Supreme Divine Book

C979 Guests from the Dwarf Clan

C979 Guests from the Dwarf Clan

The degree of resistance the Blood Demon Heart had against it exceeded Yan Wu's expectations.    


Han Chen had no choice but to enter a stalemate with the Blood Demon Heart.    


As time passed, the power of the Runic Circle Scroll gradually weakened and the berserk degree of the Blood Demon Heart grew increasingly stronger. At any moment, Han Chen's blood vessels would burst and he would burst out of his body.    


"Tap, tap, tap!"    


The sound of the blood demon heart beating was extremely powerful, Han Chen who was covered in the golden light deeply furrowed his brows, his face revealing a dense amount of Evil Qi.    


On the left side of his chest, the dark golden heart could be clearly seen, looking extremely strange.    


"Buzz buzz!"    


Yan Wu, who was sitting on a rock beside the lake, suddenly opened her beautiful eyes. Her red lips moved slightly as she muttered to herself, "Time is up.    


Yan Wu got up and walked towards Han Chen.    


At this moment, the radiance emitted by the talisman formation scrolls were rapidly dimming, and the devilish aura being released from Han Chen's body was becoming denser and denser.    


If they were to bump into each other without knowing the truth, they would think of the other party as a devil.    


"That's enough, show me your Blood Demon Heart!" Yan Wu replied softly.    




A majestic aura burst out from Han Chen's body, the vast might of the Wu Yuan Qi swept out, the Blood Demon Qi was immediately suppressed.    


Yan Wu's picturesque eyebrows twisted slightly, "Han Chen, you can't."    


"Buzz buzz!"    


Yan Wu had not even finished speaking when the Blood Demon Heart suddenly rebounded and a terrifying demonic aura surged. Han Chen's aura was immediately suppressed.    


"This is too ridiculous." Yan Wu's beautiful face changed, her fine brows tensed up, "Han Chen, quickly stop."    


With that, Yan Wu raised her hand, and a suction force appeared in her palm, ready to pull the Blood Demon Heart out of Han Chen's body by force.    


"Buzz buzz!"    


Han Chen's entire body was surrounded by devil energy, his handsome features looked extremely evil, and his long black and white hair danced in the chaotic air, as though he was an unparalleled devil king who was about to awaken.    


Yan Wu cursed in her heart. If this carried on, the demon qi from the Blood Demon Heart would corrode Han Chen's body. In the worst case scenario, Han Chen might really slip into the demon realm.    


"Blood Demon Heart, come out."    


The attractive force that Yan Wu released turned into an illusionary palm, the hand fell into Han Chen's body, grabbing onto the blood demon's heart, she tried to pull it out.    


But at this moment, Han Chen suddenly opened his eyes. His originally pitch black pupils had turned blood-red.    




Han Chen released a low roar that resembled that of a ferocious beast, and in an instant, a wave of demonic energy surged out.    




The powerful shock wave ruthlessly struck Yan Wu's body. Yan Wu, who was caught off guard, was blasted flying backwards and landed heavily on the ground.    


Yan Wu could not care about her injuries, and immediately stood up, releasing the fiendish demon Qi.    




Abruptly, a strange energy fluctuation was released from within Han Chen's body once again. Following after, a ball of bright, seven-colored light surged out from within his body.    


Once the seven-colored light appeared, it looked like a beautiful cloud.    


The auspicious clouds were like holy lights that dispersed the fiendish blood energy.    


Yan Wu was shocked, she could not help but stand in place, "The power of seven emotions and six desires?"    


Under Yan Wu's flabbergasted gaze, one bright light after another was released from Han Chen's body. The surface of Han Chen's body flickered with a few colored lights, as if they were the essence of a rainbow that was especially dazzling.    


The Blood Demon Heart was gradually being suppressed, and the surrounding black demonic energy was gathering towards Han Chen's left chest like a whale sucking water.    


In just a few blinks of an eye, the seven-colored light had completely suppressed the black demonic energy.    


"Tuuu! Tuuu!"    


The beating rhythm of the Blood Demon Heart gradually calmed down, and the frequency slowly reached an agreement with Han Chen's own heartbeat.    


"Tuuu! Tuuu!"    


When both hearts beat at the same rhythm, "Weng!" With a light tremble, the dark golden heart on the left of Han Chen's chest shone with a bright light, and then appeared and fused with Han Chen's heart.    


However, seeing Han Chen's eyes return back to their normal black color from the scarlet, Yan Wu could not help but heave a sigh of relief.    


"I feel a little dizzy!" Han Chen shook his head and squinted his eyes at Yan Wu, "Miss fiendish demon, didn't you say that it was going to be a little difficult to bear? I feel like I'm peeling off a layer of skin. "    


Han Chen casually said. Yan Wu was both angry and amused.    


"Who are you blaming? I told you to give up after failing to succeed after half an hour, but you just wouldn't listen. If it wasn't for the 'Seven Desire and Six Desire Physique' in your body, you would most likely be in the demonic path. "    


Han Chen raised his handsome eyebrows and said in confusion, "I thought that the 'Blood Demon Heart' would be easier to deal with."    


"You're too naive, no matter what, Cheng Feng is still a Saint, its' devil heart 'is enough to kill a few of you."    


"Really!?" Then how is my current condition? Is it a success? "    


"Not quite."    




