Supreme Divine Book

C561 Equine

C561 Equine

After Lu Hui finished explaining the various things that she had to pay attention to, she left first, leaving behind Han Chen and a dozen or so Unicorns.    


The atmosphere in the cold snow peak was very quiet. Even if there were people present, they would still converse in soft voices and not dare to speak loudly.    


What kind of person was core disciple Xue Xi exactly?    


Han Chen secretly thought that the direct disciple that the amnesia peak's master had personally groomed was naturally a monstrous genius among tens of thousands. However, based on the current situation, her personality was a bit strange and ruthless.    


But Han Chen had already made plans to take it step by step.    


Han Chen immediately walked into the feeding grounds, and the dozen or so unicorns all looked at Han Chen with surprised expressions. But after just a glance, they slowly walked around by themselves, as if they were not paying attention to Han Chen at all.    


"A bunch of arrogant brats."    


Han Chen could not help but curse silently. If it was not for the teleportation gate, Han Chen would not be willing to come to this place to serve these things.    


Han Chen had never forgotten his purpose for coming to the Seven Profound Peaks, but after a few days of research, he realized that it was simply too difficult to come into contact with the higher ups of the Seven Profound Peaks. But this time, Han Chen saw this trip to the cold snow peak as an opportunity.    


The seven great core disciples were without a doubt the upper echelons of the sect. Han Chen could not help but think that he might be able to start from Xue Xi. Although the chances of this happening were slim, in general, it was better than him waiting for the right time to do so slowly.    


"Wait until I raise all of you to white and fat, then Senior Sister Xue Xi would have to thank me." Han Chen muttered to himself as he faintly smiled.    


The unicorn's four hooves treaded on thin air, barely touching the ground. When it moved, the sound of wind and thunder could be heard.    


Han Chen seemed to be an abnormal being within the group of unicorns, as if he was incompatible with them. The group of proud unicorns didn't even spare him a glance.    


What made Han Chen even more surprised was that the leftover grass in the fodder trough was actually a precious plant of the 'Ling Cherry Blossom'. This kind of plant, Han Chen coincidentally knew, was a material that could be used to refine some kind of Rank 4 pellet.    


Han Chen couldn't help but sigh. These animals were actually doing better than most people.    


"No wonder each of them were raised to be so well-built, ate well, and lived so well. For you all, there are still a few people that were expelled from Seven Profound Peaks, I really don't know what to say to you all. "    


Han Chen could not help but feel a bit of regret for the few people who were sent back to the The Seven Profound Nation because they did not want to raise unicorns.    


Han Chen lifted his eyelids, and his gaze then swept over to the largest unicorn, and walked towards it with large strides.    


This unicorn should be the boss here. It was ten meters tall, and its four hooves were actually surrounded by a light green glow. Its entire body was pure white, and it was abnormally beautiful.    


"Hu hu" The big boss unicorn let out a low snort, looking down at Han Chen from above, its clear eyes had a human look of disdain.    


"Newcomer, what are you looking at? Have you never seen a beauty before? "    


"Holy sh * t!" Do you really know how to speak human language? " The voice that suddenly sounded beside his ears nearly scared Han Chen out of his wits.    


"Hmph, do you really think you can talk like that? "An ignorant bumpkin." The unicorn replied in disdain.    


Han Chen took a deep breath and recovered slightly. Big Boss Unicorn's voice was actually similar to that of a seven or eight-year-old girl. His voice was very flirtatious and didn't quite match the other party's appearance.    


"Hehe, little unicorn sister, I'm new here. I don't really understand you two." Han Chen laughed and started laughing.    


"Tsk, don't try to get close to me. I'll tell you. From today onwards, you will serve us well. If you displease us, we'll have your best results. "    


"Damn, are you so delicate?"    


"Shut up, don't curse." The unicorn glared at Han Chen furiously.    


"Fine, I'm not scolding, I'm not scolding." Han Chen purposely smiled to fawn, "Then little unicorn sister, may I ask, what do I need to do to make you satisfied?"    


"At the very least, I will be eating fresh grass at two o'clock. The water of the bath is the water of the spring at the foot of the mountain. As for the rest, I'll tell you when I think of it. "    


The corner of Han Chen's eyes twitched, and he cursed in his heart, "You still want to eat more fresh grass, I can't hold you up!"    


"Who are you scolding?"    


"Really?" You can hear that? " Han Chen looked at him in surprise.    


The One-horned Beast arrogantly raised its head and glanced at Han Chen, "Hmph, stop playing any tricks in front of me. I can hear whatever you're thinking in your heart. If you dare scold me again, I'll tell Master to let her take care of you. "    


The master that the unicorn spoke of was naturally the core disciple, Xue Xi. Han Chen kept shaking her head.    


