Supreme Martial God



Lin Yue could feel that the Mixed-element Stone was right in front of him, he wanted to obtain this treasure that was snatched away by many experts, but with his cultivation, he was afraid that he would not be able to reach the depths of the mountain range by himself, and had to drag Yu Ruyi up.    


"Let's take a gamble and see if this black pig is full or not. Judging from how well it sleeps, it shouldn't be able to discover us."    


Lin Yue grasped Yu Ruyi's wrist tightly and said coldly: "Walk forward, you still have a chance of obtaining the Mixed-element Stone. If you insist on returning, then die together with us."    


Finished, Lin Yue pulled her forcefully forward.    


Yu Ruyi struggled for a bit, her expression becoming extremely hateful, but she did not dare make any big movements, just in case she woke up the Demonic Beast Glutton, and that would be it.    


She had no choice but to follow Lin Yue as they walked forward, praying in his heart: "God bless you, make this Demonic Beast deaf, please don't let it wake up."    


One step, two steps. Very quickly, the two of them went from a hundred feet to a hundred feet from the Demonic Beast Glutton.    


Yu Ruyi's palm broke out in cold sweat, and she subconsciously held onto Lin Yue's palm to gain a psychological sense of security.    


The two of them walked past the Demonic Beast Glutton and they could even clearly see the shiny fur of the black Demonic Beast. The long fangs that extended from the corner of its mouth emitted a cold light.    


If one sized up the Taotie from close range, one would be able to feel its terror!    


Its large mouth was extremely loose, and its sharp fangs had jagged fissures in them. They flickered with light, and its hardness was far greater than the edge of a blade.    


Such a mouth could easily tear through steel!    


Yu Ruyi's heart could not help but thump. She felt like she was walking on the edge of a blade.    


Lin Yue heard the intense trembling in Yu Ruyi's chest, and his expression changed. He immediately lifted his hand and pressed it on her chest.    


Yu Ruyi's violent heartbeat became a little quieter. The two cautiously walked forward, gradually moving from the side of the Demonic Beast Glutton to thirty meters away.    


"Let go!"    


A distance away from the Demonic Beast, Yu Ruyi's beautiful face immediately turned cold as she shouted out coldly and angrily.    


Lin Yue slowly moved his palm away from Yu Ruyi's chest, and with a face full of ridicule: "If you weren't so timid, I wouldn't have touched you. Like I said, my goal is only the Mixed-element Stone, I don't want to cause unnecessary trouble, so obediently follow me.    


Yu Ruyi's face flushed red. She glared at Lin Yue and really wanted to kill him with one sword strike, but he couldn't do anything as of right now. He could only suppress his anger and follow Lin Yue.    


However, when they were three hundred feet away and were about to leave the danger zone, an urgent whistling sound suddenly came from the sky. The sound of it pierced through the air, and the force was so strong that it could be sensed that someone was flying on the sword.    




Demonic Beast Glutton who was sleeping under the big tree slowly opened its eyes and turned to look over.    


It had a total of four eyes on its face, two on its left and two on its right. It was distributed symmetrically like a compound eye.    


The four eyes did not blink at the same frequency, but at different speeds. This ensured that there was no blind spot in its field of vision.    


When its head locked onto Lin Yue and Yu Ruyi, its four eyes began to blink even faster.    


"Pfft ~" The Demonic Beast Glutton made a loud noise with its nose, as if it was the snort of a human.    


Its huge black tail was more than two zhang long, much longer than its body. Its tail wagged twice at the back, suddenly becoming thicker, longer and harder, and the Tao Tie's body released a hazy black light.    




Lin Yue and Yu Ruyi felt their hairs stand on end at the same time, as they felt a strong domineering pressure envelop them.    




How could Lin Yue not know that the Demonic Beast Glutton was about to attack? With a loud shout, he had already activated the Ghost Step, and wildly rushed towards the depths of the mountain range.    


Yu Ruyi also reacted, she was right behind Lin Yue.    




The Demonic Beast Glutton's huge black tail swept behind it heavily, and the towering ancient tree near it was immediately sliced apart!    


Its body was like a black line, swimming about on the ground. It was like an ancient fish king in the vast ocean, its tail swaying back and forth for over a hundred zhang.    


Lin Yue rushed forward several hundred meters, and felt that the chill on his back was becoming increasingly thick, as it stimulated the waves of pain in his back!    


