Super Easy Cultivation System

C426 Missing Girl

C426 Missing Girl

But Wu's pulse comes from blood, and his pulse weapon comes from outside shooting, and how do we keep it less than inherited?    


Bai Qingfeng was not too concerned about this problem. In short, the current situation was good.    


However, he had an idea. Maybe if he mixed the ice dance wheat with the bean wine, the ice dance wheat would recover.    


However, it was too difficult to find the true spirit that was on par with Fire Phoenix.    


The current Bai Qingfeng was unable to defeat this kind of spiritual beast, let alone capture the true spirit.    


This was the safe time of the palace for a month. Under the circumstances that Bai Qingfeng was going easy on him, Zhang Xiaofei defeated him and obtained the residence of Palace No. 98.    


Next, Bai Qingfeng suggested an idea to everyone.    


In the future, everyone would take turns challenging each other every month. They would then defeat everyone in the previous palace and distribute the palaces to the others.    


The second person who obtained the residency rights still had a month of safety period.    


A month later, the third person continued.    


During this period, 98 had always been under the control of the Earth Union and had always been in a safe period, so there was no need to worry about others participating in the competition.    


After arranging these four people, Bai Qingfeng returned to Palace 93 and continued to retreat.    


After that, everything became peaceful.    


No one came to challenge Bai Qingfeng. The four members of the Earth Union also took turns using the palace to practice.    


Except for Bai Qingfeng's talent, the other four were all geniuses. With the help of the palace, everyone's cultivation improved by leaps and bounds.    


Guo Ran and Mei Wuxin made a strict assessment of Bai Qingfeng outside the door. Both of them had been baptized by the Fire Spirit Spring and healed their wounds before entering the inner sect.    


Both of them hated Bai Qingfeng. When they achieved their goal, they formed an alliance and planned to interact with Bai Qingfeng together.    


However, when they were about to attack Bai Qingfeng, they discovered that Bai Qingfeng was far behind them. Not only was he five times more advanced than them, he had also defeated the inner sect brothers on the Cantonese Hua list and won the palace.    


The key was that Bai Qingfeng had defeated two people in one match and was still crushed.    


Guo Ran and Mei Wuxin were completely dumbfounded by this news.    


Mei Wuxin no longer had the courage to take revenge. He knew that unless there was a great opportunity in his life, he would not want to fight Bai Qingfeng again. The two countries were not in the same world.    


Guo Ran also knew that he was not Bai Qingfeng, but he always thought that he was the strongest in this generation. He did not want to be compared with Bai Qingfeng.    


But he was powerless.    


Especially when the news came from the internal deacon, Elder Huang Xing told him that his elder kept a low profile instead of being too violent.    


This news became several people, making everyone know, but it came from the elderly.    


Everyone knew that the elderly could not wait to see Guo Jian.    


Guo Ran knew that he completed it in May's ancestor. Unless a purple-robed elder took him as his master, there wouldn't be any progress.    


Guo Ran was upset. I started to think about schemes and schemes. I wanted to know if I could at least turn this matter into Bai Qingfeng.    


In addition to Guo Ran and Mei Wuxin's treatment, Huang Jialin, whom Bai Qingfeng admired, also returned to the inner sect.    


When Huang Jialin learned that Bai Qingfeng had helped Guo Ran recover, he remembered the word "promise" that he had heard in his coma.    


For this reason, he was very grateful to Bai Qingfeng. The first thing he did was to give ten mental stones to Bai Qingfeng.    


Bai Qingfeng delayed it again and again, but he eventually closed it.    


Everything was going on in an orderly manner. Bai Qingfeng's recovery was constantly improving.    


He looked very calm.    


However, something big had happened in Zhenwu University.    


The magic door that he had not seen for a long time appeared again!    


This news caused a huge commotion in Zhenwu University. Even the remote Moon Sect had experienced a huge upheaval.    


Zeng Jin had set up an intense magic gate in Zhenwu University, and this made everyone who knew a bit of history feel worried and afraid!    


If the Demon Sect recovered, it would be a complete disaster.    


Soon, traces of Mormon's disciples appeared within the jurisdiction of the three factions.    


The initially calm situation was broken, and the battle erupted once again!    


Bai Qingfeng raised his hand without thinking, and flames ignited on his palm.    


Bai Qingfeng kept retreating. He did not know what kind of magical door appeared again. He did not even know that Hou was accepted as an apprentice by the old man in purple for six rounds.    


A month later, the deacon of the inner sect came and brought a sentence from Huang Xing.    


The elder said Huang Xing's words.    


"Bai Qingfeng, the flames of war cannot be nurtured. People must have wisdom, but not blindly."    


After hearing this, Bai Qingfeng smiled.    


No one in Zhao knew that others could not practice the door of the body's supernatural power. He had already succeeded.    


Of course, he did not publicize it. He only asked the deacon of the rumors to help express his gratitude to Huang Xing and the elder, saying that he would do his best.    


After leaving the deacon, Bai Qingfeng frowned and thought for a while.    


"The elder knows that I have chosen the blazing war. That is to say, the elder of the Divine Martial Arts Club told him. Why did the elder tell him? He has been following me all this time? This is very strange. I don't have any family or reason with him. He didn't take me as his disciple. Why does he care about me so much? "    


Bai Qingfeng thought for a long time and lost his mind.    


In the end, he didn't want to do it at all. No matter what, it seemed to be a good thing.    


The next day, he continued to practice alone.    


Time flew, and winter came in spring. In the blink of an eye, Bai Qingfeng had stayed for an entire year.    


