Supreme Divine Book

C155 Disperse Dinner

C155 Disperse Dinner

"Hmph, I never thought that Gongsun Lingfeng would actually cultivate in the Spirit Body. This is truly an unforgivable sin."    


Everyone gathered in the main hall of the Tian Xiang Garden, discussing what had happened in the past few days. After taking the antidote he had obtained from Gongsun Zihao, the condition of Monte had already returned to normal. His eyes swept across the people in the hall and finally fell on Han Chen's body, and gave them an inquiring look.    


"Han Chen, how do you think we should handle this matter?"    


Luo Cheng, Ke Yinye, and the others also shifted their gazes to Han Chen. From the fact that the other party had defeated in terms of strength, everyone present had already started to respect him.    


Han Chen first looked at Qiao Feiyan, and then replied seriously, "I have already grasped the evidence of Gongsun Lingfeng cultivating the spirit body, so I believe that the Gongsun Family is definitely involved in this matter. When I return to the Mystical Peak, I handed the evidence in my hands to the sect elders. What do you think about letting them deal with this? "    


"I'm in favor of that." Ke Yinye was the first to speak out in agreement, and there was a rare serious look on his face, "Training a spirit body is a very important matter, and not something that the few of us can solve. If you want to thoroughly investigate this matter, you really need the help of a great sect like the Mystical Peak. "    


"Yeah, I think that's for the best too." The owner of Tian Xiang Garden, Luo Cheng, also expressed his position.    


No one had any objections, they all expressed their agreement. Qiao Feiyan and Han Chen returned safely. Monte also brought up the idea of leaving Black Forest City earlier and heading to Mystic Mountain City. After a short discussion, they decided to set off tomorrow.    


At night, the bright moon was in the sky, shining brightly like silver frost as it sprinkled down.    


Beautiful woman like a dream, her beautiful face shining with the radiance of the stars. Inside a pavilion in the courtyard, Qiao Feiyan, who was dressed in a white evening dress, had eyes as clear as autumn water. She sat sideways on the bench, seemingly deep in thought.    


"Ai!" The beauty sighed and frowned. In her heart, there seemed to be a dream-like thing, causing her to be unable to sleep at night, and her heart to be unable to rest at ease.    


"Feiyan, are you still awake?"    


The gentle male voice carried a trace of carefreeness. Qiao Feiyan's eyebrows relaxed, and a faint happiness surged out of her face. Her beautiful eyes moved, and she saw Han Chen standing not far behind her.    


"I, I can't sleep. "What about you?"    


"I can't sleep either." Han Chen rubbed his nose, then slowly walked over. I've been standing there for a while now. It seems like you have something on your mind? "    


"Hmm?" Qiao Feiyan was slightly surprised, and then laughed as she shook her head, "No! Maybe it's just that I'm too tired! "    


Too tired? Han Chen felt that his brain wasn't working enough, he was too tired so he should return to his room to rest, why was he still wandering around? Qiao Feiyan still did not realize that she said the wrong thing, but Han Chen did not have the intention to dig further. After pausing for a moment, he sat down about a meter away from the other party.    


"I just happen to have something to ask you!"    


"Go ahead." Qiao Feiyan raised her beautiful eyes and looked straight at the other party.    


"It's like this, I'm already an early stage Psionic Magician. Can I use my spiritual force?"    


"Of course you can!" A smile flashed across Qiao Feiyan's face, followed by a white light spot between her eyebrows. In the next moment, Han Chen felt that his consciousness was a little blurred, and his head also felt a little dizzy.    


"How is it? Do you feel that your consciousness is a little blurred? "    


"How do you know?" Han Chen was startled at first, but after that he realized, "It's you?"    


"En!" Qiao Feiyan retracted her mental force, and said with a smile, "This is the initial usage of Mental Energy. If one was able to cultivate past the Spirit Controlling Stage, they would be able to harm others without them noticing. As for those legendary split body stage cultivators, they can rely on their mental strength to move mountains and fill up the seas, and take a person's life thousands of miles away. "    


Han Chen was surprised to hear that, and immediately said: "Fei Yan, then teach me first, how to use Spirit Force?"    


"Alright!" Qiao Feiyan readily agreed, "However, the spirit energy in the early stages of the entrance is still very weak, so the amount of spirit energy that can be completed is limited." Her voice paused, and she pointed at the teacups on the pavilion's stone table with her slender, white fingers. "Try moving those cups first."    


"Eh?" Move? "Okay, I'll try." Han Chen heaved a sigh of relief, followed by his consciousness submerging into his consciousness and transferring over. However, to Han Chen's disappointment, after continuously trying for a few times, he was still unable to release his spirit power.    


He looked at the teacup on the table that was not moving at all, then looked at the serious expression on Han Chen's face. Qiao Feiyan could not help but burst out laughing, "Alright, I was just teasing you! You haven't even learned the beginner spirit art, so you won't be able to do this. "    


"Me?" The corner of Han Chen's eyes twitched. If it was anyone else, they would have had the urge to strangle him.    


"I didn't expect you to be so gullible!" Qiao Feiyan subconsciously got a little bit closer to Han Chen to get a bit more intense, then he took out a black scroll out of thin air, "This is a high-grade Earth Rank mental cultivation technique, study it carefully."    


