Supreme Divine Book

C795 Ectopia

C795 Ectopia



Under the countless gazes of everyone present that were filled with intense shock, the Asura Purgatory Peak that was filled with an endless amount of fiendish aura, was like a meteorite that had come from the ninth heaven as it fiercely pressed onto Xie Hui's body with a destructive aura.    


In an instant, the entire Evil Vulture Valley shook violently.    


Dark clouds rolled and filled the air with an ominous aura.    


A terrifying energy shockwave swept out. The surrounding mountains were instantly razed to the ground. The trees and vegetation were instantly reduced to fine powder.    


The sky darkened, and the sun and moon disappeared.    


The vigorous energy rippled like the waves of the ocean, and the might of its might was astonishing.    


The genius warriors from the big sects of the Sky Evil Continent all retreated backwards, and then rushed into the sky. Just a second ago, they had left, but the next second, the forest below them had collapsed.    




Shocking roars filled the air, comparable to the sound of wild thunder.    


In just a few blinks of an eye, everything within ten thousand meters was reduced to ruins. Mountains and rivers shattered, waterfalls flowed backwards. Violent energy wantonly permeated the air.    




Seeing this scene, the geniuses from the various sects all sucked in a breath of cold air. Extremely shocked expressions appeared on all of their faces.    


The hearts of the Heaven's Pride evil seed from the two prefectures were surging with emotions. It was as though a great wave had been set off and they were unable to calm down for a long time.    


"This kid?"    


In the group of people from Ying Ge City, Yu Mei's beautiful eyes were wide open and her red lips were slightly open. Her beautiful face was filled with a complicated expression.    


"Han Chen is so handsome! I like you so much. "    


Ye Xiaoke, who was in the Xuanyuan Sect, happily clapped. She, who had a pure heart, did not have complicated feelings like the others, but only had pleasant surprise and happiness.    


However, just as he finished speaking, Ye Xiaoke realized that this sentence seemed to be a bit of a 'confession'. At the same time, he also received Ye Weini's cold and beautiful gaze, and couldn't help but stick out his tongue.    


At this moment, the ones most shocked were the seven Heaven's Pride evil seed s: Yang Dingjie, Sima Jingtao, Zi Ling, Xie Yang, Zhao Guang, and Ge Liuyi.    


Because not long ago, they had even personally witnessed the great battle between Han Chen and the Heaven's Pride of the Sword Sect.    


In that battle, they thought that Han Chen had used all of his strength to win against Jian Yifei and kill him. But they never thought that Han Chen still had a hidden trump card that he hadn't used yet.    


"Damn, where did this guy come from?" evil seed Zhao Guang could not help but curse.    


Using the Heaven Splitting Seal to attract Xie Hui's attention, and then using the Earth Hand to pull him down to the ground, finally allowing the Asura Purgatory Peak to suppress him with all his might.    


The combination of Han Chen's moves could be said to be completed naturally, like flowing clouds and flowing water. Not only was Xie Hui not given any time to resist, even the surrounding geniuses were unable to catch their breaths.    


"Wu! Hu!"    


The ghost wailed and the wolf howled, and its sharp sound made one's scalp tingle.    


The pure white skeletons of humans and magical beasts unceasingly trembled on the Asura Purgatory Peak. The huge black mountain stood on the peak of Mount Chong, and the furious aura it exuded made people feel as if they were on the verge of exploding.    


In the sky, the young figure stood proudly as if he was a shining star in the vast night sky.    


However, at this time, what everyone was most concerned about was Xie Hui's situation. Xie Hui, who was suppressed under the Asura Purgatory Peak, did not make the slightest movement and was completely unaware of his situation.    


"Boom boom boom!"    


At this moment, a deafening sound came from the horizon.    


"Who are you, daring to go against my evil hall?"    


Along with an angry roar, a vigorous and majestic aura shook the desolate lands. Everyone's expression changed as they all looked up to see over a dozen sharp figures rapidly charging over. The person in the lead was dressed in azure clothes. His long hair draped over his shoulders and his entire body emitted a monstrous evil aura.    


"It's Xie Wuchang." An exclamation came from the crowd.    




When they heard the three words "Xie Wuchang", everyone present frowned, revealing expressions of shock. Especially the various Heaven's Pride sects of the Tian Luo Prefecture, all of them revealed extremely serious expressions.    


Xie Wuchang, the leader of the nine great evil seed s, was the leader of the younger generation in Derro Prefecture. His arrival would undoubtedly bring troubles to the other Heaven's Pride geniuses.    


"Senior apprentice-brother Wuchang."    


Xie Yi, Xie Hei and Luo Qing saw Xie Wuchang approaching and their eyes lit up. At the same time, General Xie lowered his head and hurriedly pointed, saying, "Senior Brother Wuchang, Senior Brother Xie Hui was pressed under that mountain."    




Xie Wuchang's eyes flashed with a sharp light, he suddenly moved, and in the blink of an eye, arrived beside the Asura Purgatory Peak, raised his hand and struck the mountain wall.    


"Bang bang!"    


A loud, heavy explosion resounded in the air as the towering and majestic black colored mountain was forcibly lifted up by Xie Wuchang, without giving him any chance to escape. ))))) Not far away, Han Chen's face changed, he secretly gasped at the other party's strength, and took the opportunity to call back Asura Purgatory Peak.    


"Buzz buzz!"    


In the blink of an eye, it had become the size of a fist, and it returned back into Han Chen's hands.    


