Scarlet Blood Frenzy Dragon gene had increased by a lot.    


When he extracted Awakened Practitioner from the Crimson Dragon Family, the improvement of the Scarlet Blood Frenzy Dragon gene was negligible.    


It was probably because the purity of the Crimson Dragon's gene was too weak.    


This situation was the same when Chu Lin extracted Yuan Liang's Sand Wolf Gene.    


If the talent of the genes was not pure, the efficiency of the extraction would be very low.    


On the contrary, when Chu Lin was extracting the genes from the Blood-Thirsty Furious Ant and Shadow Furious Dargon, the improvement of his genes was extremely fast.    


"Looks like I can only increase my strength even faster by coming into contact with the powerful mutated beast!"    


Chu Lin thought to himself.    


He did not stop the gene extraction. The energy he had stored earlier was being consumed at a rapid rate.    


Even so, Chu Lin's progress was still very slow.    


After all, Chu Lin didn't have enough Intermediate Energy. Now, he could only rely on the low level gene extraction. The success rate was very low.    


At this rate, even if Chu Lin used up all his energy, he might not be able to complete the Scarlet Blood Frenzy Dragon gene.    


He had to think of a way.    


Chu Lin frowned slightly. He looked at this huge being that could still bring great pressure to people even if it was in a deep sleep.    


A light flashed in his mind. Suddenly, an idea that even he himself felt was very terrifying emerged in his mind.    


The success rate of a simple low level gene extraction was too low.    


However, there was one method that could greatly increase the success rate of a gene extraction, and that was to obtain the Shadow Furious Dargon's blood.    


It was the same for humans, but obtaining the blood of others would always make them feel strange.    


Even if Chu Lin didn't care about other people's judgment, the biggest secret on Chu Lin's body could also be exposed.    


This was not worth it.    


However, obtaining the blood of the mutated beast was no big deal. The blood of many mutated beast were common raw materials. The more powerful the mutated beast was, the more precious its blood would be.    


For example, although the blood of the Blood-Thirsty Furious Ant was not valuable, it could be used as the raw material to brew a low-grade wine. This kind of wine was the favorite drink of mercenaries.    


The blood of higher-grade mutated beast could be used to make some Gene Drug, and some could be used to make some Genetic Weapon.    


Chu Lin's gene extraction's ability was limited. The higher level the gene, the lower the probability of extracting it.    


Although the Shadow Furious Dargon was in a deep sleep, Chu Lin could still feel the enormous pressure it brought. Under the enhancement of the Nether Wolf Gene, this kind of pressure was clearly transmitted to Chu Lin.    


"I never thought that this Shadow Furious Dargon really existed. What kind of strength does it have? Is it really as terrifying as the rumors say it can easily destroy the Roaring Tribe?"    


Yi Yun saw that the Shadow Furious Dargon was in a deep slumber and had not made any movements. Her courage also increased.    


Yi Yun took two steps closer and opened her eyes wide to carefully observe the Shadow Furious Dargon as she muttered to herself.    


"Whether it is so terrifying or not, we will know when we try."    


As if answering Yi Yun's question, Chu Lin lightly said a sentence, and then slowly walked to the side of the Shadow Furious Dargon.    


The black gas that was produced from the Shadow Furious Dargon seemed to have its own consciousness. Sensing Chu Lin's approach, they all swept towards him.    


This black gas was more like an octopus without a physical body. It stretched out many tentacles, wanting to wrap around Chu Lin's body.    


"Chu Lin, be careful."    


Yi Yun saw that this black gas could actually move on its own. She could not help but exclaim and remind him.    


But Yi Yun suddenly reacted. What Chu Lin said just now seemed to mean that he wanted to fight the Shadow Furious Dargon.    


Yi Yun stared at Chu Lin.    


Black gas spread out from the Shadow Furious Dargon's body. The black gas surrounded Chu Lin but could not get close to him.    


Chu Lin was now like a ray of light, walking in the darkness. No matter where he went, the black gas around him would dissipate, leaving a clean circular space.    


It was as if the black gas was afraid of Chu Lin.    


Yi Yun, who discovered this phenomenon, was somewhat confused. After all, she did not even feel a trace of Gene Energy fluctuation.    


Chu Lin was able to make these black gases not dare to approach him without activating his genetic talent. This was too miraculous.    


Chu Lin walked to the side of the Shadow Furious Dargon. He sized up the thick skin of the Shadow Furious Dargon.    


Chu Lin stretched out his hand and touched the skin of the Shadow Furious Dargon.    


Its skin felt hard, as if he had touched a piece of rock.    


This was enough to prove that the grade of the Shadow Furious Dargon was far higher than all the mutated beast Chu Lin had seen so far.    


"Chu Lin, what do you want?"    


Yi Yun saw Chu Lin's actions. The mood that she had just tried to calm down immediately became anxious again. She said in a worried tone.    


Chu Lin did not respond at this time. His eyes were focused on the Shadow Furious Dargon.    


After that, Chu Lin's eyes flashed with a gloomy light. He found a weak spot on the surface of the Shadow Furious Dargon.    


The Gene Energy was slowly activated from his body.    


Chu Lin clenched his fists. He pressed his feet against the ground with force. Then, he half-squatted and used his waist to exert force.    


Chu Lin shouted out loudly. He circulated all the strength in his body and gathered the Gene Energy at a point on his fist. He aimed at the weak spot on the Shadow Furious Dargon's skin and hit it hard.    


Yi Yun saw Chu Lin's action and immediately shouted.    


His fist carried a strong Gene Energy and a huge force as it ruthlessly smashed onto the Shadow Furious Dargon's skin.    


Even a powerful person with five gene chain might not be able to withstand Chu Lin's strength without using the Gene Energy, let alone a Shadow Furious Dargon with a weak spot on its skin.    


This punch shattered the Shadow Furious Dargon's rock-hard skin. Dark red blood instantly sprayed out from the spot where Chu Lin had punched.    


After Chu Lin broke the Shadow Furious Dargon's skin, he would definitely awaken the sleeping Shadow Furious Dargon.    


Fear appeared in Yi Yun's eyes. She covered her face in despair. She did not even dare to look at the scene in front of her.    


However, they didn't know whether it was because the Crimson Dragon Family had prepared too well or because the Shadow Furious Dargon was too powerful.    


Even though Chu Lin's powerful punch had injured its skin, the Shadow Furious Dargon showed no signs of waking up. It didn't even make a sound.    


Chu Lin frowned slightly. It seemed like awakening the Shadow Furious Dargon was not as easy as he had imagined.    


However, he had achieved his goal. Without awakening the Shadow Furious Dargon, it would be more convenient for Chu Lin to extract the Shadow Furious Dargon's gene.    


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