Supreme Divine Book

C348 Departure of the Yue Lan Empire

C348 Departure of the Yue Lan Empire

In a wide courtyard, a calm pond flowed beneath a craggy rock garden. The gentle sunlight shone on the surface of the water, reflecting a faint image on the fake mountain wall.    


The pillars were painted with red lacquer and supported a pavilion. A tall and beautiful figure stood within the pavilion. Qiao Feiyan was dressed in a long blue dress, and the sunlight shined upon her beautiful face, making it seem as if she was about to turn transparent. Her long eyelashes moved slightly as she opened her mouth and sighed helplessly.    


At that moment, a pair of powerful arms embraced her slender waist from behind. Qiao Feiyan's body trembled as she subconsciously struggled.    


"Idiot, it's me."    


"Hmm?" Hearing this familiar and gentle voice, Qiao Feiyan stopped and leaned on the other party's chest with relief. Hmph, you don't even make a sound when you walk? You want to scare me to death? "    


Han Chen laughed, and could not help but hug even tighter. How could I bear to scare you? I called for you just now, but you ignored me. "Tell me honestly, are you thinking about me again?"    


"Smooth." Qiao Feiyan scolded softly, and then asked: "Who was it that looked for you last night?"    




"Kun Yang? or a blind monk? "    


"No, it's Principal Wu Changkong."    


Wu Changkong from the Purple Dragon Mansion? Qiao Feiyan was surprised, "Why is he looking for you?"    


Han Chen then explained to him the reason why Wu Changkong came to find him. At the same time, he also told him the "answer" he got from the blind monk.    


"So that's how it is." Qiao Feiyan was touched, she was a soft-hearted woman. Towards the sad and beautiful past that Wu Zhongxian and Dong Wan'er had fifteen years ago, they would always feel that it was a pity.    


"Han Chen." Qiao Feiyan called out softly.    


"What's wrong?"    


"I'm going back to the Yue Lan Empire."    


Han Chen's heart skipped a beat, after that, he released his and held onto his shoulder, letting his look straight at him. Qiao Feiyan continued, "Half a year has passed, and four months has passed. There were two more who had awakened his soul. I can't stay here anymore, and even more so, I can't stay with you. "    


"But, isn't there still two months?" Han Chen frowned, he could not help but clench his fists.    


"I have to go back early. Last night, the royal family's guards had already arrived. They told me that something had happened at my father's place, so I had to leave." Qiao Feiyan raised her pretty face, her white jade hands gently stroking Han Chen's pretty face, her beautiful eyes filled with gentleness.    


"I can't bear to part with you. All these years, this is the first time I've been afraid, afraid that my soul would fall into a deep sleep. I'm afraid I won't be able to see you when I wake up. For the first time, I hate myself so much for being a 'Heaven's End Woman'. I hate myself for not being able to act like a normal person. "    


Han Chen pulled him into her embrace, "What if I don't let you go? Since there are still two more months, then I shall let you be happy for two more months. "    


"No, I can't be so selfish. I can't leave my father alone. " Qiao Feiyan's breath was as long as orchids, as he laid on Han Chen's chest, quietly feeling this warm atmosphere.    


The faint fragrance filled Han Chen's nostrils, and the youth's heart felt as though it was being pricked by needles. So it turned out that he only felt such reluctance when they were about to part.    


"How far is the Yue Lan Empire from here?"    


"Riding on a flying magical beast would take at least ten days!"    


"Then I'll go with you."    


"What?" Qiao Feiyan's body trembled as she gently pushed him away, her face full of confusion.    


Han Chen said with a resolute expression, "I said I will accompany you back."    


Even though it had only been a short two months, Han Chen wanted to accompany the other party for a while. Moreover, if he fell into a deep sleep, then he would awaken. Therefore, Han Chen thought to himself that it was fine if he was to accompany Qiao Feiyan to the Yue Lan Empire.    


"But didn't you have to wait here for that Lambert?" Qiao Feiyan asked.    


"I still don't know when the Lambert will be coming over. In addition, the three of us still need to participate in the Heavenly Rankings Competition. We can come back at that time."    


Han Chen immediately analyzed everything. From now on, he would set off from Yue Lan Empire in two months, and there would be enough time to rush back. Before he left, he would leave a message with Hua Yumei. As long as there was any news from the Lambert, he could ask her to inform him immediately.    


"But me." Qiao Feiyan still felt that it was a little inappropriate.    


Han Chen hugged the other person into his embrace once again. "Alright, stop talking about that. How could I bear for you to leave just like that? At least let me be ready. "    


Qiao Feiyan nodded with relief and laid in Han Chen's embrace with peace of mind.    


In the afternoon, Han Chen and Qiao Feiyan went to register their leave of absence from the elders of the academy. This simple process was not obstructed by anything. The Elder didn't even ask why and just accepted it.    


The students of the Five Prefectures were still quite free. After all, many of them would often go outside to train. The academy would not stop them, instead, it would encourage them to move around a lot.    


After the two returned, they also told Yan Wu about this matter. Yan Wu's performance was rather ordinary, but because of her unique identity. Han Chen did not dare to leave her alone in the academy. So should I ask Yan Wu to go to Hua Yumei's place, or should I go to Yue Lan Empire with him?    


