Supreme Divine Book

C276 Scheduled for

C276 Scheduled for

In the next few days, the structure of the underground mining area quietly underwent a strange change.    


In less than two days, the knife-scarred man and Old Gou's mining area in the west and south. As if they had blended into the northern mining area where Han Chen was at, they all ran there at the same time during the day. At night, he returned to his residence as usual.    


Once he executed his escape plan, the pressure Han Chen was feeling immediately increased. Refining the Great Body Refinement Pellet day and night was his only job.    


Time and time again, he had managed to concoct the Fen Xiang's medicinal pills. Han Chen's pill cultivating skills had become even more proficient. Originally, refining nineteen Body Refinement Pellets had taken close to two days. Currently, he had only used less than a day to refine fifty pills.    


Cangjie did not say it out loud, but his heart was filled with even more admiration and shock. He originally had plans to take Han Chen as his disciple, but after a quick thought, he gave up on that idea.    


"The pill is completed!" Han Chen shouted and stood up from the ground. He stepped forward and opened the cauldron. This time, there were nearly fifty Great Body Refinement Pellets inside. This was also the last batch with limited medicinal ingredients. Originally, he could not have refined more than 200 pills, but previously, Han Chen had damaged two medicinal ingredients, so he had refined a total of around 150 pills.    


"Not bad, not bad." "Cangjie has said two good things consecutively, his eyes are filled with unconcealable praise." "Being able to become a tier 1 alchemist in such a short period of time is extremely rare."    


"Heh heh, is that so? I thought senior was going to scold me again. "    


"You've done so well, I can't even find a reason to curse at you." "" Cangjie smiled and took out a medicinal formula and a pile of ingredients. " This is the pill formula and the ingredients used to refine the soldier's grain. "    


Han Chen's eyes immediately lit up. He was just about to ask Cang Jie for this, but he didn't expect that Cang Jie would actually hand it over to him on his own accord. He was so excited that he didn't know what to say.    


"Kid, there's no need to say any more words of thanks."    


"Hehe, thank you senior. That's right, senior. " Han Chen suddenly thought of something, and asked: "Senior, since you have the soldiers food pills on you, why didn't you refine them yourself?"    


"Ai!" Cang Jie shook his head helplessly, "It's all because of me."    


"Do you really want face?"    


"That's right. If I want to refine these soldier's grain pills, I will reveal my identity as an alchemist." "At that time when you see it from the side, wouldn't you be ridiculing me, a dignified level 2 alchemist, for falling to this state?"    


"This?" The corner of Han Chen's eyes twitched, this could also become a reason for the other party to say so.    


"Stupid, isn't it?" Cang Jie retorted with a question before sighing deeply. It was my stupidity that caused me to nearly starve to death. However, when I understood that it was already too hungry to concoct any more military rations or pills, my entire body felt weak. Luckily, I managed to survive after meeting you. "    


Hearing Cang Jie's words, Han Chen couldn't help but feel that it was a little funny. However, he suppressed the laughter in his heart and casually said, "Senior, you can rest assured! "With this kid here, you won't die of hunger."    


"Hur hur." Cangjie stroked his beard and waved his hand, "I'm going out for a walk. I've been staying here for too long. I almost forgot what it looks like outside, go ahead and think about how to refine the military grain pills! "    


"Okay, if senior has anything, feel free to look for Ding Lang."    


"En!" Cang Jie nodded and leisurely walked out of the room.    


Han Chen took in a light breath, as his heart was filled with great gratitude towards Cang Jie. He then went forward and stored the Great Body Tempering Pill into his storage ring.    


The Great Body Refinement Pellet was a first grade pellet, and was very useful for martial cultivation s who were at the early stages of and below the mastery. However, to Han Chen who had a cultivation at the ninth level, the effects were insignificant. So he didn't have any intention of taking the Great Body Tempering Pill.    


Unknowingly, it was already late at night.    


In the eastern mining area, lights were still on in a spacious room. The ground had been swept clean. In a place like this, there was such a neat and tidy floor. It was quite rare.    


On the wooden dresser, a young and pretty girl was washing her long black hair in a basin of clear water. This woman was Gan Lin. Only when no one else was present would she dare to reveal her identity as a daughter.    


"Ai!" Accompanying a long sigh, Gan Yi, who was not far away, said softly, "Little Sister, I really am sorry. Let you suffer with me in this dark place. "    


Gan Lin was stunned at first, but then he turned around. "Big brother, why did you say such a depressing thing again? You should blame me." "If I hadn't insisted that you bring me out to play, this wouldn't have happened."    


Gan Yi was silent for a moment, then said, "I don't know why we are going down to the mines these days, but it seems that the people from the other two mines are heading towards the northern region."    


"Not only them, even quite a few people from our eastern mining area have come to their place."    


"Is that so?"    