Everyone's gaze swept across the area where Xie Hui was previously at, only to see that the ground beneath him had been completely filled up, and a gigantic crater had appeared before their eyes. In the center of the crater, a miserable figure that was covered in blood was lying on the ground, on the verge of death.    




Suddenly, the entire Evil Vulture Valley burst into an uproar. Everyone widened their eyes and almost dropped their jaws to the ground in shock.    


That man was almost like a dead dog. Xie Hui?    


At this moment, even the geniuses of the evil hall were stunned, forgetting to check on the other party's situation. The second ranked evildoer in the younger generation of evil hall, was beaten to such a state in public today?    


Miserable, truly miserable, all the disciples of the other sects in Derro Prefecture were slapped hard on their faces.    


"None, senior apprentice-brother Wuchang." Relying on his powerful cultivation, Xie Hui was still able to keep his life, but his aura was extremely weak.    


However, Xie Wuchang's face was extremely gloomy, "Trash, you can't even beat someone with Eighth level of the Heavenly Completion Stage. You've even thrown evil hall's face, what use is there for you to live? If you die, so be it. "    


Hearing this, the people of evil hall could not help but shiver.    


Xie Wuchang was not joking, they all knew that once Xie Wuchang became angry, even if it was their own people, they would not be able to survive.    


Trembling, he raised his right hand and pointed at Yan Wu who was standing in the middle of the group of Seven Profound Peaks. With a low and deep voice, he said, "None, Senior Brother Wuchang, open, open the key to the Evil Sacred Palace. Here, in her hand, she's here!"    




"The Zi Ling Light Star is in your hands?"    


In everyone's mind, they felt as if a thunderbolt had struck on a clear day.    


What kind of place was the Evil Holy Palace?    


A thousand years ago, the two saints from the two states of Tian Xie were respectively the Evil Saint Cheng Feng of the Derro Prefecture, and the love Saint Liu Feixu of the Tian Luo Prefecture.    


The legacy left behind by these two saints was the greatest treasure of the Saint realm.    


And the so called Evil Sacred Palace, was precisely the place Cheng Feng had previously cultivated in. And in the Evil Saint Palace, there were extremely strong restrictions. These Inhibition Formations could not even deal with an important figure like the one in charge of the Heavenly Palace, Pu Xinghe. The only 'key' that could unlock the Inhibition Formations was Zi Ling.    


The atmosphere in Evil Vulture Valley immediately exploded, as gazes full of disbelief swept towards Yan Wu.    


It was no wonder that the two evil seed s would not give up and were not afraid of provoking gossip and pursuit of Yan Wu and Qiao Feilin. It turned out that the purple diamond pendant was actually hiding such a big secret.    


Many people looked at Yan Wu with sinister eyes, none of them could resist the enticing power of the Evil Saint Cheng Feng's inheritance. All the Heaven's Pride evil seed's hearts started to stir, like tigers eyeing their prey, they were ready to attack at any moment.    


The development of the situation had undergone an unexpected change.    


It was very possible that Yan Wu would become the target of public criticism. The nine great evil seed s were all present, and the thing that caused the most fear was still the Xie Wuchang whose strength was unfathomable.    


"Let's see who dares to fight with us evil hall for the Zi Ling Mang Star."    


Xie Wuchang's gaze coldly swept across the surrounding experts, and immediately after, a thick and terrifying aura exploded out. The boundless might of his martial energy stretched out for several thousand meters, blotting out the sky and blotting out the sun, dominating the world.    


"Oh my god, long habitat!"    


"How could that be? Xie Wuchang actually broke through the long habitat. "    


A series of exclamations came from the crowd, the faces of the various heaven's pride level experts of the Tian Luo Prefecture changed.    


The might and pressure being emitted by Xie Wuchang's body, if that wasn't the aura of a long habitat expert, then what else could it be? Originally, they had wanted to fight for the position of the Zi Ling and the light star, but their hearts had immediately dropped to the bottom.    


How could he compete?    


Even if the five chosen ones, Yang Dingjie, Lin Pu, Zi Ling, Sima Jingtao and Yin Shangdong attacked at the same time, they might not be Xie Wuchang's match. Furthermore, all nine great evil seed were present. Even though two of them were severely injured, it would not affect the outcome of the battle in the slightest.    


Xie Wuchang's long habitat suppressed the entire audience, and in the end, his gaze landed on Yan Wu's body as he extended a hand, "If you wish to live, hand over the Zi Ling Brilliant Star."    


Yan Wu frowned, a bit of hesitation appearing on her charming face.    


To be honest, with Yan Wu's personality, she never knew what compromise was. She was once a lofty fiendish demon. Wherever she went, blood would flow for 10,000 miles and corpses would be buried in millions of demons.    


Back then, even the Four Sacred Beasts were unable to kill Yan Wu and could only seal her within the psychedelic forest.    


Making Yan Wu give in was practically an impossible task.    


But this time was different from the past. Ever since Yan Wu came into contact with Han Chen, Qiao Feilin, Little Black and some others. Her demonic nature also gradually softened.    


Yan Wu knew how to care for people, and she also knew how to sacrifice herself. She knew that as long as she did not hand over Zi Ling's star, Han Chen would definitely fight Xie Wuchang in order to protect her.    


Although Han Chen had a lot of cards in his hand, with just his cultivation, how could he defend against Xie Wuchang's long habitat?    


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