Super Easy Cultivation System

C417 Everyone Was Dumbfounded

C417 Everyone Was Dumbfounded

Little Treasure pulled his neck back. "Look at what you saw," he said. Unless it's a critical moment, this dragon won't die."    


Bai Qingfeng gave Little Treasure a blank expression. The correct way was, "This is a critical moment. In short, do you have any help? "    




Andy rejected without hesitation, but in his words, he shook his head cheerfully: "Help, but Bai Qingfeng, you can't hang on to me."    


"Am I that kind of person?" Drunk Zhang Jie asked.    


Bai Qingfeng originally hoped that Little Treasure would agree, but he was not surprised.    


Little Treasure said, "Tell me, what should I do?"    


Bai Qingfeng pointed at the ditch with foam and hot water and said, "You pass by here, quietly pull out the Chi Yan Bamboo Aunt, and then come back from here."    


Before waiting for Little Treasure to speak, Chu Zhan covered his mouth and shouted, "Ah! The electric current is too hot. He will be burned to death."    


"This Dragon God is not afraid of the hot water in this area."    


Little Treasure seemed to be a little dissatisfied with Chu Zhan's words. He raised his head and said proudly, "There is really no way. At the critical moment, we must have our own dragons."    


Just as he said, Little Treasure stood up. He snorted from Chu Zhan's arm and jumped into the ditch.    


The water droplets landed on the shore and evaporated immediately.    


He poked his head out of the water and scratched his body with his claws. He twisted his body and swam forward along the water.    


Chu Zhan was surprised to see Little Treasure doing well.    


However, before she thought about it, she felt a burning sensation. She was sweating and blushing.    


"Strange, it's not hot now. Why did you suddenly become like this?"    


Chu Zhan wiped the sweat on his forehead. The sudden high temperature made him dizzy. His feet were stunned. He fell to Bai Qingfeng.    


Bai Qingfeng quickly hugged Chu Zhan. There was only a faint girl's scent. Her touch was soft and boneless.    


If they were shocked, they would take a step back and quickly separate.    


Bai Qingfeng explained to Chu Zhan with a smile. Girl, why don't you feel hot just now because Webber Xiaobao was with you? Xiaobao has ice water and cold attributes. Even though the heat here is strong, it can't interfere with him. "That's why you benefit as well."    


Chu Zhan bowed her head. She sounded like a mosquito. Bai Qingfeng did not know if she could hear what she was saying.    


At this moment, panic came from the front.    


"Be careful, what is this!?"    


"Don't be nervous, this is the ferocious beast that guards the Qiyan countries. It's just that it's extraordinary. " We can deal with it. "Chen Liuchen Qi, protect this young master. The others will follow me to eliminate the ferocious beasts."    


Yes, the treasure. "    


Immediately after, the sounds of battle came from the front. Accompanied by the roars of the beasts, it shook the entire cave and flowed in the ditch.    


Bai Qingfeng looked at Chu Zhan with red eyes and said in a deep voice, "This place is very dangerous. You can't bear the high temperature. Get out first. Wait until I get to the Chi Yan Bamboo Fruit and come out."    


"No, you helped me. How can I leave you?"    


Chu Zhan was a moral person. She immediately took out the immortality medicine and eased her face. "I can fight you now," she said.    


Bai Qingfeng looked at Chu Zhan's determined eyes. I knew I couldn't persuade him, so I didn't say much.    


He quietly listened to the deep sounds of battle on the mountain and said in a low voice, "Chen Shouxiong is now nailed to the ground. The people in Chen Hua have no time to care about him. If Andy were to attack now, he would definitely get the Swallow Bamboo Fruit. Maybe we can get the Pond Flame Bamboo Fruit effortlessly. "    


"I hope so."    


Chu Zhan nodded.    


Suddenly, a loud sound came from the front. It sounded like a volcano eruption.    


Red light bloomed at the end of the cave. The heat waves rolled over. Fire sparks rushed over from the front of the fire sparks. The air was filled with steam and dispersed.    


Suddenly, in the sky of the fire, the fog was cleared, and the entire cave became very clear.    


However, the rolling electric waves were a hundred times hotter than the steam. Even though Bai Qingfeng was running his cultivation base, he still felt very hot at this moment, let alone Chu Zhan.    


