Supreme Divine Book

C916 The Help of the Mysterious Man

C916 The Help of the Mysterious Man

In the air above the lush and verdant mountains, Han Chen encountered the Heavenly Palace's Law Enforcing Elder, Pu Kong, stopping him in his tracks.    


A hundred meters away from the two of them stood a dozen or so Heaven Palace experts.    


These dozens of Rankers did not have the intention to help, because it was completely unnecessary. Furthermore, Pu Kong had never needed anyone's help to do so.    


"This stupid kid has finally reached the end of his life." A Heavenly Palace's expert sneered.    


"The past few days, I'm really frustrated, if I had Elder Pu Kong take action earlier, I would not have done such a thing."    


"Heh, it doesn't matter. After all, it's about to end."    


A hundred meters in front of the crowd, Han Chen's reaction speed had become sluggish from the immense suppression of Pu Kong's body. That vigorous aura was like a towering mountain, as it turned into an invisible pressure and pressed against Han Chen's body.    


"Heh." Pu Kong's face revealed a sinister and malicious smile, his one hand had turned into a palm blade, and with lightning speed, he chopped towards Han Chen's neck, "Little bastard, go and die!"    


Han Chen's pupils contracted slightly, and immediately after, an extremely powerful wave of righteous energy swept out from his body.    


"One thought becomes longevity!"    


"Buzz buzz!"    


In that moment, the aura that Han Chen released suddenly increased by more than a few folds, the space around him shook intensely, and Han Chen immediately broke through the pressure of Pu Kong's aura. The Skylight Sword shined with a bright light, and like a shadow, it rushed to Pu Kong's heart.    


"Humph, little bastard, you're courting death!"    


Pu Kong flipped his palm, casually knocking away the Skylight Sword, then raised a gust of wind and thunder to ruthlessly hit Han Chen in the face.    


Han Chen who had activated the [Book of Life] had a layer of silver energy protecting his body.    


Pu Kong was unable to avoid this palm strike, so he could only bite the bullet and circulate the [Book of Life] to the extreme. At the same time, he quietly released the devouring ability to welcome the opponent's palm strike.    




When the two palms met, a terrifying force that could topple mountains and overturn seas directly flowed into's body through his arm. Han Chen endured the salty taste in his throat and borrowed the force of the force from the palm to quickly retreat.    


However, Han Chen's intentions had long been seen through by him, he no longer planned to delay any further.    


"Heh, brat, you can withstand two of my palms without dying. You have the qualifications to make me use my true strength."    


Pu Kong grabbed at the empty space with one hand, and along with a "buzzing" sound, the space around Han Chen, who was quickly retreating, was instantly sealed.    


With Han Chen at the center, fine purple light began to float between heaven and earth. Thousands and thousands of light rays seemed to swim like silk, and quickly wrapped around Han Chen's four limbs, body, and neck …    


Han Chen was shocked, he released the third stage of her long habitat's martial spirit energy without restraint, but it was useless, unable to escape from the encirclement of the purple light.    


"Buzz buzz!"    


In the next moment, an even more intense energy fluctuation was released from above Han Chen's head.    


In the sky, a magnificent, resplendent, gigantic purple array glyph was gradually taking shape. The brilliant, crisscrossing purple array glyphs exuded an aura akin to a towering mountain.    


"Little bastard, offending the Heaven Palace is the biggest mistake you've ever made in your life. Die!" Pu Kong's face revealed an extremely sinister smile.    




Under this irresistibly strong force, Han Chen was shocked to smell a strong death aura.    


At this critical moment, something unexpected happened. Above them, a massive vortex of dark clouds gathered.    


An even more violent wave of energy shook the desolate lands. Lightning flashed, thunder rumbled, and a fierce wind blew. Under the shocked gazes of the dozen or so people from the Heavenly Palace, a divine punishment like heavenly lightning flew out from the dense dark clouds.    


The Heavenly Thunder Crown, which was filled with an endless destructive aura, solidly struck the resplendent purple array glyph above Han Chen's head with an astonishing momentum.    


"Boom boom boom!"    


A deafening sound reverberated in all directions. The purple array glyphs instantly shattered. Along with the violent energy shockwaves, the mountain ranges and rivers within ten thousand meters were razed to the ground and turned into ruins.    


And Han Chen, who was entangled by the purple light, suffered an extremely violent charge. Under the impact of the chaotic energy, Han Chen felt as though he was a flower and plant in a sandstorm, his internal organs shifted and his internal organs suffered injuries. Following that, a large mouthful of fresh blood spurted out of his mouth.    


