Super Godly Evolution

C237 Breakthrough with All His Might!

C237 Breakthrough with All His Might!

In the secret chamber.    


Chu Lin flipped through the book for a long time, but it was written in ancient language. Even the words were very different from the modern Mandarin. The entire book was difficult to understand and difficult to understand!    


Chu Lin helplessly picked up the tattered booklet and carefully read it.    


Bloodline awakening referred to Awakened Practitioner's special bloodline awakening behavior after reaching ten gene chain. After opening the gene lock, Awakened Practitioner's gene chain would awaken a special bloodline!    


As long as he had ten gene chain, he would be able to awaken his bloodline! Some people quickly passed this stage. Some people were stuck at the completion of ten gene chain, and were only half a step away!    


There were many ways to help Awakened Practitioner cross this half a step away from the Heavenly Chasm, such as life and death stimulation and meditation. These were the methods mentioned in this booklet.    


Chu Lin pondered for a moment, then took out a large amount of strange beast materials and Beast Core from his Nanometer Compressor and started the gene extraction.    


Since it was too difficult to awaken ten gene chain, then he would have thirteen, fifteen, or even twenty! He had Gene Panel, so why would he be afraid of this bit of difficulty? The only thing he was afraid of was not having enough time!    


The Great River ruins were about to open, and Yi Yun was also waiting for him in Central Royal City. Fast, he must be fast!    


gene extraction!    


Extraction failed!    


gene extraction!    


Extracting successful!    


Congratulations to the host for obtaining the Sandwing Lizard gene chain!    


Incomplete Sandwing Lizard gene chain (22% complete)    




Congratulations to the host for obtaining the Thousand Blade Demon Tiger gene chain!    


Congratulations to the host for obtaining the Windstorm Dragon gene chain!    


In an hour, Chu Lin had used up most of the Beast Core and exotic beast materials. After the exotic beast extracted the broken limbs and the Beast Core, the dregs were piled up all over the ground.    


A casual move from Chu Lin would stir up a cloud of dust on the ground.    


Fifteen gene chain. This was the result of Chu Lin's one-hour extraction. If outsiders found out that Chu Lin only needed an hour to harvest five different gene chain, any sect or power would go crazy over it!    


Even the geniuses of Central Royal City would need to consume the spring water that was rich in Gene Energy, carefully cooked exotic beast meat, and the absorption ability of the human body's stomach and stomach was limited. This process also required the assistance of various Secret Techniques mental cultivation methods. Only then would they have become the geniuses of Central Royal City!    


Just like Yi Yun, who was born with potential, those who were only one step away from attracting true talent were extremely rare! Perhaps the entire world could also be counted with two hands and two legs.    


Chu Lin's talent was ordinary. He could catch up to all kinds of geniuses by relying on the Gene Panel. If it was obtained by outsiders, they would definitely capture Chu Lin, pull out his bones, and carefully study him!    




Chu Lin formed a seal. The blood in his body surged and boiled like magma. This was a relatively normal but luxurious bloodline awakening method.    


Success meant crossing the dragon gate, and failure would result in permanent loss of a gene chain!    


For an ordinary Awakened Practitioner who had wasted half his life, a gene chain could not be said to not be precious!    


Hot heat rose from his lower abdomen and quickly spread throughout his entire body. Without using any Gene Energy, Chu Lin was like a man on fire, his skin like the shell of a large lobster.    


Crack, crack, crack -    


A strange sound came from within his body. This was the gene chain being unable to bear the burden, causing all of the cells in his body to go berserk. His muscles and bones were all under tremendous pressure.    


Pain constantly came from his four limbs. That was the rupture of his muscles and tendons. Whenever there were muscle fibers that were damaged, the Gene Energy would rush forward to help repair them. It kept swaying between the repair and the rupture. Chu Lin felt pain and itch all over his body.    


Beng -    


With a dull sound, Chu Lin's face turned slightly green. His first attempt to break through his bloodline had failed!    


The second time, again!    


In the hall, after Chu Lin entered the secret room, Lao Yuquan had been quietly drinking tea outside the secret room.    


For so many years, Lao Yuquan had been used to seeing wind, rain, rain, and separation. Lao Yuquan had always thought that there was nothing that could move him, but today, he had always been on tenterhooks.    


Since a junior brother of his had fallen into the ruins of Great River ten years ago and was unable to escape, Lao Yuquan had thought that there would be no more bloodline experts in Floating Frost Hall. But now, he saw a glimmer of hope!    


He had been stuck in the six gene chain for so long, there was definitely no hope anymore, but perhaps Chu Lin could still do it! He was the new hope of Floating Frost Hall! There would be a day when the Floating Frost Hall could return to the Nine-pole School with glory and glory!    


As Lao Yuquan was thinking, he suddenly heard a cracking sound. His expression changed and he stood up from the sofa.    


Oh no, Chu Lin tried to awaken his bloodline and broke a gene chain!    


Lao Yuquan was extremely familiar with this sound, especially the gene fluctuation that spread out. It carried a desolate smell on his back. That was the final sound of the cracking gene chain!    


Lao Yuquan settled down and looked in the direction of the secret chamber with concern. There was not much movement inside.    


Fortunately, fortunately...    


Lao Yuquan also calmed down. Chu Lin was still young, losing a gene chain was not a big deal. He could make up for it in a few years! It was just that he was afraid that he wouldn't be able to go to the ruins of Great River!    




Lao Yuquan heard another muffled sound. This time, his expression turned strange. One of Chu Lin's ten gene chain had broken into the secret chamber just now. Now, there should be nine of them. What was the second sound?    


He felt some fluctuations. That's right. It was the smell of a failed bloodline awakening. Could it be that the nine gene chain could also attempt to awaken his bloodline?    


Lao Yuquan's mind was a mess. He really did not understand what was going on. This was very illogical!    




Another sound came from the secret room. Lao Yuquan was half shocked and half suspicious. Eight gene chain could awaken one's bloodline? In any case, he did not believe it. But the truth was right in front of him, and he could not figure it out.    


"Forget it, forget it. It's also because this kid has extraordinary talent, what's so special about him?!"    


Lao Yuquan did not care about the cracking sound of the gene chain beside his ear. Since Chu Lin was safe and sound in the secret room, it meant that he could handle this situation!    


He thought of the time when he was teaching Chu Lin the secret manuals such as Blood Surge, spiral Spiral Spikes, and Blood Sacrifice Technique. Chu Lin was able to finish one book in an hour. This kid was an f * cking monster. It was ridiculous!    


Lao Yuquan once again sat down on the sofa and thought to himself. I want to count how many gene chain you can crack today!    




Chu Lin sat down with his legs crossed. His face was slightly pale, and his brows were tightly furrowed.    


The awakening of this bloodline was really difficult. If it was an ordinary Awakened Practitioner, he really wouldn't be able to withstand the continuous shattering of the Four Gene Chains!    


But who asked him to have so many gene chain! Even if these five shattered, he could still prepare another five by fiercely eating the exotic beast meat!    


"I still have eleven more gene chain left. I'll try again. If I fail, I'll rest for a bit tonight!"    


Chu Lin's expression was focused as he threw all his attention into the chaos within his body.    


The collapse of the gene chain produced a large amount of wandering gene fragments, as well as the chaotic Gene Energy.    


Chu Lin formed a series of hand seals, causing blood to flow through his entire body like a river.    




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