Supreme Divine Book

C311 Congealing Method

C311 Congealing Method

"Clan Elder Kun Yang, isn't such a small punishment too light?"    


Shangguan Mian looked at Han Chen's figure who was being brought down to receive his punishment, and said with dissatisfaction. Kun Yang raised his old eyes slightly, and answered: "Then how do you want me to punish you?"    


"Hmm?" Shangguan Mian thought for a while, but still couldn't think of a suitable crime. After all, there were two hundred pairs of eyes watching them at the time, proving that Gongsun Quanhe's group was the one who started the trouble. Although Han Chen's methods were a little ruthless, they still brought this upon themselves.    


"Alright, alright, Instructor Shangguan, don't cause any more trouble here." Doujing massaged his dizzy temples. "We still have to think about how to explain this to the higher ups! It's really a headache. "    


Shangguan Mian unhappily glanced at them, "Hmph, you deserve it. I told you all to not discipline that brat earlier. It caused so much trouble the moment we entered. "    


In regards to Shangguan Mian's "gloating", the few elders seemed to be very helpless. Furthermore, they did not blame Shangguan Mian in the slightest for offending them.    


Sunset Wall.    


The Sunset Wall was located in the back mountain region of the Five Prefectures, so the structure of the academy itself was rather unique.    


The southwest direction of the The City of Innocence was a continuous mountain area, and the Five Palaces Zong Fan was built right next to the mountain range. In other words, the gate to the Five Palace Sectlord's residence was located in the The City of Innocence. However, the area behind the mountain was connected to the endless mountain range.    


Back then, the reason the Five Palaces chose this structure was to expand the academy's area without any restrictions. In addition, there were countless monsters and monsters living in the back mountains. Sometimes, the students in the courtyard could also go into the mountains to gain experience.    


The area around the Sunset Wall was filled with cliffs and cliffs. The terrain was narrow and dangerous, so normally, almost no one would come here. The sect master of the Five Palaces would occasionally have some disciples who had committed mistakes come here to reflect on their mistakes.    


Four hours later, Han Chen, accompanied by Qiao Feiyan, was brought to the Academy by the law enforcement personnel.    


"Han Chen, remember this. You can't leave this Sunset Wall even after a month." The middle-aged man in the Law Enforcement Hall said.    


Han Chen nodded, he himself also knew that the Academy was already very tolerant of handling this matter. Han Chen was not someone who did not understand reason, but he was still grateful towards Elder Kun Yang.    


"I know."    


"Very well, you can stay here and receive your punishment in peace!" Just leave after a month. " The middle-aged man spoke a few words, then looked at Qiao Feiyan, who was at the side.    


"Feiyan, you should go back as well!" Han Chen said.    


Qiao Feiyan shook her head, her red lips moved slightly, and said gently, "It's alright, I'll accompany you here for a while, leave later."    


"Yes." Han Chen did not refuse, his gaze sweeping his surroundings. Just as he walked a few steps, he could not help but frown, and a light hissing sound came from his mouth.    


"What's wrong? Is the wound painful? "    


Before coming to the Sunset Wall, Han Chen had suffered a hundred caning punishment. This caning punishment was not something Han Chen could use martial force to defend against.    


Han Chen smiled slightly, "I'm fine."    


"You sit down first. I have some healing medicine on me. I'll help you wipe some." Qiao Feiyan said.    


"No need, with my power, I'll be fully recovered in a few days."    


"Listen to me." Qiao Feiyan held onto Han Chen's arm, her beautiful eyes showing a little stubbornness. Han Chen could not resist the other party, and could only nod and find a place to sit.    


"Take off your jacket."    


"Hmm?" Han Chen was startled at first, but quickly took off his clothes according to the other party's instructions. The one hundred lashes were even more ruthless than he imagined, the flesh on Han Chen's back was practically covered in blood.    


"Qiao Feiyan frowned and could not help but feel some heartache. Han Chen, endure it for a while.    




Qiao Feiyan took out an exquisite glass bottle, inside it was some grayish-brown powder. Qiao Feiyan first fell on Han Chen's wound, then carefully wiped it evenly.    


"Hiss!" Han Chen gritted his teeth in pain, he almost cried out.    


"Does it hurt?"    


"No, no." Han Chen pretended to laugh lightly, but his fingers were actually digging into the soil.    


Qiao Feiyan moved gently, her boneless, soft jade hands were like a thin veil as she applied medicine on Han Chen. Unknowingly, Qiao Feiyan's cheeks started to turn red, and his heart started to thump loudly. This was the first time she had done all these things for a man, and her heart was filled with an indescribable complex feeling. Embarrassed, nervous, and a little bit sweet.    


After a while, Han Chen felt a cool and comfortable feeling on his back, the pain was obviously much less. He inwardly exclaimed in admiration at the miraculous effects of this Gold Healing Medicine. The effect was quite good.    


"Oh right, Feiyan, what is Shangguan Mian's background? Why does it feel like Elder Kun Yang and the others are being courteous to her? " Han Chen casually asked.    


