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C1189 Bad Luck

C1189 Bad Luck

Lin Yaoyang stood in front of the magma light curtain. The magma light curtain dissipated in an instant. Lin Yaoyang took a step forward and stood outside the hall.    


At this time, the Martial Saint was staring at Lin Yaoyang closely. He frowned slightly when he saw Lin Yaoyang's completely different appearance from a few days ago.    


Especially when he looked at Lin Yaoyang's left arm. His brows were tightly knitted. Although he didn't sense this guy's arm, his intuition as a Martial Saint still made him feel strange at the first moment.    


Lin Yaoyang looked at this Martial Saint and said with a sneer, "It's you again. You don't have any helpers today. Do you believe me if I say you're dead?"    


When this Martial Saint heard what Lin Yaoyang said, his facial expression froze for a moment. Then, a smile appeared on his face. He looked at Lin Yaoyang and said, "Do you think you have the ability to fight Martial Saint just because you killed that trash Wang Chongyang and his useless pet? Besides, I don't even need to do it myself. I can kill you countless times with this bow in my hand. How infuriating! What gave you the courage to say such words? Kid, your strength is not bad, but you have come to the wrong place. If you were to obediently stay in that small world of yours, perhaps we wouldn't have noticed you. But since you have come here, you must know... This world is not a place where you can be arrogant. How about you hand over the treasures on your body and I'll give you a quick death? "    


A mocking smile appeared on the Martial Saint's face, and then his hand moved.    


The Jinwu Arrow that was placed on the golden Long Bow started to emit light, and the light became brighter and brighter.    


However, Lin Yaoyang still stood there. Although his body looked extremely ferocious, he didn't move at all.    


This Martial Saint thought that Lin Yaoyang was just bluffing. He sneered and didn't stop moving his hand.    


Just as he was about to let go of his grip on the Jinwu Arrow.    


Lin Yaoyang snapped his fingers. Suddenly, a crack appeared on the side of this Martial Saint. An arm stretched out from the crack.    


However, this time, Lin Yaoyang was stunned. This arm actually had a solid form. Luo Hade's voice was heard, "Little guy, it seems like you are not going well in this place. You are asking me to do it every two or three days."    


When this Martial Saint heard Luo Hade's voice, his facial expression changed instantly. He aimed at Lin Yaoyang's Jinwu Arrow and turned his arrow, trying to shoot it into the crack.    


However, Luo Hade's hand pressed on the Martial Saint's hand that was holding the Jinwu Arrow. He said, "Young man, don't play with such a dangerous thing. Come, come, come. Be good and let go!"    


After saying that, Luo Hade grabbed the Martial Saint's hand and clenched it tightly. The Martial Saint's palm immediately changed shape. The hand that was holding the Jinwu Arrow instantly became powerless. The Jinwu Arrow purposely attacked Luo Hade, but it didn't have the force to back it up, so it couldn't be shot out.    


At the same time, there was a flash of light between the Martial Saint's eyebrows. Luo Hade let out a surprised voice without any hesitation. * Hong Long...... * The light was extinguished before it could even flicker.    


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