Chu Zhan's eyebrows were knitted together due to his rapid breathing, and his chest was bulging.    


Bai Qingfeng stared at the end of the cave. He looked at Chen He, who was like a red rock formed by wild beasts, and sometimes it was hard to decide who would win.    


Not far from them, a column of fire shot out from the ground and hit the top of the cave that was dozens of meters high. It spread out and burned the stone wall into red. A road sign was opened.    


The heat came from this pillar of fire.    


The Chen family members were very hot. At this moment, the heat was poisonous. Some of the people with temperament were somewhat cold.    


Chen Feng stood beside him. His face was filled with fear, and his gaze was dull as he stared at the pillar of fire that was emitting an astonishing heat.    


Suddenly, his body trembled as he pointed at a hole in the ground where the pillar of fire had erupted and shouted, "What's wrong? Why did you disappear?"    


Hearing this, the Chen family members were all stunned. They couldn't help but look at him.    


They were distracted. His palm slapped down a ferocious beast that looked like a red stone. He discovered two scenes at the same time.    


The strongest man, Cai Bo, didn't dare to take care of him. He quickly turned around. His heart was filled with doubt. No one had touched the Pond Bamboo Fruit just now, but set fire to Zhao. The Pond Bamboo Fruit was gone?    


At this time, the fire suddenly increased, and the water mist was cleared. Not long after, the Chen Family found Bai Qingfeng and Chu Zhan standing far away.    


At this moment, Chen Feng felt wronged. When he saw it twice, he suddenly showed his ferocity and rushed towards Bai Qingfeng with his sword, shouting, "Chu Zhan, I'll take you there."    


Cai Bo also noticed the two Bai Qingfeng and immediately maintained his vigilance.    


There was no one else here, so the disappearance of the cannon and the Red Rock Bamboo Pot might have something to do with Bai Qingfeng.    


His heart was beating fast. He saw Chen Feng rush towards Bai Qingfeng and block his palm attack. He shouted back to Chen Feng, "Young Master, be careful. These two people are ghosts."    


Chen Feng was just a bully. At this time, when he heard Cai Bo's warning, he turned around and looked at Bai Qingfeng. Hatred flashed across his eyes. He said coldly, "Chu Zhan, if you have the ability to grab the chicken eyes and pig bones with me, come over."    


Hearing Bai Qingfeng's words, he couldn't help but laugh. This Chen Feng was too good.    


With the sound of water, a four-legged snake carrying two red-eyed bamboo fruits emerged from the ditch and jumped to Chu Zhan's side.    


Suddenly, the redness on Chu Zhan's face gradually faded, but he avoided the high temperature. He was full of energy.    


"Flaming Pond Bamboo Fruit!"    


When the Chen Clan saw the fruit on the snake's claw, they cried out in alarm and finally understood what had happened.    


The strange thing was that the Red Flame Pillar Country was obviously lacking in four-legged snake's claws because there were only two fruits?    




At that moment, Little Treasure slept for a while. A puff of black smoke came out of his mouth, carrying a few sparks.    


He threw the bean-eating pig pot to Bai Qingfeng. He looked at Bai Qingfeng and rolled his eyes. Then he smiled. "Hey, I'm hungry, so I ate four fruits. But don't worry, I'm not that selfish. I still have two more for you."    


Everyone except Bai Qingfeng was dumbfounded when they heard the news.    


These four red-eyed bamboo fruits did not mean that it was very valuable, but that the four-legged bug was still intact after eating it. It died without exploding.    


You need to know that the effect of every salt boiled medicine can raise the extraordinary effect to a higher level. This little bug ate four. How did he digest the energy?    


Bai Qingfeng did not blame Little Treasure for eating the spiritual fruit. After all, one person was enough. The other was for Chu Zhan.    


"Let us control everything. We will leave quickly."    


He put away the Red Eyed Bamboo Fruit, looked at Chu Zhan, and ran out.    


Chu Zhan nodded and followed closely.    


Seeing this, Chen Feng jumped up anxiously, but he did not dare to catch up. He shouted at him, "Chu Zhan, you bastard!"    


The treasurer frowned and hurried to the crowd. "I will deal with the ferocious beasts. The others and young masters must stop them. If Luo Lie obtains the outstanding Zhi Yan Country, then the old master will not be his match."    


