Supreme Divine Book

C1146 Interception

C1146 Interception

"Dammit, it's already been a year. That Han Chen can't have died at the bottom of the Nine Nether River, right?"    


"That's unlikely. If he really had the Purifying Buddha Lotus, it would not have happened so easily."    


"What if he doesn't have any?"    


"Hmph, if there aren't any, then why do you think so many geniuses gathered here?"    


In the surrounding area of the Nine Nether River, many geniuses with powerful strengths were like city guards as they meticulously waited for and searched for Han Chen's figure in the area.    


However, a year had passed in the blink of an eye since the time Han Chen had first entered the depths of the River Styx.    


In this year's time, not only were there not many people who left, the number of geniuses that came to pay their respects only continued to increase. Almost everyone's goal was the Grand Nirvana Pill.    


It was one of the most famous Holy Elixirs in the world. Its effects were irresistible to countless people.    


The environment of the netherworld was still gloomy and gloomy.    


At the edge of the river, where the ink seemed to be gathering, a dense forest stretched as far as the eye could see.    


In a slightly secluded valley, the water of the Nine Nether River flowed like a dragon in the valley.    


Any area within a hundred meters of the Styx was barren. Even from a hundred meters away, the vegetation looked dark and grey.    


"Big brother, how much longer do we have to wait?"    


On top of a huge rock, arcane dust sat cross-legged. A sharp aura that was completely formed from nature was released from its body. And the one who had said those words earlier, was the brother of the arcane dust, Ji Jingsheng.    


arcane dust laughed lightly, her eyelids raised slightly, as she replied with great interest, "That brat can hide under the River Styx for a year and not come out, why can't we wait for a year? Since he's so patient, I'll just accompany him. "    


"I feel that there is no need for that. Big Brother, with your strength, if you want to obtain the champion position of the Thousand Veins Martial Meeting, then that is a matter of no return. Why would we waste our time on that boy?" Ji Jingsheng said.    


"Haha, aren't you looking down too much on the effects of the Great Nirvana Pill?" For us, even if we spend all our family's wealth, we can only get one of these supreme dan beads. But right now, there are only 20 Great Nirvana Pills in front of us. Do you still think that staying here is not worth it? "    


Ji Jingsheng raised his brows, "But that kid hasn't appeared for so long. He must have consumed the Great Nirvana Pill downstairs."    


"Humph!" "The effect of the Great Nirvana Pill is astonishing, with his strength, he can only take one at most. If he was foolish enough to take two, his entire body would explode, and he would die."    


"I see." Ji Jingsheng nodded.    


Suddenly, a cold glint flashed through the corner of arcane dust's eyes as he looked towards the depths of the valley. In the deep valley covered by the dark forest, the cold wind was blowing on the treetops, making sizzling sounds.    


"Big brother, what's wrong?"    


The arcane dust's blade-like eyes showed a playful look, and the corners of its mouth curled into a mocking smile, "Hehe, just as I expected, our prey has caught the hook nearby."    


"What?" The arcane dust was especially surprised.    


"Let's go!"    


Before his voice had even faded, arcane dust flashed out like a ray of light, its speed was as fast as a vicious beast aimed at its prey.    


Nine Serenities Forest!    


Han Chen, Li Mao, Xie Qufeng and the rest of the group rushed towards the outskirts of the forest at the fastest speed possible.    


Everyone understood that virtually all of the genius experts in the entire area were looking for them. He couldn't stay in this place any longer.    


Even though everyone's overall strength had increased dramatically, including Ming Ruo's, they now had four experts at the ninth level of long habitat. However, everyone understood that a tiger would find it hard to fight against a pack of wolves.    


"Big brother, where are we going after we leave the Nine Serenities Forest?" Ming Ruo said as she followed behind Han Chen.    


"Go to Lei Yin!"    


Before Han Chen could finish his sentence, a sharp wind burst forward, accompanied by an exceptionally fierce wind. That surging pressure was like the assault of a ferocious beast.    


"Hmph, let's see where you can run to now!"    


"It's you guys?"    


Han Chen frowned slightly with a bit of astonishment on his face. The people who came were arcane dust, Ji Jingsheng and Ji Jingsheng. Han Chen secretly sighed in his heart, it was indeed worthy of being the extremely difficult to deal with Ink Splitting Holy Brush. When he himself came out of the netherworld, he avoided everyone's line of sight and chose a quiet and hidden mountain valley to shore.    


It was all for the sake of hiding from others and stealthily leaving this place. However, he was still caught up by the other party. This arcane dust was truly a difficult character to deal with.    


arcane dust squinted her eyes, she glanced at Han Chen and the group, and instantly noticed that the cultivation levels of the people in front of him had undergone a huge change compared to the time at the 'Soaring Cloud Sect's Sacred Barrier'.    


Especially Han Chen, the temperament revealed from his body, seemed to have risen in nature.    


This was the power of the Great Nirvana Pill!    


The arcane dust was moved, and Ji Jingsheng, who was at the side, could not hide the burning passion in his eyes.    