Originally, Yan Wu didn't plan to go anywhere, but Qiao Feiyan invited him out of goodwill. Thus, she decided to follow the two of them to Yue Lan Empire.    


Two days later, outside The City of Innocence City.    


The guards that came to welcome them from the Yue Lan Empire were already waiting here. All of them were wearing black armor and the eerie cold weapons emitted a strong sense of vitality.    


A dozen huge black eagles were at the back of the group. The feathers of the eagles were black, but they had the head of a python. Even its tail was trailing a long snake tail.    


This group of magical beasts was called the "Dark Snake Hawk". Not only did they possess a fierce fighting strength, their flying speed was much faster than ordinary Snow Winged Hawks.    


The regular army, the fierce battling flying magical beasts. This kind of group made the people outside the city feel fear.    


After a while, Han Chen, Yan Wu, Qiao Feiyan and Hua Yumei appeared.    


The group of black armored guards immediately fell to one knee, shouting in unison, "We pay our respects to Your Highness."    


Immediately after, a slightly fat old man walked out from the group. Han Chen recognized him as well, he was the Monte that he knew in Blackrock City.    


"Miss Yan." Monte first cupped his fists in respect, and when he saw Han Chen once again, his face clearly revealed astonishment. "You?"    


"Hehe, Monte, long time no see." Han Chen laughed and greeted him politely.    


Surprised, Monte immediately asked Qiao Feiyan, "Miss Yan, you said that the person traveling with us wouldn't be Han Chen right?"    


"Yeah!" Qiao Feiyan gave a light smile as a faint sense of sweetness and satisfaction surfaced in her beautiful eyes.    


Monte had watched Qiao Feiyan grow up, and he understood her even better than the Yue Lan Empire's Sovereign King. From Qiao Feiyan's gaze, he could tell that the distance between her and Han Chen had probably exceeded the boundary of friendship.    


But Monte was a smart person, intelligent people would usually turn a blind eye to it. He immediately nodded, and laughed: "Hehe, I really did not expect to meet you here, Han Chen."    


"It's my fault for driving so suddenly." Han Chen replied.    


"It doesn't matter. As long as it's Miss Yan's decision, we will do it." Monte pointed to the dark snake eagle behind them, "It's about time, let's go!"    


"En!" Qiao Feiyan nodded in agreement.    


Han Chen immediately said to Hua Yumei who was beside him, "Big Sister Jade-mei, I'll leave this matter to you."    


"Hehe, got it, there's news from Lambert, I will send it over to you immediately, relax and go play!"    


Hua Yumei thought that Han Chen was just going to the Yue Lan Empire to sightsee, but that was good too, young people should be walking around outside more. After all, it was the Yue Lan Empire Royal Family's team that had come to receive them. Hua Yumei was not worried about the people from the Gongsun Family daring to obstruct them, as she was very confident in this.    


"Ok, Yu-Mei, we'll be leaving first."    


After speaking, the trio of Han Chen, Qiao Feiyan and Yan Wu climbed onto the body of the largest dark serpent eagle accompanied by the Monte.    


The group of soldiers and guards were ready as well, accompanied by sharp and long howls. The Dark Snake Hawk took off in an orderly manner, and the Snake Hawk that the soldiers were riding on surrounded Qiao Feiyan, Han Chen and the other three. She rose steadily and flew in the direction of the Yue Lan Empire.    


Hua Yumei waved at the sky, watching Han Chen's group move further and further away, a few smiles flashed past her beautiful eyes. This silly kid, his ability is quite great. Even the Imperial Princess was subdued by him. "    


The dark serpent eagle spread its wings and moved in the sky, quickly leaving The City of Innocence behind.    


Looking down from high above, the beautiful scenery of the mountains and rivers could be seen from below. Han Chen couldn't help but be surprised. The feeling of a flying ability and riding a flying tool was just too different.    


Han Chen looked around, and saw that a dozen or so guards on top of the dark serpent eagles were maintaining their highest vigilance, watching all around for any movement in the surrounding area. The treatment of the imperial princess was indeed different.    


"Feiyan, what happened to you?" Yan Wu, on the other hand, had noticed that Qiao Feiyan's mood seemed to be slightly downcast. Han Chen couldn't help but look at him with concern.    


Qiao Feiyan shook her head, "I'm fine."    


"Are you worried about your father?" Han Chen asked.    


Qiao Feiyan did not say anything, which was considered to be tacit agreement. Monte, who was controlling the Dark Snake Eagle to fly, turned around and comforted his, "Miss Yan, the king won't have too much of a problem. It was just that she had been overworked recently, and the royal doctors had already diagnosed him, so there wasn't much of a problem. You can rest assured. "    


"Is that it? If that was the case, you wouldn't have sent me back so quickly! " Qiao Feiyan opened her mouth and asked, "What happened exactly?"    


"This?" Monte thought for a moment, but didn't reply in the end, "Miss Yan, we'll talk about it after you go back!"    


The dark snake eagle pierced through the thick clouds and streaked across the sky in a black shadow. Its destination: Yue Lan Empire.    


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