"Brother, why are you pretending not to know! You know it. " Gan Lin saw through the other party's thoughts with a single glance. He walked over and sat beside him. Brother, why don't we go find that Han Chen too! He seems very confident. "    


"Hmph, forget it!" Gan Yi's eyes surged with a bit of contempt, "What ability can he have? If not for the fact that he used a treasure, he would have died under my sword long ago. "    


Gan Yi's tone was filled with extreme disdain and disgust, and it could be seen that he was still brooding over Han Chen.    


Gan Lin's red lips slightly pursed, "Big Brother, that Han Chen doesn't look like a bad person."    


"Enough." "Gan Yi interrupted him, and the disgust between his brows grew even stronger. Gan Lin, only I can protect you here. No one else is worthy of believing that Han Chen is an arrogant person. In the future, you are not allowed to mention him in front of me. "    


"Oh." Gan Lin nodded and replied in a low voice.    


Unknowingly, the four mines had undergone an unknown transformation.    


The sun and the moon rotated, day and night alternated. In the blink of an eye, another seven days passed. The time limit for exchanging food had arrived.    


Noon, the sun was high in the sky, and the blue sky was like the freedom everyone longed for. Over thirty soldiers stood arrogantly in the middle of the mountain with weapons in hand. Behind them were bags of dark bread and bread.    


The people from the four mines exchanged spirit crystals for food in an orderly fashion. Gan Yi, Scar face, and Gou Lao Si had all handed in different amounts of Spirit Crystals. When Ding Lang went over, he only took out thirty low grade spirit crystals.    


The leader of the soldiers glared at Ding Lang and glared fiercely, "F * ck, what are you doing? Why is it so little? "    


Ding Lang's face looked bitter as he answered pitifully, "Masters, a few days ago, the mine collapsed again. They crushed more than half of our brothers, and this is all the spirit crystals we have. "    


"What?" The soldier bellowed and was about to raise his hand to hit him.    


Ding Lang immediately squatted down and hugged his opponent's thigh, "Please spare my life Master, Master, we really can't do anything! Give me more food! I'm begging you. "    


The surrounding people all shot peculiar gazes at him. Both Scarface and Gou Lao Si understood tacitly. As for Gan Yi and the rest of the people from the eastern mining area, they revealed confused expressions.    


Logically speaking, they should have heard of the collapse accident in the Northern Wasteland. However, everything had been quiet lately, and he hadn't heard anything. But then again, food is very important. If Ding Lang lied, he would not get enough food. In the end, the most unfortunate ones were still the people from the northern mining area.    


"Get out of my way." The soldier's face was filled with disgust as he kicked Ding Lang away fiercely. "Hmph, after digging through so many spirit crystals, you still dare to ask for more food? Get lost!"    


With that, the soldier gestured for the soldiers behind him to throw down several bags of bread before leading the group away in anger.    


"Great sir, give us more!" We'll starve to death. " Ding Lang was still screaming hysterically, but his eyes revealed a hint of craftiness.    


After the soldiers left, Ding Lang stopped shouting. Following which, the scar-faced man and Old Gou smiled as they walked over. Alright! Ding Lang, you brat, your acting skills are not bad. "    


"I was almost tricked by you."    


"Hehe, don't praise me anymore, praise to the point where I feel embarrassed." Ding Lang grinned. He did not look sad at all.    


The group of people from the east mining area were all dumbfounded as question marks appeared in their hearts one after another. Gan Yi frowned, even he could not figure out what was going on.    


At the same time, Han Chen led a group of brothers from the northern region and walked over.    


"It's time."    


"Chief, I'll follow your instructions."    


Everyone quickly surrounded him. Han Chen nodded, then turned to Scar face and Old Gou and said, "Next time, do this."    


"Mm. Alright." The two of them replied respectfully. Now, they were extremely respectful and convinced of Han Chen. He would do whatever he wanted to say.    


The reason why Han Chen was like that was so the soldiers outside would think that the miners below them had met with an accident. As a result, the number of people decreased in order to relax their defenses.    


After a while, when they thought there were only a hundred people in the mine. Han Chen's sudden appearance of two hundred people was enough to catch them off guard.    


"What kind of tricks are you playing?" Gan Yi frowned, and said.    


Han Chen shrugged his shoulders and laughed, "Does Boss Gan Yi want to join? I've invited you no less than three times. I think it's time for you to understand our plans. "    


"Humph, come on! You only have the ability to use artifacts. Han Chen, your actions are really stupid. I know you want to be caught off guard, but don't forget. Without food, our lives will be cut off. "    


Gan Yi naturally did not think of the fact that Han Chen was able to refine such an item, as long as he had this set of pills. Why would I need those dark, untasty foods?    


Hehe, thank you for your reminder, Boss Gan Yi. Han Chen rubbed his nose, and continued, "I hope that you can cooperate with me as soon as possible. Soon, our plan will begin to work. "    


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