Supreme Divine Book

C431 The Great Seal Empire Had Changed

C431 The Great Seal Empire Had Changed

"The Lambert is inside. Let's go in!" Hua Yumei said gently.    


Han Chen nodded, let out a deep breath, endured the restlessness in his heart, walked forward first, and gently pushed open the door.    




As if looking forward to the opening of the still sealed door, a slightly tipsy candlelight was projected from the room. Han Chen saw Lambert seated on a wide chair, tasting the tea with a single glance. His aged face was filled with wrinkles.    


"Han Chen, long time no see." Lambert said with a slightly raspy laugh.    


Han Chen nodded, and then subconsciously looked at the other person in the room. However, when he saw that person's appearance, he couldn't help but be stunned.    


It was a young girl around the age of twenty. She had a tall and slender figure with a delicate and beautiful appearance. There was a sickly white colour on her pretty face.    


"White, white jade."    


"Han Chen."    


This girl was Bai Yu, Han Chen's cousin. When Bai Yu saw Han Chen, she was extremely agitated. He immediately rushed over and threw himself into Han Chen's embrace and cried.    


"Han Chen, I finally found you. Something big happened at home."    


Aside from Hua Yumei, Han Chen, Qiao Feilin, and Yan Wu were all confused by this sudden scene.    


Something big had happened at home. Which family? Hidden Court City's Bai Family?    


It was only now that Han Chen seemed to have realized that he still had a 'home' in the Grand Seal Empire. The imprint of this family was almost erased.    


After all, her blood was thicker than water. Looking at the white jade in his arms that was trembling, Han Chen felt his heart ache.    


The head of the Bai Family, Bai Xiaotian, had two sons and one daughter, the eldest son Bai He, the second son Bai Hao and the third daughter Bai Muxuan.    


Back then, Han Chen's father did not hesitate to lose his dignity as a man for Bai Muxuan and entered the Bai Family to become his son-in-law. He had suffered countless cold looks and mockery. If not for Bai Muxuan's kindness, he might not even be able to keep his surname.    


Ever since Han Chen was young, he had barely received any care and concern from his family, and especially after his mother left, he had suffered all sorts of humiliation.    


Towards that clan, Han Chen did not have a good impression of them. But his second uncle, Bai Hao, and his cousin, Bai Yu, were still quite concerned about him. It was also because of this that Han Chen did not forget that there was still the Bai Clan behind him.    


After seeing Han Chen, the grievance in Bai Yu's heart seemed to have been vented out.    


Han Chen frowned, he sighed, and allowed the other party's tears to soak his clothes. Bai Yu calmed down a bit before asking, "What happened at home?"    


"It's the Grand Seal Empire Royal Family."    


Bai Yu raised her head and choked on her sobs. Her pitiful appearance was enough to make one's heart ache. In Han Chen's memories, she was a strong and intelligent girl. Right now, she was like a piece of glass that was filled with cracks, and would shatter with a light touch.    


"Grand Seal Empire royal family, they attacked our family. That night, many experts from the royal family came and killed anyone they saw. Grandpa, father, and uncle are doing everything they can to resist, but they can't stop them at all. "    


"What happened to them in the end?" Han Chen asked.    


"I don't know, I don't know." Bai Yu shook her head, looking a little dazed. "I don't know. When I woke up, I was already in the Wealth Building."    


Rich Building?    


Han Chen swept his gaze across the indifferent Lambert, "What happened?"    


"Lambert lifted his eyelids slightly, his eyeballs were cloudy and did not show the slightest bit of emotion. Han Langyu's son was indeed extraordinary. You really have impressed me. "    


Lambert did not answer his question. Instead, his gaze landed on the two women beside Hua Yumei.    


"Yes." Hua Yumei nodded, and then invited Yan Wu and her with a gesture. Yan Wu was not the least bit courteous, she openly sat down on a chair, and so did Qiao Feilin.    


"Han Chen, you sit too." Lambert said calmly.    


Han Chen clenched his fists tightly, feeling that there was a ball of anger burning in his heart, he started to hate this arrogant old man even more. However, Han Chen wouldn't reveal any of this. He slightly nodded, and gently helped Bai Yu sit down, then sat opposite to him in the Lambert.    


"Speak!" What do you want to know? " Lambert's tone was still indifferent.    


"Is it really the Imperial Family that has taken action against my Bai Family?"    


Han Chen unwittingly added the word "I". Lambert was slightly surprised, but soon after he smiled faintly. "Yes, and you should know why."    


Han Chen frowned, could it be that it was because he helped Yue Lan Empire to defeat him in the Three Kingdoms?    


"The ruler of an empire doesn't even have this little bit of arrogance? He vented his anger at me on the Bai clansmen. Aren't you afraid of being ridiculed by the world? "    


"No, not Cang Xiongwei."    


"Not Cang Xiongwei? "Then who is it?"    


"Cang Xiongfei." Lambert muttered these three words.    


