Supreme Divine Book

C578 Small Tricks

C578 Small Tricks

Seven Colored Blue Peak, One Sword Kill Heaven and Earth Wounded.    


Seven different colored Little Greenwood Swords started to attack Han Chen quickly and fiercely, Han Chen held onto his Skylight Sword, and accurately deflected all the rainbow-colored little swords that were charging at him.    


"Ding!" A series of continuous friction in the air produced a series of sparks. Even though the seven small swords were extremely fast, Han Chen's defense was extremely good, his sword moves were flowing like water, the speed of his attacks did not lose out to the rainbow colored small swords.    


As everyone around the arena was shocked by Luo Po's powerful killing move, they were also shocked by his reaction speed.    


After deflected the seven small swords of different colors, they drew an arc in the air, and then shot back at full speed.    


The rainbow-colored little sword dragged out a gorgeous sword image in the air. The multicolored sword images interweaved and formed countless sword webs that surrounded Han Chen, and then, they would attack Han Chen's vital points from seven different directions.    




Han Chen deflected the green little sword, and in the next moment, the purple little sword attacked. Han Chen dodged to the side, and the red and blue swords attacked from the left and right    


The continuous stream of attacks dazzled the eyes of everyone in the audience. The faces of the disciples of Seven Profound Peaks were filled with worry. Looking at the barrage of attacks, their hearts almost reached their throats, and they broke out in a cold sweat for Han Chen.    


Wang Zhaoyi frowned, her pretty face was tight, her big eyes were unblinking, afraid that in a blink of an eye, the rainbow-colored sword would slash at Han Chen's body.    


Li Tuo, Wu Ling, Jiang Lingchuan and the rest did not even dare to take a deep breath. Seeing the situation in front of their eyes, they couldn't help but reassess Han Chen's strength once again. If it was any of them, they would have long been pierced by the countless sword images.    


The Five Poisons Gate's side felt much more relaxed, and they were extremely clear about Luo Po's strength. It was absolutely not something that Song Hen could compare to.    


Qin Yue who stood at the front of the line stared coldly at Han Chen who was trapped in the middle of the seven colored small sword in the sky. His red lips moved slightly as he muttered to himself coldly, "The moment you chose to fight with Senior Brother Luo Po, Death God slowly walked towards you. Don't think that just because you have the ability to kill Song Hen you can think of yourself as anything, hmph. "    


Luo Po controlled the seven small swords to attack Han Chen nonstop, "Hehe, I want to see, how long can you hold out for?"    


As soon as he finished speaking, a majestic aura that was even more powerful than before burst out from Luo Po's body. The resplendent and colorful radiance was like a rainbow bridge that crossed the sky.    


"Swish swish!"    


The speed of the seven small swords suddenly doubled, and the energy waves they emitted became even more intense. Seven streaks of different colors, from seven different directions, attacked Han Chen from all sides at the same time.    


The powerful aura was like seven meteor beams, unstoppable and unstoppable.    


Han Chen's eyes focused, the Skylight Sword in his hand erupted with a monstrous gold light, the earth-shattering sword force spread out like a tide, and the sharp sword beams transformed into countless criss-crossing sword images. The concentrated sword images were like rain, as they faced the seven colored beams of light.    




An earth-shaking loud sound was heard while a multicolored light burst out in the sky. A powerful multicolored wave swept out in all directions, as if it was a huge boulder thrown into a calm lake. Waves surged and waves surged.    


Han Chen's figure moved, leaving behind an afterimage where he stood, and his body turned into a streak of light as he flashed out.    


"Hehe, can you run away?"    


"Luo Po, who was several hundred meters away, sneered and formed a strange seal with his hands. Buzz buzz "a dangerous aura came out from the Rainbow Little Sword, and the seven swords suddenly formed a line, changing into a two meter long colored light beam, with extremely strong energy undulations following Han Chen.    


His speed was as fast as a meteor catching up to the moon. A speck of Aurora was unstoppable.    


"Xiu" Han Chen's speed was already very fast, but the small Seven-Colored Sword in his hand was even faster, in a blink of an eye it had caught up with Han Chen.    


Luo Po's face revealed a cold smile, his eyes flashed savagely, and he bellowed: "Brat, go and die!"    


Everyone's expression changed, "Hiss!" Under the shocked gazes of countless people present, the multicolored stream of light directly pierced through Han Chen's back and exited through his chest.    


"Han Chen!" Wang Zhaoyi's beautiful face instantly paled, her small hands covered her red lips, and her delicate body couldn't help but tremble.    


Li Tuo, Wu Ling, Jiang Lingchuan and the disciples of the Seven Profound Peaks were also shocked, their eyes filled with dense shock.    


But the people of Five Poisons Gate all laughed, all of them laughing complacently.    


"Heh, make this brat, who doesn't know what's good for himself, come forward. It's too late to even regret now."    


"There are too many idiots in this world, it's well-deserved for them to die."    


However, at this moment, something unexpected happened. From the other side of the void, an abnormally intense surge of energy could be felt.    


