Supreme Divine Book

C597 Dead City Mystery

C597 Dead City Mystery

Xue Xi was shocked by the sudden change.    


From the very beginning, Xue Xi had not been attacked by the undead and spirit bodies, so how could such an abnormal situation occur? Han Chen had no time to think as he once again danced his Skylight Sword. Countless strong sword images shone like the sun once again.    


One after another, deadly sword lights killed the undeads and spirits that were blocking their path. Their methods were sharp and they didn't waste any time.    


"Immediately after, Han Chen released Xiao Tian and struck his back with his palm. Xiao Tian, stand firm. " Before Xiao Tian could react, a gentle pushing force pushed him towards the square.    




Xiao Tian was shocked, he immediately controlled his balance and followed Han Chen's gentle palm force, and quickly rushed to the stage.    


After sending Xiao Tian off, Han Chen immediately flashed to Xue Xi's side to check on the other party's situation, "Senior Sister Xue Xi?"    


Xue Xi's beautiful eyes were already closed, her fair cheeks were almost transparent, her breath was drifting, and she had an extremely weak appearance.    


"Roar ~ ~"    


The Undead and Spirit Body behind him caught up. Han Chen did not have much time left, he supported Xue Xi's shoulders and carried him, then stepped onto the air and flew towards the stage.    


When Han Chen touched the opponent's body, his remaining consciousness forced her to struggle free.    


"Let, let me go!" Xue Xi said weakly.    


Han Chen frowned, he gritted his teeth, "Sou!" With a sound, he drew an afterimage in the air and instantly landed on the stage Xiao Tian was on.    


Once Han Chen landed on the ground, he felt that he had reached the edge of collapse, the martial force in his body seemed to have been emptied out. His legs couldn't help but go soft, and he fell on the ground along with the half unconscious Xue Xi.    


"Big brother, big sister, are you two alright?" Xiao Tian hurriedly went forward to ask the two of them.    


Han Chen did not reply him. Instead, he forced himself to stand up from the ground. He looked up and saw that the undeads and spirits had stopped about ten meters away from the platform. Each of them were baring their fangs and brandishing their claws. It was clear that they were unwilling and angry.    


Just as Xiao Tian had said, they did not dare to come here.    


Seeing this situation, Han Chen breathed a sigh of relief from the bottom of his heart, then he helped Xue Xi up from the ground and asked in a serious tone, "Senior Sister Xue Xi, what happened to you?"    


Xue Xi slightly closed her beautiful eyes, her long eyelashes fluttering. Her delicate face had a touch of sickly, pale beauty of weakness.    


With Han Chen's support, Xue Xi sat upright, parted his red lips, and uttered a low and weak voice. Don't worry about me, I can handle it myself. "    


With that, Xue Xi sat down cross legged, a faint white light emitted from her body and recuperated from the condition of her body.    


"Phew." Han Chen let out a long sigh of relief as he laid on the ice-cold ground with his head raised. The loss of energy in his body almost made Han Chen fall asleep on the spot. It was simply too tiring.    


"Little big brother, how are you?" Does it matter? " Xiao Tian walked to Han Chen's side and sat down, a hint of concern showing on his delicate and pretty face. Looking at it from a close distance, Han Chen realized that Xiao Tian was actually quite pretty.    


"I'm fine. I just used up too much energy."    


Han Chen sat up, then took out a green Three Spiritual Immortal Fruit and swallowed it. Gently clenching his teeth, the sour and sweet juice tasted sweet and sour in his mouth, while at the same time, a thick flow of spiritual energy flowed through his entire body. Most of the fatigue disappeared.    


"Do you want it?" Han Chen took out another Cyan Fruit and gave it to Xiao Tian.    


Xiao Tian was slightly surprised, but he still nodded his head timidly and carefully took the fruit from Han Chen's hands. "Thank you big brother."    


Han Chen laughed, then stood up and looked around at his surroundings.    


This tall platform was quite vast, and its area was equivalent to a small and medium-sized plaza. What surprised Han Chen was that there were actually more than ten stone tablets erected on the stage.    


The stone tablet was scattered about, standing there randomly. It was completely black, and there were no words on the surface of the stone tablet. There were only some strange and peculiar patterns.    


"It's this kind of stone tablet again."    


Han Chen revealed a confused expression. Previously, he and Xue Xi had seen this kind of stone tablet at another place in the city. The stone tablet contained a strong Yin energy.    


"Little big brother, those things have left." Xiao Tian said.    


"Hmm?" Han Chen was startled, he turned to look, only to see that all the undead and spirit bodies had turned to leave, and soon disappeared into the darkness.    


To them, this tall platform was akin to a forbidden ground, one that they could not step into.    


Just as Han Chen wanted to ask a question, he saw something out of the corner of his eye. A hundred meters in front of a stone tablet, there was actually a person lying down. More accurately speaking, it was a corpse, and part of its body had already turned into bones.    


