Supreme Divine Book

C1082 Venomous Scorpion of the Demonic Dragon

C1082 Venomous Scorpion of the Demonic Dragon

Storm City    


Looking at the simple cross coordinates on the stone monument, everyone couldn't help but feel a bit surprised.    


The center of the coordinates had the words' Wind and Rain City ', and other than this symbol, there were two other symbols. One was the 'Buddhist Sect' located in the northwest direction, and the other was the 'Da Xiong City' located in the north.    


"Looks like we should be in this Storm City." The white clothed man Li Mao said.    


Han Chen's gaze focused slightly as his attention swept back and forth between the 'Buddha Sect' and 'Great Bow City' coordinates.    


These two places were the closest to the Storm City, so maybe Ming Ruo, Shen Yu and the others would be there.    


"Then let's hurry up and go!" The person who spoke was Guan Ye, she was also more anxious to find Guan Yue.    


"Then should we go to the Buddhist Sect or the Great Xiong City first?" A genius of the Barren Star Sea said.    




Just as everyone was about to go to that place first, a loud roar from a ferocious beast suddenly came over.    


Soon after, the ground began to tremble, as if thousands of horses and soldiers were galloping towards them.    


"What's going on?"    


"We just investigated! There are no beasts in the city at all. "    


Li Mao clenched both his hands, and said solemnly, "Not in the city, but outside the city."    




Everyone had a bad feeling about this. They immediately leaped and flew into the air, arriving in the air to watch from the sidelines.    


It didn't matter if they didn't look, but when they did, everyone was scared senseless.    


Beast tide.    


There were thousands upon thousands of them, like a horde of beasts.    


A giant python with three heads, a fierce tiger with a long sword on its back and a hundred feet tall giant ape …    


There were also many species that he had never seen before. Such a terrifying scene, even Wan Jianshan who liked to hunt fierce beasts felt his scalp tingle.    


At the front of the horde of beasts, there were over a hundred people frantically escaping. The people who were being chased were in a sorry state. They were running towards the city with all their might.    


"Those idiots lured the beast tide here." A young genius scolded.    


"Damn it!" Wan Jianshan also cursed out loud. With a move of his palm, the sharp sword appeared in his hand.    


The moment the people who were chased by the group of spirit beasts saw Han Chen, Wan Jianshan, and the others, their eyes lit up with joy. However, when they clearly saw the total number of people, their joy immediately turned into worry.    


Han Chen searched through the crowd in front of him for the figures of his companions, but he did not recognize any of them.    


"Look, it's Senior Brother Wan Jianshan."    


"About Miss Leaf."    


"Tianchen's tissue's Han Chen is also there!"    


The people who were being chased by the magical beasts did not care about the number of people in front, they directly rushed towards the ancient city.    


"Bastard, don't come over." A genius scolded.    


"We can't fight him head on. There are too many hordes of beasts." Li Mao made a decision first and said to Han Chen and Wan Jianshan: "Brother Han, Brother Wan, this place is where the two of you are at the strongest, the three of us will do our best to help them block it!"    


Han Chen slightly nodded without any objections.    


Wan Jianshan hesitated slightly, but he did not reject his offer.    


Li Mao's face revealed a look of gratitude, and then, he turned to Guan Ye, Qiu Rong and the rest, and said: "All of you, retreat towards the rear of the Wind and Rain City."    


"Let's go!"    


Time was of the essence, and no one had the slightest hesitation.    




Han Chen, Wan Jianshan and Li Mao were all enraged, they released a monstrous wave of attacks that rushed towards the direction of the beasts.    


The more than one hundred people who were being chased were moved, and they all expressed their gratitude.    


"Thank you for your help, seniors."    


"Cut the crap, hurry up and leave!" As Wan Jianshan shouted sternly, he raised his sword and cut a hundred-meter-tall giant ape in half from the inside.    


Han Chen's sword aura caused the Dragon Sword to blossom with a beautiful seven colored light. With a wave of his hand, a rainbow-colored sword beam shot across the sky like a rainbow bridge. As the row of sword beams descended, more than a dozen demon beasts had their heads pierced through, shocking the entire audience.    


Li Mao was also not weak, with a finger technique that was as fast as lightning, and his attacks were especially powerful, aimed at the head of the fierce beasts, heart and other vital areas, and killed them in one strike.    


It had to be said that the actions of these three people had shocked the entire audience.    


Of course, these tens of thousands of beasts were even more terrifying than thousands of soldiers and horses. After just a few seconds of resisting, the three of them felt that they could no longer resist.    


"Retreat!" Han Chen shouted.    


Li Mao did not hesitate at all and quickly left. The few seconds that the three of them had managed to gain had allowed the hundred plus people who were fleeing for their lives to gain a breathing space.    


Everyone ran in the front, leaving Han Chen, Wan Jianshan and Li Mao behind.    


And the Guan Ye, Qiu Rong and a few dozen people had already reached the rear regions of the Wind and Rain City, but even so, they did not dare slack, and continued to flee.    




Suddenly, a deafening roar could be heard.    


The terrifying sound waves caused the buildings to collapse one after another. Many people were so shocked that their blood began to boil, and their eardrums began to hurt.    


