Supreme Divine Book

C279 Blood Sword Inverse Power

C279 Blood Sword Inverse Power

"Han Chen, get out here right now."    


In the northern mining area, a group of soldiers held long spears in their hands as they pointed at a group of miners' slaves, which exuded a murderous aura. Not long after, the crowd parted, and Han Chen, Ding Lang, Cang Jie, and their group walked out.    


Who is Han Chen? The captain of the army came forward and shouted.    


"I am." Han Chen replied indifferently.    


On the other side of the mine, Gan Yi and Gan Lin were hiding in the dark and watching the situation ahead of them. On Gan Yi's face, a cold and proud smile could still be seen.    


"Brother, why did you do this? After tonight, we can leave. Why do you still want to frame Han Chen? " Gan Lin was unable to understand his thoughts.    


Gan Yi sneered, "That brat has offended me time and time again. How could I forgive him so easily?"    


"But …"    


"Enough, Gan Lin." Just watch how that brat is going to be executed! "    


Gan Yi's thoughts were sinister, even if he was about to escape this "Sea of Bitterness", he wanted to personally witness Han Chen's terrible end. What he did not know was that Gan Yi's action of digging his own grave.    


The group of miners behind Han Chen formed a confrontation with the soldiers from before. This was also the first time that they didn't show any fear on their faces.    


Han Chen walked to the front, and looked at the captain with interest, and asked, "What? "Is there something this military lord wants to talk to me about?"    


The squad leader's gaze turned cold, and a vigorous aura burst out from his body. Ding Lang and the rest could not help but have their expressions change, the other party actually had the tyrannical strength of the fifth stage of the mastery.    


"Hmph." The captain pointed at Han Chen and said fiercely, "Kid, I heard that you are dishonest here."    


"Not honest? No! I am a good citizen! " Han Chen caressed his chin with a relaxed look on his face, and the corner of his mouth raised into a frivolous smile. All of us here are good citizens, but we were captured by you dog soldiers afterwards. "    


"Bastard!" The captain was furious and thrusted the spear in his hand towards Han Chen's chest. "The cold spear flashed, and the body of the spear burst out with a resplendent golden brilliance." "Brat, go and die!"    


Feeling the power of this strike, the surrounding Ding Lang, Old Gou, and the other people simultaneously frowned.    


"Gan Yi, who was hiding in the shadows, smiled even wider. Heh heh, Han Chen, you still haven't fallen at my hands in the end. "    


In the blink of an eye, the sharp spear tip had already arrived in front of him. Han Chen unhurriedly raised his right hand and extended his index finger. He accurately pointed at the tip of the spear.    


Bang! There was a slight muffled sound in the air, and the captain suddenly felt his palm tremble, as if a spear had pierced into a hard metal plate.    


In the next moment, Han Chen grabbed the spear tip, and moved his wrist. Pow! 'Bang! 'He broke the sharp tip of the spear in front of everyone.    


Everyone present was shocked. Whoosh! A ray of light shot out from Han Chen's hand, shooting towards the captain like a shooting star. The latter's pupils constricted. "Hiss!" He felt a sharp pain in his heart and a sharp, ice-cold weapon pierced his chest.    


In an instant, he had beheaded a warrior at the fifth level of mastery.    


Other than Cang Jie, everyone else present was dumbstruck. Ding Lang, Scarface, and the others finally no longer had any doubts. Han Chen did indeed have the ability to help them.    


Dark red blood spurted out of the squad leader's body, and the life in his eyes quickly drained away. Bang! He collapsed weakly on the ground and stopped moving.    


The fifty or so soldiers behind him immediately panicked. Suddenly, they felt that the gazes of the miners' slaves were extremely sharp and excited.    


"Stinking brat, how dare you! How dare you kill our captain?!"    


"Hahahaha." Han Chen spread open his arms as a domineering, arrogant aura arose involuntarily. He raised his head to the sky and shouted, "Brothers, what are you waiting for? It's time for you guys to take revenge. "    




Before he finished his sentence, a black mass of people suddenly surged out from the inside of the mining site. One hundred or two hundred miners' slaves opened their bloodshot eyes and charged towards the soldiers in front of them like tidewaters.    


"Kill!" "You dog soldiers, bring your lives over here." Ding Lang was the first to rush up, raising the hoe in his hand, he instantly smashed a soldier's head.    


A big battle was on the verge of breaking out. The scar-faced man brandished his broadsword and hacked down ferociously. The unlucky soldier didn't even have the chance to scream before he was hacked into two halves.    


The shouts resounded, shaking the world.    


The soldiers who were used to bullying miners' slaves had never seen such a situation before. One of the soldiers was so scared that he didn't even have the strength to fight back. He quickly took out a firework ammunition and lit it up before throwing it into the sky.    


Bang! Smoke bombs exploded in the air, and the faces of the soldiers surrounding the mountain changed completely.    


"Not good, something happened in the mine."    


"Hurry and report this to Commander Xu Lao."    