"He's Uncle Huang Long." Xiao Tian said with a voice full of sadness and sorrow.    


"Huang Long?" "Who is it?"    


"Uncle Huang Long came to this place a long time ago. If it wasn't for him, I would have been killed by those things a long time ago. "It's a pity that Uncle Huang Long he …"    


While talking, Xiao Tian was unable to control his emotions and began to cry softly.    


Han Chen's eyes focused, as if Xiao Tian knew a lot of useful information. At the same time, he calmed down the other party's emotions and asked him for information regarding this dead city.    


"Xiao Tian, what do you know? You tell me we'll find a way to get you out. "    


"Really?" Xiao Tian's eyes were hazy and filled with tears. He had a tender and aggrieved look on his face, making people's hearts ache for his. Little big brother, will you really bring me away from here? "    


"Yes, as long as we can get out, we will definitely not leave you behind." Han Chen said firmly.    


"Little big brother, thank you."    


Han Chen smiled slightly, "Xiao Tian, now tell me everything you know, and don't leave anything out."    


"En!" Xiao Tian nodded, then began to explain everything that he knew to Han Chen.    


Xiao Tian's family lived in the Bai Chuan Country and had a decent family background.    


A year ago, Xiao Tian, who had just broken through from the Heavenly Completion Stage, had the thought of going out to travel. After getting the approval of her parents, Xiao Tian gathered a few good friends and started to travel.    


But no one could have imagined that within a month of travelling, something would happen. While passing by the The Seven Profound Nation, Xiao Tian and the others unintentionally obtained a strange dice.    


"That day, my friend and I were visiting an antique shop in The Seven Profound Nation when I accidentally saw that die. So I bought it, I'm so stupid. "    


As he said till here, Xiao Tian felt both regret and sadness. Previously, she did not know how odd that dice was, but she thought it was very beautiful and treated it as a common ornament.    


Then, when she took out the dice and played with them, an accident happened. That eccentric die emitted a dense light and sucked Xiao Tian and her few friends into it. When they woke up again, they had reached this world.    


Carrying fear and bewilderment, Xiao Tian and a few of her friends came to this dead city.    


He had thought that he would find a way out of this city. But he never would have thought that what awaited them was a devastating disaster.    


They encountered undeads and spirits in the city. Amongst Xiao Tian and her group of friends, the strongest was only at the third level of Heavenly Completion Stage. Facing the undead and the spirit body, in addition to the rapid consumption of martial spirit energy. In the face of disaster, they weren't even worth mentioning. They didn't even have the basic ability to resist.    


"I looked on helplessly as Ah Si, Little Bee and the others died one by one in front of me. "I'm so sad, it's all my fault!"    


Xiao Tian's state of mind was extremely unstable. His hands were tightly clasped together as deep fingernails marks appeared on his fair skin.    


Han Chen sighed helplessly, and asked, "And then?"    


"Then I thought I would be killed as well. At the last moment, uncle Huang Long and the others appeared."    




The corner of Han Chen's eyes congealed slightly as he noticed these two words. Thinking about it, Huang Long wasn't the only one who appeared.    


At this critical moment, over a dozen experts, led by Huang Long, appeared and saved Xiao Tian. And then he brought her to the dais.    


Only after Xiao Tian's emotions were stabilized did he begin to negotiate with Huang Long and the others.    


From Huang Long and the others, they found out that before Xiao Tian and the others came here, there were still many people that were brought to this strange world by these strange dice.    


Huang Long wasn't the first to come in, but he was the one who lived the longest.    


He had been trapped by this die for nearly ten years. Amongst those who were still alive, he was the one who knew the most about this dead city.    


"How did Huang Long introduce you to this place?" Han Chen's expression became extremely solemn, the following matter was extremely important to him.    


"Uncle Huang Long said that this is the internal world of that dice. In this world, there are countless devil barriers living, and they gather the most evil and deathly aura and yin aura. Uncle Huang Long also said that the internal world of this dice could very well be an independent space built by one of the major powers of the demon race. "    


"A major demon?" Han Chen couldn't help but narrow his eyes.    


"Yes, that's what Uncle Huang Long said, but he said it was only a conjecture and couldn't be completely sure." Xiao Tian said.    


Han Chen nodded, "Continue."    


"For some unknown reason, this die flowed to the Tian Luo Prefecture. When a person obtained it, they would first be enchanted by the death aura and yin aura inside the die. If he were to use his Martial Spirit and spiritual sense to check this die, he would be able to trigger the Yin energy inside it. After that, the Yin energy will form a kind of devouring force that will tear everyone outside into it. "    


So that's how it was.    


Han Chen's description of the situation that he and Xue Xi had encountered in the outside world was almost identical. That person called Huang Long was most likely right.    


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