All My Skills Are Picked Up

C556 He Had Nowhere to Escape

C556 He Had Nowhere to Escape

The moment he recognized Prince Yong, Lo Tian had already figured out most of the truth in his mind.    


Prince Yong wasn't a victim of an attack. He was clearly the one who killed General Dong and pretended to be injured. The devil Qi in his body belonged to him. It wasn't the devil Qi that was left in his body after the Devil Cultivator severely injured him.    


Lo Tian had found it with his source of energy. It was also correct. The murderer was indeed in the prince's mansion, it was just that he was the Prince Yong that no one had thought of.    


The location of General Dong's death, the sharp sword, and other evidence had already revealed who the murderer was. Unfortunately, the world was blind and could not see the truth in the fog.    


At this moment, Lo Tian, who had come to a realization, could even imagine how Lord Imperial Advisor had died just now.    


Prince Yong wanted to see Imperial Advisor. Even if he tried to stop him, Imperial Advisor would still open the back door for him. The two of them met at the exact moment when Imperial Advisor woke up from his dream. After that, his soul returned to his body and was killed by Prince Yong.    


Everything was planned out. If Lo Tian hadn't seen Prince Yong with his own eyes, he wouldn't have believed that Prince Yong, who had a good reputation, was actually a complete Devil Cultivator!    


"Lo Tian!"    


Prince Yong's eyes lit up. It was obvious that Lo Tian's appearance had exceeded his expectations.    


"You shouldn't have come!"    


Prince Yong said indifferently. His tone was completely different from when he was in the Imperial Residence. It was filled with the coldness of Devil Cultivator.    


Prince Yong slightly moved his fist, and his aura began to rise. Lo Tian suddenly realized that he had fallen into an extremely dangerous situation. If his guess was correct, the so-called decline of Prince Yong's strength every year was a lie.    


He had already entered deep into the Devil Dao, and all of his original Martial Qi had turned into Devil Qi. Naturally, he could no longer use his strength as casually as before.    


However, after turning into Devil Qi, Prince Yong's strength did not decrease by much. On the contrary, many martial artists' strength would increase even after turning into Devil Cultivator. Seeing how he killed General Dong with a single sword strike, one could tell his strength. He had probably already reached the demonic sect's realm. That was a realm that Lo Tian couldn't match.    


Seeing that something wasn't right, Lo Tian immediately said, "Prince Yong, if you want to kill me here... Your identity will be completely exposed. I am being pursued by a group of deacons."    


Lo Tian shouted loudly, deliberately letting the surrounding pedestrians hear him.    


Immediately, Prince Yong used his hand to cover his face, not letting others see his true face.    


Lo Tian slowly stepped back. It was foolish to fight him head on. He knew Prince Yong's identity, and that was enough for him to do a lot of things.    


Prince Yong suddenly smiled and said in a low voice, "By the way, I forgot that you are the scapegoat chosen by Old Ghost Pang. You are the one who will be arrested. I will kill you here. And I will help you achieve your reputation. That would be too boring. Take this, Lo Tian! "    


After saying that, Prince Yong threw an item onto Lo Tian's body. Lo Tian immediately activated the Incarnation Spell, but he still saw the item stuck to his body like a bug.    


It was a purple lightning pill about the size of a finger. When it touched Lo Tian's body, it corroded his Martial Qi at an extremely fast speed.    


"Enjoy it, Lo Tian. Not everyone has the chance to die on the streets."    


After saying that, Prince Yong lowered his head and quickened his pace. His figure quickly disappeared into the crowd.    


Lo Tian really wanted to chase after him, but that damn Purple Thunder Ball made it difficult for him to use his Martial Qi. The devilish energy contained within could only be described as terrifying.    


Lo Tian could feel a huge danger approaching, it wasn't the purple lightning pill. No matter how much devilish energy was contained within, it wouldn't be an easy task to kill him. The main reason was that the devilish energy that was suddenly released from the purple lightning ball had turned him into a bright lamp on the street at night. It was enough to attract all the deacons in the surroundings.    


As expected, Lo Tian heard the sound of rushing wind in the next moment.    


A few Level 3 deacons wearing deacons' robes jumped down from the roof and stared at him.    


"It's Lo Tian!"    


"What a strong devil Qi, and you still say that you are not a Devil Cultivator!"    


"Lo Tian, surrender now or we'll kill him!"    


The weapon was unsheathed, and the aura of a warrior rose.    


Lo Tian gritted his teeth and said, "You don't know anything."    


The deacons looked at each other, then smiled and said, "I often hear Devil Cultivator say this."    


"Me too, is this their common language? He should be talking about his psychological journey from now on."    


"Sigh, I hate listening to Devil Cultivator's mental journey the most. They're all equally boring."    


"Forget it, just grab it. Don't waste any time. The deacon will handle the case. Those who are free, disperse!"    


The deacons shouted at the same time, and all the civilians in the surroundings retreated. After that, they charged towards Lo Tian.    


Attacking was a fatal move, and the deacons didn't even think about bringing Lo Tian back alive. They had already determined that Lo Tian was the Devil Cultivator, so they naturally wouldn't show any mercy to him.    


"Damn it!"    


Lo Tian cursed in his heart. He knew that the situation had changed in the worst possible direction. If this continued, the death sentence given by Old Ghost Pang would become a reality.    


The Pig Slaughtering Knife appeared in his hand. Lo Tian struck out with his killing move first.    


Giant God Saber Spell, Three Gods Increase Strength.    


The knife shone brightly, and it was a one-versus-all attack. The three deacons who had rushed in front of Lo Tian felt a strong force breaking through their attacks. At the same time, the sharp blade of the blade sent the three of them flying.    


The three of them fell to the ground in a sorry state. Their clothes were torn and blood was dripping from their bodies.    


Their faces were filled with shock. At this moment, they finally understood how big the gap between them and Lo Tian was.    


They could only look at Lo Tian's battle competition, as well as the battle between Lo Tian and Zhou Yuming. He couldn't feel how strong Lo Tian was. After experiencing it for himself, he finally understood that there was someone in the Level 3 deacon who could stand shoulder to shoulder with Lo Tian. There was practically none!    


After killing the three of them with a single slash, Lo Tian was still not in his peak condition. At this moment, he was still distracted to resist the Purple Thunder Demonic Pills on his body.    


It was not a good place to stay for long. He had to leave first!    


Lo Tian's Incarnation Spell quickly turned into his mental energy state, and at the same time, his new flying ship appeared. The wings formed from white clouds stuck to Lo Tian's back.    


With a flap of his wings, Lo Tian flew high into the sky. Under the gazes of the three deacons, he quickly flew far away.    


"You have a trick!"    


"It really is a powerful Devil Cultivator."    


"We can't beat it, let's shake it off."    


"Alright, let's shake it off. Let's see where he can escape to."    


The three deacons immediately took out their communication spar and shouted.    


"Send a message. Lo Tian has wings on his back and is flying. Attention all deacons. Kill him if you see him!"    


"We have to use the Martial Qi Cannon or whatever. Kill the birdman if you see him."    


"There is no doubt that Lo Tian is a Devil Cultivator. No matter whether he lives or dies, we have to catch him first."    


In the capital, many deacons received the news of three people requesting help. Immediately, countless deacons raised their heads to look at the sky.    


They wanted to run. Hmph, in the capital city, even wings are hard to fly!    


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