"Heh, don't be so happy too early. If you underestimate your opponent too much, you will lose in a very ugly way."    


The faint laughter was filled with a playful smile. Everyone was stunned. Wang Zhaoyi, Li Tuo, Wu Ling and the rest's minds immediately lit up, as if they understood something.    


Was that an illusion created by Han Chen?    


Sure enough, the pierced Han Chen had no expression on his face, and his eyes were dull and lifeless.    


"Swoosh!" In the air, Han Chen cut across the sky, sweeping up an extremely ferocious sword aura and pounced on the shocked Luo Po. The endless golden sword beams rushed forward like a tide, like a magnificent army of thousands of men and horses.    


Luo Po's face changed greatly, in a moment of haste, he immediately released a few sets of majestic palm force to defend himself.    


"Boom!" Accompanied by an incomparably heavy explosion, Luo Po's palm strength was instantly shattered into pieces by Han Chen's powerful sword beams. Luo Po immediately retreated and quickly recalled the seven colored small swords.    


"Seven Colored Green Summit Light, come back!"    


The seven colourful little swords flew out in a beautiful arc and immediately returned to Luo Po's side. The seven small swords coiled around his body and continuously danced around him.    


"Bang bang!"    


The seven small swords faced off against each other, shattering the sword aura Han Chen released into pieces a few meters in front of him. The continuous, dull, and explosive sounds caused the air above the plaza to be filled with all sorts of chaotic energy fragments.    


"Hmph, such insignificant skill. You can't even pass." Luo Po sneered.    


"Heh, he really is nothing. Let's try taking another strike from my sword." Han Chen squinted his eyes, and from between his brows, released a wild aura of a tyrant.    


"Innate ability, demonic flame."    


In that moment, a deep blue flame rose from Han Chen's body, and the demonic flame quickly climbed onto the sword blade, fusing together with the golden sword aura.    


The overbearing demonic flame burned the air and even the space was slightly distorted. Layers of golden and blue intersecting halos of energy flowed around the Skylight Sword's body. Without waiting for Luo Po to react, Han Chen leaped up and slashed his sword towards his opponent.    


"Buzz buzz!" The powerful attack that was combined with the powerful sword aura and demonic flame power was like a dragon emerging from the ocean, shaking the entire sky. The sword beams that had golden and blue colors mixed together transformed into a spiral-shaped light pillar that shot out in a shockwave, bringing with it an irresistible destructive aura as it headed towards Luo Po.    


Sensing the enormous pressure that Han Chen's sword was radiating, the expressions of all the Seven Profound Peaks s and Five Poisons Gate s below the stage changed. Thick fear could be seen in each of their eyes.    


The panic flashed past Luo Po's eyes, he immediately used seven multicolored swords to block in front of him, the brilliant seven colored light rays erupted, it was extremely beautiful.    


"Boom!" The shock wave from the demonic flame and sword aura solidly struck against the rainbow colored light. The vast and mighty force smashed onto the reef like monstrous waves, causing countless ripples to appear. "Bam!" With a deafening sound, the seven-colored light rapidly faded. The seven small swords began to violently shake uneasily, as if they were on the verge of collapse.    


Han Chen held onto his Skylight Sword tightly, looking at the entire arena with his tyrannical aura. Didn't you say that this is a small trick? Then, how about we test the power of this insignificant skill? "    




The shock wave from the fusion of the demonic flame and Sword Qi directly broke through the interception of the seven multicolored little swords, and then, using the might of Flood Dragon Goes to Sea, it solidly smashed onto the panicking Luo Po's body.    




An earth-shattering explosion resounded beside the ears of everyone present. Under the shocked gazes of countless people present, Luo Po was submerged within a sea of enormous power.    


The sound of rolling wind and thunder could be heard without end.    


Within a radius of a few thousand meters, the airflow became unusually chaotic. The entire sky above the dao field was enveloped by the chaotic energy ripples.    


It blotted out the sky and covered the sun. The wind and clouds were in turmoil.    


The commotion caused by the great battle had alarmed the disciples and elders of several mountain peaks surrounding the amnesia peak. Many figures had quietly gathered in the distant sky.    


"What a powerful aura, who's fighting?"    


"Today is the day of the new disciples from Five Poisons Gate coming to challenge our peak. Our top ten have been defeated."    


"What?" Both of them were defeated? Who is that person? "    


"I'm not too sure either, but he's also this year's new disciple."    


No one knew much about Han Chen, but the vast majority of people knew about Luo Po.    


According to the standards of Seven Profound Peaks, Luo Po could definitely be considered king among the higher ups. Now that everyone had personally witnessed Luo Po being defeated by a young man who was unknown, everyone present could not help but feel shock from the bottom of their hearts.    




An astonishing power rolled about wantonly, as if it wanted to tear space apart. The seven colourful small swords became dim and lifeless. They were sent flying recklessly by the impact of the energy shockwave.    


The disciples of the Seven Profound Peaks were all extremely excited, was he going to win this battle?    


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