Supreme Divine Book

C20 Beheading

C20 Beheading

"Phantom Sword Slash into the Sky!"    


The incomparably sharp black sword beam was like a death god brandishing its scythe, full of killing intent. Song He, Yun Qing, Yang Hui and the other elders were also shocked.    


"Stop!" Yang Hui cursed loudly as he dashed towards Xue Chuan, who was in shock.    


But in the end, he was still a step too late. Ding! With a crisp sound, the longsword in Xue Chuan's hand snapped, and a sharp sword light directly cut open his neck.    


Hiss! The sound of flesh being cut was clear and ear-piercing. Under the astonished gazes of thousands of people in the arena, a round head was thrown out. Blood rained down from the sky. The warm red liquid was exceptionally dazzling. Upon seeing this scene, the faces of everyone present went deathly pale. Some of the weaker disciples were so scared that they almost fell to the ground.    


Ta ta ta! Like a ball, his head rolled around the stage a few times before stopping. Xue Chuan's expression was still fixed in his fear of death. Bang! The corpse heavily fell to the ground, dead.    


The appearance of this scene caused the entire Dayuan Platform to fall into a deathly silence. Waves after waves of shocking waves arose in everyone's heart. Those who had mocked, cursed, and despised Han Chen, their hearts were instantly filled with great fear. The youngster who was called trash by others was really too ruthless in his actions.    


The strongest person in the outer sect, Xue Chuan, had ended up like this. Even before he died, he probably never would have thought that everything would happen so suddenly.    


"Han Chen, how dare you publicly kill your fellow sect members." Yang Hui was furious like a thunderclap. With an angry roar, he caused the rest of the people to tremble, as they quickly regained their senses, as though they had just awoken from a dream.    


Han Chen laughed lightly, coldly glanced at Xue Chuan who was decapitated, and immediately replied indifferently: "According to this disciple's knowledge, there seems to be no clear rule that no one can be killed in this kind of challenge, right?"    




Without waiting for Yang Hui to finish speaking, Han Chen turned around and cupped his fists towards Song He and Yun Qing, "Elder Song He, Ninth Elder. I wonder if this disciple can take over Xue Chuan's position and become an inner disciple? "    


Song He and the Ninth Elder looked at each other; for a moment, they didn't know how to reply. The former pondered for a moment before nodding. "Sure!"    


BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM! The entire Dayuan Platform was thrown into turmoil and chaos. It was so chaotic that it was almost like a market. Yang Hui refused to let Han Chen succeed so easily no matter what, and shouted with an ashen face, "Elder Song He, Ninth Elder. Han Chen, this renegade disciple, has already committed an unforgivable crime by publicly killing a person from the same sect. I recommend that he be deprived of the right to enter the inner sect, and then be executed. "    


"That's right, execute Han Chen."    


"Our sect's rules state that only in the life and death arena can we take the lives of people."    


"Han Chen has violated this rule and deserves to be severely punished."    




Some of the elders who were on good terms with Yang Hui as well as many disciples in the audience voiced their agreement. Although Xue Chuan was arrogant, he still had a lot of supporters. Now that he was dead, many people were angry at Han Chen.    


"Hehe, rules?" Han Chen's forehead was filled with a sneer, he was even pointing at Yang Hui as he asked, "Interrogate, do Mystical Peak have any rules? Two months ago, I was framed by you and Xue Chuan jointly, and I almost lost my life in the Core Fire Formation. Who will seek justice for me? "    


"What did you say?"    


"You know what I'm saying. Let me ask you two once, if I was the one who died on stage today, who would avenge me? "    


Han Chen's last sentence was practically shouted out, and the entire audience descended into silence once again. The delicate and pretty youth on the stage felt great grievance in his heart. Everyone could not help but ask themselves, it was true, at that time everyone knew that Han Chen was wrongly accused, but how many people were willing to speak up for him?    


The bottom of Xin Lan's, Xiao Wen's, Little Monkey's and Da Wei's hearts were slightly moved. Even the usually aloof and arrogant Mei Ling had a complicated look in his eyes as he looked at Han Chen.    


Yang Hui was rendered speechless, not knowing how to respond. When he framed Han Chen back then, Elder Song He and Ninth Elder were not in the outer sect. If they were still here, he wouldn't dare to do that.    


Song He's eyes slightly narrowed. He instantly realized where the trick was, and exchanged a glance with Patriarch Nine who was beside him. The latter nodded in understanding, taking a few steps forward as she spoke in a calm tone.    


"Today is an important day. The matter of Xue Chuan, has made everyone feel very sad. However, in this kind of challenge, there was indeed no rule against killing people. So I declare Han Chen innocent, and take Xue Chuan's place, and enter the inner sect. "    


"Alright!" Very few people let out a wave of enthusiastic cheers, especially Xin Lan, the four people of Great Wei Empire, as they continuously clapped and cheered.    


Ninth Elder and Elder Song He were the two people with the most weight in the outer sect. Their final decision, even if Yang Hui complained again, it was impossible for him to refute.    


Han Chen looked at the few people who were happy for him, and felt warmth in his heart. At the same time, he couldn't help but be determined to become strong. Only by becoming stronger would he have the right to speak.    