Yan Wu looked at him with a deep meaning, and said solemnly: "Just now, you took the initiative to provoke the Blood Demon Heart, causing it to be stimulated, and it to subconsciously release its full strength. Although you have suppressed it now, its energy is extremely unstable."    


"Then what should we do?"    


"But you don't need to worry too much. You can slowly absorb the power within the Blood Demon's heart and wait for it to gradually weaken. At that time, it will no longer be a threat to you."    


Han Chen nodded, "Hearing you say that, I feel more at ease."    


Yan Wu unhappily glanced at him, "I really can't tell that you're still afraid."    


Han Chen laughed, but did not explain further.    


The worry that Han Chen was referring to was not because he was afraid of the Blood Demon Heart threatening his life. It was because he was afraid that the Blood Demon Qi would control his own consciousness and cause harm to the people around him.    


Just like when Yan Wu glanced at him earlier, she had almost been accidentally injured by Han Chen.    


"With this Blood Demon Heart, you'll be able to achieve twice the results with half the effort when you train in the 'Blood Demon Slaughtering Sky Technique'." Yan Wu said.    


Han Chen looked back at him, his gaze fixated on Yan Wu's ruby like eyes, "Thank you."    


This sudden warmth made Yan Wu feel a little strange, mixed with a little bit of warmth.    




At this moment, a somewhat hasty voice sounded from a certain direction.    


Han Chen, Yan Wu were both startled. Turning around, they saw a young disciple from the Cold Alliance running over while gasping for breath. Alliance Master, Elder Yan Wu. "    


"What's wrong?" Han Chen asked.    


"Alliance Head, a guest has arrived. They said that they want to see you."    


"Oh? "What kind of guests?" Han Chen asked.    


"It's a group of dwarves. The one leading them is called Lu Xiu, and he said that he came from the Plains of the Polar Region."    


"Elder Lu Xiu?" Han Chen's eyes could not help but light up, as great joy gushed out from between his brows, "Where are they now?"    


"It's at the Five Dragons Square."    


The vast Five Dragons Square was currently filled with people.    


In the center of the square, about two thousand dwarves were gathered.    


The tallest of the dwarves was less than 1.6 meters, while the shortest was about 1.2 meters. However, almost every one of these dwarves was strong and muscular.    


"Is this the dwarven tribe of the Great Prairie? "It's just like the rumors said."    


"But what are they doing here? Didn't the dwarves never leave their tribe? "    


"Who knows!" "I'll understand in a bit."    


The people around were whispering to each other. They were all amazed at the novelty of this new beast race.    


"Elder Lu Xiu, go back to your room and wait for the Alliance Master! Those who travel through mountains and rivers should first rest. " Chu Mu welcomed the people from Dwarf politely.    


"It's fine." Lu Xiu slightly nodded, "We will just wait here."    




Chu Mu felt a little helpless. He had 'invited' them a few times already, but these dwarves refused to receive them in the main hall.    


Wen Lei, who was at the side, merely smiled without saying a word. He knew that this was not the Dwarf's stubbornness, but the rules of their tribe.    


More than ten years ago, Wen Lei had gone to the Dwarf. He knew that if the Dwarf were to visit someone else's house, he must meet the master of a family before entering.    


To them, this was a form of courtesy.    


"Elder Lu Xiu."    


A familiar and excited voice sounded from the side of the square. Everyone's hearts lit up as they looked at the voice with respect.    


"The chief is here."    


The crowd of Dwarf were equally surprised as they hurriedly went forward to welcome him.    


"Friend Han Chen."    


"Friend Han Chen, it's really you! Previously, we didn't believe that you had such a great power! "    


When Han Chen walked to the front, he realized that other than Lu Xiu, there were also Pao Suo, Bi Jia, Li Er and a few other dwarves that he was familiar with.    


Lu Xiu was a smithing expert of the Dwarf, he had learned how to make Thunderbolt Beads from him.    


At that time, he was also the Dwarf who hated humans the most. Only after he saw what Han Chen had done for the tribe did his opinion of humans improve.    


He was a middle-aged dwarf, and was very friendly and respectful to Han Chen.    


"Elder Lu Xiu, Paso, Uncle Bi Ga, you are all here." Han Chen called out a few of their names in familiarity.    


"Brother Han Chen, do you still remember me?"    


A gentle and soft female dwarf walked over. The female dwarf was about 1.5 metres tall, which was considered relatively tall in Dwarf. Her pair of big, watery eyes were very bright.    


"Of course, you're Lil."    


Lil was the Dwarf who was almost humiliated by a group of soldiers in Pingshui City. Fortunately, Han Chen had arrived in time to save her from danger.    


Seeing that Han Chen did not hesitate to shout out his name, Lil 'White was extremely happy, as if he was a cute little elf.    


The eyes of the surrounding Cold Alliance disciples lit up. It seemed that there was also such a cute girl in Dwarf.    


After greeting each other, Han Chen then asked the other party about their origins.    


"Clan Elder Lu Xiu, why have you come to the Tian Luo Prefecture? Is the Dwarf in trouble again? "    




Lu Xiu shook his head, his old eyes squinted slightly, and said, "We heard that during this period of time, something happened to you in Tian Luo Prefecture. After discussing it with the Patriarch, we decided to send out a group of dwarves with the best crafting skills from the tribe to help the rise of Cold Alliance."    


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