At the same time, the purple light threads binding Han Chen were also stretched and broken.    


Taking advantage of the situation, Han Chen endured the pain in his body and, borrowing the force to cover himself, he turned into a ray of light and escaped in a certain direction.    


"Little bastard, where are you going?"    


Pu Kong and the group of Heavenly Palace experts' faces changed, just as they were about to give chase, a loud thump sounded! With a sound, the lightning which had destroyed the purple array of talismans just now exploded out from the middle of the group, and a resplendent sun-like light covered the entire sky as it struck towards Pu Kong's group, and even blocked their path.    




The air distorted as if it could be torn apart at any moment.    


Chaotic energy fluctuations were like a recalcitrant tide, sweeping in all directions. Pu Kong's body trembled, his clothes and long hair flying backwards. Behind him, the bodies of more than a dozen Heavenly Palace's experts trembled from the impact, blood leaking out of their mouths.    




Pu Kong's face darkened, he raised his eyes and looked angrily at the sky, and berated fiercely, "Do you really want to become enemies with my Heavenly Palace? This time, I will not pursue the matter. If there is a second time, then I will wait for the experts of the Heavenly Palace to trample your sect! "Humph!"    


An angry roar exploded between the heavens and the earth. Not long later, the thick clouds that had gathered in the sky dispersed.    


On the other hand, there was a mountain range in front of them that had been reduced to ruins.    




"No need to say anymore." Pu Kong took in a deep breath, and a cold glint filled his narrowed eyes. "That kid won't be completely fine under such a violent impact, he can't run too far, chase after him."    


"Yes, Elder."    


Without hesitation, Pu Kong and the rest immediately rushed in the direction where Han Chen had disappeared to.    


A sudden surge of energy had helped Han Chen resolve his urgent situation, but Pu Kong could more or less guess who the mysterious expert hiding behind the scenes was.    


Of course, there was also his own reason why Pu Kong did not fall out with him back then.    


Half an hour passed.    




Along with a muffled sound, a hand reached out from the pile of rubble. Immediately, a somewhat miserable figure crawled out from the pile of rubble.    


It was none other than Han Chen.    


Looking at the direction that Pu Kong's group was leaving in, Han Chen heaved a sigh of relief, his face revealing a cold smile.    


Taking advantage of the chaos, Han Chen did not choose to escape. He knew best that if he were to run away, he would be caught by Pu Kong no matter how far he ran.    


So under the cover of the chaotic energy, Han Chen completely restrained his aura and buried it amidst the rocks.    


The Han Chen who had escaped earlier was actually a clone created using the Imperial Sword Technique.    


Once the clone left their line of sight, it disappeared on its own, which was also why Pu Kong and the rest had lost sight of him in the blink of an eye.    


They didn't know that, but they had thought that Han Chen had run really fast.    


"Cough, cough!"    


Han Chen leaned against a huge boulder, with one hand covering his chest, streams of blood continuously flowed out from the corners of his mouth. This time, Han Chen's injuries were especially serious, if not for the 'Dragon Scale's Wounds' that helped the Holy Armor to dissipate part of the impact, it was unknown whether he would still be able to survive.    


In front of Han Chen's chest, there was a large amount of blood stains and many of his bones and tendons were also injured. Fortunately, his origin soul was not damaged, so he was able to release Martial Spirit and use the power of wood in his Greater Five Elements Techniques to repair the injuries in his body.    


"Who was the person who helped me just now?"    


Han Chen raised his pale face and looked towards the sky with a puzzled expression.    


"I say, silly boy, it seems like this is not the time to be thinking about. You have to hurry up and escape." Zhong Li's voice transmitted into Han Chen's mind.    


"I know." Han Chen replied weakly, before dragging his nearly collapsed body to flee in the direction away from Pu Kong and the others.    


The lush and verdant jungle emitted a moist and fresh soil.    


Trees that reached into the sky covered the jungle tightly. The sunlight shone in from the outside, forming strands of golden light. In the gloomy atmosphere, it seemed hazy and beautiful.    


At this moment, Han Chen was continuously heading deeper into the forest.    


If Han Chen did not choose to fly in the air, his target would easily be exposed. While he was moving, Han Chen channeled martial spirit energy to heal the injuries in his body.    


In the end, he was only running away while healing his wounds, so the efficacy of the treatment had been greatly reduced.    


