Supreme Divine Book

C850 A Sudden Change of Heart

C850 A Sudden Change of Heart

"Miss Yu Feng, this item is called the Stellar Sword, I plead for you to accept it."    


Han Chen's face was full of expectation, and even a bit of begging. To be honest, Han Chen's heart was also quite proud, but his arrogance was relative.    


If others were to be arrogant and conceited, then Han Chen would be even more arrogant and proud than the other party.    


However, in front of Yu Fenglan, she was unable to act haughtily. It was as if an ugly duckling had met a white swan, and could only raise its head and gaze into the distance.    


Looking at the Starlight Sword floating at the side, Yu Fenglan's beautiful eyes turned as though it contained faint rippling waves.    


After hesitating for a bit, Yu Fenglan raised her hand slightly, and gently grabbed the starlight sword.    


Han Chen was ecstatic, the determination in his eyes became even stronger. Miss Yufeng, in the future …    


"There's no future."    


Without waiting for Han Chen to finish speaking, Yu Fenglan's cold tone stopped him from continuing, "Don't try to find me either, you couldn't find me, there was no relationship between us, and nothing happened either."    




As soon as he finished his words, a silver stream of light flashed across the sky. In the next moment, Yu Fenglan disappeared into thin air from Han Chen's line of sight.    


Before he could even say his goodbyes, Han Chen was the only one left in the huge palace.    


Yu Fenglan left.    


It had been almost a year since their last meeting.    


After a hasty parting, Han Chen's heart was immediately filled with disappointment. Was the other party really that indifferent?    


Han Chen let out a light sigh, and leaned against the stone chair as he sat down. From the corner of his eyes, he saw that there was a clump of solidified, dark-red blood stains on the stone chair.    




Han Chen opened his eyes as astonishment filled his face. This was actually Yu Fenglan's first time! He was her first man!    


Han Chen suddenly had the urge to slap himself a few times. At the same time, many complex thoughts welled up in his heart. There was helplessness, disbelief, slight regret and at the same time, an indescribable secret joy …    


If that was the case, then it was impossible for Yu Fenglan to not care. The reason she left so quickly was because she didn't want to show any sort of grief in front of Han Chen.    


However, in Yu Fenglan's heart, she was in more pain than anyone else.    


Thinking of this, Han Chen's emotions fell to the bottom of the valley again and again.    


He clearly remembered the day he first saw Yu Fenglan. At that time, Han Chen was still the lowest level disciple in the Mystical Peak. At that time, in order to preserve his life, he had mixed into the team of the Violent Wind Gang to search for treasures in the Abyss. But in less than half a day, the entire Storm Gang was annihilated, yet Han Chen was able to survive unexpectedly.    


Then, Han Chen unintentionally broke into a mysterious palace, and from that palace, he obtained a The Supreme Divine Diagram from a dried up corpse. Immediately after, he opened a blood colored coffin, inside laid the sleeping Yu Fenglan.    


Maybe it's young and ignorant, or maybe it's the desire in my heart    


The moment Han Chen saw Yu Fenglan for the first time, he was stunned by her beautiful appearance, which caused him to confusingly leave a light kiss on her lips.    


The second time they met was at psychedelic forest. Han Chen had been harmed by his fellow sect brothers and Huayun City, and was forced off the cliff.    


He thought that death was inevitable, but in the next moment, Yu Fenglan appeared without any warning and saved him. That time, the reason Yu Fenglan went to find Han Chen was because he suspected that he had acquired the The Supreme Divine Diagram.    


The third time was outside a small city's dry well. Han Chen and Qiao Feiyan had just escaped from the encirclement of spirit bodies. At that time, Han Chen and Yu Fenglan had only spoken a few words before the other party left.    


However, that time, Han Chen knew her name.    


The fourth time was at the Tian Luo Prefecture. Han Chen had personally witnessed the great battle between her and Ziyang Palace Elder Yun Ya Zi. Han Chen "lost consciousness" and ambushed Yun Ya, successfully repelling his. Thus, Yu Fenglan followed Han Chen to Seven Profound Peaks.    


Until now, this was the fifth time they had met    


Han Chen had never thought that he would have this kind of interaction with Yu Fenglan one day. Many a times, he felt that Yu Fenglan was just like a lofty goddess.    


She was also the only woman who made Han Chen feel inferior. After the fragrant excitement, Han Chen's heart was not only filled with the complacency that a man should have, but also full of self-blame and guilt.    


He remembered what Yu Fenglan had said before she left, "Perhaps this is fate!"    


These simple words were filled with too much helplessness and regret. When he thought back to how the other party had endured the pain in his heart without showing it, Han Chen instantly felt that he was somewhat detestable … …    


"Hahahaha, wonderful, truly wonderful!"    


Suddenly, a burst of coarse laughter exploded beside Han Chen's ears. Han Chen's face changed drastically as he scanned his surroundings vigilantly, "Who is it?"    


"Hahahaha, this is wonderful! Haha, this is great!" I never thought that Yu Fenglan, that damned girl, would still have such a day. Hahahaha, the high and mighty 'Holy Maiden Tianxuan', has been robbed of her chastity by a common man.    


This voice was hoarse and low, as if it came from an old woman in her sixties or seventies. Although the laughter was unpleasant to hear, it was filled with endless excitement and pride.    


Laughter and laughter echoed in every corner of the palace. The sounds of laughter were intermittent, almost like a happy man clutching his stomach as tears streamed down his face. "Hahahaha …" "Hahahahaha …" "Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!"    


Han Chen frowned, he was shocked, the origin of the voice, was actually coming from his own body.    


What was going on?    


Han Chen was startled, and looked down at himself nervously and at a loss, "Who are you? Why is it in my body? "    


"Hehe, little fellow, not bad, not bad at all. You really did not disappoint me." "No, no, no. You have truly shocked me. Thank you so much. Please help me vent my anger. Hahahaha."    


Hearing these strange words, Han Chen became even more confused, "Who exactly are you? "Come out."    


"Hehe, don't worry, I'll be right out."    


"Buzz buzz!"    


In the next moment, Han Chen felt a violent surge of energy from his body. To his shock, it came from the The Supreme Divine Diagram s.    


Immediately afterwards, an azure-blue ball of light flew out from Han Chen's body and floated before his eyes.    


Han Chen had seen all kinds of strange things, but it wasn't something that scary. There was actually a demon residing in his body?    


"What kind of old monster are you?" Why is it in my body? "    


"Old monster?" Stinking brat, you dare to scold me? "    


As soon as the voice fell, a sparkling, white, jade-like, exquisite arm emerged from within the azure blue ball of light. The arm stretched out in front of Han Chen and smashed heavily against his head.    


"Aunt, I have saved your little life several times, and you still dare to curse at me. Do you believe that I won't kick you to death?"    


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