"Hand over the Great Nirvana Pills and I will let you go." arcane dust said indifferently.    


The faces of Li Mao, Xie Qufeng and the rest of the group slightly changed, even though everyone's cultivation level was different from before, even if it was Li, Xie and the others, they had already reached the ninth level of the long habitat. But facing Xie Qufeng in front of him, he still felt extremely pressured.    


No one would doubt that even if Li Mao and Xie Qufeng were to take action at the same time, they would be defeated by the arcane dust in a short amount of time.    


Han Chen took a step forward, his calm eyes filled with not a trace of emotion. "You won't let us go, even if I give you the Great Nirvana Pill!"    


Han Chen's voice paused, and continued, "Moreover, I do not plan to hand the thing over."    


Every word was resolute without the slightest hesitation.    


"Hmph. You arrogant thing. Don't you think you can escape from our hands just because you have more people?" Ji Jingsheng roared in anger, when he was at the Ling Xiao Seal Altar, he had some conflicts with Han Chen.    


Furthermore, due to Ji Jingsheng's extraordinary background, from the bottom of his heart, he looked down on people like Han Chen, who did not have any kind of background. Thus, whether it was his tone or attitude, he showed disdain.    


Han Chen sneered, and said, "So what if we can't escape? Giving you the Great Nirvana pills is the most foolish decision. Please don't be stupid enough to think that we would do such a stupid thing. "    


Three consecutive 'stupid' slaps were like a palm to Ji Jingsheng's face.    




Ji Jingsheng was furious, he was the first to release a wave of anger that overflowed to the heavens and rushed towards Han Chen, "Brat, today I will definitely make you suffer."    


"Weng Long!"    


The surging wave of destructive aura was approaching and Ji Jingsheng's cultivation had actually reached the ninth level of the long habitat.    


Looking at the furious Ji Jingsheng, Li Mao, Xie Qufeng and the others were secretly shocked, this arcane dust, the two Ji Jingsheng brothers, were truly rare geniuses.    


But, Han Chen had a face full of disdain, he stomped on the ground, "Peng!" With a dull thud, he immediately jumped out, turned his right hand into a palm, and struck at Ji Jingsheng.    


"Humph!" Ji Jingsheng replied with a look of disdain as he changed his palm into a claw to receive the blow. "Could it be that you think you can beat me by eating a Grand Nirvana Pill?"    


"Bang bang!"    


The palm and the claw intersected, and a dense golden and white light exploded out from both of their palms. A golden radiance surged in the center of Han Chen's palm, and a white radiance radiated from the center of Ji Jingsheng's palm.    


In the empty space between their palms, a golden and a white martial energy cyclone rotated back and forth like two small dragons fighting each other.    


"That's all?" Han Chen laughed disdainfully.    


"What did you say?"    




As soon as he finished speaking, an extremely strong wave of hidden energy surged out from Han Chen's body. The violent attack was like volcanic magma, and in an instant, the white cyclone in Ji Jingsheng's palm was shattered.    


Ji Jingsheng's face changed greatly, his pupils constricted and he quickly dodged with a retreat of his palm.    


However, Han Chen's speed was as fast as lightning, and that seemingly gentle palm wind gently landed on the opponent's palm.    




Ji Jingsheng's body could not help but tremble, as though he had suffered an extremely heavy blow. His pale face immediately became dark red from the blood flow. Along with a halo of golden light, it spread out from Han Chen's palm. Ji Jingsheng spat out blood, and flew backwards.    


Defeating Ji Jingsheng who had a cultivation of the ninth stage with a single palm, Han Chen's aura was exceptionally domineering.    


Li Mao, Xie Qufeng, Lin Pu and the rest were all shocked as their faces revealed shock.    


Not far away, arcane dust's expression darkened, "Heh, not bad, the current you has the qualifications to become my arcane dust's opponent."    




The overflowing aura was more than ten times stronger than Ji Jingsheng's, the arcane dust was filled with dense killing intent, with the dense white martial spirit energy acting as the center, it formed into a vast whirlpool.    


Han Chen frowned, looking at the aura, the arcane dust was clearly much stronger than him.    


Han Chen immediately looked at Ming Ruo, Xie Qufeng and the others behind him, and said, "You guys go first."    


"Big brother!"    


"No need to say anymore. You guys leave immediately, I can easily escape by myself."    


Han Chen knew very well that his chance of winning against the arcane dust was not even 50%, but if he were to engage in a huge battle, any violent movements would definitely attract other people. At that time, with so many people, it would be difficult for them to leave.    


Similarly, if Han Chen were to leave alone, there would not be many people who could stop him.    


This was not the first time they were travelling with Han Chen, so they naturally understood what he meant.    


Without any hesitation, Xie Qufeng and Li Mao opened a path in front and led the group to leave.    


"Humph!" If you want to leave, how can it be that easy? "    


The arcane dust released an excited aura, as if it was going to intercept. Han Chen unhesitatingly stepped forward and fought with the arcane dust.    


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