"High-grade earth-step?" Han Chen was startled, he knew that there were different levels to the cultivation technique for Spirit power, it was the same as the technique for martial cultivation. The mortal, earth, sky, and god levels were all lower, middle, and upper third-grade.    


"Yes, this is the best one I have right now. If there is a chance in the future, I will give you another set of Heaven Stage." Qiao Feiyan's voice was as gentle as water, and his breath was as heavy as orchids.    


Han Chen looked at the other party's deep and emotional eyes and instantly felt a warm feeling flowing through his heart.    


The night was charming, and the feelings between the two seemed to be subtly changing. Right at this moment, an enormous change suddenly occurred to Qiao Feiyan's temperament, and the aura of Ling Mo quietly changed her gentleness. A pair of limpid eyes revealed a hint of coldness.    


Han Chen's heart tensed up, he could not help but be shocked, standing up suddenly, his face revealed confusion.    


"Han Chen, what's wrong?"    


"You?" Han Chen's vision blurred, seeing that Qiao Feiyan had returned to her previous gentle and lovable appearance, her eyebrows were filled with worry, as though the matter just now never happened.    


"What's going on? An illusion? " Han Chen frowned, and looked straight at the other party.    


"What's the matter with you?" Qiao Feiyan asked again.    


"No, nothing." Han Chen shook his head, and then laughed and asked: "Did you use your spirit energy to attack me just now?"    


"Eh?" Qiao Feiyan was first stunned, then she seemed to have sensed something and immediately laughed. "That's right! Did you think I was a different person just now? It was an illusion created by the influence of spiritual force on your consciousness. How about it? Awesome, right? "    


Hearing the other party's words, Han Chen no longer had any doubts, and the stone in his heart was put down, "Mn, it is indeed mystical."    


"Alright, it's already so late, hurry up and go back to rest!" I'm a little sleepy too. "    


"Alright." Han Chen nodded, and immediately bid farewell to him, and left with the Spirit Force technique that Qiao Feiyan gifted him.    


Looking at Han Chen's disappearing figure at the corner of the corridor, Qiao Feiyan sighed lightly.    


It was also at this time that an elderly figure slowly walked out from another area. His voice contained a tinge of regret as he said, "Miss Yan, there's still at most three days. Are you ready?"    


"It doesn't matter whether I'm prepared or not. I'm already used to it." Qiao Feiyan's red lips slightly moved as she lightly said.    


"Miss Yan, please forgive this old official for causing so much trouble. It's obvious that you're not willing to part with it this time, is it because of Han Chen? "    


Qiao Feiyan did not reply, she slightly raised her head and looked at the bright and clear bright moon in the sky. The beautiful figure of the lady seemed a little lonely and sad.    


Three days later, outside Profound Mountain City.    


This was a large city at the foot of the Mystical Peak, its prosperity needless to say. At this place, it was naturally the time for everyone to part.    


"All good things must come to an end. This old one thanks all of you for accompanying me along the way." Monte cupped his fists as he bowed towards Han Chen, Ke Yinye, Du Bushu and Ming Ruo.    


When he first left Blackrock City, it took him nearly four months. They shared the same boat, through wind and rain. It was much more difficult than he had expected. The original group of more than 100 people either died or left. In the end, there were less than twenty people left. Other than Han Chen, Ke Yinye and the rest of them, the rest were Qiao Feiyan's original guards.    


"Han Chen, go back to Mystical Peak. I will have to return with the gambling addict to the sect. If you have time in the future, remember to look for me. My sect is called the Beginner's Sect, and is located near the Tian Luo Prefecture. " This was the first time Ke Yinye reported his family's name.    


"Of course." Han Chen nodded seriously.    


"Big Sister Fei Yan, I really can't bear to part with you." Ming Ruo held onto Qiao Feiyan's jade hands, looking reluctant to part with her. Even Blacky seemed somewhat depressed, like a sulking child.    


"We will have the chance to meet again in the future." Qiao Feiyan comforted her gently. She then looked at Han Chen with her beautiful eyes and said, "I'm leaving."    


The simple phrase "I'm going", in Han Chen's heart, actually felt a little uncomfortable. The youth then revealed a hearty smile on his face. "Have a pleasant journey. If fate wills it, we shall meet again."    


Have a safe trip, meet again if fate wills it.    


The sunny and mild weather actually caused a large wind to blow. The branches gently swayed, and the leaves that fell from the tree could not be persuaded to stay by the tree, leaving with the wind.    


Ke Yinye, Du Bushu, Han Chen, Ming Ruo, they all stepped onto their respective journeys. Qiao Feiyan stood in place and kept her eyes on Han Chen's back as she walked off into the distance. Only she knew whether or not she was reluctant to part with him.    


Suddenly, Qiao Feiyan's body released a weak golden light. Beside her, Monte's face changed as astonishment gushed out from her muddy old eyes.    


"Why am I here?" As the indifferent voice came out of Qiao Feiyan's mouth, her face was still beautiful. It was just that her temperament, which was originally as gentle as water, had quietly turned into ice and frost. Her eyes looking at the back of Han Chen who was about to disappear from his sight, he asked: "Who is that person?"    


Monte let out a light breath as he revealed a respectful expression, "Reporting to Miss Lin, this is Profound Mountain City. That person …"    


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