In an army camp a few hundred meters away from the mining site, a small soldier hastily barged into the Inner Mansion where Xu Lao was staying. At this time, Xu Lao was still drinking wine, hugging the two young women and enjoying himself.    


"Commander, commander! Something terrible has happened! There's someone causing trouble in the mine!"    


"What?" Xu Lao pushed the two girls away, striking the table in front of him with his palm. What happened? "    


"I still don't know. General Xu Bing has already rushed over with his men."    


Xu Lao frowned, he knew exactly how important this mining site was. If something were to happen, he might not even be able to keep his position as a commander.    


"Damn it." Xu Lao fiercely cursed out, "Immediately gather everyone's forces, then immediately rush to the mining site. "If you discover any miners' slaves escaping, kill them all."    


"Yes, Commander."    


At this time, the mining area had already become a mess. In just a few blinks of an eye, over fifty soldiers had been drowned by Ding Lang, Scar Face, Gou Lao and the rest.    


Blood splattered everywhere as he screamed in pain.    


Usually, the hoes and shovels held by the miners had now become their most lethal weapon. Although the heavy hoe was blunt, it was enough to smash the soldiers' heads.    


The two siblings, Gan Yi and Gan Lin, who were hiding in the shadows, were already so shocked that they didn't know what to do.    


Gan Yi's face was as white as paper, his eyes filled with disbelief. His wishful thinking completely failed him. He had originally wanted to personally see Han Chen suffer a terrible fate, but he never expected that with just a single move, the other party would be able to kill the captain of the team, who was at the fifth level of mastery.    


"How can this be? "How did that brat become so strong?" In Gan Yi's impression, Han Chen's strength was not even close to his. If he did not have a treasure, it would be easy for Gan Yi to kill his opponent.    


But now, with the heroic sacrifice of the captain. The plan of the brother and sister pair to escape tonight quietly vanished into thin air.    


After exterminating a group of soldiers, the soldiers that were guarding outside quickly heard the news and came over. When they saw the situation before their eyes, they were so shocked that their faces turned pale.    


The miners' slaves who could not even walk steadily became bloodthirsty wolves.    


An unending stream of soldiers came down to the mining site. On one side was a well-trained and regular army. On one side was a miner filled with rage. The teams from both sides met on this special battlefield.    


If we meet on a narrow path, the brave will win, and I will use the blood sword to reverse my power.    


"Are you lowly slaves tired of living?" The leader of the soldiers stood at the top of the passageway and shouted angrily from above.    


Before he could finish his sentence, a stream of light shot out. Hiss! Blood splashed on the clear sky, and a round head flew out.    


"Big brother, Han Chen, he, he transformed into a pair of wings." Gan Lin looked in shock at Han Chen who had killed the leader with a single slash. Gan Yi was equally shocked, his heart was trembling uncontrollably.    


Han Chen stood proudly in the air, his wings of light unfurling behind him. Staring downwards, he resembled an overlord of the world. The youth raised the sword in his hand and roared towards the sky.    




Kill! The soldiers trembled, while the miners became even more excited. The grievances, anger, and hatred that had accumulated in his heart for countless years burst out at the same time.    


His aura soared like a rainbow, advancing with great speed. Killing the heavens was a cruel and merciless method.    


Since the humanity is merciless, why should I show mercy? Han Chen let out a long roar, and a heaven overflowing fighting intent exploded out. "Heaven Shocking Sword, One Thousand Swords!"    


Buzz! Buzz! An intense wave of energy fluctuations rippled through the air. In an instant, sharp sword images condensed in the air. Like a meteor shower, the densely packed sword lights came crashing down with the force of a gust of wind, crashing into the crowd of soldiers.    


Hiss, hiss, hiss! Accompanied by the sound of his flesh being sliced open, a heart-wrenching scream resounded throughout the world. The crowd of soldiers were instantly killed and wounded.    


Broken limbs fluttered wildly in the air. Warm blood was poured onto the bodies of over a hundred miners' slaves, igniting their boiling blood once again.    


"Kill, cut open a path of blood!" Ding Lang grabbed a pike from the ground and ruthlessly pierced through a soldier's chest.    


"Brothers, let these dog soldiers know that we are not easy to bully."    


"For freedom, for family at home. "Brothers, let's fight to the death with them."    


Everyone's blood boiled and their eyes turned blood-red. High morale and fighting spirit dictated their actions. Even Cang Jie was thrown into a fierce battle. Even the usually weak merchants, such as Zhang Tao and Liao Yang, had decisively picked up their weapons.    


It was difficult to imagine how a group of regular soldiers were being continuously forced back by the miners' slaves. This was because they had already decided to go all out.    


Ding Lang, Gou Lao Si, Scar face and the other experts all fought forward. Soon, they reached the top of the tunnel. Han Chen opened up a path for them, and for the first time in their lives, the group of miners stepped onto this pathway that led outside.    


At that moment, Xu Bing and his men rushed over. After being shocked by the tragic sight in front of him, Xu Bing was so shocked that his eyes nearly popped out of his head.    


"Archers, shoot!"    


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