Supreme Divine Book

C318 Intercept

C318 Intercept

Hearing the chorus of the surrounding people, Cang Qing Xue's face could not help but reveal a little complacency.    


However, the middle-aged man on the stage laughed and eventually shook his head. "Hehe, Princess Qingxue is indeed intelligent. "But you're still wrong."    




Everyone in the hall was stunned. The few people who had shouted the loudest were all helplessly shut their mouths at this moment. Cang Qing Xue frowned, looked at Cang Haiqi, and sat down in puzzlement.    


"Does anyone else know the artistic conception contained in the song? "Why don't you tell me about it?" The middle-aged man looked at everyone with interest, but it seemed that everyone was no longer as excited as they were before. They looked at each other, but no one was willing to speak.    


"This one is not talented. I hope that elder brother can help me."    


Just then, Han Chen, who was at the side, stood up. A variety of gazes followed his gaze. Qiao Feiyan's beautiful eyes lit up, her beautiful face revealing a trace of astonishment.    


"Young brother, please speak." The middle-aged man smiled.    


"This piece of music is about a young couple who were secretly hoping to live their whole lives together, hoping to live a simple and plain life together forever. However, after that, there was an unexpected turn of events. The man and woman were forced to separate, leading to the separation of Yin and Yang in one side of the world. Simply put, this piece of music expresses the sadness a man feels for the endless longing of a loved one who has passed away. "    


Ka-cha! * In a private room on the second floor, there was the sound of a tea cup shattering.    


The moment Han Chen's words fell, the entire second floor instantly resounded with a wave of great sighs. The different gazes from the crowd had now turned into looks of disdain and disdain.    


"What nonsense are you spouting? This is nonsense! "    


"It's just a nice tune, where's the sadness?"    


"Yeah, it sounds like it's true."    


The Third Prince of the Shadow Cavalry, Lu Kang, had a look of disdain on his face as he said, "Heh, pretending to understand when you don't. How embarrassing."    


Even Qiao Feiyan and Yan Wu did not expect Han Chen to say such an opinion, so the latter asked in disbelief, "Han Chen, what did you say? Even I, who don't understand music, know it's a cheerful tune, okay? "    


Han Chen raised his eyelids slightly, his eyes looking straight at the middle aged man on the stage, "I have only said what I was thinking, if anything is wrong, I hope that you can forgive me."    


The middle-aged man endured his shock and looked at Han Chen solemnly: "Little brother, can you tell me why you have such a state of mind?"    


"I can't say for sure, but at the end of the song, there was a huge difference between the sound of the zither and the sound of the flute. The two previous melodies were indeed very lively, but the end was filled with sadness. "    


After Han Chen finished speaking, everyone was stunned, all of them stared at the middle aged man on the stage. The latter's eyes were filled with unconcealable admiration and emotion.    


"Good, well said! Little brother, you're right. This is indeed a sad song about missing the one you love. " The man couldn't help but clap.    


There was a moment of silence, followed by a round of enthusiastic applause.    


"Han Chen, you are truly amazing." Qiao Feiyan was extremely happy.    


Han Chen laughed, "Hehe, the blind cat has met a dead mouse."    


"I think so too." Yan Wu curled his lips. Although his mouth was a blow to the word, his ruby eyes revealed a faint smile.    


No one had thought that this seemingly random theory would be the true answer. As for Cang Haiqi, Cang Qing Xue, and Lu Kang, they had indifferent and contemptuous looks on their faces.    


Suddenly, a slender figure walked out from a room on the second floor. Everyone was immediately attracted by the other party. He saw that the person was wearing a monastic robe, his eyes were wrapped in a thick red cloth, and a braid was tied on top of his head.    


"Elder blind monk."    


Everyone's expression changed as a vast majority of them revealed expressions of deep respect. The owner of the restaurant quickly went up to welcome him, "Elder blind monk, you?"    


"The blind monk waved his hand, his voice was still hoarse but it was filled with magnetism. "Bring me a jug of wine and I will do whatever needs to be done."    


The calm tone of his voice contained an irresistible force as the blind monk walked toward a seat that had no one by his side and sat down. His movements were as smooth as a normal person's.    


The sudden appearance of the blind monk made the atmosphere of the entire second floor seem a little strange. As the restaurant boss went to serve the wine, he gestured to the middle-aged man on the stage to suppress the crowd. The latter quickly understood Zhang Xuan's intentions, and a hearty smile appeared on his face.    


"Haha, just now, that little brother accurately described the artistic conception contained in the song. Then, this one will keep my word and continue to play a song for everyone. "    


After a while, the melodious and beautiful sound of the Qin flute once again resounded throughout the Star-Seizing restaurant.    


There were not many who listened to the tune seriously, and from time to time, they would glance towards the blind monk at the window. Even Han Chen was the same. Thinking back to the day when he had participated in the Five Palace School Entrance Test, it was precisely because of a few casual words from blind monk that he had not been rejected from the door.    