Because Han Chen had made his way out halfway, the annual entrance ceremony had caused a change in everyone's state of mind. Perhaps from today onwards, the word "trash" would not appear on Han Chen's body. Those who had doubted him should also consider themselves.    




The Mystical Peak was divided into two parts, one was the outer sect, and the other was the inner sect.    


The inner and outer court were only separated by a few mountain peaks. An ordinary person's foot strength would not exceed one day at the most. The higher ups of the Mystical Peak were all gathered within the inner sect. Even for the Sect Leader, other than the fact that he had more chances to grow, there was an even more brutal competition for cultivation in the Inner Sect.    


"I'm going to the inner court tomorrow. I'm really looking forward to it."    


Han Chen muttered in a low voice, at the place that he lived. Xin Lan, Xiao Wen, Little Monkey, and Da Wei, these few friends, held the last gathering. Xiao Wen and the little monkey were still staying in the outer sect, but there was a little loneliness on their faces.    


"That's right!" The worst person in the inner court was at the ninth level of the Body Tempering Stage. "I don't even know how to continue!" Dawei said half-jokingly.    


Indeed, the inner and outer branches were two completely different concepts. Body Tempering Ninth Layer could only be considered as an existence at the bottom, perhaps even the first level of Qi Refining wouldn't be rare. That was where there were so many geniuses. Thinking of this, the pressure from Xin Lan and Dazzling Spring immediately came over.    


"Big Sister Xin Lan, Mighty One, Han Chen." Xiao Wen's eyes were filled with mist, and even her eyelashes were moist. You will have to come back and visit us often in the future. "    


"Don't worry!" Xin Lan grabbed onto the other party's soft little hand, and nodded with understanding.    


In contrast to Xiao Wen's reluctance, the little monkey was more open-minded, "You three, wait for us in the inner sect! At this time next year, we will definitely come looking for you. "    


"Haha, alright. It's a deal. We'll definitely wait for it." Dawei laughed loudly.    


A lot of the depression had been washed away. Han Chen's mood also gradually recovered from the depression from before. Tomorrow was the day he would enter the inner sect, and in his mind, a pure and cute figure appeared.    


Pu Shen Yu didn't know if he would shock her the moment he appeared in front of her.    


The next day, two hundred elected inner court disciples gathered at the Dayuan Platform. Under the envious gazes of the crowd, Haohao's group headed towards the inner sect.    


Last night, the inner sect sent over twenty flying demon beasts, the Snow Winged Eagle, to welcome them! The Snow Winged Eagle was a magical beast of the fourth rank. Its wings were snow-white, and if they were spread out completely, it would be nearly thirty meters long. After being captured by the Mystical Peak, they would be tamed and used as flying tools.    


"I'm the inner sect's admittance deacon, Lin Hai." A middle-aged man in his thirties first greeted Song He, Yun Qing, and a few other elders before turning around and speaking to the two hundred people in front of him who had been selected. Now, all of you take the ten as a group and board the Snow Winged Eagle.    


The moment they heard that they were going to set off, some of them couldn't help but feel excited in their hearts. Under the guidance of the instructor on the back of the Snow Winged Eagle, they climbed onto the back of the eagle in an orderly manner.    


Han Chen was naturally sitting together with Xin Lan and Dazzling Spring. What surprised him was that many people, when they saw Han Chen on the eagle's back, immediately turned around and went somewhere else. This was something that Han Chen could do nothing about. It seemed that many people still had a misunderstanding about him.    


"Hey, look, Senior Sister Mei Ling is riding a Snow Winged Eagle by herself!"    


"Really, how could she have such privileges?"    


"Let me tell you! The older brother of Senior Sister Mei Ling was a very famous disciple in the inner court. This Snow Winged Eagle, which is also known as the Huayun City, was specially arranged to meet her. "    


"Oh, so that's how it is."    




Hearing the surrounding disciples' discussions, Han Chen subconsciously turned his gaze in that direction. Sure enough, Mei Ling was riding on a Snow Winged Eagle alone, and the elders and deacons who were receiving her did not have any objections.    


After a moment, everything was ready.    


After receiving the deacon and his subordinate, Yun Qing and a few other elders clasped their fists as they bid their farewells. Then, they leapt onto the back of a Snow Winged Eagle. Everyone, sit still. If you fall down, you will lose your life. "    


Lin Hai's joke caused many people's heart to skip a beat. They gathered together again and again, moving closer to the center of the back of the eagle. Soon after, more than twenty Snow Winged Hawks, under the control of the pilot, spread their wings in succession and soared into the sky with a resounding cry.    


"Goodbye Big Sister Xin Lan. Dazzling! Goodbye Han Chen." Xiao Wen and the little monkey waved goodbye.    


"Goodbye, we will wait for you in the inner court. Goodbye."    




Faintly leaving was worrying about whether the inner sect was going to have more fortuitous encounters or cruel things. Everything was about to happen.    


Elder Song He raised his old eyes slightly and looked at Han Chen who was on the hawk's back. His shriveled lips trembled slightly as he softly muttered, "Are you a dragon or a worm? Only the inner court can see the difference. "    


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