Supreme Divine Book

C805 Awakening

C805 Awakening

The sudden scene caused everyone to be stunned on the spot. Especially those people who were speaking sarcastically to Han Chen before, they all shut their mouths honestly, opened their eyes wide, and a look of disbelief filled their faces.    


The 'dead' were really saved?    


Xie Wuchang, Pu Shiqiong and the other evil seed s of Heaven Stage also felt greatly astonished. It was clear that there was no longer any trace of life within the bodies of those people, yet they were forcefully saved. If they did not see it with their own eyes, perhaps no one would dare to believe this was real.    


"Who are you people?"    


The first person to wake up was a young man. His handsome appearance revealed his great confusion and vigilance.    


Immediately afterwards, the other people on the round stage also opened their eyes one after another, their life force and vitality once again radiating from their bodies. On their faces, the same confusion and vigilance could be seen.    


Because everyone was still in shock, no one tried to explain it to them.    


Mu Tianen's gaze was fixated on that beautiful face in front of him, and his heart was trembling, as though Nan Yueyi was the only person left in the world.    


Gently, Nan Yueyi's eyelashes fluttered, Mu Tianen's heart shrank as well, then, she opened her beautiful eyes, the first thing she saw was an excited face.    


"Yue, Yue Yi!"    


Mu Tianen's tone was gentle and trembled as he called out to him. Nan Yueyi was stunned for a moment, her pretty eyebrows revealed a little confusion, then her eyebrows relaxed as she tentatively asked with some uncertainty, "You, you're Xiao En?"    


Little Mmm!    


When he heard these two words, Mu Tianen's body couldn't help but shiver. This was a name that he hadn't heard for more than ten years, and in this world, there was only one person who would call him Xiao En.    


Accompanying the two words, 'little En', all the longing that had accumulated in his heart for more than ten years surged like a tide to his heart. Mu Tianen suddenly felt that all the suffering and grievances he had endured in the past few years were all worth it.    


"Yes, yes, I am Xiao En, I am Xiao En" Mu Tianen's eyes glowed red, but a smile still hung on his face. He wanted to cry, but also wanted to laugh.    


The puzzlement in Nan Yueyi's eyes was getting stronger, and when she looked at her surroundings, she asked: "What happened? Why did Xiao En grow up in just two years? "    


Two years?    


This time, it was Mu Tianen's turn to be stunned. He firmly shook his head, "No, it's not two years, we have already been separated for sixteen years, an entire sixteen years."    


"Sixteen years?" Nan Yueyi's beautiful face changed, at the same time, she subconsciously looked at her own hands, and then, touched the clothes on her body. "And you are?"    


"Yes, we came to participate in this year's Heavenly Court Congress."    


When he said that, Nan Yueyi and the other people on the stage were all startled, all of their eyes were opened wide, their faces were filled with shock.    


"What?" You said that we have been sleeping here for more than ten years? "    


"How is this possible?"    


Everyone looked at each other and looked at the bodies of the people around them. However, none of them had any changes to their appearances. There were no signs of aging at all. However, the clothes he was wearing seemed to have been baptized by years of time, and had already turned slightly yellow. Both situations gave them conflicting doubts.    


"Little En, what's with this arrival?" asked in confusion. To be honest, she didn't believe that more than ten years had quietly passed, but she didn't doubt that the person in front of her was Mu Tianen.    


"Yue Yi, this is indeed 16 years later. Back then, you were forced to marry into the Black Sha Empire!"    


Mu Tianen immediately began to recount in detail what happened all those years ago. When he arrived at the Tian Luo Prefecture, Han Chen used the Zi Ling Brilliant Star to activate the Evil Sacred Palace Inhibition Formation, and then explained the process of what happened just now.    


After hearing what Mu Tianen said, everyone was even more shocked.    


Moments later, the mood of the dozen or so people stabilized.    


The geniuses from the two states of Tian Xie had also regained their senses.    


"I never thought that the restriction back then would freeze us for over ten years. Now that I think about it, it's really terrifying." The first man that woke up mumbled to himself.    


"Yue Yi, what about you?" What exactly happened back then? " Mu Tianen asked.    


"Hmm?" Nan Yueyi raised her delicate eyes and swept her gaze across the other people on the round table. Her red lips moved slightly as she said softly, "At that time, we coincidentally discovered a weak hole at the outskirts of the Evil Sacred Palace. "But when we come in, the gap will disappear, and we won't be able to break through the seal and escape!"    


After that, the dozen or so people searched for their way out, but they didn't expect to touch the restrictions here. They were sealed away by the tyrannical restrictions for over ten years.    


In the past decade or so, all the functions within their bodies had been imprisoned. It was the equivalent of being in a motionless state.    


Due to being confined for too long, their life force was gradually drained away. Although their appearances had not changed, if it wasn't for the fact that Han Chen had arrived in time, it wouldn't be long before their last sliver of life force faded away, so even deities wouldn't have been able to save them.    


