Supreme Martial God



Lin Yue really wanted to know why Jin Chan was here, but after looking at her surroundings, seeing that this place was simply too dangerous, he decided to bring Jin Chan and leave.    


Little Jin Chan obediently followed behind Lin Yue, following him to the exit.    


When they reached the edge of the mountain range, Lin Yue felt that there was no longer any danger, so he stopped and asked Little Jin Chan why he was here.    


Jin Chan happily pointed and talked a lot, but after listening for a while, her eyebrows knitted even tighter, and her gentle face also became ugly.    


Noticing the change in Lin Yue's expression, Little Jin Chan who was happily talking about her past suddenly stopped talking, she looked at Lin Yue curiously, and said softly: "Big brother, what's wrong? Could it be that Jin Chan did something wrong and made you unhappy? "    


Looking at Jin Chan's pure eyes and her face that was as young and tender as a human girl's, Lin Yue sighed lightly. Suppressing the heaviness in her heart, she forced out a smile and said, "It's alright, big brother is just worried about you."    


Jin Chan saw that Lin Yue was not angry at him, and thus became happy again, chattering about her bloody experiences.    


Lin Yue could only sigh, this was not Jin Chan's fault.    


No matter whether it was humans, demons, witches, barbarians, or other races, under the rule of Devil Clan, all powers were edible ingredients.    


There were no other races that were more terrifying than the Devil Clan. They were born with divine strength and tyrannical physiques. Their methods of cultivation were simple but also extremely efficient.    


Jin Chan spent half a year in the deep mountains.    


From being weak at first to a little girl who could be killed by ordinary people, she had grown into a level five Flaming Tiger Demonic Beast.    


This half a year was exactly the same as the bloody scene she had described. It was unknown just how many times it had happened.    


To Jin Chan, that was her nature. She felt happy and satisfied, and when she spoke of it, her small face still carried a strong sense of pride.    


But to Lin Yue, this was indeed too cruel.    


"Jin Chan, can you promise me one thing?" Lin Yue thought for a moment, rubbed Jin Chan's hair, and said gently.    


Little Jin Chan's eyes were shining. Of course she would listen to her brother's words.    


"Don't ever …" "Don't eat humans …" Lin Yue said with some difficulty. The strange demons originally wanted to eat meat, especially creatures with strong spirit energy, in their eyes, was an unstoppable delicacy. Their request for a Devil Clan was really an outrageous request for Little Jin Chan.    


"I... Big Brother, Jin Chan, Jin Chan … "Jin Chan's eyes revealed a dazed look, as she clearly could not understand why Lin Yue would ask her to do this.    


Lin Yue rubbed her head again, and said in a small voice: "Big brother felt that was too cruel, and my mood isn't good."    


Jin Chan looked at Lin Yue again, looking at her brother's face and his apologetic expression, she suddenly opened his little hands and smiled sweetly: "Then Jin Chan won't be eating humans. That way, brother, you don't have to be upset."    


The moonlight shone on Jin Chan's face. The little girl was currently like a happy angel, doing something for her brother. She felt very happy.    


Lin Yue also laughed, his heart filled with an uncontrollable tenderness. This little girl was really too pure, she was so attached to him. At this moment, he suddenly felt that he and her were like siblings.    


"Jin Chan, brother will teach you a skill."    


"Alright!" Jin Chan said excitedly.    


Thus, Lin Yue picked up a dry branch and hunted a rabbit nearby, teaching Jin Chan how to start a fire and roast meat.    


When the fragrance of the rabbit meat wafted up, Jin Chan's eyes sparkled. She looked at her brother and then at the rabbit, filled with anticipation.    


"Here, it's done!"    


When it was completely cooked, Lin Yue tore off a piece of the rabbit's leg and gave it to Jin Chan.    


"Good …" "Eat …" she mumbled.    


Lin Yue shook his head, and said lovingly: "Eat slower, don't choke on it."    


After eating the rabbit meat, Lin Yue brought her to the side of a stream and washed his hands. Finally, he felt tired all over and told Jin Chan not to run around.    


Under the clear and beautiful moonlight, Jin Chan snuggled beside Lin Yue. She raised her head to look at her brother, then relaxed and laid her head on his body, closed her eyes and fell asleep. In her dreams, her pure and small face still carried a trace of a faint smile.    


The stars were still shining, and the moonlight was like water. The night had come and gone.    


The next morning, Lin Yue woke up. Seeing the Jin Chan who was still sleeping, looking at her serene little face, he really couldn't bear to wake her up.    


But he still woke her up, because he had to go back. Ning Taiheng was going to teach him the third stage of the sword art today.    


At the entrance of the mountain range, Jin Chan looked at Lin Yue with great reluctance and said softly, "Big Brother, are you leaving?"    


Lin Yue nodded.    


Jin Chan suddenly rushed forward and tightly hugged onto Lin Yue's legs, pressing her face into them and didn't say a single word.    


Lin Yue wanted to take her away instantly and take good care of her. He could feel the attachment and deep emotions from the little girl's heart.    


But in the end, he suppressed the impulse in his heart. Jin Chan was, after all, a profound practitioner, so if someone else were to find out, she wouldn't be able to protect her.    


"Jin Chan, you don't have to be sad. I will come to see you often."    


"Big brother must come often!" Jin Chan reluctantly let go of Lin Yue as wetness seemed to be flowing in her eyes.    


"Mn, you are in this mountain, be careful. In the depths of the mountain, there are many very powerful Demonic Beast. Don't let them catch you."    


"Don't worry Big Brother, Jin Chan can sense their smell. If I feel like I can't get past them, I will stay far away from them."    


"That's good …" "Big brother is going to leave …"    


Jin Chan opened up her small arms, hugged her and caressed her head. After that, she hardened her heart and turned to leave.    


After walking a few miles, he turned his head back and saw that there was a small shadow at the entrance of the mountain looking at him.    


"Little girl …" he muttered to himself, but in his heart, wireless emotions rose. He no longer dared to look back, and with large strides, he returned to the Dragon Suppressing Pagoda.    


"Big brother is wearing that jade pendant on his neck. If he comes back, I will be able to feel his presence." Jin Chan blinked her eyes, and then revealed a happy smile.    


However, very quickly, a trace of anger rose on her small face. Her small hands clenched into fists, and her originally delicate figure suddenly became a bit sinister and evil, "That fire tiger dared to harm big brother. I must pull out its teeth and eat it to avenge big brother!"    


Jin Chan's pupils turned blood-red, the eye between her brows slowly opened up, she became like a ghost and rushed into the depths of the mountain range.    


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