Under everyone's shocked gaze, a gigantic creature appeared amidst the surging waves of beasts.    


This vicious beast was over a hundred zhang tall, and had the appearance of a scorpion. However, it had the head of a legendary dragon. Its black outer shell was shiny and smooth, and the poisonous spikes on its tail stood up high like an inverted hook.    


Although it was facing the ground, its body was still much taller than the city walls.    


This imposing manner was like that of a king among fierce beasts, and his savage appearance caused one to tremble with fear.    


"Oh my god!" "This is the Demonic Dragon Scorpion Beast!" A young genius exclaimed with a trembling voice.    


"Incredible, this devilish dragon and poisonous scorpion beast has at least reached the eighth level of long habitat."    


"We can't beat him, hurry up and run!"    




"Tsk tsk!"    


The demonic dragon and scorpion beast released two different kinds of roars and sharp laughter. Their roars terrified people, and their eardrums seemed to crack. The laughter made one's scalp tingle and their gums ache.    


These two sounds were both effective in generating great fear in the hearts of the crowd.    




The demonic dragon and the scorpion beast advanced towards the Storm City. The walls collapsed and the tall buildings were destroyed, which was especially violent. Countless magical beasts entered the city and occupied it, causing the ancient city that had lasted for a thousand years to be razed to the ground.    


The expressions of Han Chen, Li Mao, Wan Jianshan and the rest all changed. Facing such an aggressive attack, escaping was the only way out.    


"Han Chen, run!" Master Guan shouted.    


"Big brother Jian Shan, hurry up and leave. Don't worry about anyone else." Qiu Rong was also panicking.    


In the face of danger, everyone had the right to be alone.    


Everyone raised their speed to its fastest speed without looking back. They were afraid that if they looked back, they would run into the gigantic mouth of the demonic dragon, Venomous Scorpion Beast.    


"Tsk tsk!"    


The Demonic Dragon Scorpion Beast let out a sarcastic hiss, and in the next moment, raised its sharp poisonous thorns, and rushed straight towards Han Chen and Wan Jianshan who were closest to it.    


The sharp, piercing wind looked as if it was tearing the air apart, and a thick sense of danger came from behind it.    


Han Chen, Wan Jianshan's heart tensed up, and immediately split to the left and right.    


"Boom boom boom!"    


The barbed poisonous stingers heavily slammed into a tall building in the Windy City. The terrifying impact instantly turned the tall building into ruins.    


"Tsk tsk!"    


The devilish dragon and scorpion laughed sinisterly and immediately leaped up, its enormous body like a mountain as it flew up. The incomparably huge mouth of the abyss gaped open, and directly bit towards Han Chen and Wan Jianshan, as though it wanted to swallow the two of them into its stomach.    


"Han Chen, go faster!" Guan Tingxian was anxiously jumping up and down on the spot, but even she didn't understand why she was so worried about him.    




The devilish dragon and scorpion beast had terrifying strength of the eighth level of long habitat. Both in terms of speed and strength, they were extremely shocking.    


Its enormous mouth, however, was enough to swallow both Han Chen and Wan Jianshan in front of it.    


But, Han Chen and Wan Jianshan were not ordinary people either. Facing the danger behind them, they once again increased their speed.    


Right at that moment, Wan Jianshan's eyes suddenly flashed with a ruthless light, the sword wielding right hand gently waved, an extremely obscure transparent sword aura cut towards Han Chen.    


"Buzz buzz!"    


's pupils constricted as he fiercely turned his head and glared at Wan Jianshan. You despicable thing. "    


A cold smile appeared on Wan Jianshan's lips as he said cunningly, "Ok, let's go."    




The obscure transparent sword beam blocked Han Chen's path. In just a short span of a second, the gigantic mouth in the abyss of the devilish dragon and scorpion beast had already arrived behind Han Chen.    




"Han Chen!" Guan Ye's face changed dramatically.    


Li Mao and the rest of the group also turned pale with fright. Brother Han! "    


The demonic dragon and scorpion beast's giant mouth quickly closed, and the sharp fangs immediately swallowed Han Chen.    


In the second before it was devoured by the devilish dragon and scorpion, Han Chen's ice-cold eyes were fixated on Wan Jianshan like sharp swords, and those dark and cold eyes were filled with killing intent.    


However, seeing such a shocking scene, everyone's hearts jumped out of their chests.    


Only Qiu Rong's eyes lit up, looking especially surprised.    


As the scene was too chaotic, no one noticed that it was Wan Jianshan who had played a trick on them, causing Han Chen to "lose his life" from the mouth of the devilish dragon and scorpion.    


Wan Jianshan's mood was also great. His body immediately sped up, and like a stream of light, he left the attack range of the Poison Scorpion Beast.    


Everyone was shocked, but they didn't dare to stay in a daze. No matter what, staying alive was more important.    


"Master, we will never forget Brother Han Chen." Li Mao immediately tried to persuade the depressed Guan Ye.    




In a short span of time, the ferocious beasts that were like tidewater had completely razed the Storm City to the ground. Under the lead of the demonic dragon and scorpion beast, the magical beasts continued their frenzied pursuit and slaughter of everyone around them.    


The Hundred Year Grand Ceremony was only the first day …    


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