Supreme Martial God



After a short battle between Lin Yue and the five Daoists,'s body was riddled with wounds. If not for the powerful recovery abilities of the Hung Meng Martial Spirit, he would have been crippled already!    


The moonlight was beautiful, Lin Yue sat cross-legged under the towering ancient tree, taking deep breaths, the Profound Qi in his body warmed the wound over and over again, slowly cleaning it up.    


Lin Yue could feel the Profound Qi flowing through his body. Inside his dantian, the nine jade plates flashed and disappeared, the Profound Qi flowing endlessly inside provided him with energy.    


Fortunately, he was already a ninth level Martial Master. Each of the nine jade plates was extremely pure, and the energy they contained far exceeded that of ordinary cultivators.    


While Lin Yue was channeling his Profound Spirit Qi, Lin Yue could clearly feel the movements of the plants, wind, and leaves around him within a few meters. His Spiritual Sense was slowly growing, and this was because after his cultivation had grown stronger, his Profound Spirit Qi had changed his physique, making him compatible with the world.    


But in the gap between Lin Yue's healing, he used his full strength to activate the Spiritual Sense, and the range that he could sense rapidly spread into the distance.    


30 meters. 150 meters. 200 meters. 90 meters … 500 feet!    


It went all the way up to 150 feet! Only then did the big tree start to become blurry in Lin Yue's perception. The moonlight was no longer bright;    


After all, when they entered the valley, even if Lin Yue had used the abilities of the Ten-direction Spirit Fox, his perception had only explored a mere sixty meters!    


But now, his perception had actually doubled!    


Lin Yue was very satisfied with this huge upgrade. The enhancement of his perception also meant that he could more clearly control the movements of the things around him, thus he could make the best judgment, and his reaction towards the danger would be even more nimble.    


He then worked hard to spread the Spiritual Sense, to ensure that his sensing ability would not extend any further. After a hundred and fifty meters, Lin Yue prepared to retract the Spiritual Sense.    




Suddenly, Lin Yue frowned, he sensed the surroundings and saw the Straw Hat Boy lying on the ground.    


Beside the Straw Hat Boy, Yu Ruyi was squatting there sneakily. She looked around for a moment and then took out a small porcelain bottle that no one was paying attention to.    


Lin Yue instantly became cautious, and placed all of his senses on Yu Ruyi.    


After Yu Ruyi took out the small bottle, she took out a pill out from the bottle. Her lips revealed a pleased smile, as she looked excited.    


Yu Ruyi took out the pill, quietly reached out, and wanted to stuff it into Straw Hat Boy's mouth.    


Lin Yue suddenly opened his eyes, a cold light shooting out from his eyes, he leapt up and flew over.    




Yu Ruyi felt a strong killing intent rushing towards him from behind him, she immediately cried out in fear, her hand trembled, and the pill fell to the ground.    


She turned around and saw Lin Yue standing behind her. His eyes stared coldly at her as a deep killing intent flowed within his gaze!    


"Lin, Lin Yue, you are severely injured, why don't you go cultivate properly? "What are you doing here?" Yu Ruyi quickly covered up his panicked expression and asked while feigning concern.    


Lin Yue tilted his head slightly, and looked at the bunch of grass behind her. The pill had fallen into the grass just now.    


He raised his finger and pointed to the sky as he expressionlessly asked, "What were you feeding him just now?"    


"What are you talking about?" Panic appeared in the depths of Yu Ruyi's eyes as she denied saying, "I'm just here to see if he's about to wake up. How can I possibly feed him anything?"    


At this time, Ji Bingyue, who was standing on top of a large tree, looked in their direction with a cold look in her eyes.    


Yu Ruyi was so scared that her face turned ashen, and her heart skipped a beat.    


She was also considered an intelligent person, and was able to sense that Ji Bingyue was extremely appreciative of Qin Yi Prince. If Ji Bingyue knew what she wanted to do just now, she would be finished.    


But luckily, Ji Bingyue only took a glance before shifting her gaze away, looking down into the sky somewhere, no longer paying attention to her surroundings.    


