Supreme Martial God



Chu Yuv raised his palm and struck out fiercely. This time, the condensed palm print was even more resplendent, the Genuine Essence power contained within was overwhelming, as though the vast ocean was overturning, the milky way fell onto the ninth heaven, imposing and vast like nothing.    


Lin Yue directly summoned the Martial Soul, his body strength increased by ten times, all the Silver Body erupted, the five jade plates in his body started to circulate, the Genuine Qi was extremely fierce, and as they were injected into the Ink Sword, the Taiyi Empyrean Sword Sword Wave surged, facing the vast ocean, they were slashed down!    


"Trash!" Chu Yuv laughed coldly, and his palm imprints descended with a loud bang, striking the enormous sword beam. In an instant, overflowing azure light engulfed the sword aura.    


On the high platform, all the elders and experts of the Ancestral Land of Chu Family were smiling, while the Grand Elder Chu Lingyun was even more pleased with himself as he boasted to the crowd, "Look, this grandson of mine is so young, yet he was able to refine the Three Thousand Arts of the Weak Water to the third stage. He can transform into human flesh, he can exterminate Spirit Weapon, and whether it's metal-type or fire-type cultivators, they will all be defeated by him."    


The other clan elder from the Ancestral Land of Chu Family had a flattering look on his face, and said respectfully: "Isn't that all thanks to teacher and teacher, and adding your bloodline power, it would be strange if Young Master Chu Yuv wasn't so powerful. In my opinion, you could have even sat on the throne of our Ancestral Land of Chu Family's ancestor, Young Master Chu Yuv."    


Chu Lingyun's expression froze and he quickly raised his hand, scolding, "Chu Fang, don't speak nonsense. Of course, the ancestor decided to pass the position to someone. This grandson of mine, as long as I can get a head elder, it's enough!"    


"Yes, yes, yes, I said the wrong thing." Chu Fang opened his mouth and stepped back.    


But even though Chu Lingyun scolded Chu Fang in this way, deep down, how could he not hope for his grandson to control the entire Wealthy Class Chu. If Chu Yuv became the Ancestral Land of Chu Family's ancestor, wouldn't he be the Ancestral Land of Chu Family's ancestor?    


Grand Ancestor … It should be pretty good.    


Ah!" What!? "The little punk didn't die!?    


"What's going on!? The weak water cyan light had obviously enveloped him, but why was he not melted!? "    


"What a strong physique!"    


With a loud bang, some of the clan elders on the stage burst out into surprised whispers, their eyes lit up slightly as they stared at Lin Yue who was inside the fighting room.    


At this moment, the gigantic green palm print had already disappeared. Lin Yue stood there, his clothes tattered and his clothes tattered.    


However, he did not turn into a pile of white bones like the cultivator before him. This was an astonishing contrast!    


He was only a fifth level Martial Master! He could actually survive even under the effect of the Three Thousand Arts of Water Weakening! This was simply a miracle.    


Chu Yuv was also extremely shocked, he had never expected that Lin Yue's position would actually reach such a level! He was actually able to withstand the Three Thousand Waters Formula!    


This martial skill was a clan level Martial Book from the Ancestral Land of Chu Family! The clan controlling Martial Book s of superior Nine-star Sect was created to nurture experts at the Martial King level and above. This kind of Martial Book, when compared to normal cultivators, was instantly killed!    


But Lin Yue had endured it!    


Amidst the uproar, Qin Zheng squinted his eyes slightly, and said indifferently: "Hung Meng Martial Spirit, not bad, it's just that his cultivation is still too weak in the end, and was unable to fully unleash the power of the Martial Soul, so he's still slightly injured. Once he reaches the Martial Ancestor Stage Realm, the Three Thousand Arts of Water Weakness will have almost no effect on him."    


Wei Qianqing and the Taoist Qingyun both nodded. The Taoist Qingyun said, "Honored tutor, you should prepare yourself. If Chu Yuv uses the divine refining ruler, then Lin Yue will definitely not have a chance to live."    


Previously, when Chu Yuv went up against the cultivator, he used the Godly Refining Ruler to execute the Three Thousand Arts of Falling Water, and with one attack, he turned him into a pile of bones.    


Since this palm strike did not manage to kill Lin Yue, he was definitely going to be forced to use the Divine Refining Ruler. Once he used such a treasure, then no matter how much stronger Lin Yue's cultivation was, as long as he did not reach the Martial Ancestor Stage Realm, he would not be able to withstand it.    


Wei Qianqing nodded his head, and was about to crush the spirit talisman to save them, when he suddenly saw the Marquis Lingxiao walking over with a nervous expression, and said fearfully: "It's over, I've reached the limit of my Heavenly Star Secret Art, if anyone is forced in again, the array formation will be broken, so I hope that the noble master can instruct the guards to be on guard, and not let anyone else enter the secret room!"    


"Reached the limit!?" Wei Qianqing was astounded.    


Taoist Qingyun also frowned, and said softly: "Marquis Lingxiao, this is not a good time, the experts are fighting with each other, using supernatural powers will have the power to destroy the mountains and rivers, once the array is broken through, the area of dozens or even hundreds of miles will immediately be destroyed by killing intent, forming a killing array, maybe even heavenly tribulation is unknown."    


