Supreme Divine Book

C832 Activating the Casanova Palace

C832 Activating the Casanova Palace

Under the burning gazes of everyone present, Han Chen walked steadily towards the main entrance of the palace.    


Beneath the stairs, Han Chen stopped in his tracks, and even the air slightly trembled. In the next moment, a golden diamond pendant floated above Han Chen's palm.    


The crowd couldn't help but look on with excited and passionate expressions when they saw the bright red stars.    


As the Casanova Palace was about to open, even Pu Shiqiong and Xie Wuchang were somewhat restless in their hearts.    


"Buzz buzz!"    


The Golden Spirit Star floated in front of Han Chen's body, floating in the air above his palms, slowly flowing. Dense and resplendent golden light spread in all directions. Dazzling rings of light spread out like a beautiful star, gorgeous and moving.    


Under the gazes of everyone present, Han Chen poured a dense amount of martial spirit energy into the glowing star. In an instant, the glowing star shone with a brilliant light.    


In the next moment, the airflow in the world became extremely chaotic. A gale rose and the sky changed color. A large area of dense dark clouds gathered at the ends of the clouds in the sky.    




The thunder and lightning of the Void rumbled, causing the mountains and rivers to tremble.    


The chaotic dark clouds roiled and rolled in the skies, enveloping the hearts of the crowd. It seemed as if the sky would collapse at any moment.    


Such an imposing sight was exactly the same as when the Evil Saint Palace was opened. "Rumble!" Under the astonished and passionate gazes of the crowd, a solid golden pillar of light shot up from the top of the star into the sky. It was so powerful that it pierced through the clouds of the nine heavens.    


"Buzz buzz!"    


At the same time, the barrier that had enveloped the four great palaces erupted with a dazzling golden light. Within that golden light, countless strange purple lights surged.    


The purple lights intertwined with each other, mottled and unmoving, as if they were countless ribbons.    


The martial spirit energy in Han Chen's body poured endlessly into the Golden Eyed Starlight. From the top of the Starlight Aura, a beam of golden light shot out, connecting the heaven and earth as if it was a divine iron that could stir the wind and clouds.    


With Han Chen's use of all his strength, the strange purple light that was flowing on the barrier quickly condensed and surged like a tide. Soon after, it turned into another ray of purple light that shot into the sky like a volcano erupting.    


The two pillars of light resonated with each other as a restless and furious aura engulfed the entire arena.    


Everyone present was forced to retreat due to the strong shock wave. Only the Heaven's Pride evil seed was able to stand firmly on the spot.    


The wind became fiercer and fiercer and the energy of heaven and earth became more and more violent.    


Following that, a vast and boundless martial force surged out of Han Chen's body. He clasped his hands together, and then pushed them outwards, as he said loudly and loudly, "Casanova Palace Formation Technique, activate!"    






The furious energy was like a flash flood. Under the scorching gazes of the geniuses, the two pillars of light were like two dragons intertwining with each other as they shot up into the sky. The barrier outside the four great palaces released a dazzling golden light. "Bang!" The barrier exploded into fragments of energy with a loud sound.    


Once the restriction was broken, countless fragments of energy covered the entire area. At the same time, an ancient aura that had been sealed for a long time rushed towards them.    


Casanova Palace, open!    


At the same time, outside the Sacred Domain, in the Sky Peak Plaza.    


The Heavenly Abode was separated by a few days. Once again, the Sky Peak Plaza welcomed the chaotic scene.    


On the Tian Luo Prefecture's side, the one in charge of the Heavenly Palace, Pu Xinghe, was the leader.    


In the entire Derro Prefecture, the one in charge was the evil hall, Bei Mingcang.    


The top experts of the two regions all had serious expressions on their faces as they stared at the golden pillar of light on the plaza in shock.    


Initially, the public square had three pillars of light: silver, purple, and gold.    


The silver pillar of light was the pathway to the Sacred Domain. The purple pillar of light signified that Zi Ling, who had activated the Evil Sacred Palace, had arrived at the Sacred Domain and was resonating with it. The golden pillar of light signified the opening of the Casanova Palace. It was also a scene that resonated with the Saint realm.    


The purple pillar of light that had disappeared meant that the Evil Saint Palace had already been broken open. Now, the restlessness that was produced by the golden pillar of light was hinting to everyone that the seal of the Casanova Palace was being opened.    


Who exactly was it that obtained those two treasures?    


Was it the genius of the Tian Luo Prefecture or the genius of the Derro Prefecture? As things gradually changed, this question became more and more interesting.    


"Buzz buzz!"    


Under the gazes of over a hundred thousand people, the golden pillar of light broke through the sky like a meteor. It began from the ground and disappeared into the clouds in the sky in the blink of an eye, disappearing from everyone's line of sight.    


"The Casanova Palace has also opened."    


"What happened inside? The key to open both of the Sacred Palaces is here. What a coincidence. "    


"I'm afraid this may not be a coincidence."    


"I think so too. This series of events seems like a conspiracy."    


In the end, only a single silver passageway was left in the center of the Heavenpeak Plaza. In the sky above the silver passageway, the Myriad Manifestation Saint Map was still floating above everyone's heads, blotting out the sky and blotting out the sun.    


