Supreme Martial God



"NO!" Lin Yue! You can't do that! I am the pride of the heavens in Ancestral Land of Chu Family! "How dare you treat me like that!?"    


Lin Yue laughed coldly and said with disdain, "In my eyes, you are no different from that pile of cow dung! Liu Meng! Put him in cow dung for a bath! "    


"Ah!?" Liu Meng was startled, then immediately revealed an excited look, and said excitedly: "Alright! So the boss wanted cow dung to bathe this kid's body! "High, it really is high!"    


"Lin Yue! "You will regret it!"    




Liu Meng had already lifted Chu Yuv up and poured him into the pile of cow dung.    


Hong Xue saw this scene and her expression changed. She could not help but take a step back, as if she would splash onto their bodies the moment she got closer.    


After an incense's time, spots of sword kinsmen began to appear in the sky, and a large number of Ancestral Land of Chu Family cultivators had already caught up.    




A dozen or so beams of light flashed and disappeared, landing on the mountain path. They looked at the ox-cart left behind and the two dead cattle and beasts, and couldn't help but frown.    


The leading old man extended his palm, and from the center of his sleeve swam out a small blue snake.    


"Hiss, hiss ~"    


The spirit serpent's tongue flicked in and out of its mouth, sniffing in the air for a moment before shaking its head. Its eyes were filled with confusion.    


That elder was startled, his face revealing a look of hesitation, and said: "You lost the Young Master's Qi, and could not find their position?"    


The blue snake flicked its head and went back into the elder's sleeve.    


"Crap!" It is unknown what method those people used to hide their auras, even the spirit snakes were unable to locate them! "    


"Hmph, so what!? This is the final coordinates that the Spirit Serpent gave us. From the moment it sent out the signal until now, only an incense stick of time had passed, and those people definitely haven't gone far. Let's split up and search! "    


"Yes, Elder Chu Fang!"    


The dozen or so cultivators behind him immediately split into four teams and began to chase in all four directions, east, south, west and north.    


In the north direction, Lin Yue and the rest were not flying on their swords, but were borrowing the forest to hide themselves, and rushing quickly on the ground.    


At this time, they had already traveled over fifty kilometers from the Beast Cart. It was only when they confirmed the distance between them that they started to slow down.    


"Liu Meng, wake him up!"    


After Chu Yuv was thrown into the cow dung, he immediately fainted. Only after Liu Meng kicked him multiple times did he wake up.    


Lin Yue looked coldly at Chu Yuv who was grabbing the carriage curtain from the Beast Cart, and said in a deep voice: "Hand over your Divine Refining Ruler!"    


Chu Yuv's gaze was hazy and his mind was sluggish. As if he was a living dead man, he looked at Lin Yue in a daze.    


"Call me!"    


Liu Meng laughed sinisterly and pummeled his hard. Sure enough, after being beaten up, Chu Yuv finally regained a lot of clarity in his screams.    


He was now completely broken down, and did not dare to resist anymore, as he could only tremble and call out the God Refining Ruler, and pass it to Lin Yue.    


"Senior Brother Gao Xuan, find a cliff and place this Divine Refining Ruler on top of it. In the end, make some traces of it and trick those old fellows."    


Gao Xuan understood what Lin Yue meant and nodded, then left.    


"What a pity! That ruler is a grade eight treasure! "Xiao Kui'er looked on helplessly as Gao Xuan took the God Refining Ruler away and said in regret.    


"We don't have much time left. We must think of a way to delay them, so that before they return, we can make use of this guy to break into the Ancestral Land of Chu Family. A ruler is not too big of a deal."    


Lin Yue stared ahead, sensing the direction: "If we keep going forward, it is very likely to be another world, we might encounter some strange beings, some races that we have never seen before. Everyone must be careful, don't make any mistakes."    


When Gao Xuan returned, they continued to move forward.    


After a day and a night of travelling through the forest, the sky suddenly brightened up. At the end of the forest, a bright light finally appeared.    


After walking for another half day, the rugged mountainous terrain also became gentle. Occasionally, small villages would appear on the boundless earth.    


In the evening, they arrived at a small city. It wasn't a big city, but there were quite a few people within it. It was bustling with activity as they moved shoulder to shoulder.    


On the main street, there were many people carrying magical equipment. As they looked around, they could see a cold killing intent. On both sides of the street, there were merchants selling goods.    


Most of these goods were beast skins, beast cores, and the like. It seemed like the residents of this small city lived off of Demonic Beast s for a living.    


"The people here are way inferior to the Eastern Tang Empire."    


Yu Ruyi had lived in the Eastern Tang for a long time and was most sensitive to the atmosphere here. The moment she entered the small city, she immediately realized this.    


Lin Yue's gaze was indifferent, scanning through the entire scene, it was true that the layout of the buildings, and even the trees that were planted, all had a dense and vigorous aura.    


"Friend, give me a piece of the tiger skin. The tiger skin and fur of the tiger which you have just killed are both delicious. Whether it is for clothing or decoration, it is worth it."    


A peddler at the side of the street greeted.    


"We are rushing towards the north, what decorations are we going to use it for, it's useless!" Liu Meng said loudly.    


"To the north!? Then he needed tiger skin even more! Don't you know? The north border is cold and cold, the temperature is extremely low, only with this tiger skin on your body can you guarantee your normal temperature! "The peddler pointed to the north and said:" If you go another three hundred miles, you will pass through the flames and enter the northern border. The temperature of the north and south is completely different, ordinary people can't withstand such a cold environment, they will have their hands and feet turned to mush in a few days, if you go any deeper, you'll freeze to death.    


Hearing that, Xiao Kui'er immediately opened her eyes wide, and quickly said: "I'll take this tiger skin! I am a stately Great Implement Refiner, and I even need to use a lecturing technique to my full potential. I cannot be frozen to death! "    


Lin Yue and the rest did not mind as their cultivation was high enough. They had strong resistance to the cold and were not afraid of the cold.    


But after hearing that they were about to enter the northern border, Lin Yue took a deep breath, the light in his eyes flickered, and his expression became even more determined.    


The northern border was not an area of influence, but rather a few large areas divided according to Pan'gu Continent. It was similar to the Middle Earth Divine Province that the Eastern Tang dynasty belonged to, the Four-sided Chaotic Area, which included even more detailed powers.    


All in all, the northern border may not be as dangerous as the four-sided primal chaos region, but it was a dangerous place compared to the central continent.    


There were many different races in this place. They respected the strong as ants and the weak as their masters. When they reached the Northern Frontier, they would fight with their weapons whenever there was a disagreement. The strength of the strong determined which side the truth was in!    


"Get out of the city!"    


Lin Yue and the rest of the group quickly left the small city and arrived in a dense forest outside the city. Lin Yue asked Gao Huai and the others to take out the bags on their back.    


The package was opened. Inside was a few blue robes. On the chest area of the robes, there was an ancient "Chu" character written on it.    




This was what Lin Yue had ordered Liu Meng and the others to snatch from the Chu Clan disciples in the restaurant, all for, this step!    


Ancestral Land of Chu Family is an overlord level existence in the Northern Frontier. Other than the Northern Wei Dynasty in the eastern part of the Northern Frontier and the Jade Immortal Sect in the western part of the Northern Frontier, Ancestral Land of Chu Family can be said to be invincible in the Northern Frontier.    


If Lin Yue wanted to rush there quickly, these apparel of Ancestral Land of Chu Family were the best way to pass through. As long as he saw the symbol of Ancestral Land of Chu Family, he believed that most of the forces would obediently give way.    


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