After persisting for nearly four hours, Han Chen's legs staggered, and he directly fell to the ground. "Wa!" He spat out a large mouthful of blood.    


He couldn't run anymore. He had almost reached his limit.    


Han Chen crawled to the bottom of a huge tree, leaned on the tree, and panted heavily.    


No matter what, it was more important to recover from his injuries first.    


With his current condition, he would be in extreme danger if he met anyone. Han Chen immediately sat cross-legged under the huge tree, and then used the Greater Five Elements Techniques to treat his injuries.    


"Senior Zhong Li, please help me pay attention to my surroundings."    


Zhong Li didn't answer. It was as silent as a pool of water. At this moment, no one knew what she was thinking.    


Time passed minute after minute, the sun and moon rotated, and soon it was night.    


Because of a certain reason, the previously silent forest had become much more lively.    


During the day, the news of Han Chen killing in Ling Fu City had already spread far and wide, and similarly, the fact that Han Chen was exposed, attracted more and more sects.    


In the sky above the mountain range, ghost-like figures could be seen flying about from time to time.    


The group of people chasing after Han Chen grew bigger and bigger, but that young man was alone.    


It would not be wrong to say that Han Chen was currently the "public enemy" of the Tian Luo Prefecture. No one knew.    


"I just received news that the brat escaped from the hands of the Sky Heaven Law Enforcing Elder during the day."    


"Really?" Even Clan Elder Pu Kong was unable to take him down? "    


"That's right, but that kid was heavily injured and was able to escape. It is said that he is on the verge of death."    


"In that case, whoever finds him first will have his head?"    


"That's right."    


"Hahahaha, then what are we waiting for? Even if we have to dig three feet into the ground, we have to dig him out. "    


The search party for Han Chen could be seen everywhere. There were random people from all sorts of schools and famous sects.    


Of course, not all of the sects here were there to kill Han Chen.    


Beside a bonfire in a forest, there were a few groups from sects with rather strong auras.    


The leaders of these groups were all young people in their twenties. However, these young people were extremely famous in the Tian Luo Prefecture, and enjoyed the reputation of being the 'Ten Heaven's Pride'.    


Surrounding the bonfire were the's several first-rate powers.    


There were groups from the sword faction, Ziyang Palace, Puppet Faction, Heavenly Array Sect, and Seven Profound Peaks respectively. As for Xuanyuan Sect and her team, they were not there.    


The burning bonfire illuminated everyone's faces with a golden glow. Everyone was silent as if they were thinking about something.    


Especially the group of Seven Profound Peaks that Yang Dingjie was leading, all of their brows were tightly knitted, as if they were troubled by something.    


"What are you doing?"    


Standing up, there was one person in the group of the sword faction. This person was the only fifty year old old old man, it was the Great Clan Elder of the sword faction, and also the leader of the Heavenly Court Congress, Pan Ren.    


Because Jian Yifei was killed by Han Chen, the mission to hunt him down was led by Pan Ren. This was enough to show the sword sect's intent to kill Han Chen.    


Pan Ren's eyes swept across the four prodigies, Yang Dingjie, Zi Ling, Sima Jingtao and Yin Shangdong, and shouted. Little thief Han Chen is still escaping, how long are you going to sit there for? "    


The four heaven's pride level experts looked at each other with hidden ridicule on their faces.    


To be honest, they really did not have any plans to kill Han Chen. Otherwise, the sect would not let them lead the way, they would at least need to look for experts in long habitat.    


The reason he was here was because of the imperial edict issued by the Heavenly Mansion.    


As the overlord of this land, all the sects must carry out this mission. Thus, other than the sword faction, the other large sects were just putting on an act.    


"I would like to ask Elder Pan Ren, what reason do you have to chase after my Junior Brother Han Chen?"    


Standing out of Seven Profound Peaks's group was a beautiful woman who had a warm and gentle appearance. She was actually one of the core disciples of the Seven Profound Peaks, Han Xiang.    


"Hmph, Han Chen little thief has colluded with the Derro Prefecture, so he deserves to die a thousand times!"    


"What a joke!"    


Without waiting for Pan Ren to finish speaking, another Seven Profound Peaks disciple behind Han Xiang walked up and berated him, saying, "Elder Pan Ren, are you joking? Junior Brother Han Chen was innocent, everyone knew that he was wronged. Your sword sect is so active, they can't be more than jealous that he killed Jian Yifei, and at the same time, wants to curry favor with the Heaven Palace.    


Pan Ren was furious, a strong killing intent burst out from him.    


"Bastard, shut up."    


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