What? Cang Xiongfei, Blue Wind Prince. His daughter was the woman that Han Chen hated the most, Cang Yaner.    


Lambert raised his turbid eyes and stared at Han Chen with deep meaning in his eyes. His shriveled lips trembled slightly, "You still don't know? The Grand Seal Empire has already changed hands. The Azure Blue Prince Cang Xiongfei has usurped the throne, seizing Cang Xiongwei's throne. "    


Han Chen's face changed, Qiao Feilin, who was listening by the side, was equally shocked.    


Hua Yumei had known about this a long time ago, hence she was relatively calm. Yan Wu on the other hand, looked indifferent. The matter regarding the Grand Seal Empire had nothing to do with her.    


The sky above Grand Seal Empire had already changed, if that was the case, wouldn't Cang Yaner become a princess from a princess? Han Chen was even more shocked. No wonder he didn't see Cang Haiqi and Cang Qing Xue, the two princes and princesses of the Grand Seal Empire s during the great battle of the Heavenly Rankings.    


"When did this happen?" Han Chen looked back at the Lambert. If an empire changed, then the The City of Innocence should have sent a message too. However, he hadn't heard a sound these past few days.    


"Not long ago, in a few days, this matter will be known by everyone." Lambert's expression was calm and strange, he raised the teacup in his hand, took a sip, and continued, "Cang Xiongfei had only been the new emperor for a few days, and he had already dispatched people to deal with the Bai family. As for the reason, you should be clear about it. "    


Clearly, Han Chen naturally knew this as well.    


Cang Yaner hated him to the bones, after hearing that she was still alive and well in the Five Palace sect, she had thought of a way to take revenge on the Bai Clan. In any case, that Cang Xiongfei had already usurped her position and carried the eternal curse of a reigning monarch. There was no need to worry about bullying the weak.    


"I didn't know that Cang Xiongfei was going to deal with the Bai Family. It was already the second day after receiving the news. I only found this little girl. " Lambert pointed at the white jade that was in a trance.    


"What about the others? Are they all dead? " The veins on Han Chen's forehead stood out, and his eyes stared straight at Lambert like two sharp swords.    


Lambert did not avoid their eyes in the slightest, "More or less! However, a dozen or so of the upper echelons of the Bai Family were missing. According to the eyewitness reports from the Hidden Court City, they had escaped from the city. I haven't found out yet. "    


Hearing that the higher ups of the Bai Family had escaped, Han Chen could not help but heave a sigh of relief. Bai Yu, who was at the side, couldn't hold back her tears. She bit her red lips tightly as her delicate body trembled, but she didn't want to cry.    


Han Chen couldn't help but feel pain in his heart. He gently embraced Bai Yu's shoulder and gave her a comforting look. Rest assured! As long as they are alive, I will definitely find them. "    


When Han Chen said this, he realized that he had never given up on the Bai Family. It was his mother's home, Bai Muxuan's home. In that house, he had once felt warmth. However, someone had personally destroyed his home. This made the seed of hatred in Han Chen's heart instantly expand.    


"Cang Yaner, this lowly person."    


"You want to kill her?" Lambert looked up at him.    


Han Chen's eyes were blazing, the resolute outline became somewhat ruthless. Shouldn't I have killed her? "    


"Hehe, there's one more thing I forgot to tell you." Lambert let out a light breath, and then said seriously, "Cang Yaner is getting married, three months from now. And her fiancé, "Lambert's voice paused, and lowered his tone a bit." It's Gongsun Mao. "    


Han Chen was startled, "Gongsun Mao? Someone from the Gongsun Family? "    


"That's right, he is from Gongsun Family."    


This piece of news was like a bomb. Yan Wu and Qiao Feilin looked at each other, both seeing the shock in the other's eyes.    


"Cang Xiongfei just usurped the throne, there are naturally many ministers in the court who are unconvinced with him. At this moment, he needed a relatively powerful force to form a line with him. The Gongsun Family is Cang Xiongfei's best choice, and marriage is also the best way to communicate with them. "    


"Hmph." Han Chen sneered, "Then how would Cang Yaner be willing to be a sacrifice to the government because of her arrogance?"    


Lambert shook his head, "If it was anyone else, she might not be willing. is the number one genius of the Gongsun Family, so she is way stronger than the Gongsun Zhe you just killed. "    


"The number one genius of Gongsun Family?" Han Chen couldn't help but narrow his eyes.    


I remember that back then in the 'Cloud Sealing City', there was a sect called the Small Forest Sect that was unwilling to submit to the Gongsun Family. On the second day, it was discovered that the entire Small Forest Sect was annihilated without exception. And this matter, can be completed by Gongsun Mao alone. "    


The Lambert continued, "Apart from this, Gongsun Mao has always swept away enemies and enmity for the Gongsun Family, so if he makes a move, blood will flow like a river, and the entire clan will be exterminated without a single survivor. And Gongsun Mao, who was not even twenty-four years old, had already half a step into the Heavenly Completion Stage. They can be called monsters of the world. "    


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