"Was it this young master who saved us just now?" A beautiful lady walked to the edge of the round table, and looked at Han Chen.    


"I am a young lady from the 'Eastern Edge City' Nangong Family. Nangong Xin, thank you young master for saving me."    


After hearing the beautiful woman's reminder, the others also came back to their senses one after another. It was as if they had forgotten to thank Han Chen.    


"I am Li Clan of Wanxiong Prefecture, Li Gong. Thank you for saving my life."    


"I am Meng Fang from the Wanxiong Prefecture's Martial Ming Sect. Thank you brother for saving my life."    


Han Chen smiled, raised his hand and nodded, saying, "It's nothing, no need to take it to heart."    


"Sigh!" How can I not take it to heart? " Meng Fang of the Martial Ming Sect waved his hand and patted his chest, saying, "This was all thanks to you, brother, but you saved our lives. From today onwards, if anything happens to you, I, Meng Fang, will do my best. "    


"That's right. I, Li Gong, also owe you a huge favor."    


Everyone thanked Han Chen, except the man who was the first to wake up. He stood there silently on the stage, a deep look that not his peers could see in his eyes.    


Seeing that Han Chen was so well-received, Xie Wuchang and Pu Shiqiong naturally felt discontent in their hearts.    


Basically, all of them had a cultivation at the ninth level of Heavenly Completion Stage. The strongest was the first man who woke up, but did not thank Han Chen.    


He had the cultivation of the first stage of the long habitat, but it seemed as if he had not condensed his primordial spirit yet.    


martial cultivation s who did not condense their primordial spirits could not be considered strong practitioners of long habitat. However, when compared to true long habitat experts, they could not brazenly use martial energy during battle.    


Therefore, the first man who woke up still had the qualifications to be treated with caution by Xie Wuchang and Pu Shiqiong. It was a good thing that he did not try to worm his way into being close with Han Chen. Otherwise, the assistance that Han Chen possessed would have directly threatened the Heavenly Palace's group in the evil hall.    


"Sir Han Chen, thank you for saving us."    


With Mu Tianen's support, Nan Yueyi walked to Han Chen's side. After all, they had been confined for more than ten years, so the circulation of their Martial Energy was somewhat sluggish. It would take at least two to three days before they could recover completely.    


Without waiting for Han Chen to speak, Mu Tianen grinned from the side, "Hehe, Yue Yi, no need to thank me. This brat is my iron brother, he knows me very well.    


Han Chen also laughed, and could not help but scold jokingly, "I say, when did you become so shameless, I don't think we're that familiar, right?"    


"First time rebirth, second time rebirth! We've met twice already, don't forget, back then in Chaotic Demon Sea, we went through all sorts of hardships, through all kinds of hardships, through all kinds of hardships … "    


"Alright, alright, please say less." Han Chen immediately stopped, he really couldn't stand this guy.    


"Heh heh." Mu Tianen laughed, then revealed a serious expression, his tone was full of gratitude: "Han Chen, thank you for your help, adding in the restrictions on the Evil Holy Palace, I, Mu Tianen, will owe you two."    


Han Chen laughed, and did not say anything else.    


Ten-odd years ago, everyone had successfully saved him. They had already thanked him and said what they needed to say.    


However, everyone from the various sects seemed to have a tacit understanding with each other as they stood there quietly, as if they were waiting for something.    


"If I'm not wrong? This must be the heaven's pride level expert, right? " The first woman, Nangong Xin, said as his gaze fell on Pu Shiqiong.    


Everyone secretly sighed in admiration at this woman's good eyesight. Indeed, among the ten odd people, other than the man who was the first to wake up, Nangong Xin had the highest cultivation, with half a step into the long habitat.    


Hehe, Miss has good eyesight, I am Pu Shiqiong. Pu Shiqiong slightly nodded as he lightly replied.    


"Then who is this?" Nangong Xin's gaze turned to Xie Wuchang.    


From her point of view, Xie Wuchang was the same as Pu Shiqiong, who was an existence that others could not ignore. The only difference was, Xie Wuchang's entire body was releasing an unconcealable Evil Qi, and this Evil Qi was not something that the people of the Heavenly Palace possessed.    


"evil hall, Xie Wuchang."    




Someone from the evil hall also came?    


Nangong Xin, Li Gong, Meng Fang and the rest's faces all changed. Even the young man who woke up first couldn't help but narrow his eyes.    


Previously, when Mu Tianen had explained it to Nan Yueyi, he did not explain in detail that the geniuses of the various great sects of the evil Luo had also come, which was why it had caused them to be shocked.    


Nangong Xin quickly calmed himself down, his gaze sweeping across the heaven's pride level evil seed of the two great regions, and finally stopping on Xie Wuchang and Pu Shiqiong's bodies.    


"You two seem to have something to say?"    


"Hehe, young miss Nangong is indeed smart." Xie Wuchang raised his eyebrows and chuckled, "I want to ask you guys, when you touched the Inhibition Formation, did you discover anything else that was suspicious? For example, some sort of passage or treasure? "    


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