During this period of time, he had used up all of his available farming resources.    


On this day.    


There was a strong alcohol coming out of the palace. The violent internal fluctuations almost opened the palace and rushed out from the roof.    


Ever since Bai Qingfeng released his violent and overbearing Qi.    


He stood proudly in the flames with his sharp edges and the high sky.    


"Extraordinary rank 6, Flame Manipulation Power. The first level of the Blazing Warrior has been completed. Now that I can release the Flame Manipulation Power, my combat strength should be in the top three of the inner circle!"    


Bai Qingfeng's mouth aroused a smile. He waved his hand and blew the walls of the palace.    


This palace was protected by all kinds of protection. Bai Qingfeng had tried many times but never caused too much damage, so he was not worried about destroying the palace.    


But this time, there was an accident. Although it did not pierce through the wall, But he was still bombed by a hole.    




Red bricks and mortar fell down. Bai Qingfeng pulled them and looked at his fist. He thought to himself, "Could it be so fierce?"    


He walked to the cave entrance and focused on it.    


The wall in this place was hollow.    


He examined it carefully and was surprised to find that there was an old yellow envelope on the floor of the pile of bricks.    


He picked up the envelope and swept away the dust on it. He only saw a few words "written for family members.    


For the first time, he didn't notice the words, but the face of the words, like dried blood.    


"It really is blood."    


I put it on the tip of my nose and smelled it. The smell was very faint, but Bai Qingfeng confirmed his guess.    


He did not have the habit of peeping, but he clearly said that he was fated to be on the envelope, so he opened the letter and began to read.    


There was only a piece of paper inside. Although the content wasn't much, it was written with blood. The handwriting was askew, as if it had used up all its strength.    


The letter told the story of thirteen years ago. Bai Qingfeng Yimenin was a genius disciple of the sect.    


After entering the inner sect, his strength quickly reached the peak of an extraordinary 10% discount. He had absolute strength to fight for the first place on the Moon Flower List. Only when comparing the inner sect would it become a hot topic.    


Yi Men Ning had a best friend called Zhang Yang. He was also a genius, but he was weaker than him.    


The two of them were brothers. They often went out to practice and carry out missions.    


During a training session, the two of them discovered a tomb in Yuan Dynasty.    


After some exploration, the two of them obtained the treasure.    


Land piece.    


According to Yi Beifeng's thoughts, his strength was higher than Zhang Yang's. Although this ceramic piece was a good thing, it was more useful to Zhang Yang.    


Therefore, Yi Beifeng decided to give Zhang Yang the broken piece of the ceramic piece.    


He did not expect that before he could tell Zhang Yang, Zhang Yang would suddenly give him a cold arrow to keep the broken pieces of the pottery.    


Even if Yi Beifeng had become stronger, he would not be able to resist Zhang Yang's all-around sneak attack without any protection. He would be severely injured on the spot.    


Yi Beifeng was furious after being seriously injured. After a crazy counterattack, he was injured and ran away.    


Then, he hid his storage bag and rushed back.    


Unexpectedly, he was intercepted by Zhang Yang and used the power of the ceramic pieces to directly destroy his Dantian and cut it off.    


The drowsy Yi Beifeng was brought back to the Moon God Sect by Zhang Yang. Zhang Yang gave himself a few knives. Everyone thought that Yi Beifeng had been saved by Zhang Yang.    


Zhang Yang said that it was not easy for Yi Bei Feng to walk around, so he returned it to Palace 93. Then, he went to the elders of the sect to invite Yi Bei Feng.    


In fact, he knew that Yi Bei Feng would be able to escape death easily.    


Yi Men Ning also knew that they would die, so he used incense time to write this letter. In the end, he used the power of this letter to hide in the hollow wall that he had discovered.    


At the end of the letter, Yi Bei Feng had a simple map attached to it. His storage bag was hidden at his destination.    


"It's easy for me to be sad, but I didn't think that I would die in my brother's hands. If you have a destiny, I hope that you can help me take revenge. "Thank you for your grief!"    


After reading the last sentence, Bai Qingfeng couldn't help but sigh.    


Yi Beifeng was a righteous man. He had no intention of fighting for the treasure, but he could not stand Zhang Yang's cold-blooded greed and assassination.    


However, Bai Qingfeng knew that Yi Beifeng did not suffer the most from death, but the disappointment and sorrow of being betrayed by his brother.    


The incident after Yi Beifeng's death was not recorded in the letter.    


However, Bai Qingfeng could guess that when the elders and Yi Yang came to treat Yi Beifeng, Yi Beifeng must have died. Zhang Yang must have suffered a lot, making everyone think that he was serious.    


"Although this is not something for our generation, if you have the storage bag, your hatred will help you to report."    


Bai Qingfeng made a decision. He burned the envelope and burned it to ashes.    


He had never thought about publishing it, because 13 years later, countless people in Castle 93 had changed, and no one believed the authenticity of the letter.    


"Zhang Yang, this man should be a true disciple now."    


Bai Qingfeng muttered to himself.    


At this time, the iron gate of the palace opened a few times.    


Except for some people from the Earth Union, no one would knock on the gate of the palace.    


As expected, Zhang Xiaofei's voice came from outside. "Boss, you have to retreat for a long time. It's time for you to come out and give us a meeting of the Earth Union."    


Bai Qingfeng smiled and walked towards the door. He said to himself, "I should return to Flying Cloud Town in a year, but I don't know if Chen Qian has returned to Flying Cloud Town."    


While thinking about Chen Qian, Bai Qingfeng couldn't help but go missing the girl.    


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