By noon, Lu Hui had sent someone to bring the ingredients needed for the meal. A hundred jin of Ling Ying Flower was placed in front of Han Chen, along with a hundred jin of red fruit.    


Han Chen secretly shook his head. Then, he faced a group of unicorns and said, "Food is coming, everyone come over to eat!"    


The group of unicorns coldly stared at Han Chen, they did not have any intention of eating.    


"Not eating? Is your appetite not good enough? " Han Chen asked.    


"Hiss hiss." The unicorn boss walked over and unhappily said, "Cut all the food into pieces and sprinkle them into the feed trough."    


"Is that any different? Could it be that your teeth can't even bite through this thing? "    


"No more questions, just do as I say. Otherwise, I'll have to tell Master."    


Han Chen was so tormented that he lost his temper, his right hand formed a fist, suppressing his anger to the bottom of his heart, "Okay, okay, I will cut you into pieces, just you wait."    


With that, Han Chen moved the Ling Ying Flowers and fruits on the ground away from the ground and scattered these things into the nearby grass trough with a strong attractive force.    


When the grass reached the sky above, Han Chen held a sword in his hand. A sword light flashed. A sharp sword light tore through the air, hitting the Ling Cherry Blossom and the fruits.    


"Hiss hiss."    


In the blink of an eye, over two hundred catties of grass had been ground into dust by the sword shadows. They were scattered neatly in the feed trough like falling stars and scattering flowers.    


Han Chen's move had stunned all of the unicorns. All of them opened their eyes wide in shock.    


Han Chen withdrew his longsword, and then made an inviting gesture towards Big Boss Unicorn, "Now we can eat, right?"    


"I didn't expect you to be so quick-witted. In the past, that person always made us wait for half an hour before we cut him off." It was difficult for a unicorn to say a word of praise.    


With a "Hui" sound, the unicorn boss took the lead and walked towards the feed trough. Then, he slowly started to enjoy the delicious food. As for the other horde of unicorns, Hou was waiting at the side.    


Han Chen heaved a sigh of relief. Be it humans or beasts, they all had different levels of status. This was an unchanging law.    


After a short while, Boss Unicorn finished enjoying the delicacies, and ate about half of the grass. Only after obtaining its permission did the other unicorns come forward and start eating.    


Unlike the other beasts that were devouring the food, the unicorn still maintained its elegant demeanor as it ate. It was very quiet.    


After about half an hour, the unicorn was done eating. According to Lu Hui's previous instructions, Han Chen was to fly outside with them for an hour.    


"Let's go!" Han Chen said to the unicorn boss, "Like you guys usually do, I'll bring you guys out for a walk."    


The unicorn chief ignored Han Chen and stood in place as if he was waiting for something.    


"What's wrong? Have you not eaten your fill? " Han Chen asked in confusion.    


Hiss * The unicorn panted unhappily, "Do you really not know? Or are you faking it? "    


"Know what?"    


"Go open the skynet!" If you don't open the skynet, how are we going to get out? " The unicorn scolded snappily.    


"Waving Slowly? What's Waving Slowly? "    


As Han Chen asked this question, the unicorn's temper was completely put out by Han Chen. His gaze pointed to a rock on the left side of the feeding grounds, and he said. "There's a handprint on the top of the rock at the top of the rock garden.    


"Is that so?"    


Han Chen was skeptical, but with a flash of his body, he arrived at the top of the fake mountain. As expected, there was a palm print in the shape of a human at the very top. Han Chen pressed his palm into the palm print and a clear wave of obscure energy rippled forth.    


"Buzz buzz!"    


In the next moment, the sky rumbled. Han Chen looked up in astonishment. He saw that high up in the sky, where there was nothing just a moment ago, a black gigantic net had now appeared out of nowhere.    


The giant net took the shape of a semicircle, enveloping the entire feeding grounds. Then, the middle of the net began to split open, and the blue sky seeped out from several dozen meters wide cracks.    


"So the sky over here is sealed." Han Chen's face revealed a look of surprise, this kind of mechanism was actually quite ingenious.    


Only the hands of humans could open the Heaven's Net, but the unicorn beast's hooves could not. This should be because he was afraid that the unicorn would run around, so he sealed the Sky Net.    


"Squeak, squeak."    


The white wings on his back spread out like a swan. His body rose into the air, and he rushed out of the net, soaring thousands of miles into the sky.    


The rest of the unicorns also stepped into the air and followed their boss in an orderly manner. They formed a line and exited the Sky Net.    


"What a bunch of difficult people."    


Han Chen secretly shook his head, thinking to himself that he had better let them finish their stroll outside and return earlier. Han Chen immediately turned into a ray of light and followed the group of unicorns.    


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