Supreme Divine Book

C394 Five Palace Lords

C394 Five Palace Lords

"All of you, stop."    


Thunderous roars reverberated in the sky, and the entire Star Observation Cliff seemed to be faintly trembling. Everyone was shocked. In the next instant, accompanied by the sharp sound of wind breaking, numerous rays of light shot over. Over a dozen sharp figures flashed continuously and landed on the eastern grandstands.    


"What are you two doing? Why aren't you coming down? " A middle-aged man wearing a golden robe with black silk lining his sleeves snapped at him. The sound was like rolling thunder, deafening.    


The middle-aged man frowned, his facial features looking somewhat similar to Ling Fangtu behind him. Needless to say, this person was Ling Xuanxuan's Palace Chief, Ling Fangtang.    


Standing side by side with Ling Fangtang in the spectator stands were four other sharp silhouettes. The figures of these four were all different; some were tall while others were thin. But from the aura that they were emitting, it was clear that all of them were super strong experts with Heavenly Completion Stage.    


Amongst the five of them, there was a slender figure who was wearing a light purple robe. It was precisely the Palace Chief of Zi Long Palace whom Han Chen had met before, Wu Changkong. He was also the biological father of blind monk Wu Zhongxian.    


"This student greets the five Palace Chiefs."    


After a moment of daze, the disciples of the Five Prefectures on the Star Observation Platform cupped their fists and bowed. Even the monstrous geniuses on the Heavenly Rankings had temporarily restrained their usual arrogance.    


In the air, Han Chen and Ling Wanquan's auras were retracted respectively. The latter glared viciously at Han Chen, and immediately, her body moved, and landed on the ground in a flash.    


Han Chen followed closely behind, turning into a ray of light and landing beside Qiao Feilin and Yan Wu.    


The arrival of the five Palace Lords had caused this battle, which had yet to be decided, to come to an end. Many people felt some regret in their hearts. At the same time, they were also filled with anticipation towards the intensity of the battle for the Heavenly Rankings.    


"The battle for the Heavenly Rankings has not even begun and you're already in such a state?" Ling Fangtang first gave Han Chen a meaningful glance, then said softly to Kun Yang, Ouyang Yu and the other instructors of the Senior Elder behind him, "Are all of you here to watch a show?"    




Kun Yang, Tang Jing and the others looked at each other. With regards to Ling Fangtang's reprimand, he didn't dare to say anything more.    


"Alright, alright. Old Ling, why are you making such a big scene?" It's normal for young people to cause trouble. " The one who spoke was a man in black who was standing on the second seat on the left. The man had a rather thin appearance, with a goatee growing on his chin, giving him a very sage-like appearance.    


"Ouyang was right, it's not a big deal for the family to make a move." The one who spoke was a fat man in a white robe standing beside Wu Changkong.    


"Hm, Old Luo is more reasonable."    


The two people who were singing the same tune were respectively the Lord Prefect of the Moyun Prefecture, Ouyang Qinglin, and the Lord Prefect of the Luochen Prefecture, Luo Hanyuan. As we all know, the relationship between the two families is relatively good.    


Originally, the relationship between Luo Chen and Zi Long Manor was the closest. However, because of what happened to blind monk Wu Zhongxian fifteen years ago, a crack had appeared in the relationship between Wu Changkong and Luo Han Yuan.    


As Ouyang Qinglin and Luo Hanyuan said this, it wasn't good for Ling Fangtang to say anything more. If he didn't give up, then it would seem that the person in charge of one of the Five Palaces was too stingy.    


Han Chen's gaze swept across the five Palace Chiefs. His words just now were enough to match them to each other. The one in charge of the Purple Dragon Palace was Wu Changkong. The Moyun Prefecture was Ouyang Qinglin. Luo Chen's house was called Luo Hanyuan. Ling Xuan Manor was called Ling Fangxiang. The Dan Hao Mansion was Shangguan Jian.    


This was the first time the five Palace Lords appeared in the academy at the same time. This was enough to see how important the Heavenly Rankings Battle was.    


When Han Chen saw Wu Changkong, he realized that the other party was also looking at him. Wu Changkong nodded his head as a signal. Han Chen nodded and smiled in return.    


Who is Han Chen? It was at this time that Shangguan Jian, the Palace Chief of the Dan Hao Mansion who had not spoken and treated him coldly, shouted in a low voice.    


Everyone present was startled, and all of their gazes swept towards Han Chen with astonishment.    


As for Shangguan Mian who was in the center area of the east wing, he could not help but become nervous as his jade hands subconsciously clenched into fists.    


Everyone had a question in their minds, why was it Han Chen again? Could he have provoked the Dan Hao Mansion? Wu Changkong, Ling Fangtang and the others looked at Shangguan Jian with slight astonishment.    


"Disciple Han Chen greets the Palace Chief and the Palace Chief." Han Chen took a few steps forward, cupped his fists, and politely replied.    


"Oh? You are Han Chen? " Shangguan Jian's face was clearly filled with astonishment. According to what he knew, wasn't Han Chen a freshman who had just entered the academy this year? But just now, he was actually able to fight fiercely with Ling Wanquan and wasn't at a disadvantage. He would be surprised.    