Marquis Lingxiao's face was filled with shame as he said: "How could I dare to joke around at this time? It's just that I really did my best, but I didn't expect that in this competition of Leader Board s there would be so many powerful experts. You've also seen State Advisor, there are dozens of Martial Saints, hundreds of peak Martial Master, and the rest are all experts with higher Martial Master."    


"I can only grit my teeth and endure if thousands of people enter my formation like this. However, if any more powerful experts enter, it won't be too many. Only a few Martial Saints can break through this formation …" Tutor, hurry up and give the order, don't make any more mistakes! "    


Wei Qianqing, who was about to crush the spirit talisman, couldn't help but loosen his grip.    


He was a peak Martial Emperor. If he were to enter the array, perhaps the Marquis Lingxiao would not be able to hold on.    


At this time, within the Combat Chamber, Chu Yuv looked at Lin Yue with a sinister look. His eyes flickered, and he finally took a deep breath before he said with a cold smile: "I never thought that Chu Ling'er, that girl, would actually still be so beautiful. However, this also made me have the determination to kill you! To be able to die under Master Fengshen's Divine Refining Ruler, you can rest in peace! "    


Chu Yuv slowly raised the God Refining Ruler in his hand. On the bright and clean jade ruler, lines and patterns slowly lit up, like a faint scene of clear water, quickly covering the entire ruler's body.    


A powerful spirit pressure immediately appeared in the fighting room, causing the space to suddenly become several hundred times heavier. An ice-cold yet imposing formless energy pressed down towards Lin Yue, enveloping him within.    


The surrounding air was like a mountain pressing down on his shoulders, causing the bones in his entire body to crack. His body couldn't help but tremble violently, as if it was about to collapse.    


The Godly Refining Ruler shot out an overwhelming amount of azure light, and it was as if it was surrounded by the three thousand weak waters of the Kunlun Divine Realm!    


Three thousand weak waters!    


Godly Refinement Ruler!    


Borrowing the seventh grade and Spirit Weapon to use such a top-level technique, how could he withstand the might of such a power, let alone a small Martial Master?    


The cultivators watching watched as the brilliant water shot out violently. All of them were scared witless and held their breaths as cold sweat dripped down their bodies.    


Lin Yue was the first to bear the brunt of the attack. Standing in front of the overflowing green light, with his entire body trembling as he resisted the enormous spirit pressure around him, he slowly raised his arm. Within his pitch-black pupils, boundless madness flowed.    


Was it a monstrous rage!? Arrogant fire of war!? Or was it the flame of despair!?    


His meridians, which had already attained the small success stage of the Silver Body, astonishingly burst out one after another as the flames surged, inch by inch!    


The powerful Silver Body was like a mountain road that had been stepped on by an ancient beast.    


The five jade plates in his Dantian swiftly rotated as streams of energy were absorbed by the rising flames. In the end, the originally smooth jade plates were only faintly discernible and were about to break!    


Fury! Wild Fire! Fire of indignation! This Genuine Essence flame, which contained all of Lin Yue's effort and hatred, was injected into the Ink Sword through his right hand which had already reached the strength of the Gold Battle Body.    


The sword trembled! It shook fiercely, following that, a blazing Genuine Essence extended out from the sword blade!    


Once he had an outlet to vent his anger, the ferocious beasts in his body could no longer hold him back and all the Genuine Essence s shot out like a volcano erupting. The blazing Genuine Essence s transformed into a 30 meter long sword light with a bang, and the blazing sword qi deeply embedded into the incoming 3000 weak water, forming a barrier of a mountain!    


The torrent washed away the mainstay!    


The entire Combat Chamber shook, and crackling sounds could be heard. There were cracks all around.    


Marquis Lingxiao was shocked, his fingers moved continuously in front of her, the dark clouds in the sky shot down many rays of starlight, replenishing the spirit array, stabilizing it once again.    


After the time it takes to drink a cup of tea, with a loud bang, the two rays of light that collided with each other were blasted away, Lin Yue staggered backwards, and with a pu sound, he suddenly spat out a large mouthful of blood.    


Countless melted bloody holes had already appeared on his body, revealing his pallid bones. Only his dantian, heart, Divine Mansion and other parts were still in perfect condition.    


Chu Yuv's face was also pale white as he retreated several steps. Then, the corners of his mouth slightly trembled as a bloody wound uncontrollably flowed down his body.    


He looked at Lin Yue who was shaking non-stop in shock, whose entire body was almost half-corroded. The shock in his heart had reached an incomparable degree!    


"This man must die!" Although Lin Yue had already become like this and could barely survive, he still endured the exhaustion from before. With a gloomy face, he walked over step by step, wanting to kill him completely!    


Suddenly, a figure appeared in front of him, lightly speaking, "I want this person."    


Although the other party was dressed extravagantly, Chu Yuv did not feel any movement from the Genuine Essence s. He thought it was some wealthy merchant, and with a sinister look, he cursed out loud and killed him with a wave of his ruler!    


Looking at the man who suddenly appeared within the Combat Chamber without any trace of spirit energy, who was no different from a normal person, all of the experts and elders of the sects on the stage stood up. The Imperial Tutor and Taoist Qingyun were also stunned as they turned to look, and sure enough, Qin Zheng, who was seated on the stage, had already disappeared.    


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