Supreme Martial God



Under the night sky, a strong stench of blood emanated continuously. The streaks of bloody light were like blossoming demonic flowers blooming in the dark of the night in the forest.    


Wherever Lin Yue went, the Demonic Beast had no way of resisting. This massacre was simply massacre!    


Starlight flickered and seeped out from the gaps between the dense treetops, occasionally shining onto Lin Yue's face. The youth's firm and handsome face, facing the starlight, was filled with an enchanting glow.    


Unknowingly, Lin Yue had already delved 150 kilometers deep into the majestic Immortal Meridian. With this depth, to cultivators that did not have Martial Master Stage, they would simply be courting death!    


But from this distance, for Lin Yue who possessed the strongest Martial Soul and had broken through to the tenth stage of the Martial Disciple realm, it was an extremely rich hunting ground.    


After killing one of the Sawtooth Tiger, Lin Yue weighed the cloth bag on his waist and revealed a satisfied smile.    


"The efficiency of entering the mountain this time is pretty good. After midnight, we'll have already killed close to thirty third level Demonic Beast. If we continue killing like this, we'll probably be able to get fifty third level Demonic Beast beast cores by daybreak. This is not a small harvest!"    


Lin Yue raised his head to look at the night sky. At the heart of the sky, the crescent moon was like a mountain floating in the sky, shining with a clear radiance.    


"Seeing this scene, that girl Ling'er will definitely be happy and jump up, right?" A trace of gentleness appeared on Lin Yue's face. He extended his hand and grabbed at the air, as if he wanted to grab Moonlight.    


"Hiss ~"    


Suddenly, a sharp whistling sound came from behind him, and a black sword aura pierced straight into Lin Yue's back!    


Lin Yue's expression was startled, he immediately turned and flew to the side.    




The black sword pierced through Lin Yue's arm, the Sword Qi that surged on the black sword cut Lin Yue's sleeve, the skin inside his skin also had an inch of wound, fresh blood seeped out, and stained his sleeves red.    


The black sword flew through the air and reached a distance of 15 meters. The black light on the sword looked like a poisonous snake but it turned back to chase after Lin Yue's throat.    


"Flying Sword!"    


At this time, Lin Yue saw clearly that the sword that had attacked him was a small sword that was as black as ink. The sword was only a foot long, it moved as fast as lightning in the night sky, and only a faint afterimage could be seen!    


The flying sword shot forward, and in the blink of an eye, it was ten feet away from him!    


Lin Yue rolled on the ground abruptly, avoiding the attack.    




A soft and white palm caught the flying sword. Then, a peony came out from the depths of the forest.    


"Brat, you reacted quite quickly."    


The corners of Peony's eyes were filled with ridicule as she stared at Lin Yue's body, her gaze filled with killing intent!    


Now that she had already traveled 150 miles into the mountains, she no longer had to worry about being run into by others. This mission was destined to become a secret.    


"Who are you!?"    


The peony carried a sneer and said: "So what if I'm telling you, my name is Peony, that peony from the Hundred Flowers King, you killed Tuoba Kang's Pill Master Protector, on Tuoba Kang's orders, I'm here to kill you, brat, stand still, I can give you a complete corpse."    


"So it's Tuoba Kang's lackey!" Lin Yue gritted his teeth, fury burning in his heart. The reason Liu Jin wanted to kill him was so he could snatch the spirit medicine and please Tuoba Kang.    


Now that Liu Jin was dead, Tuoba Kang had even sent people to kill him just like that.    


"You can't kill me!" Since Lin Yue knew the purpose of the other party's visit, killing intent also surged out from his body.    


"You overestimate yourself. With my flying sword, even a low level Martial Master would not be able to dodge it, let alone you. Go to hell!"    


The peony let out a sinister howl, and the Genuine Essence on its body erupted out, holding onto its flying sword, suddenly a sword Qi shot out from the black light.    


She moved her finger, and the flying sword moved accordingly, firmly locking onto Lin Yue's figure!    


"I am a peak Martial Master of the fourth level. You are not even a Martial Master yet, and you still want to fight with me …" Peony said complacently as her flying sword arrived in front of Lin Yue.    