"It's a student."    


didn't know what to say. Could it be that the matter of him stealing the Heavenly Soul Rainbow Seven Leaf from the Dan Hao Mansion had been discovered? Thinking about that, Han Chen unknowingly turned his gaze towards Shangguan Mian who was in the middle of the crowd. Once the two looked at each other, Shangguan Mian shook his head, as if indicating for Han Chen to 'don't admit it even if he is beaten to death'.    


And this slight movement evidently did not escape Shangguan Jian's eyes. He glanced at Shangguan Mian behind him from the corner of his eyes. Then, he said in a carefree and clear voice.    


"Nothing, I'm just asking."    


Crash! *    


When these words were spoken, the entire audience burst into an uproar. Especially Gongsun Zhe, Ling Wanquan and the others, their hearts had turned cold by half. Looking at the attitude of the Old Master Shangguan just now, everyone thought that Han Chen had provoked the Dan Hao Mansion. All of them now felt as if they had been fooled.    


Han Chen's eyes could not help but twitch, as an urge to curse arose in his heart.    


"Alright, if you have nothing else, then prepare to start the Heavenly Rankings Competition!" Palace Chief Wu Changkong's powerful voice spread out like a rolling tide. Everyone felt their hearts tremble.    


In an instant, the entire atmosphere of the Star Observation Cliff turned solemn. Even the geniuses on the Heavenly Rankings had serious expressions on their faces.    


With the appearance of the five Palace Chiefs, Ye Weini knew that there was no way she could deal with Han Chen now. Her beautiful eyes flashed with a cold glint.    


"I'll briefly explain the rules of the Heavenly Rankings Battle." Wu Changkong walked to the front of the stage, his eyebrows filled with dignity, a pair of eyes as sharp as swords.    


"Firstly, the minimum requirement to participate in the Heavenly Rankings Competition is the fourth stage of morphogenesis."    


Just the lowest requirement to enter the school was enough to cause countless students to look depressed, sighing sorrowfully. Han Chen was also secretly surprised, fourth stage of morphogenesis? If this had happened three months ago, he wouldn't have been qualified to participate.    


At the same time, Clan Elder Kun Yang walked out and nodded to the five Palace Masters. He then arrived at the center of the Star Observation Platform on the battle stage.    


"Hah!" Kun Yang bellowed and waved his hands up.    


Shoo! Shoo! Shoo! Under everyone's astonished gaze, green beams of light rained down from the sky like a meteor shower. A closer look revealed that the green beam was a piece of jade the length of a chopstick. There were about three to four hundred pieces of jade, fluttering in the air like the leaves being blown by the autumn wind, creating a spectacular scene.    


"What is this?"    


"What's the use of these jade plates?"    


Puzzled expressions appeared on the faces of the crowd. The few evildoers on the Heavenly Rankings looked at each other, not understanding what was going on. However, there was no such thing in the Heavenly Rankings Competition last year.    


"The rules for this year's Heavenly Rankings War have changed." Wu Changkong's explanation made everyone come to a realization, they pointed to the jade plates on the fighting stage and said, "Each jade piece represents a mission. Participants in the Heavenly Rankings War must follow the mission written on the jade slip and complete it. "    


Complete the task on the jade chip? What's the use? Everyone had different expressions. Some were confused, some were surprised, some were expectant, and some were troubled.    


"After you complete the mission on the jade slip, you will have to return here in the shortest time possible. The first 16 to arrive were given the right to participate in the Heavenly Rankings War. The rest will be treated as eliminated. "    


As Wu Changkong's words fell, the entire arena was instantly thrown into chaos. Out of the three or four hundred people present, only sixteen had the right to participate. This was too harsh.    


Ouyang Qinglin, Shangguan Jian and the other Palace Masters all looked interested. After discussion, the five of them unanimously decided on this plan. After all, it would be a little too monotonous to only fight for power.    


"Principal Wu, the first rank of the Heavenly Ranking hasn't appeared yet. Did she lose her right to participate?" A questioning voice came from the crowd.    


Han Chen could not help but be startled, and subconsciously looked towards the area where everyone was on the Heavenly Rankings. Only now did he realize that the mysterious first place winner was missing again.    


"No." Wu Changkong shook his head, and replied loudly, "When we decide on the sixteen people to be promoted, there will be a 1v1 elimination battle. Of the four great battles, only one was left. The last remaining man will fight against last year's championship. If at that time, the champion had not appeared, then the last person left this year would have been able to replace him. "    


Wu Changkong's explanation was detailed enough, everyone understood the rules set for this year. The content of this competition was much richer than the previous ones. However, the difficulty had increased significantly.    


"The locations of these missions are in the back mountain." Wu Changkong turned around and pointed at the endless, majestic, and fluctuating high and low mountain range behind him. The endless mountain range stretched as far as the eye could see. In the deepest part, even the Five Great Academies had not yet reached it.    


"Let me add something." Palace Chief Ling Xuan, Ling Fangtang went up and said sternly, "The missions can be mutually stolen. If someone else's mission is completed first, you guys can directly snatch the jade chip and proof of the mission." Finally, let me point out that all casualties are on their own. "    


"The Heavenly Rankings Competition, begin!"    


Begin! Everyone was shocked for a moment, and green jade pieces that filled the sky flew out in all directions. The students who had been impatiently waiting all this while flew up to grab the jade plates.    


Swoosh! A green flowing light attacked, Han Chen extended his palm out, and tightly gripped the jade piece in his palm.    


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