Supreme Martial God



When the Ink Sword entered his hand, it suddenly sank. Lin Yue immediately increased his strength, preventing the sword from falling to the ground.    


"So heavy!"    


This Ink Sword looked to be about the same size as an ordinary Spirit Sword, but who would have thought that it would actually be several tens of kilograms in weight, which was beyond Lin Yue's expectations.    


With the Ink Sword in his hands, he immediately released a faint pressure, as if he was subconsciously resisting it.    


The hidden might behind it caused flames to ignite in Lin Yue's chest, causing his blood to boil. He could only raise his head up and roar to vent out the agitation in his heart.    


"Master! disciple is going to go test the sword! "    


At this moment, it was hard for Lin Yue to suppress the impulse in his heart, his face was filled with intense excitement.    


As he ran, Lin Yue quickly reached the deep mountains.    




When Lin Yue arrived at around one hundred kilometers or so, he activated the Genuine Essence and released a long whistle.    


Not long after, the forest in the distance was disturbed, and a cloud of smoke and dust rose into the sky. Jin Chan puffed her cheeks and quickly rushed over.    


"Big brother!"    


When Jin Chan saw Lin Yue, happiness surged up her face. She suddenly leaped high into the air, opened her arms wide and hugged Lin Yue.    


Lin Yue was also very happy as he reached out to hug his.    




They were hugging each other, but who would have thought that Jin Chan was like a shooting star that just crashed into them. Lin Yue was immediately flipped over and the two of them held each other for a few weeks before stopping.    


"Big Brother, are you alright?" Jin Chan's small face revealed a deep sense of apology, as she looked at the painful Lin Yue and asked worriedly.    


"N-nothing!" Lin Yue waved his hands, forcing out a smile. However, he was so shocked in his heart that he couldn't say anything.    


His body was already abnormal enough, and would definitely not lose to a two to three year old martial master. Who would have thought that he would be knocked over by Jin Chan!    


This little girl's strength was terrifying!    


Patting the dust off his body, Lin Yue got up and got to the main topic: "Chan, big brother has just obtained a new set of Spirit Sword, and needs a stronger Demonic Beast as an opponent to train and train. Do you know where there are Demonic Beast?"    


Jin Chan thought about it carefully, then her eyes lit up as she called out: "Big brother, I know, there's a place called Python Hills in this mountain, where very few thousand year old pythons live. However, these two pythons are very strong, and the Demonic Monkey that we killed last time did not dare to easily offend them.    


"Even Demonic Monkey do not dare to provoke them?"    


Lin Yue frowned his eyebrows. The Demonic Monkey was really strong, they had killed it three times in a row and only in the end did they use their tricks to kill it. The fighting strength of the Demonic Monkey was probably at the peak of level 5 or even level 6.    


However, his chest was ignited with a strong killing intent from the Ink Sword, it was difficult to suppress the blood in his body.    


The stronger the enemy, the more powerful the Ink Sword!    


Lin Yue made up his mind. With a determined face, he gritted his teeth and said solemnly: "Chan! Lead the way, brother wants to see, what is so scary about these two little snakes, that they can block my Spirit Sword!? "    




Jin Chan nodded heavily and rushed forward. Lin Yue followed closely behind, and wherever the two people passed, the nearby Demonic Beast would smell Jin Chan's scent and flee in panic. They had obviously been scared to death by this little devil.    


In the blink of an eye, they had charged over 100 kilometers. They were already 200 kilometers deep into the mountain range. The ancient trees covered the sky and the sky.    


In the pitch-black darkness, a muffled hissing sound suddenly came from the direction in front of them. It was eerie and horrifying, enough to make one's hair stand on end.    


"Chan, follow me closely, don't run around."    


Lin Yue leapt up and down, looking around in the forest continuously, he gave an order, which Jin Chan complied with, and returned to Lin Yue's side.    


It was unknown how wide the forest was. After walking for two whole incense sticks of time, the surroundings were still filled with darkness, as if there was no end to it.    


However, Jin Chan's face showed seriousness, and warned, "Brother, it's right in front."    


Lin Yue activated the Martial Soul, all of the muscles on his body tensed up, his eyes were like lightning, he looked around cautiously and rushed forward.    


Suddenly, the endless darkness began to fade. In front of them was the edge of the towering ancient tree. In the middle of this ancient forest, a shocking scene appeared!    


Large clouds of mist flowed in his field of vision, and within these clouds, rugged mountain hills popped out like islands in the sea, appearing and disappearing in the mist.    


Under the dark gray sky, deep within the clouds, a twisting body was crawling slowly. It extended from one side of the island all the way to the other side.    


This scene was very similar to the ancient era. The monstrous beasts that roamed the world were free and unrestrained, protecting their homeland.    


A 1000 foot long giant python climbed up to the highest island. It flicked its tongue and hissed in the air. In the vast world, a desolate and vigorous aura suddenly appeared!    


"Big brother, we're here!" Jin Chan brought them here, and revealed a smile on her face. She looked at the islands deep within the sea of clouds, her eyes shining.    


Lin Yue's emotions were complicated.    


It was true that he wanted to find a strong Demonic Beast to hone his Ink Sword and release the impulse in his heart. However, looking at the several hundred meter large python in front of him, didn't he feel that this was a little too strong?    


"Catch the little python!" Jin Chan cheered, and rushed towards the distant python hill.    


"Hey!" Just as Lin Yue was considering whether to inspect the flower first, he didn't expect that Jin Chan would actually rush over directly. Helpless, he could only harden her heart and stride forward.    


"Hiss ~ Howl!"    


Deep within the sea of clouds, the giant python discovered Lin Yue and Jin Chan who had barged into the python hill. It immediately let out an angry roar and swam down the hill quickly, pouncing over.    


Its mountain-like body pressed against the ground, causing it to tremble slightly. Wherever this Thousand Year Python Demon went, the hard ground would be caved in by several inches.    




Jin Chan's small body suddenly leaped up high, like a cannonball, she flew into the air and avoided the mountain-like python's head, landing on its back.    


The python quickly twisted and turned, its incomparably smooth body tumbling. Jin Chan was ruthlessly flung out, smashing into the depths of a mountain.    




"Big brother, I'm fine!" Behind the hill, Jin Chan climbed back up, but just as she shouted out, the python's tail had already swept towards her.    


Jin Chan was so shocked that she immediately rolled over and laid down behind the hill.    


"Boom!" The entire hill was swept flat by the python's tail. Instantly, the mountain was shattered into pieces, and rocks flew everywhere like rain.    


Lin Yue's expression was solemn, he held the Ink Sword tightly, his body flashing again and again as he attacked the python.    


The giant python twisted its head, its amber cold eyes reflected Lin Yue's figure. Its body twisted, and a huge, wild, fishy wind assaulted its face, rolling towards Lin Yue.    


Lin Yue did not dare to fight with him, and could only use his Ghost Step to break away from the snake body's charge. He landed heavily on the ground, flew up to the snake body, and poured Genuine Essence s into it.    


The moment the Ink Sword pierced the python's body, bright sparks instantly emerged from the python's body, making it look extremely strange.    


The python's body was actually covered in thick scales!    


The scale was more than a foot thick, and it was even harder than steel. This strike actually could not completely pierce through it!    


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