Supreme Martial God



Lin Yue's entire body fiercely trembled, and was sent flying by the oncoming collision storm. He consecutively somersaulted a few times in midair, landing over thirty meters away, and continuously took a few steps back before stabilizing his body.    


After standing still, Lin Yue raised his head to look over. All of a sudden, his gaze retracted and his forehead creased into a frown, his expression extremely astonished.    


The woman called Peony had escaped!    


Judging from her staggering figure, she must have been severely injured.    


"Wuu …" "Puff!"    


The black sword, which had been sent flying through the air, came tumbling down from the smoke and dust. It stabbed into the ground and sank deep into the soil, all the way to the hilt.    


Lin Yue walked over, picked up the dagger and looked at it.    


This sword's material was neither stone nor jade, it looked very ordinary, but there were traces of green light flowing around the sword's edge, and a spirit was contained within it, it was obviously a Spirit Sword that was different from the rest.    


"There's still time."    


Lin Yue placed his hand on his waist and looked at the sky, where the moon was high up in the sky and the night was bright. After thinking for a moment, he decided to continue hunting.    


Deep within the forest, Peony was staring fiercely at Lin Yue's disappearing figure, as he gnashed his teeth in anger.    


"This is infuriating! This brat is too arrogant, he actually continued to hunt. He clearly doesn't put me in his heart!" "No, I have to kill him!"    


Peony was extremely arrogant and proud, seeing that Lin Yue did not leave, and instead continued to walk towards the forest, fire ignited in his chest, his face ashen.    


"Humph!" Since you are so arrogant, I can only use other methods and guarantee that you will live a life worse than death! "    


Peony stroked a small bottle inside her sleeves. When she saw the three words "Provoke" written on it, a sly smile appeared on her face, and a sinister look flashed across her eyes.    


"This is's special aphrodisiac pill. As long as it is just a little scattered, it can make all the Demonic Beast nearby go crazy. Lin Yue, enjoy it!"    


Lin Yue walked in the forest for another incense of time before finally meeting a Level 4 Demonic Beast.    


This was a powerful dragon-eyed yak. It had a pair of dragon eyes that held the power of the dragon race. When facing this pair of eyes, its prey would usually wait to die.    


Even the powerful Demonic Beast would feel fear, as their fighting strength was being suppressed crazily, and they would not be able to unleash their full strength.    


Under the Dragon Eye's gaze, Lin Yue's body suddenly shook, and felt the air around him become several times denser, as if over a thousand kilograms of strength was pressing down on his body.    




The Dragon Eye Yak rolled its four hooves, it's body which was as big as a giant tank, directly smashed towards Lin Yue. Its pair of sharp horns could even penetrate a thick steel plate!    


The ground shook violently, and deep marks were split open under the ox's hooves. Smoke and dust roiled, and it was like thick clouds rolling up.    


This kind of momentum, just one yak, was enough to bring about a thousand men!    


Lin Yue's face turned solemn, the Genuine Essence rushed forward and entered his fist.    


He was like a towering mountain range, standing tall and unmoving. Only when the yak was within a hundred feet of him did he forcefully step on the ground, lean forward, and go against the tide!    


Astonishingly, he wanted to face the Longan Yak head on!    


"I want to see what the limits of my strength as a tenth level Martial Disciple are!"    


Lin Yue's left hand suddenly stretched out and grabbed onto one of the horns, preventing himself from being penetrated. His other fist released a thunderous roar as it smashed towards the cow's head.    




The sound from within the forest wasn't crisp, but it was a depressing sound that made one's teeth ache. It was like a mountain had collapsed and the earth had sunk. That kind of feeling could make a person lose their soul!    


The moment the collision occurred, both of them quickly retreated.    


Lin Yue's arm was shaken to the point where it hurt, the bones in his arm were almost shattered. Even someone as tenacious as him could not help but curl his lips in pain.    


The Dragon Eye Yak violently shook its head as it gasped for breath. Obviously, Lin Yue's punch had almost knocked it out.    


"Moo!" The Dragon Eye Yak stared at Lin Yue with its intelligent eyes, as if it was extremely shocked.    


Lin Yue swung his arm, his powerful physique allowed him to quickly recover. The muscles and veins on the surface of his skin had become a thick cyan color.    


Ten levels of force, bronze body, against a mighty level four Dragoneye Yak, it was not at a disadvantage at all!    


The Dragon Eye Yak roared angrily for a moment, then suddenly glared, its bell-like golden eyes shot out two rays of light that penetrated into the darkness and came out from the endless years of time, enveloping Lin Yue's entire body.    


Those eyes were filled with an incredibly deep and ancient aura. They were cold and merciless, freezing the void and sealing off all ages.    


In Lin Yue's field of vision, the body of the yak started to distort as its entire body started to flicker with light. Slowly, it turned into a dragon body, a proud and dazzling divine dragon!    


As the will of the divine dragon descended from the skies, Lin Yue's entire body instantly stiffened, and sweat flowed down his back as his entire body trembled uncontrollably!    


"Moo!" The yak walked towards Lin Yue step by step, preparing to enjoy this prey that was already lost in the Dragon Eye's will.    


"Martial Soul! "Break for me!"    


Lin Yue clenched his teeth, and suddenly shouted out loudly. The Martial Soul inside his Divine Mansion, suddenly jumped, and in the next moment, his soul force was like a tide, quickly extinguishing the surrounding illusions, directly breaking apart the powerful soul shock.    


"I'll see you eat me, or I'll eat you!"    


Lin Yue laughed coldly, he released his Thunder Fist and threw a few punches towards the body of the Dragon Eye Yak who was trying to eat him.    


"Moo!" "Moo!"    


The yak let out a blood-curdling scream. It wanted to turn around and escape, but Lin Yue wouldn't let it go so easily.    


He saw that the fist power had broken the skin of the yak Demonic Beast, so he pulled out the black sword from its back and stabbed down ferociously, pulling with great force.    


Blood gushed out of the yak's body like a fountain. Lin Yue reached his hands into the yak's stomach and pulled the beast core out. The yak's life force quickly dissipated, and after struggling for a bit, it stopped moving.    


"Such beautiful beast markings!" Lin Yue lifted the beast core and looked at it.    


The pure moonlight shined on the surface of the beast pattern, and the fine hair-like patterns suddenly emitted a green light. The layer after layer of energy waves were just like the small shoreline of a tidal wave.    


"Uh, I've been doing this for the better part of the night. I'm a little hungry, this level four Demonic Beast's meat is pretty good, it must be delicious!"    


Not long after, Lin Yue sat beside the fire and placed a piece of the finest beef onto the fire.    


In the darkness, Lin Yue, who was completely focused on the beef, did not notice that a streak of black smoke had appeared out of nowhere on the crown of the tree above his head.    


Looking at the blissful Fang Zheng who was waiting for his chance to enjoy the delicacy, Peony's lips curled upwards and a demonic look appeared in her eyes.    


"Fresh? "Then I'll add some seasonings so that you can have something even more delicious, but I'm afraid this will be your last dinner."    


She took out the porcelain bottle, and under the cover of the dense branches and leaves, she carefully poured the powder out bit by bit. The fine powder flew with the wind, towards the unsuspecting Lin Yue.    


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