He did not even need to turn his head to know that the Demonic Beast Glutton was rapidly approaching him;    




Yu Ruyi's face was cold, she immediately took out his flying sword and planned to use it to escape.    


"Do not use the sword!" Lin Yue frowned and shouted.    


Yu Ruyi didn't care about him anymore. She formed a hand seal with her hand and the Spirit Sword shone with a brilliant light. It had already been infused with the Genuine Essence.    


However, just as she was about to take flight, the Spirit Sword had only risen up a few meters into the air, and a strong Spirit Pressure rushed into her mind from above. The Spirit Pressure was extremely powerful, and instantly made Yu Ruyi's Martial Soul lose its ability to resist.    


"Ka ~ Pa"    


The Spirit Sword dimmed and fell from the sky. Yu Ruyi also fell down drowsily into the grass.    


She turned her head sleepily to look behind her, only to see that the ferocious Demonic Beast Glutton's eyes were emitting a greedy light. Drops of saliva dripped from the corner of its mouth, and its sharp fangs were emitting a cold light.    


"Did you not think that I, Yu Ruyi, would actually die in the mouth of a Demonic Beast?"    


"Let's go!"    


Just as the Demonic Beast Glutton got closer and closer, when it had already pounced about sixty meters, a hand suddenly pulled her back, and they quickly fled with her.    


"Boom!" "Crack, crack ~"    


In the next moment, at the place where Yu Ruyi fell, the Demonic Beast Glutton had already pounced over.    


With a series of kacha sounds, the fang and the Spirit Sword collided. In an instant, the entire Spirit Sword was bitten into several pieces.    


Seeing this scene, Yu Ruyi's face paled, as she had a deeper understanding of the power of this Demonic Beast.    


She turned her head around, and saw that the one who was pulling her along was none other than the Lin Yue who was initially running in front of him.    


"Why did you save me?"    


"Cut the crap, you might not even be able to escape. Wait till you get rid of the monster behind you, then I'll be able to save you!"    


Lin Yue cursed coldly. He was constantly making left and right turns in the mountain range, and all the routes he took were extremely steep and steep.    


When Yu Ruyi heard Lin Yue's rough curses, Yu Ruyi actually did not feel the slightest bit of anger. On the contrary, she felt that Lin Yue was very frank, and she had a good impression of him.    


"Howl ~"    


When the Demonic Beast Glutton saw that its food was taken away, the rage in its four eyes became even more intense. It suddenly raised its head and let out a desolate and ancient roar, and the black light on its body became even more powerful.    


With their speed, they were not a match for the Demonic Beast Glutton at all. In just half an incense's time, it would be able to catch up to the two of them.    


"Lin Yue, there's a cave over there!"    


Yu Ruyi's brows tightly knitted together. Suddenly, she discovered that in the mountain shadow, there was a pitch-black cave entrance. The cave entrance was extremely small, and was only about two feet in radius.    


"Run in!"    


Seeing the Demonic Beast Glutton behind him getting closer and closer, Lin Yue did not care too much and with a low growl, he entered the cave with Yu Ruyi.    


"Boom!" "Crash!"    


The two had only gone in for the time it takes to drink a cup of tea when they heard a roar from the direction of the cave entrance, followed by the sound of falling boulders.    


The mountain in the direction of the cave mouth shook, it seemed like the Demonic Beast was stuck and was frantically struggling.    


Lin Yue and Yu Ruyi knew that they were safe for the time being and could not help but take a deep breath. It was only then that they noticed the situation inside the cave.    


The two of them looked into the depths of the cave, and their expressions became surprised.    


"Where does this cave lead to? "Why is it so long?"    


"There seems to be traces of digging on the surrounding walls. Could it be that someone once lived here?"    


As Lin Yue activated the Eye of Asura, he could clearly see the relatively neat axe slashes on the mountain wall. Even though a long time had passed, the imprint was still extremely obvious.    




From the direction of the cave entrance, there came another series of tremors. The entire cave shook a lot more than before. A wave of desolate growls roared through the cave, causing people's hair to stand on end.    


"No matter where this cave leads, it's better than waiting here for death!" Lin Yue sensed the threat from behind him, his gaze focused and he said while clenching his teeth.    


Yu Ruyi was already extremely afraid of the Demonic Beast Glutton and did not refute him immediately. She followed Lin Yue deeper into the pitch-black cave.    


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