Supreme Martial God



The reason why Pan'gu Continent could cause so many changes to a myriad of creatures was because there were Demonic Beast, strange demons, witchcraft, and almighty swords …    


All of this was due to the fact that living creatures could feel the origin energy between heaven and earth, and could use divine abilities to refine them. They could use them to refine their bodies, and use them to cultivate powerful martial arts energy.    


As for the origin of the natural energies, it could be roughly divided into several categories. There was the void energy in the sky, the Yin and Yang essence of the stars and moon, and also the chaotic springs left behind in the endless blue sea …    


The Feng Shui lines were also an important source of origin energy.    


Plants grew, rivers surged, mountains stood tall and straight, the wind turned into a gale. These common changes to the earth were all the result of the flow of the origin energy in the earth vein.    


There were supreme cultivators that had created the Windwater Divination Technique. They cultivated their tombs and opened up mountain ranges in order to find the source of the Feng Shui lines and absorb their energy.    


The earth's vein was the most direct source of elemental energy that a living being could come into contact with. Rich spirit veins in mines and all kinds of magical herbs could be considered part of the earth's surface.    


There was actually an Earth Vein gathering place here! Lin Yue never thought of this!    


He calmed himself down and walked down the ramp. It soon became narrower and steeper.    


After walking for several hundred meters, the suppressive power in the surrounding space became stronger and stronger. Lin Yue's spirit energy was almost completely sealed, and only his original line of sight was left.    


Lin Yue furrowed his brows, returned to the entrance, and picked out a few pine branches as thick as an arm to make torches, only after that did he enter again.    


Stretching downwards, Lin Yue's Martial Soul slightly throbbed. That mysterious feeling still called out to him, preventing him from getting lost.    




Suddenly, the entire inclined path trembled. Not far ahead, a huge rock fell from above. After smashing into the path, it quickly rolled downwards.    


Lin Yue looked to the top and saw that there were many huge rocks hanging upside down on a protruding cliff. These rocks were still shaking slightly, and could fall down at any time.    


"Those boulders are more than ten thousand kilograms and it is even heavier if it is thrown down. With our current suppressed cultivation level, even if we don't die, we will still be severely injured, so let's not go over there." Yu Ruyi looked at the boulders above her head and then looked at the narrow path.    


Lin Yue sized up the place for a moment, then said sternly: "Life and death are intertwined, if you don't kill me with a stone, as long as you can reach the depths of the Earth Vein, this wealth will be worth it for me to block everything. Follow me tightly, don't talk loudly, let's go!"    


Yu Ruyi grabbed Yu Ruyi's wrist, and forcefully dragged him up the side path.    


Yu Ruyi wanted to resist, but when she raised her head to look at the gigantic boulder above her head, she was so scared that her face turned white, and she did not dare to move recklessly.    


The two of them carefully walked on the inclined path. Above their heads was an enormous rock that could fall down at any time. This kind of terrifying pressure was simply unimaginable. It was much more terrifying than those demonic poisonous insects they had encountered on the way.    


The light of the torch was the only bright thing in the darkness. The flame spread out and lit up the surrounding mountain walls. The slope became steeper and steeper, and there was a sharp turn, like an ant's cave.    


After walking for the time it took an incense stick to burn, the number of boulders above her head finally started to lessen. Yu Ruyi took a deep breath and flung her arm, shaking off Lin Yue's hand.    


"I wonder where this passage leads to, if you barge in like this, who knows what you might encounter!" Yu Ruyi muttered unhappily.    




Just as Yu Ruyi finished speaking, a loud sound came from behind him, and the path had clearly trembled from the impact.    


The two of them looked back and their expressions changed.    


A circular boulder fell from the top of his head. That boulder was just enough to fill up the entire mountain path. After some hesitation, the ramp became too steep, and after the boulder hit the ground, it immediately rumbled and rolled downwards!    


This boulder weighed over 10,000 jins. With their current martial arts cultivations, it was extremely difficult for them to withstand it!    


Yu Ruyi was scared silly, as she looked at the big boulder that was rolling down in shock and did not move at all.    




Lin Yue's expression was cold as he pulled Yu Ruyi up and down.    


Initially, the speed of the boulder wasn't fast, but as it rolled downwards, the majestic energy continued to make it faster. Gradually, the boulder seemed to be catching up to Lin Yue!    


Lin Yue pulled Yu Ruyi and ran frantically, turning and turning on the twisted path. Although the giant boulder would slow down when it hit the stone wall when it turned, it was blocked by the stone wall and continued to roll down the steep path.    


"Damn it!" "Run yourself!"    


In the process of escaping, Yu Ruyi had only tightly grabbed onto Lin Yue's arm, and had practically hung all of the weight of his body on Lin Yue's body.    


Hearing Lin Yue's scolding, not only did she not let go, he was even afraid that Lin Yue would abandon her, and grab onto Lin Yue even tighter.    


Therefore, it was as if Lin Yue was dragging a burden as he madly ran on the side road while the huge boulder behind him was blocked by the stone wall at the turning point. The rolling speed was sometimes fast and sometimes slow, but it would always rumble down from behind Lin Yue.    


After running for an unknown amount of time, Lin Yue almost reached his limit. With his strong physique, his legs also felt sore and numb, and at this time, the huge rock behind him finally stopped at a certain bend in the inclined path and was immobilized.    




Without the rumbling behind him, Lin Yue could finally slow down and stop to catch his breath.    


Yu Ruyi still had lingering fear as she looked behind her, and saw that the path she had come from was completely dark. She had the nagging feeling that at any moment, a boulder would roll down from the inside, causing her expression to turn pale and uneasy.    


"Lin Yue, you can really run." Yu Ruyi forced out a smile. Their martial cultivation had been suppressed, so Lin Yue had relied on his own raw power to run all the way.    


"You still want to say that!?" Lin Yue gasped for breath, only then did he feel the flame in his chest that was about to burn out.    


Yu Ruyi rolled her eyes in embarrassment, her expression suddenly changed as she pointed ahead and shouted: "Listen, there's a sound of wind in front!"    


Lin Yue frowned slightly. Just as he was about to say something, a burst of wuwu sounds came from in front of him, causing him to immediately stop.    


"Let's go take a look!"    


Excited, Lin Yue turned around and walked forward.    


Yu Ruyi hurriedly followed. Now that she was here, if she did not have Lin Yue leading the way, it would be difficult for her to leave.    


After walking for about five thousand feet, the whistling of the wind became even clearer.    


Lin Yue quickened his pace, and once again closed in by another 1000 feet. The originally precipitous road under his feet, suddenly became gentle, and the chilly wind blew over, bringing with it a damp atmosphere.    


In front of him, accompanied by the sound of the wind, the sound of flowing water could be heard.    


When he smelled the moist Qi, Lin Yue suddenly felt his whole body shaking, the exhaustion from running all over the place disappeared in a split second.    


His Martial Soul began to beat even faster, and its connection with the underworld became even stronger.    


A clear, emerald green river slowly flowed in front of him. At the source of the river, there was a faint glow.    


Looking at that dark green light, Lin Yue knew that it was probably there that had summoned his Martial Soul.    


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