Super Godly Evolution

C382 Wanted

C382 Wanted



Chu Lin did not panic at all. He raised his head and looked at Wangyeh in White. "You don't really think you can stop me with this, do you?"    


Wangyeh in White snorted coldly, "What? You still want to talk nonsense at this time?"    


"I'm just feeling sorry for you. You have wasted so much effort, but it is destined to be a waste. I will remember your hospitality. I will pay you back a hundred times more next time!"    


Chu Lin said with a faint smile. After saying that, he flipped his palm and a scarlet stone appeared in his palm.    


"Bloody Stone!"    


Wangyeh in White seemed to have realized something. He suddenly pressed his palm down, and the Flame Devouring Wind Lightning Palm that was dancing with lightning, wind, and flames in the air came crashing down.    


"Today's matter ends here! In the future, I will slowly ask you for guidance!"    


Chu Lin gently smiled and squeezed the Bloody Stone. Immediately, a blood-red light spot emerged from the rock and swarmed towards Chu Lin's body.    


The figure twisted and rotated like a ray of light, then disappeared in the air.    




The huge palm slammed down with the sound of wind and thunder, but unfortunately, it missed.    


Wangyeh in White looked at the empty interior of the grand formation with an ashen face.    




A violent storm swept out from the center of the explosion, causing everyone to cry out in alarm.    


However, compared to the divine power of this attack, the crowd was even more astonished as they looked at the place where Chu Lin had mysteriously disappeared. His opponent had actually flown away?    


The explosive force dispersed, and the people on the city wall fell silent. Their eyes were filled with schadenfreude as they looked at Wangyeh in White, who was trembling with anger.    


The Xiongxuanhsing had mobilized all their resources, including Wangyeh in White, who was a Tianquan Pseudo Profound warrior. But in the end, he had ended up like this!    


Chu Lin had taken away a hundred thousand Tianquan Curd for free! This was simply brazenly venting his anger on the Xiongxuanhsing, and it was the kind of stench that couldn't be heard!    


Wangyeh in White, who was standing on the void, also noticed the gazes behind him. His already ugly face became even more twisted with anger.    


In the sky, the light beam and light screen that were used to block Chu Lin's path gradually dimmed and disappeared. The experts of Xiongxuanhsing who were maintaining the formation flew over from all directions. They looked at the white-clothed middle-aged man in horror, who seemed to want to devour Chu Lin.    


"Search! Search for me! No matter who it was, they just had to hand over Chu Lin's head. Not only that brat's one hundred thousand Tianquan Curd, my Xiongxuanhsing will also add another fifty thousand Tianquan Curd!"    


Wangyeh in White's eyes were fixed on the spot where Chu Lin disappeared. His voice was cold to the bone. This order had entered everyone's ears!    


Hua -    


As Wangyeh in White's voice faded, greed emerged in everyone's eyes. Such a generous reward was a total of 150,000 Tianquan Curd. If they could obtain such a huge amount of wealth, then there wouldn't be too much of a shortage of Tianquan Realm cultivation resources!    


A wave of shocked voices emerged in everyone's ears. Countless people's eyes were filled with fanaticism. Anyone would be tempted by such a huge amount of wealth!    


Only a few of the silent people would secretly shake their heads. Although 150,000 Tianquan Curd was tempting, Chu Lin was definitely not someone easy to deal with. He was able to escape from the Xiongxuanhsing's formation. How could it be easy to capture him?    


This Tianquan Curd was something that could be earned with one's life!    


Of course, there were only a few who had the brains to think about it. 150,000 Tianquan Curd had burned away the rationality of a large group of people!    


Wangyeh in White looked at the bustling Purple Forest City and a cold smile appeared in his eyes, "If you dare touch the dirt on my Xiongxuanhsing's head, I will make you an enemy in the Blood Star's arena! Chu Lin, humph, let's see how long you can last! "    




Chu Lin landed in the silent Bloody Stone Square. This place was exactly the same as the place he had left last time. The skeleton on the ground was already there, and it would continue to exist forever.    


Chu Lin wasn't in a hurry to leave. He sat down and started cultivating.    


One hundred thousand Tianquan Curd was half the height of a person, but under Chu Lin's dragon devouring ability, half of the Tianquan Curd was gone in just half a month.    


One month later.    




Chu Lin's body flashed. The entire Bloody Stone space was illuminated by this light. Chu Lin's temperament had undergone a tremendous change. His aura was like a surging ocean!    


Crack! Crack!    


"Advancing from the Middle Period of Tianquan Stage to the Late Period of Tianquan Stage is indeed a process of accumulating resources! However, you can't advance recklessly in the future!"    


Only now did Chu Lin remember what the Shadow Hand had done. In order to obtain a higher potential in the Profound Recovering Stage, he could suppress the fact that he hadn't broken through to the Tianquan Pseudo Profound. It seemed like the Tianquan Pseudo Profound was stronger than the others, but it was just a temporary method of obtaining strength. It was really unwise!    


Chu Lin had indeed felt it. Ever since he entered the Late Period of Tianquan Stage, the bloodline in his body that had been dormant for a long time had become active once again. Although his strength was insufficient, as long as it was activated once again, it would be a tremendous change!    


From the bloodline to the divine ability!    


He didn't know when he would be able to master it!    


Could a Late Period of Tianquan Stage be enough to deal with the Xiongxuanhsing and the numerous enemies that were fighting over the Bloody Stone? Chu Lin wasn't sure.    


However, there was one thing that Chu Lin had to agree with. Since his cultivation base had temporarily stopped at this stage, he had to improve his strength from other aspects!    


"The book of the 'Golden Waves Art' mentioned that in order to make the power of the 'Golden Waves Art' stronger, it required a material called 'Fire Charm Gold' or 'Glory's Will Fire Steel'! We can start from this aspect for the time being! "    


Chu Lin made up his mind. He took out the Bloody Stone and gently pinched it. Then, his figure disappeared from the square.    


In a forest about twenty miles away from Purple Forest City, a spatial distortion was created. After that, a young man stepped out from the void and landed in the forest.    


This man was Chu Lin, who had appeared in the Bloody Stone's spatial zone. The first thing he did was to use the Gene Energy. After checking the surroundings and confirming that there was nothing dangerous, he retracted the Gene Energy.    


"Using the Bloody Stone to escape is really powerful!" Chu Lin clicked his tongue and praised.    


The distance to the opening of the Bloody Hidden. Chu Lin decided to head straight for the Bloody Treasure. If it was convenient, he would look for the 'Fire Charm Gold' or the 'Glory's Will Fire Steel'.    


However, Chu Lin didn't have too much hope. After all, the notes in the Golden Waves Art were marked. These two mineral deposits were rare to begin with, and it was very hard to find them after a lot of mining. Even the people of the Xiantian Association couldn't find them!    


Ten days later, Chu Lin crossed several hundred miles. In these ten days, he had gone through two different beast tide. He didn't get much from the Blood Crystal, but there was a lot of trouble.    


"Quick, that's Chu Lin. His head is worth 150,000 Tianquan Curd!"    


"Kill him. We won't have to work hard for the rest of our lives!"    


"Be careful! The aura on this brat's body isn't right!"    


"It's too late!" Chu Lin said faintly.    


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