Everyone heard that under Chen Feng's lead, the people stopped and left the main treasury, Xiong Shou.    


With Cai Bo's strength, dealing with extraordinary people wouldn't be too much of a problem.    


It was possible that he would collapse under the surging flames. The harsh environment could at least reduce his combat strength by 3. Therefore, he could bear the ferocious beasts as long as he looked at the gap.    


Bai Qingfeng and Chu Zhan opened a hole. He stopped and divided the eye-eating fruit into Chu Zhan's. He said, "You go first. I have something to do."    


"What will you do?"    


Chu Zhan asked, puzzled.    


Andy smiled. He jumped from Chu Zhan's arm to his shoulder and grabbed the Buddhist. "This cave is in fire. Do you think he will miss such a good resource?"    


"Are you an alchemist?"    


Chu Zhan was surprised. Only alchemists were interested in flames, but alchemists in Bai Qingfeng's era were rare.    


Little Treasure shook his head. "He is not an alchemist. He just wants to use earth bombs..."    


"Shut up."    


When Bai Qingfeng interrupted Little Treasure, he did not want everyone to know that he had the spirit of a phoenix.    


He nudged Chu Zhan. "Miss Luo, please don't ask me about me. Since we have completed our cooperation, you should quickly return to the city under the moonlight and give the Red Eyed Bamboo Fruit to you. This is what I will repair. "    


"No, you helped me. I also want to help you."    


Chu Zhan shook his head firmly. He refused Bai Qingfeng's kindness and tightened his grip on the red fruit. He held the sword tightly in his hand.    


Seeing this, Bai Qingfeng had more respect for Chu Zhan.    


After coming into contact with the cave, he knew that Chu Zhan would not leave him and did not bother to persuade him. Instead, he said, "In that case, if there is danger, you must be careful."    


While the two of them were talking, Chen Feng and the other three members of the Chen Family opened a cave.    


When they saw that Bai Qingfeng did not leave, they were surprised for a while, and then they showed joy.    


Chen Feng pursed his lips and revealed a greedy look. He coldly stared at Chu Zhan. "Alright. In the past, when you were in the city, you ignored me. Today, I want you to pay."    


"Chen Feng, you shameless person. I've never had a hard time dealing with your Chen Clan. In reality, you hate my Luo Clan. "    


Chu Zhan couldn't help but feel angry when he saw Chen Feng.    


Chen Feng smiled and ignored Chu Zhan. He turned to look at Bai Qingfeng. "This child should be your head? "This is only the eighth Qi. I can kill him with one hand."    


Chen Feng was very cautious as he talked. He looked at the person next to him and said, "Hurry up and kill this boy first. Then Chu Zhan will give it to me."    


"Yes, master."    


The three of them reacted and moved together. They lunged at Bai Qingfeng with their swords.    


Chen Feng smiled. He stared at Chu Zhan with his red eyes and slowly walked to Bai Qingfeng's side.    


Some of them were full of vigor. He believed that Bai Qingfeng would not be a match for them.    


However, in the second minute, Chen Feng was dumbfounded.    


A cold light flashed. Bai Qingfeng's broadsword was slashed on the weapons of these three men. In fact, they were all knocked down.    


Before the three men could respond, Bai Qingfeng moved forward again. He cut through the three men and killed them all.    


This time, Chen Feng was completely stunned.    


Killing three chemists with nine advantages, this kind of advantage was completely comparable to an extraordinary domain.    


In other words, his Chen Feng was no match for him.    


Chen Feng was at a loss. He stopped walking towards Chu Zhan, trembling in fear.    


Bai Qingfeng put away his sword and looked at Chen Feng with disdain. He turned to Chu Zhan and said, "This person will be left for you."    


After hearing these words, Mr. Feng was very scared. His face was soft, and his knees were soft. He knelt on the ground and begged Bai Qingfeng, "Bai Qingfeng, a chivalrous man, forgive me!"    


"Chen Feng, you are ashamed."    


Chu Zhan drank coldly and walked towards the sword.    


It was possible that at this moment, someone had rushed out of the ground. This was the beast of finance and gambling.    


The treasurer was dressed in rags, his hair was dyed black, and the flesh on his right arm was a blur. It was clear that he did not gain anything from fighting the ferocious beast.    


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