The melodious tune played far and wide, the back of the blind monk who drank wine alone seemed somewhat lonely. But aside from loneliness, there was also a kind of awe-inspiring majesty.    


After a moment, he gave up on the song!    


Everyone was only focused on applauding, but there were very few people who were really serious about listening. What if the middle-aged man were to ask again what kind of artistic conception was contained in the melody? It would definitely cause everyone's brains to go wild.    


Cang Haiqi, Cang Qingxue, Lu Kang, and the others left one after another. Another program had also changed on stage.    


However, the figure by the window still continued to quietly drink his wine, as if the matters of the world had nothing to do with him.    


Han Chen hesitated for a while, got up and walked to blind monk's side, clasped his hands together, and said respectfully: "Elder blind monk, thank you for speaking up for me that day at the entrance of the academy."    


blind monk took a light sip of the wine. He didn't even raise his head, as if he saw Han Chen as air.    


Han Chen actually did not feel the slightest bit awkward about the other party ignoring him. As for the reason, even he himself could not explain it. They immediately cupped their fists and bowed, then once again returned to the side of Qiao Feiyan and Yan Wu.    


Even after Han Chen and the other two had left, blind monk was still sitting in that spot, drinking while listening to the music on the stage. A lonely figure, that loneliness.    


It was already late at night. Some streets were filled with a sparse crowd, while others were brightly lit and filled with singing and dancing.    


"That blind monk is really a weirdo." Yan Wu said indifferently.    


"That's right!" Qiao Feiyan smiled slightly, "The temper of the blind monk Elder is indeed very weird, he has never interacted with anyone else before. He also speaks very little. "    


"Has he ever been under any kind of shock?"    


"I'm not sure about that." Qiao Feiyan shook his head and then turned his gaze to Han Chen who was beside him. From the time they left the restaurant, Han Chen had been silent, which made the two girls puzzled.    


"Han Chen, what's wrong?"    


"Hmm?" Han Chen was startled for a moment, then shook his head, "It's fine, I'm just a little curious about the blind monk Elders."    


Qiao Feiyan nodded her head, although she did not know how many people were curious about the blind monk, they all became normal after a while.    


The three of them turned at the end of a street and Han Chen suddenly stopped. The cool night breeze blew past, sweeping up the leaves and bits of paper on the ground.    


It was unknown when the bright moon in the sky had hidden itself behind the dark clouds, but the faint sounds of the crowd could be heard in the distance.    


"What's the matter with you?" Qiao Feiyan asked in confusion.    


Han Chen did not answer and subconsciously held onto Qiao Feiyan's jade hands, and protected her behind him. Yan Wu's beautiful eyes became serious, and her lips raised into a faint arc.    


"Heh heh, why be so sneaky? Come out! "    


As soon as he finished speaking, five or six gloomy and cold figures suddenly appeared in the darkness, accompanied by the sound of rushing wind. Qiao Feiyan's face changed, she could not help but become nervous.    


"Hehe, Miss Yan Wu, we meet again." Who else could it be other than the Cui Family's Cui Yifeng? Standing beside Cui Yifeng was an old man in his fifties. Under the light of the night, his dark and cold gaze was like that of a ferocious wolf.    


Cui Yuan was also among them, but seeing the other party's complacent look, he glowered fiercely at Han Chen and Yan Wu, and said, "Stinking brat, demoness, we finally got you two to hide in the Five Palace sect grounds."    


"Hmph." Yan Wu scoffed, showing no disapproval at all. With just you useless things? "    


"Demoness, don't be so arrogant!" The old man's eyes were filled with killing intent, "If I let you escape from my hands, our Cui Family will not have to stay in the The City of Innocence anymore."    


"Are you trying to scare me? "Is this old lady scared?" Yan Wu was not afraid in the slightest. On the contrary, Han Chen's face looked serious. After all, Qiao Feiyan was by her side right now.    


Cui Yifeng raised his brows, a sinister look flashing past his eyes, "Hehe, I really like Miss Yan Wu's personality. "Yi, there is actually such a beautiful woman. Wonderful, wonderful."    


"Heh." Han Chen laughed disdainfully, and replied coldly: "Cui Yifeng, do you know who the person standing beside me is?"    


"Oh? "Tell me about it."    


"She is the princess of Yue Lan Empire, Qiao Feiyan. If your Cui Family dares to harm a single hair on her head, there is no need for your Cui Family to stay in The City of Innocence. "    


Cui Li, Cui Yifeng and the rest's expressions all changed. The former's brows knitted as he replied in a low voice, "Hmph, who's the kid trying to scare with these words?"    


"To scare you? If you don't believe me, you can ask someone from the Five Prefectures. "    


The two of them looked at Cui Yuan, who was standing beside them. The latter had a gloomy expression on his face.    


Cui Yifeng squinted his eyes, and his expression became ruthless, "Hmph, smelly brat, there's no need to say anymore. We won't do anything to the princess of Yue Lan Empire. "But you two killed my young master and my elder, I will not let you off today."    


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