The people from the various sects in Tian Luo Prefecture were caught up in their suspicions. Firstly, Bei Mingcang brought the experts of the Derro Prefecture and the geniuses to the main entrance of the Heaven Palace.    


Afterwards, the Golden Hornless Star and Zi Ling, who had been lost for hundreds of years, appeared in the Absolute Monarch Sanctuary at the same time. This caused everyone to associate this matter with the Derro Prefecture.    


However, Bei Mingcang also seemed to not know about it at all, which made the matter even more complicated.    


"There are still fifteen days."    


With both of his hands behind his back, Bei Mingcang's brows revealed the domineering aura of a king. He didn't need to release his aura to make everyone submit.    


Pu Xinghe, the one in charge of the Heavenly Palace, raised his eyebrows and laughed coldly, "You seem very confident."    


"Heh heh, that's only natural. I really look forward to the scene of the geniuses of your Tian Luo Prefecture losing miserably on the Sacred Stage in half a month's time. "    


"I'm afraid your hopes will be dashed."    


"Is that so?"    


"It must be." Pu Xinghe's tone became a bit colder, as though a bone-piercing cold wind had invaded his bones.    


In the past fifteen days, not many people from the various great doors of the Heavenly Court Congress had left. During these days of waiting, most of the people in the square used meditation to kill time. However, the vast majority of the people here could still bear with the boring waiting.    


Compared to the Heavenly Court Congress that only appeared once every dozen years, the anticipation of Tian Xie's battle this time was definitely much greater.    


In the end, who could shine so brilliantly on the Sacred Battle Platform was the one everyone was looking forward to.    


On the west side of the plaza, in a remote seating area, Mystical Peak, Ancient Sword Gate, Yue Lan Empire, Five Prefectures and other small sects were gathered.    


The first time he came to the Tian Luo Prefecture to participate, he encountered such a thing. This really made them feel a little absent-minded, but it was because of the arrival of the strong warriors of the evil hall s that the talented disciples of the sects had the chance to enter the Saint realm.    


The Saint realm. The Peak of Love.    


The wild energy of the world gradually returned to its previous calm state as the barrier outside the four great palaces broke apart. That golden barrier of light shattered into fragments and disappeared into the air.    


The palace in front of him was grand and majestic, grand and luxurious. However, it could not conceal the simple aura left behind by the passage of time.    


At the bottom of the stairs, Han Chen was holding onto the gold caltrop light star with one hand, and unknowingly, he was somewhat at a loss.    


"How strange."    


Han Chen frowned slightly and muttered to himself. What made him feel strange was that the difficulty of opening the Casanova Palace was actually lower than the one that opened the Evil Sacred Palace.    


He remembered that a few days ago, when he had used Zi Ling's Brilliant Star to open the Evil Sacred Palace, the powerful restrictive force had almost caused Han Chen to suffer a backlash. At that time, Han Chen clearly felt a considerable pressure.    


However, this time around, it was clearly much easier. It was as if it did not require much effort to easily open the spirit formation.    


"What's wrong?"    


Yan Wu, Xue Xi, Mu Tianen and the others walked up. Han Chen came back to reality and told everyone what she was thinking. The few of them were also a little curious. It was reasonable to say that the legacy of the Casanova Palace was not any weaker than that of the Evil Saint Palace. The difficulty of activating the enchantment shouldn't be any lower.    


Yan Wu's beautiful eyes slightly froze and her red lips slightly parted, "There are two reasons for such a situation. The first reason is because you have become stronger, so the difficulty in breaking the restriction will naturally decrease."    


"That makes sense. I think so." Mu Tianen agreed.    


"And the second reason?" Han Chen continued to ask.    


"The second reason is that the restrictions here have already been activated. Someone has already entered before us." Yan Wu replied seriously.    


"Are you joking? This is the Casanova Palace. "    


When Yan Wu said this, countless Tian Luo Prefecture geniuses immediately refuted him. Everyone knew that for the past few hundred years, even Pu Xinghe did not have any idea about the Palace of Love Saints' restrictions. There was only one way to open the Palace of Love, and that was the Golden Ling Star.    


"Yeah, there's no way to open the restrictive spells other than using the Golden Ling Brightstar."    


"Don't spout nonsense if you don't understand."    


Regarding the discussions of the people around him, Yan Wu did not argue with them.    


Han Chen also shook his head, thinking that it was impossible for someone to break the restriction and enter the palace. If that was really the case, then how terrifying was the cultivation level of the person who removed the restriction?    


After all, the person who set the barrier was a Saint.    


"Humph, suspicious." Pu Shiqiong, who was not far away, disdainfully sneered.    


Han Chen didn't even spare Pu Shiqiong a glance as he returned his gaze back to Yan Wu, Xue Xi and the others, and said. "The Casanova Palace has already been activated.    




"Got it, brother."    


The few of them nodded their heads, and followed the restless crowd up the stairs, and rushed into the palace.    


"The Casanova legacy, we'll each rely on our own abilities to obtain it. Let's go!"    


In the two regions, large groups of sects were rushing in. Everyone's faces were brimming with excitement. There were too many porridge on the face of the monk; opportunities and danger coexisted.    


What was hidden in the Casanova Palace? Danger or opportunity? Not yet    




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