Qiao Feiyan was stunned at first, then said with a shallow smile, "You noticed it too? She is the youngest daughter of Dan Hao Mansion's Palace Chief Shangguan Jian! "    


"Oh? The young miss of Dan Hao Mansion? " Han Chen was slightly surprised. He faintly felt that Shangguan Mian's identity was not simple, but he didn't think that he would be so much more noble than he imagined.    


"The Shangguan Mansion Lord has two sons and a daughter." Qiao Feiyan continued, "The youngest is Shangguan Mian, she is actually a very good person. "He doesn't like to put on airs and is very willing to get close to his students."    


"Why can't I see that she's not bad at all?"    


Qiao Feiyan smiled gently, and stopped his hands' movements right after, "Wipe well, you will be fully recovered tomorrow. Remember to change into a clean set of clothes and don't get infected. "    


"Yes, thank you." Han Chen's face revealed gratitude, he turned his head around and met the other party's eyes.    


A faint ripple appeared in the beauty's watery eyes, but Han Chen could sense a trace of an unusual emotion from his gaze. Qiao Feiyan blushed and quickly turned her head away.    


Han Chen also felt that he was lacking in manners, but at the same time, he was embarrassed to the point of not knowing what to say.    


Qiao Feiyan pursed her red lips and said, "Han Chen, I'll be leaving first."    


"Alright, be careful on your way."    


With regards to Han Chen not wanting him to stay at all, Qiao Feiyan's eyes couldn't help but flash with a hint of hidden bitterness. "I understand."    


Watching Qiao Feiyan leave, Han Chen could not help but feel bored. He looked around at the empty mountain walls. There wasn't even a way to kill time. It seemed that he could only spend this month cultivating as usual.    


The scenery of the Sunset Wall was pretty good. In front of him was the structure of the Five Prefectures. From afar, he could see rows upon rows of buildings and courtyards. The human figure was pitifully small, so he couldn't see it clearly. Behind him was an endless forest and deep mountain range. The lofty mountain range was winding and winding, like a dragon bone crouching on the ground.    


"That's right, forging techniques!"    


Han Chen's mind lit up, he suddenly thought about the 'Congealing Method' he learned from Zuo Gang this morning. With a thought, a scroll appeared out of nowhere in his hands.    


This was the weapon crafting technique that Master Refiner Bo Hui had given to him, the Dwarf Pa Qi, back in Wan Chao City. This scroll also reminded Han Chen that he had to return the Dwarf Patsy back to the Dwarf Tribe in the future.    


Han Chen opened the scroll and started to read seriously. The first part was about tempering. It was much more detailed and abundant than what Zuo Gang had described today.    


Weapon forging. Heavy equipment with no edge. Great skill doesn't work. Light weapons sharp, cutting iron like mud.    


If one wanted to increase the lethality of a weapon, one could not only inlay a magical beast core or treasure on it. It could even be integrated into various formations. The more Han Chen looked at it, the more shocked he was. He never thought that this seemingly simple method of artifact forging would actually contain so much profound knowledge.    


After spending four hours, Han Chen finished reading the entire book. At the end, Han Chen was overjoyed, but after seeing it, he did indeed record the key techniques and instructions for "Congealing Method".    


The method of condensation was a profound technique of artifact forging. After being smelted with the True Fire of a person, it would solidify into the form of Martial Energy.    


Han Chen was secretly amazed, the refining method must have a precise control of the martial spirit energy. This was similar to the spiritual force control required to concoct pills.    


In one breath, Han Chen had finished reading the essence of the condensing technique, causing Han Chen to suddenly have the urge to do so. He waved his hand and a white light flashed. A three-meter-long iron tree appeared in front of him.    


When he was in the Earth King Valley, Han Chen collected a lot of Steel Trees. There was also a flowering cycad tree that had taken hundreds of years to grow. The Iron Tree was a precious artifact forging material, and using it to refine a treasure was not an option either.    


Looking at the metal tree, Han Chen was at a loss. After staring blankly for a while, he used brute force to break off a branch that was as thick as a child's arm.    


"I'll use you to try my hand first."    


Han Chen took another look at the main points of the method and heaved a sigh of relief. With a move of his palm, he raised the branches of the metal tree into the air, letting it float in front of him. Following that, Han Chen used his martial spirit energy to wrap the branches of the cycad tree with True Fire and roasted it.    


The scorching flames had even slightly distorted the space. This was the flame released by Han Chen using the Four Symbols Art, and it was clearly much more tyrannical than the ordinary fire produced by a cauldron.    


Soon, the branch started to turn red and melt at a speed visible to the naked eye.    


Han Chen had to grill it repeatedly to remove all the impurities inside, leaving the purest part of the ingredients. It was like a piece of good iron that had to be tempered millions of times.    


The high temperature liquid from the Irontree Branch flowed back and forth in his Primordial Flame, and because it was his first time refining, and because it was such a profound method of refining, and because there was no master guiding him, Han Chen was unable to grasp a number.    


After two hours, he felt that it was about time. As Han Chen weakened the flames, he used his martial spirit energy to solidify his body. Before they even started, Han Chen was in trouble again. What shape would the weapon be?    


Dagger! Han Chen thought for a while, then made up his mind. He started to condense the sword into a dagger according to how it looked in his mind.    


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