But in the next moment, Lin Yue suddenly disappeared.    


Under the peony's gaze, Lin Yue's entire being disappeared into thin air, as if he had never existed!    




The flying sword did not manage to pull back in time. With a hong sound, it snapped a large tree in half. Leaves and leaves flew everywhere like rain.    


A chill that seeped into her bones flowed out from the bottom of her heart. This strange scene caught her off guard.    


However, very quickly, she caught a glimpse of Lin Yue's aura from her spiritual consciousness, but he was already behind her!    


He was shocked!    


The hairs on Peony's body instantly stood up. She frantically waved her hand and controlled the flying sword to slash towards Lin Yue.    




The Sword Qi slashed the air again, and Lin Yue disappeared from his perception.    


Moments later, Lin Yue appeared next to a large tree on the left.    


"Bastard, die for me!" Peony was enraged as it commanded the flying swords to chase.    


She was both angry and surprised! It was unknown what secret technique this brat used to suddenly disappear. Even her flying sword could not track him down.    


But at this time, Lin Yue's expression was also extremely grim, his mental energy was highly concentrated, and he did not dare to be even the slightest bit careless.    


Even if he managed to avoid the flying sword every time he used the Ghost Step, the Peony would still be able to sense him every time he stopped. It would continuously defeat him even if he wanted to charge in and kill him.    


This woman was a fourth level Martial Master after all. Her perception was much stronger and he had no way to avoid her Spiritual Awareness.    


Sword Qi moved unhindered, the Ghost Shadow flew!    


The battle between the two was extremely intense. Every second, it was possible for his opponent to kill him in an instant!    




What the two of them used was a technique that consumed a great deal of energy to create Genuine Essence. When peonies used flying swords, the required Genuine Essence would be at least the fourth level of Martial Master.    


Along with the intense battle, in an instant, the spirit energy on the flying sword was greatly reduced. The originally dazzling, lightning-like sword beam turned into a dim, firefly's light.    


Lin Yue's speed suddenly slowed down.    


Each step on the Ghost Step was more than a hundred thousand kilograms. Borrowing the power of the earth to reach such an unfathomable level, this kind of strength and exhaustion, whether it was the user Genuine Essence or his physique, were both great trials.    


"Martial Soul!"    


At this time, Lin Yue had already revealed his exhaustion simply by relying on his flesh and blood. He finally began to activate the Martial Soul in his Divine Mansion, and borrowed the strength of the Martial Soul!    


"Bang …" Bang "Bang!"    


The Martial Soul that had already grown to the size of a goose egg started to beat. Even though the rhythm wasn't fast, every beat was like the breathing of the gods in an ancient world.    


Soul power flooded into every corner of his body like a tidal wave.    


Lin Yue's fatigued body was once again a hundred times more lively!    


Because he was using the Ghost Step, his two legs that were as thick as tree trunk suddenly stomped on the ground, causing his body to jump and disappear!    


"What!? "How is this possible!?"    


Peony was completely shocked by this scene, her charming face revealed extreme shock. She had never thought that Lin Yue, who could not hold on any longer, would increase his speed again!    


"Not good!"    


In his Spiritual Sense, a figure was charging over at high speed.    


Peony jerked her head up and saw the boy.    


The Lunar Heart Moon was as grand as a mountain, its brilliance as bright as jade. It covered the sky with its vast expanse, while Lin Yue's descending figure seemed to have descended from a crescent moon. That shocking scene was filled with a profound beauty.    


"Pa Pa Pa …"    


He was still several dozen meters away when a series of thunderous explosions resounded. Thunder Fist, burst forth with full force!    


The energy from far away blew up the dead leaves on the ground into the air. Standing in the center, the jade hairpin decorated on top of the peony was turned into powder with a bang.    


Her hair was a mess.    


"Damn it!"    


Peony saw that the fist power had covered an area of thirty meters and she was already locked on, unable to dodge, she suddenly released a sharp cry, pointing at Lin Yue.    


The explosive fist force rushed towards the black blade, in the next moment, it was like a meteor smashing into Earth, exploding!    


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