"Get out of the way," Lin Yue coldly ordered as his eyes narrowed.    


Yu Ruyi's small hand secretly searched back and forth in the bush, quickly hiding the pill in her hand. Then, she rolled her eyes and said indifferently: "Let's go, there's no such thing as nothing. I don't believe that you can still materialize out of nowhere."    


Lin Yue stood up and walked over to the clump of grass. He fiddled with it for a bit, but didn't find anything.    


Immediately, doubt flashed past his eyes, and he carefully searched for a while, but he still could not find any pill.    


"That's impossible …" Lin Yue had clearly seen Yu Ruyi's actions just now, so he definitely could not wrongly accuse her.    


"See, don't you? Even if I were to come and visit him, you would hate me in your heart, so you can't just wrongly accuse me, right? "You are also Master's servant, I am not afraid of you." Yu Ruyi stuck out her chest and said proudly.    


Lin Yue thought for a while, then stood up and stared at Yu Ruyi, and coldly said: "Give me your hand."    


"Why!?" Yu Ruyi's expression tensed up, and she immediately retreated a step.    


"The killer pill is in your hands!"    


"No!" What kind of evil pill! "Don't spout nonsense!"    


From the depths of the forest, Hong Xue walked out. Her face was still wet and there were still some crystal clear water droplets on her forehead.    


"hubby, what's wrong?"    


When Hong Xue saw the situation over at her side, her gaze focused slightly as she asked.    


Lin Yue turned around and looked at his, and said in a low voice: "I don't know what evil intentions this girl has, if he wants to feed the pill to others, I'll come over to take a look."    


"She wants to harm you?" Hong Xue's face suddenly became cold, and he walked over.    


Yu Ruyi was the person Ji Bingyue valued the most. If she were to know what her thoughts were, she would be done for!    


"We must not let her find the pill!"    


In a split-second, she suddenly gritted her teeth and her eyes revealed a ruthless look. She quickly raised her hand and threw the pill into her mouth, swallowing it into her stomach.    


Hong Xue walked over, looked at her coldly, and said: "You want to kill me!?"    


"Where is it!? Miss Hong Xue, don't listen to Lin Yue's nonsense, he has wronged me, I am only here to take a look, I will definitely not harm anyone! "    


As she said that, Yu Ruyi extended out her hand, her four slender jade fingers flicking, and shouted: "Look, there isn't any!"    


Seeing Yu Ruyi's empty hands, Lin Yue frowned, closed his eyes and sensed his surroundings, but didn't discover any spiritual change in his surroundings.    


"Could it be that I was really mistaken?"    


After all, it was Lin Yue's first time extending his perception so far, and there might be some errors in it, so it was possible.    


"If Miss Hong Xue doesn't let me stay here, then I'll just stay away from him. But I really didn't hurt anyone …" Yu Ruyi bowed respectfully towards Hong Xue, then walked away with a wronged expression.    


Looking at her appearance, Hong Xue also said softly, "hubby, you must have seen wrongly. There aren't any spirit energy fluctuations around, it's impossible for her to hide."    


Lin Yue nodded, he thought that he had sensed wrongly, he looked at Straw Hat Boy and checked his injuries to ensure that he was alright, then returned to the tree and continued to meditate.    


After Yu Ruyi left, she pretended to be indifferent and walked deeper into the forest. Within a few hundred meters of the forest, when she was sure that she had left Lin Yue and the rest's line of sight, her relaxed expression suddenly became ugly.    


She quickly rushed behind a large tree, put her finger into her mouth, bent over and took a big, dry vomit.    


"Ugh ~"    


She wanted to vomit the pill that she had swallowed, but when the pill entered her throat, it had basically melted very quickly.    


After retching for a while, Yu Ruyi finally held onto the tree trunk with an unsightly expression. She clenched his fist and smashed it hard onto the tree trunk.    


"Bastard!" It's over! I have also been poisoned by the Intestinal Breaking Pill, so I don't have the antidote on me right now, what should I do!? "    


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